Verkada Sales Director Told School "Cameras Are Open Source" In Winning $1.2 Million Deal

Published Aug 21, 2024 15:58 PM

Verkada's Hostage as a Service model is a major point of contention, which was an obstacle in closing a large school deal, but the Verkada director assured the school district this would not be a problem.

IPVM Image

In this report, IPVM examined the Verkada sales director's remarks at the board meeting and the company's explanation.

Executive *******

***** ******** **** ****** ****** ******** board ******* ********* ******** ***** *******'* closed ****** ** ***** ******* ** approve *** $*.* ******* ******* ****,* ******* ***** ******** **** *** board**** ** *** ******* "**** ** go *** ** ********," *** ******* would ** "**** ******."

******* *** *************'* ******* **** ******* ***** ** "open ******," ******* ********* ** **** that ******* ****** *** ****** ******** **** written ******* ** *********** *******, *** **** ** ***** ** open ******.

******* ******** ** ******* ******* ******** on **** *** ****** *** ******** "may *** **** ********* **** ** clearly ** *** ***** ******* ** it ** ****** ** [*******'*] *******."

*******, ***** ** *** ** *********** director *** **** *** *******, *** risk ******* **** ******* ********** *** school ***** ** **** ******** ** the $*.* ******* **** **, ** Verkada's **** ****, *** ***** ******** simply ****** *********** ********* *** **** a *******.

Board ******* *********** **** ****** / ******** *****

** ******* ****** ****** ********'* ***** ** Board *******, ***** *** ****** ***** ** the $*.* ******* ******* ****,*** ***** ****** *****:

Is **** ** **** ****** ******? In ten years if we have cameras that we like but we don't have a contract with you, can ******** **** **** **** ****? [emphasis added]

* *********** ******* ** ******* ** that ******* ****** ****** **** "****** over" ***** *******, ******** ** ********* all ***** ************ ** ****** *******, who ***** ***** ******** ** **** with *** ******* ******* ********** ******. For *******, ****** ******* ***** *** *** ** The ******* *** ***

*******'* ********* ********,********'********,*********:

*** ****** ** **** ** * closed **** ******. *** ** ** does **** ****** ******** **** ** comes ** *** *******, *** ******* that's ** ****, *** ******* **** you ***, ** ** ***'* **** to ****** **** **** ******* **** in ******* *** ** ****. *** because ** *** ****** ******** ** is **** ** * ****** **** system **** *** *******.

******* ***** ********** ***** * ******-** ********:

** *** *** ****** **** ** you *** *** *** ** ****** in **** ***** ** ** *** go *** ** ********, *** *** saying **** ** **** * *** of ********** **** ****** ** ********?

***** *** ***** ******* ** **** going *** ** ********, *** ******* risk ** **** ** ******* ****** its ******, ******* *** *******, *** becomes **** ***********, *** ****** **** still ** ***** *** **** ** able ** *** *** ******* ** bought **** *******.

Verkada ***** ******** ******* ****** ******* ******* "**** ******"

*******'* ******** ** *****,***** ******,**** **** *** ********* ** ******* **** ** ** out ** *** ********, *** ******* "are **** ******":

*** ***** ******, ****, *** ********** plan. **we **** ** ** *** ** ********, *** ******* *** **** ******, ** ***'** ** **** ** *** **** **** * ******** ********. That's in our plan.

** ***'* **** ** ****, *** if ** **** **, ** ** standardized **********. *** *** ****** *** the ****** ****** ** *** ***** of ******** **** ** *** *******. If ** **** ** **** ** to ***** ********* - **'* **** of ******* ** **** ******, **'* a ****** ******, *** *** ** guaranteed **** ********* *** ******** **** the *** ***** ** ***** ** work. **'* ***** ** ** ******. If *** **** ** * ******, the ********* ******* **** *** *** opening ** ******** *****. [******** *****]

***** *******'* ***** ******** ********** ******* with *****, ***** ******** * **** range ** ******** *********, ********* ***** protocols **** ****, ******** ********* **** CalDAV, *** **** ******** ********* **** SMB. ******* *** ******* ******* *** this **** ** ****************.

Mill ****** ***** ******** $*.* ******* ******* ****

**** *** ** ******** ******'* ***** ************** *** ******* ****. *** ****** ******** ***** *** length ** *** **-**** ******** ******** ******* *** ********. *** **** ***** ***** ******* voted *** *** ****, *** ****, the **** *** ****** ***** ****** ********'* ***** ** ***** meeting.

Verkada ********* **** ******* *******, *** **** ******

** ******** ** ****'* ******* *** comments, ***************** *** "***-**-**** ******** & ****** Overview" ********** ********* **** ** ** **** to ** *** ** ********, ** would ******* **** ********* **** *******, not **** *** ******* *** **** source:

** **** ** ***** **** ******* might ** ** *** **** ******** event ** * ***********, ******* **, or ***** ********* ** ******** ********* software ** *************: **** ******* ******* **** * customer, ******* **** ****** *** ******** on *** ****** ******** **** *** customer ********* ** ***** ** ******* RTSP ********* ** * ************ ********** timeline.

*******'* ********** ** **** ** *** website ** ** *** ****** ** the*** ******* ** *** ***-**-**** ******** & ****** ******** ****, ******-****** *****:

IPVM Image

*** ***** *******, **** ** **** was ************* *******, ** **** **** is ********* *** ****** ***** ** only ****** ********* *** *** **** the **** ***** ****** **************, ***** is ****** *** ****** *** ***** professional ** ****** *********.

Not **** ******

** *** ******* **** **** ******, as *******'* ***** ******** ******, ******* would **** ***** ******** "****** ********* for ******** ************ *** **************," ***** Verkada **** ***, *** **** ********* any ************ ** ****** ********.

*** **** ** *** *********** ******* "open ******" *** ****** ******** **** stream *******, ************ *** *** **** ******* *** VMS

Sales ******** "*** *** **** ********* **** ** *******"

***** ****** **** ******* ******* *** "open ******" ** *****, ******* *** not ******* ** ******* *** ***** director **** * ******* ** *** reasons ****** *** **** ******. *** company **** **** **** *** ***** director *** *** ******* **** ******* in *** ***** ******* ** ** sought ** *** *** ****:

*****may *** **** ********* **** ** ******* ** *** ***** ******* ** ** ** ****** ** *** *******, but the sentiment remains the same. We will enable Verkada cameras to support RTSP streaming in the very unlikely event that we are not able to continue to support our Command platform for our customers. [Emphasis added]

Experienced ******* ***** ******** ******** ** ******* *****

***** ******* *** *** ******* *******, the ***** "**** ******" ******* **** during **** ******'* ***** ******* ** win *** **** *** *** **** by * ***-***** ***** ************** *** by *****-***** ***** *********** *** ******** **** * ******** sales ******** ** * ******** **** one ***** ****** *** ***** ** board *******:

IPVM Image

***** ** *******, ***** ******, *** sales ********, **** ******** ***** ********** roles ** *** ***** ******** ******* software********, ** **** ** *-******.

Risks *** *** *****

********** ***** ********* **** *** *** Verkada ************ **** ***** ** *** users. **** ***** ** ****** ****** or **** ********** ********* *** ** a **** ** ******* ****** ********* and * **************** ** ********* ********.

******* **** ******* ***** ***** *** "****** ****** (****** ******)" *******, ** ***** ********* *** responsible *** ***** ******** *** ***** thorough ******** ****** ****** * ********. However, *** ****** *** ***-***** ******* the *********/********* **** ****** *********** ** being ****** ** ******** **** *** ones *******'* ***** ******** ****.


*** *********** ******** ***** ** *** Verkada ** ****** ***** **** *** camera ************* ******* ********* * *******. What **** ***** **** ** **** they ***** ****** **** *** ** additional ******, *** **** ** **** go *** ** ********.

Comments (19)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Aug 21, 2024

**** ******* **** *** **** ** make * ********, **** **** ***** becasue **** *** ******/******** ** *** they ***** ******* **** **** *** truth *** **** *** *** *******. Saying ******* ** **********, ** ***% not ****, ***** ** ******* ********** about ***** *******. ******** ** **** industry *** ** ******* ***** ***** cameras *** ***** ******* ******* * Verkada ************, ** ****** **** *** is ****** ***** **/** ******. ***, I'm *** ******. ** * *** competing ******* ******* *** **** *** I'd ** ****** ****** **** *** right. ** ** **** ****** ** win **** ***** ****** *** ***********, add ******* ** *** *** **** never ***.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 21, 2024

*'* ****** ********** ** **** *** culpability/responsibility ** ** *** ** ****? I ******* ** ********* ** **** geared ******* *** ****** ****'** *********** for ***** ********* *** ** **** face *** ************* ** **** **** sour *** ****?

** ** **** *** ****** ******** comes ** ***** ** ***** ***** and *** ** ****** ****** *** subscription *** ******* (***'* *** **** isn't * **** ******** ******** *** isn't * *****+ *** ** *******) will ***** ********* ******* **** ** loss ** ******** ** **********? ** the **** ******* ** **** **** them *** ** ***** ********* **** the **** ***** **? ***** ******** to ** **** ***** ************* **** up ** ** ****** *** * don't ****** **** ****** ** ******* of **** ********* ** ***** ******* specifically.

******* *** ********* ** *****/********* ** always ** ***** ** ******* ******* (I'm *** ********* ** ******* *** on **** ** ****** ****** ************* it ** *******) *** *** **** weight ****** ** *** ** *** boards ********? *** ** **** ***** of ********* **** *** ******/******** **** if *** ********* ** *** ***** lead ** * ******** ***** ** either **** *** ****** ******** ** risk ** **** **********, ** ***** safety?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Aug 21, 2024

** * ******* ***** ******** *****'* know *** ********, ********, ** ********* factors **** *** ********. ***** ** shocked...

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 21, 2024

*****'* ********... *** ***** ****** ********* for ****** ***** ** *** ********? Apparently *** *********** *** **** ** sale **** *** *** ****** ******** to ** **** *******.

** **** ** **** **'** ******** real **** *** *** ****** ** our ******** ******** ******* ****** ** manage/own (****** *** ***) ********* **** less ******* ******. ********* *** ************ different ***** **** **** **** ** the **** *** **** ***** ********* like ******* ** ***** ** ****** skill **** ****** ******* ***** ****** needs, *** ******** ******** **********, ***. Hard ** **** ** ***** ****** and *** **'* *** *******.

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2024

******* ***** ******** *****'* **** *** industry, ********, ** ********* *******

**** ****** ** *** ******** ******** to **** ********, **'* * *********** element ** ****** ********. * ****** you **** **** *** * **** to ********* **** *** ****** ** that ** *** ** ******* ** use **** ** ** ****** *** Verkada.

*** *** ***** * **** *** in *** **** ******** ******* ** Verkada ** **** *********** ****** ***** things ** **** *********** ** **** life. * ***'* ***** ****'* * good ******* *** ** ** ********* to ********* *** **** **** ******* are ** **** ** **** *******.

* **** ***** ***** *** ******** is **** ******* ** **** ****** will *** **, **** ********* ********* companies ** *** ***** ********** *********. However, **** ********** *********** **** **** end *****, **** *** *** **** concerned ******* **** ********* ********** ******* that ***** ***** **** ********* ***** be ***** ** *** ******* ******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Aug 21, 2024

*****'* *** ******* ****--******* *** ***** with ** ** *** *** ***'* on *** *****.

*. *** ******* ***lied about the specifications of their cameras. Verkada is a proprietary system. That's not cool.

*. "**** **** ** *** ** out ** ********?" ** *** ** thedumbest points of contention that exist in assessing the potentiality of a purchase.

**** **** ** *** ****** ***** down ********? *** ***** ****** *** integrator *** *** *** **** **** did? * ***** **** **** ******* should ** ********** *** ** ***'** a ********** *** **** ** ******* within *** **** ******** ** *** rest ** **.

John Honovich
Aug 21, 2024

*. "**** **** ** *** ** out ** ********?" ** *** ** the ******* ****** ** ********** **** exist ** ********* *** ************ ** a ********.

* ** ***** *** ***-**** *** close ** ****** * ***** ********. Going *** ** ******** ** ***** rare; **** ******* ******, ********* ******, etc., *** ***** ** ********.

*** **** ** **** **** ** switch ** ******* **** ** *** future ***** ******* *** ***** ** business? ** ***** *** **** ******* answer **** ******* *** *** ****?

Brian Hampton
Aug 22, 2024
IPVMU Certified

*. "**** **** ** *** ** out ** ********?" ** *** ** thedumbest points of contention that exist in assessing the potentiality of a purchase.

* ********. **** ***** ******** ****** a ******** ********* *** ****** ** the ************ ** ******* ********. **'* a ****** ******** * *** ***** even **** **** ***** ***** *******. "What ******* ** *** ********* ** go *** ** ********?" ** ***** I **** ****, *** ***** ***** monitoring ******* *** ******** *** ********* with **** * ****** **** ** the ************, *'* *** ******* **** hostage.

Tom McVey
Aug 22, 2024
IPVMU Certified

* ** ********** ** *** **** would ********** ****. * *** **** missed ** ** *** ******* *** they *** **** **** ****** *** firmware. *** ******** ******. ***** **** be ********* **** ** ******** **** just * ***** ** * ******? Or ** **** ********* **** **** will ** *** *** *** **** has ** **** *** ****** ** to **** *** ******** ******* *** the **** ******. ** ***** *** be **** ** **** ** *** costly *** *** *** **** ** get *** ******. *********** ** * had ** **** ** **** *** pay *** ******** ** *** **** and **** ******** *** * **** to ***** **, **** ** ***** outpace *** **** ** **** ******* it **** * *** ******. **** anyone **** *** ** ***** ** done?

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Aug 22, 2024

** ***** ** * ****** ****** firmware ****** ** **** ****** ** to **. *** **** ** **** if **** *** ***** *** ** business **** ******** ***'* ** ******** "we ***'* **** *** ***** ** pay ******* ** ***** *** *** firmware *** **** ** ***, ***** and **** * **** ***"

Tom McVey
Aug 22, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**** ** **** **. * ***** like **** ** ****** *** ** would ** ************. ** **** *** going ** *** **** ** * selling ***** **** ** ********* ******** that **** ***** **** ** ****** the ******** **** *** ***** **** be ************? **** ** **** ******* the ****** **** ***** ** ***** solution ****. * **** ** **** how **** ****** ** ** **** if **** *** **. **** **** already *** ******** *** ***** ** what **** ****. **** ** **** the **** ******* **** **** ***** and ***** ** ****** ***********. ***** it ****, **** ** *****'*, **** it's ****** ********* ****. * ******* that **** **** **** ****** ** what *** ****. ******** ********* **** We ****** ** *** *********** ** updating *** ******** ** ******** *** it ** ********* *** **** ********* based ** *** ******* *********, ** we *** ****** ** ** **** at **** ****.

** **** ***** **** ** ********* blurb **** ** * ********* ******* for ********* **** ***** ****** ******** to ** ** *** ***** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Aug 23, 2024

***, **** ** ***** **** ! THIS ******* **********.

*** **** ******* *** **** ** clear **** **** ** * ******** solution, *** ** *** ****** ***** FREE ******* *** *** **** ****** steps ** ********* **** *******.

**** **** ****** **, **** *** every *** *** ******** ******* ******** can *** ******, *** **** ** a ********* *** *** ******** ** Verkada *******, ** ***** ********* ********, that *** **** ******** *** ** be ********, *** ** ************* ******** to **** ** **** ***** ** camera ** ** ********, ***** ** any ********/******* ** ********, ** ***** services *** ** **********/*********.

**** ****** *** ********* ***** **** apply ** *** ******** ******** ** Cloud ******** *** ********* ****** *** renewal ** ******** ** **********, ****** to, ** **** ***.

**** ****** ********, *** ****** *** future *** ******** ** *** ********* investment ** ********. ***** *** ***** service ***** ** **** *** **** reason, *** ********** ** ******** *** installation ***** ***** ** ********.

** ***** ** ******* *** **** possibly ********* *** * ********** *****, CFO, ** ********, ** *** ***** responsible ******* ****** * ******** ********** decision ** *** **** **** * requirement ********* *** ********. ** ***** also **** ***** *** ** ****** ever ** *****.

****** ****: ** *********, ** ********.

**** ****** *********** *** ****** **** large ***********, ******* ******* **** *** transaction, *** ********** ** ********** ******* back **** *** ***** ** *** consumer.

** **** ** * ******* *** providing * ******* ******* *** ******* worthy ** ******* * ********* ********, and *** ***** ********** **** ***** customers ** *******, ***** ***** ** no ****** *** **** ** *** do **.

***** ** * ****** ******* **** since *** ******* ***-******* **** ******, or **** ***** ** *******, ****** new ***** *** *** ******** ******** slow ****, **** ***** ****** ** their **** **** ***** *** *** for *** **** ** ********** ** provide ******** *** ***** **** **** already **** ***-****?

**** ******** ******* *** ** ***** concerns *** ******** ********** *** ***** customers.

** ******, ** **** *** *** willing ** ** **, ***** *** other ********, *** *********** **** *** pivot, ****** ***** *** **********, *** can **** ********* ** *** ***********.

**** ***** ******* *******, **** ******* would ** ***** *** **** ******* to ** ****. ** *** **** would ********* *** ** *** ******** sales ********** ** ***** *******, *** could ******** ******** ******* ******** ***********/**** from ****** ********/********** ***** ***** *****, should ****, ******, *****, ** ******* agencies ****** *********** ********* ** ** take ****** ******* ****, *** ******* them * ******* **** *** ****** worthless ** **** ** ****** *** funds ** *** *** *** ***** Services, ** *** ******* ****** *********.

** ** ****** * *** *** for ******* *** *********.

*** *** *********, ********* **** ******** some ******* **********:

  1. ** ********** ** ** ***** ******* the ********* **** ** ********** ******* from *** **** ********.
  2. ***** ******** ******** ** **** ** assure ***** ************, ******, *********, **** they **** *********** ** ******** *** to ***** ***** *****, *** **** even ** *** ******* ******** *****, the ********** **** *** ** ****, as **** **** ****** ** **** to ****** ** ***** ***** ********, or ***** ********* ******* *********:
    1. ***** ********* ****** *********, *** **** including ***** ******** **** ********* *** on-board **** ********* ***** **** ******* and **** ***** ****** *************.
    2. ***** ***** ******** ********, ***** ***** also ******* *** ****** *** *** client ******** ***** *** ******* **-***** Cloud *******.
      1. **** ******** *** **********, ** ** can ** *******;
        1. *******
        2. ** * ********* ******* ********* ********
        3. **-******* ** *** ****** ** **** centers ********* ***.
        4. **** ***** **** ******* *** ******* to **** ******** ****** ********* ********* if ******** ** *******.
        5. ***** *** ****** ******** ******** ************ designed *** **** **** ************.
  3. ***** ******** ********, ** **** **** customers ***** *******, *****, *** ******* a ***** ******* ** ***** ******** installation/hardware ********** **** ***** *********, **** if **** *** *** **** ******* to *** *** ******* ***** ********.
  4. ******, ********, ******, *** ******* ******** could ****** ***** *** *****-********* *** avoid ****** ******* ** * ******* provider ******* ****** ********* *** ****** access.
  5. ** ********, **** ***** ***** ******** is ********, ** *** *** *** ability ** ***/*** *********** ********.
    1. **** *** ***** ********* ******** ** compatible **** **** ****** ************* ******** or *** *****.
  6. **** *********, ** **** **** * SECURITY ***** ***** ** ********* ** government ******** *** ********* ************, *** RTSP ******** ***** **** ** ********* at ***** *** '****** ***** ** failure' ********* **** ********, ** ***** based ****** ********, ****** ***** ** LONG ****. ***** *** ********* ** issue ** ******* ** **** ********** and ******** ********* **** ***** **** solutions *** ********* ** **** *** most **** ******* *** ***** ********* can **** ****** ****:
    1. *** ****** **** *** ** **** down * ******** *******, ********, ** data ******.
    2. ******** ** ***** *****/** ********* ******* outages *** ****** **
      1. *** ** ***
      2. ******* ******, ** ***** *******
  7. ** *** **** * *********, *** ability ** ***** ** **** ** view *** ***** ***** ******* **-** site ***** ** ** ** ***** could ** ********** *********. (***'* ** that **** ***** **** ******* *********, or **** ** ******** ********.)

******** *** ********* ******* ** *******, RTSP ******* *** **** *** *** ALL ******** *** ****** **** *********.

* ***** ** ***** ** *** to ****** * *** ******* **** might ********* **** *** ********.

**** **** **** ** **** ..

****** (******** *********** ********* ****** ******* Assurance) *********, ** ******* ******* (****** Purchase ************* ***** ** ******* *********) agreement. **** **** ******* ****, *** I ** **** ****** ***** **** some ***** *****.

* ***** **** ******* ***** *** the ****** ** **** ** ****, but ****** *** ********* *** *** of **** ** * ********* *** business ********, *** ******** **** **** a **** ****** *** ** ******** for *********.

* ***'* **** ***** *** ***, but ** * *** ** ******** in *******, * ***** **** **** concerns *** * ******* ******** ** what **** ** ** ** *** do ****.

******* * *****, **** ***** **** member ****** ** **** * ***** on *** ***** ** ********* *** get * **** *****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Aug 24, 2024

* ***'* ***** *** ********** *** definition ** "**** ******".

*******, ******* *** ***** **** ***** go-to-market ******** ** ***, *** ******* customers ** *********** *******/******* **** **** traditional ******** **** *** *********** *** providing.

**** ** *** ** ****** ** the "**** ******". ********* **** *** ability ** ****** ******** *******/******* **** meets ***** ******** ***** *** ************.

******* *** ***** **** *******/****** *** in *** *** **** *** ************ in **********.

**** **** ************* ********* "**** ******" from * **** ***********.

***'** ************* *************** *** ******* ** the ****** **** ***** ******* *********** in **** *** ******** ** "****".

John Honovich
Aug 24, 2024

**** ** *** ** ****** ** the "**** ******".

**** "**** *******" **** ***********, *.*., consider*** ********* ************** **********.

* ** ******* ***** *** **** legal ********* ***** *** **** *****, something ** **** **** ********** **** Verkada's ********** ********** **** ****. ** plan ** ****** **** ***** **** year.

*******, * ***** **'* ***** ********** two ********: *******'* ********** *** **** is *** ****** **** ******** **** schools **** *****. *******, *******'* ******** the **** *********** ******* ** *** product **** ********* **** (* ***** feed **** *******) ** *** ******** to ********* *** ********, *************, ** value *********** **** *******. **'* ********** designed ** **** ********* ** *** deny **** *********** ******* *** *** product *** ***** ****. ******* ******** direct ***** *** *******:

Undisclosed #8
Aug 25, 2024

***** ** * ****** ******* **** since *** ******* ***-******* **** ******, or **** ***** ** *******, ****** new ***** *** *** ******** ******** slow ****, **** ***** ****** ** their **** **** ***** *** *** for*** **** ** ********** ** ******* services *** ***** **** **** ******* been ***-****?

**** ** *** ******* ****** * have ****** ******** **** ********* *********... ******* *** **** ***** ** the ******** *** *******, *** *** future *** ***** **.

**** ********* ****** **** ***% ** the **** ** *** *********** ** owned ** *** ********, ***** *** provider ***** *** *** ***-******** ********* to **** ******* ****** - *** while ******** **** ** *** *****. it's ** ********'* *******... ******* **** can ****** **** **/**** *** ****** start ******* - ***** *** ******** can ***.

Brian Robertson
Aug 27, 2024

*****, * ******* **** ** *** more ********** ********* ** ****, *** I'm ******** *** **** ** **** Verkada ***'* ****** ** *** ********'* question ** *** *** *********.

Joseph Marotta
Aug 27, 2024
IPVMU Certified

** **** ****** ** ********** ** Verkada's ************ ** *** **** ****** School ********'* ***** ** ********, ****'* the ******* ****. ******* ** ********** at **** **** *:**:******* ** ******** ******* - ***** 25, **** (*******.***)

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Aug 31, 2024

****** *** **** ** *** **********, Corporate, *************, ******* **** ******, *********, and ****** ********* ** ***** ******** Products:

- **** *** ********!

**** ** * **** ****** ******** movement.

**** *** **** ******** ** ********* Verkada ** *** ***** *****.

****** **** ****** ***** *******/********* ******* and ****** ***** ******** *** ****** hardware *********** ** ******** * ****** solution/feature ******* ******** ** ********* ***** other ***** ******* ************’* ********, *** which, ** *** ***, ** ******* included ** *** *** ************ ********* most ** *******’* ********.

***** **** **** ****** ** ***** be ****, ***** ** ****** ** reason ** ****.

** ********* * ****** ****** ** their ******** ****** ********* *** **** Steam ******* ***** **** *** ******, all ******* *** ******** ** ******* the ***** *******, ***** **** ***** able ** ** ********* *******, *** easily ********** **** ******, *** ***** Security *** **** ****** ******* *** software *********. ** ***** *** **** to * ************* ** ******* ***** will ******* *** ****** *** ******** of ***** *** ** ***** *******. How ***** *** ******* *** **** to ******* ***** ******** ** ***** existing ******/********?

******* *** ***** *** **** ***** customers **** ******, ***** *********** ******** them ** ******* ***** ******** *** safety.

** ** ******** ***, *** **** requires ******** *** ****** ******* ********* to ** **** ** * ******** that **** ****** * *** ******** shift ***** ********** **** *********** ** technology *** *** ******* ** ***.

** **** ******* ** *** ********** signing *** *****, ** *********** *** purchase ** **** ******* **** ***** own ********. ******* ****.

**** *** - ‘**** *** ********’ movement ** ********* * ****** **** for *** ********* *** ***** ******* renewals.

“** **** **** *********, ** ********, and ** ********”.