How Unethical Temperature Screening Can Easily Trick The Public

Published Nov 10, 2020 15:34 PM

This 1 minute, 45 second video quickly demonstrates the trick and risk to the public:

********* *********** ********* *** ****** ***** the ****** ********** ****** ****** *****.

**** ******** ***************, **** *** *** weight **** **** ********* ** ****** values *** *** ****** ******** *******.

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*********** ** ***. ****** *** **** nearly *** **** *********** *** ** is **** ********* ** **** ********.

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**** ***** ** **** *** ********* sellers ** ***** *** ****** **** thinking **** *** ***** ********.

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******* *** **** ** ***** **** the ******** *************** ** * ***** of ****** *** *** *** ****** are ****** ****** * ******* *** you ****** *** **** **** **** bet ** ** ***** *** ******* for ****.

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*** ***, ***’* *** *** ******* is ** *** *** ***** ****. But ****** *** ******* ** ** easy ** *** **** ***** ** wrong *** **** ******.

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****’* ******* *** ********* ** **** is **** ****.

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***, *** ******** ******. ***’* *** the ******* ** ** ********* *** again, ****** *** *******, ** ** still **** ** *** **** ***** is ***** *** **** ******.

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****’* ******* *** ********** ** ******* is ****** ****.

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***, *** ******** ***********. ***’* *** the ******* ** ** *******. ***, you *** ****** ******* *****, *** that’s **** ******* *** ********* ** temperatures ** ***** ******.

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******'* ************ *** **** *** *** more ******* **** *** ** ******.

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** ********* ****** *** **** ********* of ** ******** *********** ********* ** a ****** ** * *** **** or ******* ** ******** ** **** with ***** **** ******.

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*** **************, ** ** ********** ** properly ******* ************ ** ***** ***** but **** ***** ** ******* *** almost ***** ****** **** *** *** ‘right’.

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*** **** ** *****. ****** *** the ****** *** ****** **** ******** this ********** ** "********" *** **** their ********** *** **** ***** *** rare ****** **** * ***** ***** being ****** *** ********* ******.

Comments (4)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Nov 10, 2020

* ******* * ******** ********* *** went **** ****** * *** ***** contractor ** ******** ******* ***** ** the ***** **** ********. **** **** it *** *** "** ***** ***** and ****."

******* ****, * **** ********* *** club **** ** ********* *** ***** they *** **** *** ***** *********** displayed.

**** ** *** *** *** ** going ** ** **** * **** very **** *** **** ****** ***** through **** ****** ****** *** *** elect *** ** ********* ***** **.

Mark Schweitzer
Nov 11, 2020

*** ***** ******* **** **** ****** do ******* ***** *** ************** ** are ****** ** *** ***. **** few *** ***** *** ****** *** time ** ******** ******* ********** ** drawbacks *** ****** ********** ** **** tech.

Undisclosed End User #2
Nov 11, 2020

****, **** ***** ********* ********** *** strawmen *** ** ***** ** **.

*'* *** **** **** **** ** actually "******" *** ******* ********** ** unethical ****** ******. *** **** *** ludicrous "********" ***** ** *** ****.

John Honovich
Nov 11, 2020

*** **** *** ********* "********" ***** at *** ****.

*** ********* ******** *** ****** **** companies **** ******** ********, ******* **** turned,*** **********:

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* ********** **** ********** **** *** sounds *** ****** ** ** ****, except ** *** **** ****.

**** **** ****?
