"Pulling Verkada Out Like Weeds," Says Integrator

Published Nov 07, 2023 15:06 PM

While Verkada's Chairman touts, "you might have bought a one-year license, but you like literally bolted the hardware to your ceiling, so like you're not taking it down," one integrator disagrees.

IPVM Image

First, watch Verkada Chairman Hans Robertson tout the business benefits of Hostage as a Service:

IPVM spoke with the integrator to see why the Verkada cameras were being replaced, what they were replaced with, and what they planned to do with the Verkada cameras, including comments from Verkada.

Executive *******

***** ***** *** **** ******* ****** Verkada's ********* **** ** **** *** to *** **** ******* **********, ********** can ****** **** ***** ******* ******** change ******.

** **********, ***** *'*******, **** ** is "******* *** ******* ******* **** weeds" *** *** ******** ********* ***** new ****** ******** ** *** ** keep *** ******* ******* ******* ***** learning ***** *** ********** *****.

*'******* *** **** ******** ***** ******* cameras ** *** *****, *** ******* what **** ** ***** ** **** them.

*******, *******, *** ***** ********* *** or *** *** ****** ****** ** stop **** ********** **** "****-***" *******. In ******** ** **** ********, ******* said ** *** *** **** **** "throwing ****" ****** *** **** ** would "*******" ******** ******** ********* ** refurbishment ******** ** ********* ***** **** requests.


** ********* **** ** *** ************ ********** Group ******* **** ****, ***** *'******* ****** **** ** has **** ******* *** ******* *******.

IPVM Image

**** ** ******* ***** *******'* ********* low ******** ***** **** *** ** their******* ** * *************** *****.

Why ******* *** *** ***** ****

******* ** *** ** *** **** well-funded *** *******-******* *****-*** ** ***** surveillance **** ****** **********:*********** ** ~$***+ *******, ******* ** ~$400+ *******, *** * $*.** *********.

**** **** **** **** ** ******* this, ** ****, **** ***** ****-** subscription *****. **** ******** ** *** new. ******* ******* ***********-******* ******, ***** **** *** **** model ****** **** ** ***** *** $*.** in ****.

**** ******** ***** ******* **** *** customer *****,********* *** ******:

*** ***** **** ****** * ***-**** license *** *** ********* ****** *** hardware ** **** *******. **, *** are *** ****** ** ****.

Removing ******* ** ******** ******** *** ** **** ********* *****

******* *******'* *** ***** **** ******* from *** ******** *****, ********** *** occur **** * ******** ***** ******* cameras ******* ****** *** *** *** owner **** *** ******* ************. ** O'Donnell's **********, **** ** ***** ********* happen **** ***** **** ******* *** properties, ** ****:

*****, *** *** **** ****, ****'* where *'* ******. **'* ***** **'** running ****. ***** ***** *** ****** properties **** ******* **** **** ** there. ** ** *** ***** *******, they **** **, [*** ****]: "***, these ****'* *******, ** "*** *** look ** *****?" *** ****, ********* you **** ** **** **** *** can't ** ******** **** *****.

**** ********* ******* *** [*******] **** [them] *** **** ** *** ** X ****** *** **** ** *** your *******. [****] **** **** *** wrong *** *** ****'** **** ******* us [**] *** ** **** [**] usually ** *** *** *** ** these [******* *******].

*** *** ****** *** ** *** use ******* ** ***** ******** ********* are ***** ******** ***** *** *** cameras ***'* **** *******, ** *'******* explains:

**** ******* **** ******* ***** ******; buying *** ********. * ***'* ***** they ****** **** ** ******* **** they ***, ******* **** ***: "***, we ***'* *** ***** ******* *******. Can *** **** *** *** **** a ****?" [* *** ** **** them] ****'* ******* ***'** *** ****** [Verkada] *******.

*'******* **** **** ** ***** *** an ********** *** ******** ********* ********* in *** ****** *** **** ** neighboring ******, ********* ***********, *** ****, and ************.

Throwing *** **** **** ******* **** *** *******

*'******* **** ** *** ****** *** ~40 ******* ** *** **** ** interviewed **** **** *** **** ** has **** ******** **** ** *** garbage ******* ** **** *** **** to "**** ****" *******'* ******** *****, as ** **** ****:

***** **** ** *** *******! * had * ****** ****** ******** ******** me *** **** '*'** *** **** from ***', *** * ***'* **** to ** **** ******* ****'* ********* just ******* **** ***** ******** *****. They're ***** ** **** [*** *********] up *** ***** ****** *** ******* fee [** *******].

*'******* ***** **** *******, *********** ***** use ***** (***-****) ****-**** ******* *** testing ** ***** ********, *** **** Verkada *******, ** **** *** **** what ** ** **** **** ***** than ******** **** ****:

*******, *** *** ** ********* **** a ****** **** *** **** ** out, ******* **'* ***** ** *** testing ** ********, *** **'* **** throwing [******* *******] ** *** *******; other **** **** * ***'* **** what ** ** **** ****.

Replacing ******* **** *****

*'******* **** **** **** *** ******* is * ***** ******, ** **** lead **** ***** **** ********* ******* cameras ** ***** ******** *****.

Integrator: ** ****** ************ **** *******

*'******* ***** ********** **** ******* ******** while ******* *** *** *******. ** mentioned **** *** ** *** *********' head ** ******** ******* *** ** Verkada *** ***** ******* ** ******* the ******* *******:

**** ***** ******* *** ** **. From **** * **********, *** **** of ******** *** **** ************* **** them ***** *** *******, *** ** mentioned ** ** ** *** **,*** a **** ** ** *** [****] to ** **** ** *** ***** cameras, *** ** **** * [******] just ******** ****. * ***'* **** how **** **** ***** ** ******** him ** **** ** ******** **** that.

Verkada: **** ******* ********* ******** ** *********, **** *** **** "******** ******* ****"

******* **** **** **** ** *** not **** *** ****** ** ******** cameras **** *** ***** ******* ******** recycling ** ************* ******** ** ***** are **** ******** ********:

** *****’* **** *** ***** ** “throwing ******* ****” **** *** ********** is **********. **** ****, ** *** always ******* *** **** ** ******* the ******** ********** – *** ** our ********* **** ** **** ****’** looking *** ******** ********* ** ************* programs, **’** ********* ******* ****.

O'Donnell's ******* **** ** ******* ** ******** * ******* *******

*'******* **** *** ******* ***** ****** select **** **** ** ******** **** install *** **** *** *** *** benefit ** ******** * ******* ******* from ** ********** ***********:

* ***'* ****** *** * ******* to **. *'* ****** ****** **** kind ** ******** ** **** ** install *** ** ** **** ** use **** *******, *** ** ***** go **** ** ** ** ***** the *******.

*'** *** ***** *** ** ********* you **** ********* *******, *** *** now, * ***** ***** ****'* ********** to *** *** ****, *** ** our ********, * ***'* *** **** the ******* ** ******* **** ****.

Comments (12)
Undisclosed End User #1
Nov 07, 2023

*****'* ***** ********** ***** ********** *********** **** ******** **** **** ** the *****?

Joseph Marotta
Nov 07, 2023
IPVMU Certified

***** *'******* *** ******* **** **** status ** ** ****! *** ***** can ** ******* ***** ******* ******* belong. ***** ******* ** ******** **** into *** ***** ******** **** ***** be ****** ******** **** *** ***** of * **** ******. ** ****, Verkada ***** **** * *** ** charge ** ****** **** ****** ***!

John Honovich
Nov 07, 2023

**** ********* ******* *** [*******] **** [them] *** **** ** *** ** X ****** *** **** ** *** your *******. [****] **** **** *** wrong *** *** ****'** **** ******* us [**] *** ** **** [**] usually ** *** *** *** ** these [******* *******].

** **** *****'* ********, * ***** the ************ ******** ** ****** ** these **********, **** ** **** *** rubbed *** ***** ***, **** ***.

**** *********'* ****** *** ** ********** but **'* ***** *** *********** *** business ******** ** ******* ****** ** bolt ******** ** *** ******* **** they **** ** **** ****** ** use.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Nov 08, 2023

*'** **** **** **** * *** customers. **** ***** ****** *** * "lower" ****** *** **** *** * "higher" ***-**** *** *** ********* *** same *****.

John Honovich
Nov 08, 2023

**** *** *** ****** **, ** is ************ ********, ********** ** *** are ******* ** **** **** *****, to *** *** ***** *** **** annual **** **** ***** *** **** higher ******* ***** ** ******** *** cameras / ********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Nov 08, 2023

... ** ********* ** ** ** was **,*** * **** ** ** for [****] ** ** **** ** use ***** *******...

****** *******, ** **** * **** an **** ** *** ***** ** economy, *** **** ******* ** **** for *** $**,*** ****** ************.

Eric Gutierrez
Nov 08, 2023

******** **** **** ****** ***** ** MSRP, *** ******* ** **.

Desire Bayne
Nov 08, 2023

******* *****'* ********* **** ******** **** isn't *******, ** ** *** **** it ** **** **** ***** ******* such ** ****** *******, ********* ******, etc., ** ** *** *** ******** for ***. * **** *** ***** who ******** ** *** ******* ***** pitch ******* ** * ******** ******* SME.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Nov 13, 2023

**** ** *********.

* **** * **** ** ** house. **'* ******* ******* ** ***.

*** ******* ****** ******* ******* *** I ****** **** ** ******* *******, and *** * *** **** *** camera ** *******, ***** ** *** analytics ** ** *** **** **** a **** ** * *** ******* on **** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #7
Nov 13, 2023

**** ******* ** *** **** ** change *** ** ******* ** *** other ******* ** *** ******?

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Nov 08, 2023

****'* ******* ******* **** ** "****-****?"

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Nov 13, 2023

*** **** ** *** *** *** though *** ****** **** **** *** ?
