New UK Security Minister Calls For Hikvision, Dahua Ban

Published Sep 07, 2022 07:11 AM

The newly-appointed Minister for Security, Tom Tugendhat, has called for the UK to stop buying video surveillance from providers who profit from Xinjiang such as Hikvision and Dahua.

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The Minister for Security is one of the top posts at the Home Office, the UK's law enforcement and border control ministry. This substantially increases the likelihood of a national-level ban on the firm's products in the UK.

Momentum against Hikvision and Dahua has been increasing in the UK with 67 MPs calling for a total ban in July 2022. So far, only certain UK government departments and authorities have barred Hikvision purchases while Dahua has been unaffected.

Dahua claimed it "does not 'facilitate repression' anywhere" and noted Tugendhat "does not specify" which firms should be sanctioned, despite Tugendhat chairing a parliamentary committee that explicitly called for Dahua to be banned. Hikvision did not respond.

Tugendhat *** ******** *** ********

** ******, ****** ** ********** *** Truss***************** *** ****** ************ ***** **********, replacing ***** ******* *** ******** *** Prime ********. ** *******, ***** ******** accepted *** *********** **** *** ***** and ********* *** ******* ** ****** hours *****,********* ************ ** *** *********** *** *** ******** *** ********:

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*** ******** *** ******** ** * Minister ** *****-***** ******** ********* ** the**** ******,*** ******** ***** ******** ** *** enforcement, *******, *** ******** **** *****-** ******** £**.* ******* ($**.* *******), ******* sixth ****** **********, *******, *********, *********, and ********. *** **** ************* **,*** ******,****** ** ****** ********.

***** *** ******** *** ******** ** not *** *** ******** ** *** Home ****** (***** ** ******* *********), ** ** * ****** *** and******** ******************** ** "******* ***** ********", *******-*********, and "****** *****". *** **** ****** has**** ********* ** ***** *****,********* *** ******** *** ********.

"Unacceptable *** *** **" ** *** ******* **** ******** *********

** ******, ********* ********* ** ******* piece ***** *************** "*****’* ****** **** ***** ** **********":

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** *** *******, ********* ****** *** UK ****** "**** ****** *** ********** the *********** ********** ** ********", ****** "it ** ************ *** *** ** to ** ********* ** ****** ******* and ************ ********* **** *** **** providers":

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********* **** ****** *** * *** on ******** ****** ******* *** "******** justice" ** *** ************* ******** *****.

Tugendhat **********: ***/********* ****** ********** ********** ** ***

********* ** ********** ******* ** *****: he ** *** ***** ** *** 11-member ********** ******* ******* ********* *********** *** * ***** ***** ********* *** ***** ** **** and ** **** *** **-***** ** the ***-************* ******** *****.********* *** ************** ********** ** *** ******* *** ******** *********, *.*. ****** from ******** *** *** *** ******* PRC ******.

******** ***************** *** ******* *********/***** ** ****, Tugendhat *** ****** *** ********* ******** several *****, *.*.************ ********* "****'* **** *** *******" about *** ******** ***********:

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********* *** **** ************** ********* ***** ** "********* ** justify [...] ***** **** ******** ******** and *** ****** *********** ** *** repressive ************ ***** ** ********."

Proposed *** ****** *******

*** ******* ******* ********* ******* ** Tugendhat (**************) ******* **** ************* *** ***** "****** *** ** permitted ** ******* ****** *** **" over *********** ** "******** **********", *.*. a ***** *** ** *** *****' UK ***** *** **********.

*******, *********'* ******* ***** **** *** specify ******* "**** ******" ****** ************ to *** ** ********** ** *** entire **, * *** ******. **** has ******* *** ** ********* *** will ****** **** ********.

Could **** ** *** ****** ** ** ******

** ***, *** ** *** *** imposed *** ********-***** ************ ** ********* or *****. ************ *** ********* *********. Two ********** ***********, ********* ************* *********** ** *******, **** ******* ****** ********* ******* while*** ****** ************** *** ** *** ********* **** its "***** ****** *****".

*********'* *********** ** *** **** ****** could **** ** * *** ** change ** ** ****** *.*. ******** level ************. **** ** *********'* ******* fail, ** **** ***** **** ********** to *** *****.

****** ***, ** ********* *** ***** dealers ** *** ** ****** ******* with *******.

Dahua ******** ********

***** **** **** **** ********* "**** not *******" ***** ********* ****** ** sanctioned ** ********************** ******* ** "**** *** ********* provide *** ********" ** "****** ****** customers" ** ******** *** "**** *** 'facilitate **********' ********":

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** ******* ** *********’* ********.We **** **** ** **** *** ******* ***** ********* ** ******** ****** ** ******* ** ******** ** *** ** ******. However, we can state unequivocally thatDahua **** *** ‘********** **********’ ******** we operate. As we have stated previously, our company has never and will never market products or solutions that target individuals by ethnicity, race, nationality or other such characteristic. We comply with all relevant laws and regulations in all markets in which we operate. Regarding Xinjiang Province, we have made clear that our ******* **** *** ********* ******* *** ******** ** ****** ****** ********* ** **** ******. The extent of our very limited operations there are contracts with private sector clients. We are committed to the UK market and hope to work with our stakeholders there, including customers, NGOs, and government agencies to ensure that advanced security technologies can be used to advance public security and safety, while protecting individual privacy and civil rights. [emphasis added]

*******, ***** *** *** ****** **** this ********: ** ** ********** ** suggest ***** ***** *** ** ********, since ********* ** ****-***** ** ***** and ***** ** ** ****** ** suggest ** ***** ******** ********* *** not *****. ******, *** ******* ******* Committee, ******* ** ********* *******, ******* **** **************** *****"****** *** ** ********* ** ******* within *** **" **** ***** *********** with "******** **********":

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******, *****'* ***** **** ** "**** not ********* ******* *** ********" ** "public ****** *********" ** ******** ** contradicted ** ******* ***** ******-*******-************ ** signed**** ******** ****** ** ****-**** ***** *** ******* ******* **** into *** *****, *.*.:

(***** ********* ** **** ** *** past **** ***** ******** ****** ******** were ***** ** ****** ************ **** using "*** *** *****" ***** ******** and *********.)

Hikvision ** ********

**** ********* ********* *** *** *** yet ******** * ********, ** ** responds ** **** ******.

Comments (4)
Charles Rollet
Sep 07, 2022

** ****************** ** *********** * *** ***** *************** *********'* *********** - "**** ******* ********* ** ******* ******** packing":

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Undisclosed #1
Sep 07, 2022

****** *********:

******* *** * ***** ***

John Honovich
Sep 07, 2022

******, *****.

Charles Rollet
Sep 08, 2022

******: ************ ** *** ***** *** Hikvision ********* **** ***************** ** ***** ** *** ********** for ********, ******, *** ********** ******** (BEIS):

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***** *** ************ ******* ********* ** the **, *.*.******** **** ****"** ****** *** ***-****** ************ ********* compromise *** ********":

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** **** *********** ************* ********* ** ********** *****-***** * ******** ********* ** ***** *** ******** operations ** ****.

*** **** ******************* ******* *** ******** ** *****-***** ******** indicating ** ** * ****** *******. BEIS ** *** **'* *****-******* ********** with *****-** ******** $**.* ******* ***~*,*** *****.****** ** ******** * **** ***** ** ******** including ******, ******** **********, ******* ****** and ****.

Charles Rollet
Oct 13, 2022

******: ************ ** ****** ****** ******************** ** ***** ** *** ******* Affairs *********.

** * *********,****** ****** *** "********* ****** *********** away **** ****-**** ******* *********" *** criticized *** "********* ********* ** *** ******* ********* Party".

****** ****** "* ***** **** ****** this ***** ***" **** ***** ***** UK ********** ********* ** ********* *******, in** ****** **** *********.

Charles Rollet
Oct 26, 2022

******: *** ********* *** ******-***************** ******** ** *** **'* *** Prime ******** ***** ***** ********* **************** *** ***** **** ****.

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