Viakoo Raises $10 Million

Published Nov 03, 2021 13:49 PM

Viakoo has raised $10 million, telling IPVM that they aim to expand to help security buyers ensure their equipment is up-to-date with the newest and most advanced features.

IPVM Image

We spoke with Viakoo's CEO to understand how they plan to use their first round of VC funding to expand their team, develop new software, and increase marketing.


IPVM Image****** ** ** *-**** *** ****** monitoring ******* **** ******* ********* ** IP *******/****/***** ** ***** ************. *** by***, ******* *** ************ ************* ** **********, ****** **** they **** ** ********* *********, * moderate ******** **** ~** ** ****. Viakoo *** ****-******** ****-******** ********** ***** ********* ***** *********** ***** ********** ** ****.

****** ******* ** ************* ********** ******** providers (*.*.**********,****,******), ****** *** ************ ******* ** physical ******** *******, ******** **** *********** with ****** *************, *****, *** ****** control *******.

******** ***** ** *** *******'* ************ at **** ****'* **** ****** ****:

Revenue *** *********

****** ** ********* **** *** ******** to ******* ** *******, *** **** that **** **** ******** ** ********* with ******** ** ********* ** ******* being ********* (***** ******* ** ******* of ******* *,*** ******* *** ********). Also, **** ******** **** ********* ** early **** **** *********** ********* ******, as ********* **** ************* ******** ***** threats **** ****** ***** ********, ****** than **** ********** ******** ******* ******* their ********.

****** **** **** ****** *** *********** in ********* *** ******** *** ***** first ***** ** ** *******.

**** ********* **** ****** ****** ******* in *** $* ** $* ******* range, ***** ***** ******* ********* *** employee *****. ** ******** ***-***** ********* in *** *** **** ** ******** of ******* ***** ** *** ******* estimate *** *** ******** **** ********* are ****** *** ******** ******** **** businesses *****.


***** ********* ******** ** *** *******'* founders, **********/***** ********* *** * ********* partner, ************ * $** ******* ****** *, *** ******** ********:

**** ****** ***** **** ** **** to ****** ********* **********, *** ********** in ******* *********** *** **-**-******.

****** ******** ******* ** ****, *************, computer ****** ********, ********* ********** ***** of **** *** ***, ************** ********* ***+ *********** *** ******.

****** ******** **** **** ******* ** drive ****** ****** **** **** ***** achieve ***********:

******* ** *** ***** ****** ** cyber ****** *************, ** **** ** venture ******* ** ***** *** ****** rate ****** **** ** ***** ******* organically ***** ************ *** *********** ** more ********** *** *** *** ******** customers.

**** **** ***** **** ********** ******* rounds ***** ****** ** *** ********* ability ** ******* ***** ******:

** *** ******, ****** **** ******/******** to ** *** ****, * ******* it ** ****** **** *** ******** would ** *** **** *** **’* do ********** ******.

Executive ********** ******

*** ***** ******* ***** ******'* ***** to "****** ********* **********", ***** **** clarified ***** *** ***** ****** ** just **********, *** ***** ******* *********. However, ****** **** ***** **** **** be ****** *-***** ********** ******* ***** current ********** ********* **** ****** ***** company ********** ** *** ******* ******.

********, **** ******** * *** ***** on ********* ***** *** ******** ******** operations, *********** ****** * ****, ** make **** **** ** *** ******* their ******* ******** ******** ******** *** become "*** *******'* ********".

Go-To-Market *********

****** **** **** **** ** ***** the *** ********** ** ****** ** new ******, ********* ************* ********* ** users, *** ***** ******* ** *******, and ***** ******** ******* ******* *** new ******** *** ************ (*.*. ******* AI-based ********* ******). **** **** ** grow ****** *** ******* ***** ***** and ******** *** ********* ** ****** marketing *** ******* ****** *** **** continue ******* ******* ******* ********/***********.

****, **** **** **** *** ********* Zero ***** ************* (*******'* **** ***** ******** *** ***** Surveillance), ********* ******** ****** ************* *******, and *********** ****** ***/*** ******** ************.

Product ***********

****** ******* ******* * ******* ***** of ****** ****** ****, ***** ******, accumulating ********** ****** ****** **** **** they *** ** ***** *** "**-********" rules ******. ****** ********** **** *** to *********** ******** ******, *** *** not **** ******** * ********** ********* for ***** ** ******** ****** *** address ********.

**** **** **** **** ** ********* a *.* ******* ** ***** ****** Password ********** ****** ** **** *** will ** ********* * ****** ******** Certificate ********** ****** ****. ********, **** noted **** *** *** ********** **** be **** ** ****** ******** ******** to *** ******* *** ******* (*.*. access, ****, */*, ***.).

Risk/Opportunity **** *****

*** **** ** ****** ** *** growth ** ***** *********, ************ ****-**/******* services, ***** *** ******** ***** ************** for ****** ******, ****** *********, *** cybersecurity **********.

*******, ****** **** **** *** ******* with **** *******, ********** ***** ***, as **** ** ** **********/******* ********'* offering. **** **** ********** **** *** security *********** ********** ** ***** ******** by ***** ********** *****' ** ***********, even *** **** ******-** *******.


**** ********** **** *** ****** *** fact **** ****** ** ********* **** much ******, ****-*********** ********* ** *************, and **** ********** ****** ******* ******** ** ********* *********** *** **** offerings ******* ** ****. *** ***** ****** ** ********'* leaders ** **********,******** $*** ******* ****** ******** **** the *******. *******, ******'* ********** **** ***** proven ** ******* **** *********** **** the **** * ***** ****** ******** a **** ************* *****, ****** ******* business.
