Trassir CEO Denies FSB Allegations, Speaks on Russian Market Post Ukraine Invasion

Published May 30, 2024 15:42 PM

Major Russian video surveillance provider DSSL's CEO denied that the company - owner of Trassir VMS - works with Russian intelligence, or that cameras are specifically at risk of hacking, in an interview with IPVM, which also touched on the Russian market after the Ukraine invasion.

IPVM Image

In this report, we examine Igor Oleynik's response to these allegations, and the Russian security technology market after the winter 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Ukrainian ******** **** ****** ******* *******

***** ******'* ****-***** ******** ** ****, Ukrainian ********* ****** ********* **** ****** might ******* ***** ************ ******* - which ***** *** ******* ** *** software - *** ******** ** ************ purposes. (** ******* ****, *** ********* government ********* *******-**** ******* **** ****** ******** ******'* ******** ** ********** ** air ******* ** ****.)

******-*********'* *** ******* *** **** * focus ** ***** *****. ********* *** ***** **** ****** (***) *************, ** *** ****, *** ****** director ** *******'* ************* ******** "*** warned '******** *** ******* ****** **********'...**** DSSL *** ******* ********* **** ******* security ********** *** ********." *** **** reported **** ******* ****** ***** ***** through ******* ** ******, *** **** Russian *********** ***** ******* ****** ******.

** ******** ****, *** ********* **** of ************** ** ******* *** ******* ******************* ****** "*** ****** ** ********** safe" ***** "****** ******." ******* ********* alleged **** "******* *** *********** **** the ******* ***," ********* ** *** Federal ******** *******, * ********* ************ of *** ***.

** ************* ********* **** ****** *** China, ******* ********* *** ** ****** to ******** **** **** *** **********; this ******* ***** ** ******* ***********. **** * **** ********** ***********, it ** ********** ** ****** ********* from ******* ******* ********* **** ***** access ********* **** **** ************.

*******, **** *** *** **** *** evidence **** ****** **** ******* *******/**** and ******* ******** ** ************.

DSSL *** ****** ***********

****'* *** **** ******* (Игорь Олейник) agreed ** ***** ** **** ***** allegations ******* *** ******* ** ** interview.

** ************* ****** **** ** *** FSB ** ******* ********, ****** ** is **** * *********** *** **** Trassir's ********** ********* *** ******* ** hospitals *** *******:

* ***’* **** *** ********** [** the ***]. *’* ** ********. * don’t *********** ** ********** ********. ** do ****** **** ******* *** *** hospitals, ** *** *** *******, *** for *** ********? *** *** *** military.

****** *** ****, ******* ********** **** email:

**** ** * ******* ********** *******. Since ****,we **** **** *** ****** * ********** ******* **** **** ********** *************, **** ******** *** **********. Personally, I did not perform military service, and did not work in other government agencies. Although ** ***, **** ***, **** ***** **** **** ***** *** ***, ** **** ** *********** ***** ********* ****, ****** *** ****** ****** ******* *** *****. [emphasis added]

*******'* ***** **** *** ** ******* in ******, ******* ****, *** "** do *** *** ** *** *******. And ** ********* ** *** ******* such ************ ** ******."

Advocates ********* *****

** ***** *** ********* ***** **** or *** *** ******, ******* **** they ****** "**** ******* *** ***** access *******."

*** **** ** ** *** ********, and **** **** *** ******** ** choose ******* ** *** ******* ** the *****. ***** *** ****** **** checkmark, ** **** *** **** ** the *****, ** ** ***’* **** access ** *** *** *******...***** ****, no *** **** ** **** ** access ****, **** ** *** **** himself **** *** ******** *******. **, even ** *** *** ******** ** our ***** *******, **** **** *** be **** ** ****** *** ** user ********.

****, ** ****** ** ******** **** frequently ** *** ********* **** ***** and ********* ** ******** ** ******* accusations ** ****** **** ****** ******* make *** ******** ***** ****** ****.

* ********-***** ******** ***** *** ** as ******** ** ********** ************* ******* from *** ********, *** *** ******* point ** ***** **** ****** ******* are **** ********** ** *** *********** impregnable ** **** ***** *****.

*******,** **** *** ******, ** ** *** ******* **** because *** ****** ** *** * closed ****** ****** ** ******* *********** of ******** ******** *************** ****** ********** *** *****-***** ************.

**** *****, ******* *** *********** **** accessing ******* *** ************ ******** ***** be ****** "** ******":

*** * ************ ***** ************ ****** be **** ** ***** ********? ** course ***. *** *** ***** **** obtain ************ **** ***** ***** *******? Probably, ** ******, ***. *** * wouldn’t **** ** ****** ** *** speculation.

*** ** ************* *** *********** ******* Trassir ** * ***** **** ****** by ****-******* *********:

** **** *** ** ******* **** someone ***** *** ********* ****** *** cameras, **** ****** **** *** ***** connection ** **** **** *** **********, why *** ***** ***********? ***** ****** are **** ******* *** ******* ******* of ******* **** ********. **** *** us ** ***** **** ******* ** our ***********. *** *** ** ******* so **** **** *** ***** ***** surveillance ******* ****** ** **** *** these ********?

State ** ******* ******

******* **** ******** ********* ***** *** impact ** ******'* ******** ** *** market. ** ********* **** ********** **** been ********, *** "***** *****, ***** are *******" **** ** *** ** new *********.

****** ******* ***** **** *****, ***** "After ****, **** ** *** ******** and ** ********* **** *** **** the ******* ******." ******* **** ** misses *** *********** **** ******-******* ******, and "*** ** *** **** ******** by ******* **********":

*** *********** ** ****. * **** the *** ******** **** **** ** Bosch ** ******* ***** ** *** manufacturers. *** ** *** **** ******** by ******* **********.

**** *** ********* **** ********** ********, but ******* **** **** **** *** prevent ****** **** ********* ****, ** only ********* **** *** ********** ** they **** **** ****** *********:

**** *********** ***** ******* ******* *** US ** ********* *** *** **** that ******* ********* **** ******** *** electronics ***** *** ***** ** ******. So *** ***** *** **** *** new ************ **** ** **** ** solve. ******* ** ****** ** **** still *** *** ***** *** **** a ********* ***, *** *** ****, pay **** ************* ** ******* **. It **** ******* **** *********.

*********, ** ****, "****** ****** **%" of *** ******* ****** *****.


** ** ********* ** ***** - and ******** ********** ** ******** - whether *** ******* ** ******** ********* access ** ********* ****, ** ********* collaborating **** ***** **** *******'* **********. This **** ** ****** **** ******* companies, ************ ***-à-*** ********* ****, *** IPVM *** *** **** ***** ******** against ****/*******.

** ** ******** **********. *********** *** and ****** ******** ******** *** ******** from ******* ********* **** ***** ** a ****** **** ***** ***** **** or ** **** *** ******, *** without ********* ******** ** ****** **********, particularly **** **** ******* ** ******** them. ** ***** ** ****** ***** for ******* ** *** *******, *** other ******* ********** *********, *** *** Russia ** ** *** **** ** reverse ** **********.
