Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology Explained

Published Oct 07, 2020 14:53 PM

In the last year, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) has gained support from new phones (e.g., all iPhone 11s). UWB offers potential beyond Bluetooth so how will this impact the future of mobile access control?

IPVM Image

IPVM investigates the technology including:

  • Explaining how UWB works
  • How it compares to Bluetooth and WiFi
  • Feedback from FiRa, HID, and Openpath
  • Access Control Application of UWB
  • Car Keys Using UWB
  • Contact Tracing Using UWB
  • UWB vs Bluetooth 5.1
  • Future of UWB

Executive *******

***/*****-************** ******* (** ********) ******** *** fast (****/*) **** ******** **** *** work ******* ********* **** ******** *****. It ** **** ********* *** **** more ***** **** *********. *** ***** be **** *** ****** ****** ******* that **** *** ******* **** ****** and ** *** ********* **** ***** devices ******* ** **** ****-******** *** signal ******** *** ***********.

IPVM Image

UWB *********

*** ** *****-******** ** * ************* protocol **** **** *****-**** ***** ***** making ** ********** ****** ** ************ and ****** ** * *** *****.******* ***** ***** *** **** ******, as ******* ** ********* ** **** waves ***** *** **** ****** *** narrower.

IPVM Image

**** ***** *** ***** *** ******* making **** ****** ** ************. **** objects **** ******** **** **** ****** bands, ** *** **** *** ***** are ******* ********** ** *** ******* in ***** ****, ******* ******** **** concrete ** ***** *****. ** **** makes *** ***** ********* *** ****** the ***** ** ****.

More *******, ******, *********, ***** ***** **** *********

*** ** ******* (**** *******) *** secure, *** **** **** *****, *** is **** ********* **** *********. ************** *** ***** ********* **** ** signal ******** ** ******** ********, ***'* reduced *********** **** ******* ****** *** true ********** ***** ** *** ***** of *****. ***** ***** ***** ********** makes *** ****** ******* ** ** impossible ** ***** ******** ** ***** faster **** *** ***** ** *****.

****, ** ******** ***** ********* ** UWB *********, **** **** **** *** uses **** ***** *** ******* *** per *** ** ****, *** **** power *** ****** **** *********.

**** **** ********* ***** ** **** to ******* *** **** *** *** close ****** *** *** ******** ** be ******, ** ***** ** **** power:

*****, *** ******* *** **** ******-********* solution **** *** *********** ** *** time-synchronized. **** ** *** *** *** BLE *** ***** ****** ********, ***** BLE ** * ***-***** ********* ********** and****** *** **** **** *** ******, fine-ranging ************ *** ******.

*** ** **** **** ************* *********, *** **** ******** **** this *** **** ** ** **** economies ** ***** **** ********* ******** cost:

*******, ******* *** *** *********** ** still ***, ** ****’* ******* *** same ***** ** ********** ** ********** as **/***, ** **’* ********* **** expensive**** **/***. ** **** ******* ***** technologies, ******, ********* ** ***** *** be ******** ** ***** *** **** of *** ********** **** **** ****.

Used **** ******** **********, *** ** ***********

**** **** **** *** **** ** integrated **** ******** ********** **** ********* and ****, *** **** ** * replacement. **** **** **** **** ****** UWB ** *** ************ *** ** integrated **** ******** *********:

*** **** * ****** ** ****** better **** ***** ************ - ************ extremely ******** ******** *********** *** ******-**-****** security **********. **** ****, *** **** not ****** ** ******* ***** ********* and ************ ******* *** ** ***** way. *** ********* **** *** ******* often **** **** **-**, *********, ****, Cellular *** *-*, **-***, *** ***** traditional **** ************ ** **** *** the ****** ****** ************ *** ******* project *******. **** ******* ****** **** the ****** ********* *** ********* *** or **** ** ***** ************; ****** application ***** ****** **** ** ***** when *** ********** *** *****.

*** ** *** ***** ***** *** has **** ***********, **** ** ***** Airdrop *** ******* ***********, *** ***** with ********* *** ***** **********, *** instead ** **.

Increased ****** ************* ********

***** *** ******* *** ********* *** in ***** ****** *** ****** *** follow ****.***** *** ******** ***** *** ****** * ****** ********** ** * ********* ****** *** *** ***** *** to ***** ****** **** ** *****.****** ** **** ******* ** *** technology, *** ** ** ******* ****/** they **** ** ***** ********* ** in ******.

** ********,****** ******* ************, ***,**** **** **** ********** ********** ********* of *** ** ****** *********:

*** ** * ***, ******** ********** that *** ******* **** ****** ********** on ****** ******* ** * *** years. **** ****** ****** ************* ****** to ** ********* ** ***, **** a ******* ** *** ******* ****** manufacturers ****** ******* ****** *** **** Consortium. ***** *** ********** ** *** and ******* ******* **** ** ****** devices, *** *********** **** * ******** of ***** ****** **** ******* *** technology ** **** * *** *****.

Channel *************

*******, ** ** ******* ** *** companies **** *** *** **** ********** channels ** ********** ****.

*** *******, ****** ******* ************************ **** **** ***** **** ****** more *** ********** ******, ** ** unclear ** ********* **** *** *** same ********. ******** ****** **** ******* will **** ******** ***** ** **** with ******** ***** ** ****** ** companies ****** ** *** ********* ********:

** *** ******** ***'* *********, **** iPhones *** ******** ***'* ** **** to ***** ******** ** **** ***** and ***** ******* **** **** ** communicate *********** ****** ****** *** **** ** have *********** ** ******* **** *******. ******* these ******** ** ******* ** *** to ** ****.

Access ******* ***********

*** ** *******, ******, *** ***** be **** *** **** *** ********* mobile ****** *******. *** *******, ** know **** * ****** ** ******* towards * **** *** ** **** side ** *** **** **** ***. It **** ****** ** ******* **** relay *******. ***** *** ******* *** positive *** ****** ****** ******* ** not ******* * ******* ** ****** one's ***** *** ** ***** ******. To *** ********, ******** ******* ******** just **** *** ***'* ********** ** that ***** ********* ** * ******** risk.

****, ** ********* *** **** ********* as **** *********, *** ***** ** left *** ****** *** ***** *** a ******* ******** **** *** ****** control ****** ******** **** *********. **** would ***** *** *** ********* *** security ** *** ******* ****** * noticeable ****** ** ***** *********** ** top ** ****** ********* ***.

HID ********

***** *** *** ******** *** *** is * ***** ****** ** ****, they **** *** *** ********* ** a **** *** ********* ******* *** UWB ** ***** *******. ***** ***** statement ***** ************ * ******** ** smartphones ********** *** ** *** **** few *****, ** ** ******** **** they *** ********** ******* ** * similar **** *****.

Bluetooth *.* ** ***

********* *.* ******** **** ******* ******** than ******** ********** ** **** *********, already ********** **** ******, *** **** less ******* **** ***, *** ** still *** ** ******* *** ** more *********** ** ***** *******. ********* 5.1 ***** ***** ********* ******** ****** 1 *****, ****** ** ******** ****** for **** ****. ** ** **** more ********** **** ****** *** ***** devices **** *** ***** ******** *** special *****. ** ********, ********* *.* is **** ********* ** ********* **** UWB *** ** **** ******* *********. However, ** ** *********** ** ***** attacks ******* ** **** ****** ********, and ** *** ** ********, ********** in ********* **** **** ** ***** and ********.

More ****** ****** *** ****

IPVM Image

*** *** ** **** ****** *** keys **** ****** ** ******* ******* relay *******.**************** **** ************** ** ****** ****** *** *** keys *** ******* ****** ** *** end ** ****.**** ** * ***** ******** ***********, as ********* **** **** ***** ********* ***** **** **** ********* ********** in *** **** ******* ******** ********* rely ** ****** ********, *** ********.

Uses ** ******* ******* *** ******

IPVM Image*** ******* ********* **************** *******************/**************. ***** ********* ** **** ********* and *** ***** ***** ***********, ** cannot *********** ******* *** ******** ****** for ***** **** ****** ********* **** interference. ** *** **** ***** ** more ************ ****** ** ******* ** people *** *** ***** ** **** other ** ***, ******* *** ** precise ****** ** **** ** ****** are *** *****, **** **** ********** by ******** *** ***********.

****, ** ******* *******,************* *** ********* *** ****** *** manufacturing. **** **** ******* **** *** accurately ***** *******' ********* *** ********* to **** ***** ****** ** ****** stats. ***’* ********* ** ********* ** this ***, ***** * ******** ** an **** *** **** * **********. They **** ***** ********** ********* ** help ***** **/******** ****** *** ********** vehicles ** ********** ** ******* ******. In ***** ********, *** ******* ** UWB ** ****** ******* ******* ******* interference ** *********.

Vote / ****

Comments (7)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Oct 07, 2020

*** *** * ******* ****** ** later **** ***** ** **** ***** co-presented ** ******** *** ***, *** anyone *** ***** ** ******** ******** more ***** **** **********. ****'* * link ** ******** *** **** *******:

*****-******** (***) ********* (*** *** **'* an *********** ************ **********) | ******** Industry ***********

Michael Archer
Oct 08, 2020

*** ***** **** * **** ***** ************ **** * ***** ***** *************** ** ****** * ****** ******** for ***. ******* ** ***** ** has **** ***********.

Zach Segal
Oct 08, 2020
IPVM • IPVMU Certified

****** *** ******** **** **. ******* ******* **** ******* *** *** **** ******* ** the**** ***.**.** ********.

** *** ***** *** *** ****'* heard **** ** *** **** ** were ***** ** *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Oct 08, 2020

** **** ** *** ***'* ****,

******** *** **** ********** ** ***** Presence ******** ***-**-*

Zach Segal
Oct 08, 2020
IPVM • IPVMU Certified

***** ***. ****'* ** *********** *** case. ** ******* ** ***** *** for **********, *** ** *** *** same ************ ** ***** ***** ** find *******.

**** *** **** ****? *** ** you ***, *** ** **** **** through ******** *** ********* **** * camera ******'* *** *******?

Robert Wren Gordon
Oct 08, 2020
IPVMU Certified

***** ****, ****! ***** **** ** see *** ****** *** ** ****** (and ********** ** **********) *** ****** control.

Travis Willis
Oct 08, 2020

***** * **** **** *** ********** I *** **** *** **** *** is *** ******* ****** *** *** to ******* *** ******. *** *** is ******* **** **** ** ***** the *** ** *** ********* **** Nordic. *** ***** *** **** ******** advantages **** * ***** **** ***** it ** ***** ******** *** ******. And ** *** *** **** ****** in *** *** **** **** * dual ***** **** ** * ****** matter ** *** ** **** ******** and **** *** **** ** **** worlds.....
