Video Analytics Usage Statistics 2024

Published Aug 02, 2024 15:14 PM

Video analytics have improved significantly (see our AI/Smart Camera Tutorial and most recent test results - Camera Analytics Rankings 2024 - 20 Manufacturers, 39 Analytics). However, how widely are they being used?

IPVM Image

140+ integrators answered two questions:

In the past year on projects you were involved with, what percentage of new cameras used video analytics?

Why do you use or not use video analytics on cameras? What benefits or problems do you find, as the case may be?

In this report, IPVM examines the results and highlights common themes, including usage data and dozens of detailed quotes from integrators.

***** ********** *** *********** ** ************* depending *** *** ***** ** ****.

********: ** *** *** ****, ******* the *********** ******** ** ***********, ******* half ** *** ******* *** *** using ****, ********** ***** ********** ******** to **** ********. ** ******** *.*., megapixel ******* **** ******* ***** ****** **** **% ** ******* ** 2014, * ****** ***.

********:** *** ***** ****, ***** ******* indicate **** ***** ********* ***** *** the ********* ** **** ************* ** the **** *** ***** ** *********** *********, ***** ** ****, ****** *** *********** *** ***** become **** ********* ** ***** ***********. Plus, ** ******** *** **** ********** of ********** ** / ***** ************ will ***** *** **** ************ (****** this **** **** ****** *** ***** deployment, ** *** ***** ** * decade).


**** *** ********** ********* **** ** the ******. ***** *** ******* *** roughly **%, ********* **** **** ************ among ***** *** ****** *** **** (1-30%) *** ***** *** **** ********** use **** (**-***%), ** ******** ******* in ***** **********.

IPVM Image

***** ********* ***** *** *********** ********* compared ** *** **** ****** (***** ********* ***** ********** ****), ***** **** **% ** *********** said **** "*****" **** ***** *********. Over **% ** *********** *** *** analytics ** **% ** **** *******.

Key ******

** ***** ***** *** ****** ** integrator *********:

  • ********* ********, *** ********
  • ******* *********
  • ******** ******
  • ****** **********
  • *** ********* ** *********
  • ***** *****/****** ***** ******
  • ********* ***** ****/**********
  • **** ***********

Most ******: ********* ********, *** *****

*** ******* ******* ** *********** **** that ********* **** ****** **** ******** and ****** ** ****** *** ***** increased ***** *** *** **** ** surveillance *******.

  • "********* *** *** ***********; **** ** the ******* *** **** ********* **** depend ** **** **** **** ** resolve ** ***** *** ****** ****** security. ****** *** **** ********** ******* by ***** ********** ******** ** "******" analytics, **** ** ******* ****** *** heat ******* ** **** **** ***** to ************* *** ****** ***** **** their ********."
  • "** **** ********* ** ****** *** cameras. ** ** **** ** *** services ** *******. ******* *** ********* run ** *** **** *** *** the *****, ** **** ** *** analytics ******** ** *** ****** ******. Benefits *** **** *** ******** ************ for ****** *******. *******, * **** forward ** *** *** **** ****** analytics *** ********* ** **** ******* computing *******."
  • "** *** ***** *** ********* **** and ****. *** ********* ******** ** get ****** (*******) *** ****** ** deploy. ** *** ****** ********* ** the ********* *** ********** **** ****** notification ** ***-***** ** ****** ** remote ********** *** ****** ******** ***** on *********."
  • "*** ******* *** ** ***** ********* for ** ******** **** ** ****** intrusion *********, ***** **********, ** ***** search ************. **** ********* **** ***** analytics, *** **** ***** ***'* **** what ******** ******* ****'** ****** ** solve. ***** ****** ** ******* ******** typically ***'* ******* ***** ***** ** the ******** ********. * *** ** first ********** *** ******** ******* *** then *** ** ***** ********* *** help ***** **** *******."
  • "*** ******* **** *** ** *** system **** **** *** ************ ********** of * ******. ** ******* **** 'bang *** ****' *** *** ******** and ** * **** ******* ****. Education ** *** *** ******, *** not *********** **** *** ********* *** do."
  • "** ***'** ***** ******* *** ********, analytics *** *** **** *** ** effectively ******* *******. ******** ***** ******, configure ****** ****** ***. ***** *** exceptions ***** ******-***** ********* ** ******** for ******* **** **********."
  • "********* **** ** **** ** *** users ** * *** ** ****** the **** *** ********* ********** **** as ******** **** ** ****** **-*** / ***** *****. **** ****** ******** security ** ** ****** **** ** the ***** ***** ****** *** **** analytics ***** ** * **** ******."
  • "* ****** ** **** ********, *** cameras. ********* ** ********* * ******* on ***** *******. ***** ** ****** at ***** *** ** *** ********* features * ****** **** ** ********** in. ****** ********* ** *** ***** reliable *******, * ********* **** **** Analytics ***** * ***** *** *** much **** ********. ******* ***** ***%, of ******."
  • "*** ********* **** ************* **** ****** tripwire ** ********* ********* ** ***** better ****** ********** *** **** **** from **** ****** *********. *** ***** on ***** ************. **** ********* ** have **** ********** ********* *** ******** reviewing."
  • "** /****** ***** ************** ********* ** motion /***** ****** *********. ** ** a ****** ******** ** *** ********* have ********* ** **** ******* ** them *** ******* ***** ****** / triggers / ****** ** *** ******."
  • "********* *** ****** ** *** *** clearly ****** ** ****** *** *** looking ***. ** *** *** ******* use ***** ** ********* ** ****** what ***** ** ** *****. ********* or *** ******** ** *** ** the ******* **********."
  • "** ******* ********* ** ******* *** end-user ****** ** ****** ** ********** areas ** ***** ** ***. **** problem ** ********* ** * ***** area ** **** ** *** ***** alerts ***** ** ********* ** ******."
  • "***** ********* *** ********* ** ******* better **********, ****** ********* *********, ********** investigations, ** ** **** **** ******* sales ***** ** ***** ********* ** much ** ** ***"
  • "*********, ** *** ** *** **** correctly, **** ********'* **** ******. **** the *** ** ***** ****** ** a *******, ***** ** ********* *** image ****** ****. ***** ************ **** as ****** *********, **** ****, ***, people ********, ***. *** **** ******** to ******** *****."
  • "** *** ******* **** *** **** interest ** *** ************ ** ** and *** ***** ** ****. ******* make/model *** **** *** ******* ******* and ** **** *** ******* ******** in ********* ******."
  • "** ********* *** ***** ********* ** all ** *** ****** ******** ***. Just *** **** **** *** ****** the ****** ** ***** ****** *** the ****** ** ******* ** ********."
  • "*** ****** *** *** *** ****** recognition ****** ** ******** **** ************* law ***********. ********* ********** ***** ************ routinely ***."
  • "** *** ********* ** *** ********* systems, *** * ******** ** ******* overall. *** **** *** ** ** not *** *** ***** ******** ** residences."
  • "** *** ****** *** ****** ********* to ****** *** *********** *********. ** rarely *** ******** ********* ** ** find **** *** ******** ****** **** yet."
  • "*** **** ***** ******* ******** ** additional *** ** *********. *** **** value ***** **** ****** ******* ** analytics ** * ******* ******* **** gun *********."
  • "* ***'* ************ **** ***** *********, but ***** ******* *** **** ****** a *** ** **** **** *** I **** **** ******** *** *** enhancements."
  • "**** *** ****** ** **** *****. On *** ******* *** **** ***'* add **** ** ***** *** * busier ******** **** *** * *** of ***** ** **** ******* ****** it ***** * **********"
  • "******* - **** ****** **** ***** alarms. * ******* ******* ** ********* end **** ************ **** ********* *********** abilities ** ****** ********."
  • "** **** ******* **** *** ********* can ** *** ****. ****** ** Alert ** ****** ******* ** ** produce ** "***** *****" ** *** will *** *** ****** ** ******."
  • "**** ****, ***** ****, ****** ********, facial *******, ******* ***** *******"
  • "** ****** *** ****** ******** *** heat ****"
  • "********* ***** *** ******** *** *** keeping ** **** ********** *** ****** them * ******* **** ***** *** them, ********** ******* ********* *** ********"
  • "**** ****** *** *********** ** ***** error *** ******** *** ************* ** video ************."
  • "*** ******** ********, **** ******* ***** recording *** ****** ****** ************"
  • "****** *********, **** ******** ******, ******* better ********** ***** ** *** *********"
  • "** *** ****** *** ****** ********* to ****** *** *********** *********. ** rarely *** ******** ********* ** ** find **** *** ******** ****** **** yet."
  • "********* ******** ******** *** *** ********* giving **** ******** ** ***** ****** systems."
  • "********* *** ******** ******* ** ****** so *** * ******* ** ** every *** ********"
  • "****** *********. ***** ***** ******"
  • "********* *** * ***** **** **** customers **** ** ***."
  • "******* *** ****** ** ***** ******, object **** ***********"

******* ********* **** "***" ******* **** with ********* ***, ** *** ****** expects ** ***** * **** *****.

  • "*** *** ******* ** ******* ******* at ***** * ************ ***** ** video ********* *** ** **** ***** most ** *** ********* ******* ** the ******** *** ***** **** **********."
  • "******* * *** ********* ** ******** on ********* ** **** ** ***** cameras ******* ********* **** **. ****** much *** ********** ******* ****** ***** with ********* ** ****** ******* ** it's ***** ** ** ***** ** those ***** **** **% ** ***** but ******* ******* *** ****** ***** with *** ********* *******"
  • "****** ******* **** *** **** **** them *** *** *** ****** ******* it **** ****** **** *** **** using * ******** ** **** *** camera ***** ****."
  • "** *** ********* ** *** ******* like *** **** ** *****"

Outdoor/Perimeter ********** **********

**** ************ ********* ********** ** ******* cameras, *.*., ********* ********** ************, ***** have ************ **** **** ********* ** accurately ***** **** *****-***** ****** *********:

  • "*** ***** ******** ********** **** ** currently ***** **** **** ******* ************-** would ** * ********** *** ** use ****** *********, ***** *********, ****/****** drawing, **** ****** *-** ******* ****** or ***** ** *****, ***."
  • "*** ******* *** **** ** ****** people ** ***** **** ***'* ****** and **** ******** **** ** ******** to ****** **** ** *****. **** are **** ****** ** ************ ***** a ****** *** ****** ** *** AI ********* ** * ****** ** a ***-******."
  • "*** **** *** ******, *** ********. helps ****** *** **** ****** ** data ***** *********."
  • "** *** ***** ********* ** ******** cameras ******* ** ******* ***** ******** created ** ****** ********* ****. ** reduces ******* ************ **** ** ** use *** ******* ******* ********* ** customer"
  • "*** ** ** * ******** ****** if ********* **** ** ******* *** to ******* ***** ******"
  • "*** **** ******* ** ******** ***** without ********* *** ****** *******. ***** alarm ********* ** ******** ******* **** bugs *** ******** ******* *** ********** to *********."
  • "***** ********* *** ****** ** *** customer ***** **** ** **** ****** or ******* ** ***** ********* ****. We ********* **** ******* **** ** least **** ******** **********."
  • "** **** ****** ** **** ** reliable. **, **** ********, *********, "*******" person/vehicle *********, ****** **** ****. ** shy **** **** ****** **** **** vs ******, ******** ******, *** ****** or *****, ***., ****** ******* ** find **** ** ** **********, ** least **** *** ******* ** *****."
  • "** *** ***** ********* ** ******* to ******* **** ****** *** ************ sites (*.*. **** *****, ***...)."
  • "********* **********. ******* ***** ****** ** 80%"
  • "********* ********** ***** **** ** ***** certain ****** **** ******."
  • "***'* *** ** *** **** ******, but ***% ** *******"

Forensic ******

******* *********** ********* **** **** *** not *** ********* *** ******, *** customers **** ********** **/**** ******** ****** capabilities ** **** ******* ****** *****.

  • "*********** ********* ** ********* ** ** most **** ********* ** ****** *** confirm *** ***. ** **** ***** they *** *** ***** ********** *** auto ************ *** **** ** **** events ** ******** ******."
  • "** ****** *** ****** ************** *** intelligent ****** ***** *** *****-***** *********. On **** *****, ** ** ****** to ****** ******* ********** ** *********. In **** *****, ********* ********** ** used, *** ** **** *****, ******* technology ** *********."
  • "************* ** ****** **** ******-***** **********, and ** ***** **. *** ****** the ********* **** *** ** **** allows *** ****** ** **** *** most ********* ********** *******. **** ******* also *** *** ********* *** ****-**** alerts *** ***** ********, *** **** of ** ** **** ** **** sort ******* *** ********** ******."
  • "**** ** *** *** ***** ******** issues *** * ******* **** ** detection ******* ** ***** ********* *** reduced *** ** ** ******** ** query ****** *** ********** *************** **. “Man ** *** **** **** ***** trousers” *** *** ******** **** ** through *** *** ****** ******* *** that. **’* **** ********."
  • "******** ********* ******* ******, ** ***** locate ******* **** *******. **** ********, appear/disappear *** **** ********, *** **** frequently **** ** **."
  • "**** ****** ****** **** *********. ********* and ****** *** ***** *** ******** objects ****** ******** *********."
  • "********* **** ** ******* *** ***** analytics ******** ** ******* *** ****** functions *** ******* *********."
  • "******** ******* ***** ********* ** **** aid ** ********* ******* ********* ********* faster"

Remote **********

*******, **** **** **** ********* **** critical *** **** ** **** ******* remote **********.

  • "** ******* *******, ** ********* *** critical *** **. ** ****** *** pedestrian *** ******* *********** **** ****** standard ****** ****** *** ***-**-**** *** cameras *** **** *** ******* ********* the ***** **** ** *** ********** center. ******** ********* ***'* *** **** reliably ** **********, *** ** **** they **** *** ****** **** **** and ********** ****** ******."
  • "***** ***** ********** ** ******** ** our ********. ********* *** ******* ** our ******** *** *** ******** ** not ******* ** *** ********* *** which ****** *** **** *** * specific ***********."
  • "** ** * *** ** ***** guarding ** *** ********* *** **** we **** ** ** *** **** information ****** **** *** ***."
  • "** *** ********* ** *** ********* systems, *** * ******** ** ******* overall. *** **** *** ** ** not *** *** ***** ******** ** residences."
  • "********* *** **** *** ********* **** want ********* ************* ** ******* ***** on *** ******** ********."
  • "****** ***** ********** *** ******** ****** capabilities"
  • "******** ** *** **** ***** ********* for ***** ************."
  • "** **** ***** **********"

Not ********* ** *********

*** **** ****** ****** *********** **** for *** ********* **** ********* *** simply **** ********* *** *** ******* it.

  • "********* *** **** ** ***** ***** we **** ****** ***** ********** ***** are **** ***. * ****** ** condo ******* *** *** ** **** potential ********** ** ******* *******. ****** those *** ***** ** ***'* *** a *** ** ****** *** ********* and ** *** ** ** **** to ****** **** ** **** *** setup **** ** ******* *** ***** expectations ** *** **** ** *** customers. **/**** ** ***** ****** ******** to *********** ***** ********* ** * "game *******" *** **** ******* ******** we **** **** **** **** ******** them."
  • "** ********* ** *** ********* ******* or *** *** ********* ** *** cameras ** ****. * **** ***** them ************ **** *** ******** ** status ********. * ** ******** ******* for ********* **** **** *** ********** capabilities *** **** ****** *** ********* to ****."
  • "*** ******** ** ** ******* **** the ********** ** *** ********* *** do *** **** ******* ******* ***** at *** **** *** ******* ** developed. **** ******* *******, **** **** specific ************, *** *** ********** ** the ******** *******."
  • "*** ***, *** ******** ** *** didn't *** *** **. *** *** one **** *** *** ** ***'* want ** *** *** ***** ** get ********* *** *** ** *** not ******* ** ** ********* **** lower *** ******."
  • "*** ****** ****** ********* **** ***** analytic ********* *** ******** ******* *********. Not **** ** *** ******* **** found * *** *** *** *** although ** **** ************ **** ** them."
  • "**** ** ** ********* ****** ***'* care ***** ****. ******* * ****** become ****** ****** ** **** ** can ** **** ********* ** * can **** **** *** *****."
  • "** ***** ********* ****** ** *** clients. **** ****** ** ** **** they **** ***** **** *** ***** loctions."
  • "**** ** *** ********* *** *** system ********** *** ***'* ******* ******** more **** ****** ****** ************."
  • "************* *** ********* ***** *** *** just ******* ** ****"
  • "**** ** *** ********* **** **** them ** ** **** **** ****"
  • "**** ** *** **** *** ******** defines ** ******"
  • "**** ********* **** *** ********* *** some ** ***."
  • "** *** **** ******, **** ***** are **** *** ****** *** **."
  • "*** ********* **** *** ****** **** asking *** **."
  • "* ****** *** *** ** **, but ****** ********* **** *** **."
  • "*****'* **** **** ***. ******* ********"
  • "********* *** ******* **** ** **** cases."
  • "*** * *** ******* **** *** market"
  • "******** ****** *** *** ****."
  • "** ****** ** *** ****"
  • "*** ********** ** **."

False ****** *** ******

**** *********** **** ****-***** ******** *********** failed ** **** ********* ****, **** false ***** ****** *** ****** ****** common.

  • "** ** **** *** ******** *** beyond ****-**** ***********. ** **** ***** new ***** ** *** ***** ** selling ** * ****** ********. '*********' (and **** ** ****, **** *** not **** *********) *** *** ***% accurate ** ********- *** **** **% in *** **** *****. * **** cameras ***** ****** ** **** ********* that *** *********** ***** ** ****** or ***** ** *****. *** ******* up *** ********. ****** *** ****** is ********* ** * ***% ********** environment, ** ****** *** **** *** provide ******** ********** **** ** *** going ** **** ********* ** ***********, resulting ** ** ******** **** ****** have **** ******** *** *******. ****** is ****** *** ***** *** *** motion ** ****** ** ** ********, at ***** ** ** ******** *** not ******. ***** *** *********** *** accuracy ** ***** ** ***% *** does *** **** ********, ********* ** a *** ** '***** *** *******' with ********* ** *****."
  • "*'* ****** **** *** *** ********* to **** ***** ********* ****** **** after ********. *** ***** ** *** on ***** ********* ** ******* **** Hanwha's ***** ** *** *** ********, reacquire ***** ******* *** *** **** constantly. ***** ***** *** ******* **** to ******* ***** ******* **** ******* their *********** *******, **** **** ** be ******** ** ******* ************ ********* and ******* ********** ******** *********. *'** not **** ***** **** ******* *********** and ******** ** ***** *** ** the **** *'** ******** *** *** get **** *** *** ***."
  • "** ******, ************ *** *********** *** small ********, ** ** **** ***** the ********* ** ** ** ******** monitored *** ******** ****** ******* *** notifications. * **** ** ***** *** "cry ****" ********, ** ***** ***** we *** *** ***** ******** **** to ** ***** *** ***** ** modern ******** *******. ****, ** ** not **** ** ********/********** *** ******** based *** ******* ** *** ****** of *** ******** ******. ***** *** can *** *** ******** ********* ** a **** ********, **** **** *** always **** *** ******* ********."
  • "*** **** ******* ** *** **** of ***** ******, *** **** ********** based ** **** ********, ***** ** a **** ** ******* * **** alarm ** ********* ****** *********** **** humans *** ******* *** ******, *** example."
  • "* **** **** **** ********* ** them *** ***** ********* ** ****** recording **** **** ******** ******* ******* how *** **** **** *** ** used ** ****** *** ********* (** at ***** *** **** ******** ** them) **** **** *** ********** ** detect."
  • "**** ******** ** ** ***'* **** on ********* ** ** **** ** the *****, ******* ****** ******** *** every ***** ***** ** * ****** fault. ** **** *** ***** ****** relyability ** **********"
  • "***** *********! **** ** *** #* reason **** ** ***'* **** ** only, ** ** ******* *** ******** methods ** ******** ** ** *** systems (***** ** ****** ****** *** AI **** *** ******)"
  • "* ******* ** ***** ********* ** that ** ********** **** ***** ******. A ******* ** **** ** ****** some **** ******. ** **** **** not ********* *** ***** ******."
  • "* ****** ** *** ********* ** a ********** ******** ***********. ******** ******* we ***** **** **** ****** ********* rain/snow *** ***** *******."
  • "**** ***'* ****** ******* ** **********, users ****** ********** *** ******* *** analytic. ***** *********."
  • "** ** *** ***** ******** *******. Helps **** **** ***** *******. **** problems ** *** *** **** ******** people *** *** **** ********."

Increased ***** ****/**********

*********** **** ********* **** ***** ********* increased *** **** *** ********** ******** to *** ** **** ****** *** adjustments **** ***** ************.

  • "* **** *** ***** ***** **** on *** ******* ** *** ********* cameras ******* *** ** *** *** if *** **********/*********** ***'* *** **** part ** **** ********* *** *******. These **** ** *** ******* ***** is ********* **** **** ***'* *********** take *** **** ** *** ***** up ****** ******* ** ***** **** later ** *****."
  • "************* ***** ** ******* * *********** amount ** ***** **** *** ******* required. ***** *********** *** **** ****** at * ***** ****. ****** ** support ***** *** **** ******** ***** app ****** *** *****"
  • "********* *** ** ********* ** *** up, *** ********** ****** ****-*****. ********* like ** ** **** ** ****** for ****** ******, *** * ** not **** *** ********* **** *** it ** **** ** * ***** workflow ***. ** **** *****, **'* more ** * *** ** ****."
  • "***** ***** ********* *****'* ***** ****... Object ***** ********* **** ** ********** directly ** *** ****** *** *** in *** ***. **'* **** ********* for * *** *******."
  • "********* ******* * *** ** ****** to **** **** ** ***** ** the ******** ***** **. **** **** to ***** ******** ********** **** ** is **** ** '** *** ** everything *** ****'"
  • "** ***** *** ****** ** ***** (properly). ***** ** ** ****** ** different **********, ****, ****, ***, *****, fast ******** *******, ***."
  • "***** ** ** *** **** *** VMS ** ** ********* ******* ** gets *** **. ** **** **** more **** ***** ***** ********."
  • "******* ****** ** **** **** **** owners ****. ** *** **** ********* for ****** ******** ** **** ********** spots, *** ******."
  • "** *** *** ** ******** **** manufactures *** *** ** ***** *** so **** *** ***"

Cost ***********

*******, * ******* ******* ********* **** cost *** *** **** ******* ** deploying ********* *** **** ********* ******* or ***-** *********. **** ** * very ***** ******* ** ********* ******** to **** **********, ***** **** *** the #* ****** ** *** ***** analytics. ******* **:***** ********* ***** ********** ****.

  • "** ***** **** ** *** **** analytics *** ** *** ******* **** not **** *** ********* ** **** cost ** * *** ** ** add ****. **** ******* ** *** see *** ******** ** *********. **** is ***** ***** ** ** ***** and **** *** ********* ****** ** for ****."
  • "**** ***** ** ***-**** ********** ***'* see *** ***** ** *********. **** would ****** **** * ******* ****** than *** **** *** ********. ********* are ***** *** ******** ********* *** search. ** *** ***'* ***** ********* and ****** ******, ** *****'* ***** value."
  • "*** ******* **** * *** **** for ******** *******. ** *** *** benefits **** **** **** *********** ******* and ********* *** ********* *****. ****** for *** **** ****** ** ***'* see *** ********."
  • "** **** ******** * ***** ******** function, *** *** ******** *** *** adopted **. ** ******* **-***** ***** analysis, *** ********* ** *** ***** it ******* ** *** **** **** of **-******* *******."
  • "*** ******* ****** ** ********* ** our ******. ***** ****'* * *** of ********* **** **** ** *** for ********* **** *** ******* ********* (ie ******** ****), ** ***'* **** a *** *** **(** ***'* **** the ******** ** *****). **** ***** said, ******** ******** **** **** **********, we *** ***** **** **** ****."
  • "*** ********* ****** *** *** ********* to *** *** **, *** *** a ****** ****** ******* (** **** cases) ** ** ***** *** **** or **** ** ****."
  • "***** ******** **** **** ********* *** did *** **** ****. ********* **** the **** *** ***'* *** * premium *** **."
  • "********* **** **...*** ***'* ********** **, can't ****** **, *** *****, *** technicians ***'* **** ** ***** *** stuff. **** *** *** ****."
  • "*** **** *** ****** ** ***** pretty **** *** ****** ***** *********."
  • "****** ******* ********* *** **** *********."