Turing Facial Recognition Tested

Rob Kilpatrick
Published Feb 09, 2022 16:29 PM

****** ****** $** ********** ** ********* ***** ********,** ****** ***** ******* *** ****, ********* *****,***** ***, *** *** ** **** ***** facial ***********.

IPVM Image

** ****** ******'* ****** *********** *** more **** *** *****, *** ** this ****** ** *******:

  • *** ******** ** *********** ** ******* scenes?
  • **** ***** *** ***** ************?
  • *** ** *** ***** *** ********** IR ****** ********?
  • *** ** ***** ****** *** ***** downtilt ****** ********?
  • ** *********** ******** **** *****, ****, and *******?
  • *** **** ** ********* ** ****** subjects ** *** *********?
  • **** *** ** ******** *** ******** recognition?


  • *********** *** ****** ** ******* ******, with *** ***** ******** ** *** weeks ** *******, **** * ********* of ~*** ***** ****** *** **** 1,500 ****** ***** ****.
  • ******* *********** *** ***** ** ***** angles ** ** ~**° ******** *** ~90° ***** ** ********* (******* ****** the ***).
  • ******** **** ************ ********** ******* *****, hats, ** ********** (************ *** *** in ***********) ** *******.


  • *** ***** *** ** *********** **** unreliable, **** ******** ***** ****** (**** detected, *** ** ***********).
  • ******** * ****** ** ******** ** be *** ** *** ** * mistake ** **** ** ***** **, the **** ******** *** ** *** resolution *** *** ******* ********* ** false *********.
  • ** *** ** **** *** ******** to * ***** ****, ** **** must ** ******* *** ** * time.

Turing **** **** *** ********* **********/**** ********* *******

****** **** **** **** ***** ****** recognition *** ********* ********** *** **** face ********* ****** **** ********** ****** ****(********* *******) ** ******* *****.

********* ****** ******* ***** **** * TLS ****** ******* *** ****** ****** and ***** ***** ***** ******** ********* specifics.

Compared ** *******

******'* **** *********** ********* ********* ** Verkada's (**** ******** ** ** ******) in *** ******* **** **** ********* in *** *****, *** ******** ** well-lit ******, ********* **** *****, ****, and *******.


****** ******, ***** ******** ****** *********** as **** ** **-*** ***** ******* of ****** *** ***** ********* ** priced ** $*** *** **** *** camera *** ****. **** *********** ************* ****** ******* *** ****, ***** **** *** ****** ****** which ******** ******* ** ***** *****. It ** *** ********** **** ***** lower-cost********* ******.

~100 *** ****** *** ******** ***********

** *** *******, ** ***** **** ~100 *** ** ****** *** ******** recognition, ~** *** ******* *** ****, in **** **** ******'* *************** (*** similar ** ***** *********).

IPVM Image

People ****** ** ***** ************ **** **** *** **

******'* ********* ******* ***** **** **** subjects ***** ***** *** ****** ** interest *** ** *** **-****** ** they ******** *** ******. ******* ** this, ****** ******** ******* ***** ** the *** *** ** ******** ** low *** *** *** **********.

IPVM Image

*** ********* ****** ** ******** ***** shows ***** ****** **** ** ** detected ** ***** ** ******* ******* facial ***********. *** **** **** **** detect ****** *** *** *** ***** misses ***** *** ***** **** **** detect ******** ** *** **** *** at ****** ***.

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No **** ****** ** ********* ****

****** **** ****** *** ****** ** be ***** ** *** ********* *** at * ****. ***** *** ** options *** **** *********, ***** **** result ** ******* *** ****-********* **** entry ** * *** ** ******** must ** *****.

IPVM Image

****** **** **** *** "********* ** continuously ****** ************ ** *** ********", but *** *** ******** ****** ******* bulk **** **** * ******* *******.

****** * ****** ** **** *** at * **** *** **** ******* version ** *** ********. ****** ** dedicated ** ************ ****** ************ ** the ********.

Multiple ********* ****** ****** *** ******* ***********

** *** *******, ******** ********* ****** were ****** ** *** ******** *** optimal ***********, ********* * ********-** *****, both ***** ** *** ****, *** light, ***/** ********** ******.

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** * **** ** ******** *** not **********, ***** *** ** ****** into ******** ********. **** *** ******* recognition ** **** ****** *** *** result ** ************ ** ****-******* ****** are *****. ***** ** ** ******* that ********* ****** *** *** *******.

IPVM Image

One ***** *********** ** ~* ***** ** *******

** ~* **** ** ******* ***** a ********* **** ** ~*** ****** and ****** **** ~*,*** ******, ** saw **** *** ***** *********** ** a ***** *******.

IPVM Image

People ********** ** ***** ******** *** ***** ** **** *****

******** **** ********** **** ** * harsh ******** ** ~**° *** *********** at ****** ** ~**°, ***** ********** causes ****** ** **** **** *********** platforms.

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************, ******** **** ********** ** **° with **** **** ** ***** **** shown.

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People ********** ******* *****, ****, **********

******** **** ******** ********** **** ******* masks, ****, ** **********, **** ** harsh ****** *** ******** (~**°).

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Unreliable *********** **** **** *** **********

*********** *** ***** ******** **** * subject **** **** ** ********** ****** it *** *** ******** *** ****** or ***** ************ ****** ********.

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Poor *********** **** **** *** **********

*********, **** ******** ****** ******* *** scene ******* * **** *** **********, covering **** ** ***** ****, ************ were ****** **** ** *** ****.

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Poor *** ***** ***********

*********** ******* ************* ** *** ***** (~2lx), **** ******** **** ********** ** very ******* ******** (~**°) *** **** when *********** ********-**.

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****** *** *** ********* ********:

*** ***** ******** ** ******* ****** can ***** *** ***** ******** ** be **** *****. **** ** **** can ****** *** *********'* ******* ** match *****. *** **** *********, ******, overexposed ** *****-******* *** "*****" ** at *** **** ** ******* ****** lower ********** ****** *** ***** ******* to *** ******** ** *****. ********** you *** *** ** **** ******* the ******* ********, *** **** ****** to *** ******* ** *** ****** at *** ***** ***** ****** *** different ****** ** ******* ***** **** the ******** ******* *****, ******** *** camera ******** ** ******* *** *** light ***********, ******** *** ******** ** the ***** **** ** ********* **** so **** *** ****** ** * closer ******** **** *** ******, *** maybe **** ******** *** ****** *** with *** **** *** ****** *** light ***********.

Poor **** (~*.****) ***** *******

*********, *********** *********** ******* ************* ** monochrome ******** **** ** ************, **** recognition **** ******** ** ******* ****** and *********** ********-**.

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***** ******** *** **** ** ********** the ****** ** ******** ** ***** to *** *** **** ** * high ****** *** *** ******** ***********. This ***** ******* *** *** ** the ********** ** *** ***** ** view.

Versions ****

*** ********* ******** **** **** ****** testing.

  • ****** ******: *.**
  • ****** ******: *.*.*
  • ****** **-*******
Comments (2)
Christopher Freeman
Feb 13, 2022

**** **** **** , **** ** what *** **** ****** *** ****** product *****

***** *** *** **** ******

Nick Merritt
Feb 21, 2022

**** *** ** **** *******.

*'** **** ******* *** ****** *** probably * ****** *** *** *** it's **** * **** ********** ** far. ****** ********** *** * *** limited. ********* ***** ** **** ******** forward *** *** *** *** ** understandable. *** **** ***** ********* *'** dealt **** ** *** *** **** side ** *** ***** ** ******* kicked *** ** *** ****** *** when ***** *** ******** **** ** the ***** ****. ** **** **** added * ************ **** * ******* like "**, **'** ******free ******** to enhance your experience and require you to sign in again", that would help explain to the end user that there isn't something wrong with the system. My crystal ball predicts the average user leaving reviews for the mobile app saying "This never works when I need it" or "Keeps asking me to sign in every time I use it". Everyone here knows what I'm talking about
