Traces AI Non-Face Recognition Alternative Profile

Zach Segal
Published May 18, 2021 14:58 PM

Traces AI says they have developed a Face Recognition alternative for forensic search and reidentification without using faces and backed by Y Combinator.

IPVM Image

IPVM spoke with one of the co-founders to learn more about the company and its analytics.

Founding *** **********

IPVM Image

****** ***** ******* ** **** ********** ******************** ******** **** **** ************* ****** *** **********. ******** ******* ******* *********** ** alternative ** ****** *********** ***, ***** presenting *** **** ** *********** ************ ****, *** ********** ** ********** ********* Y **********, ******* ** *** ******** of ****** **.

Revenue, *******, *** ******

****** ** **** **** **** **** 16 *********, ** **** * ** 2019; $**+ ** *******; ********* ******** ***** **** ******* **** ** ** ** ** $5m. ****** ** **** ***** ** employees *** ****** ** *********** *** that *** **** **** ** ******* ****.****** ******** ** ******* ******* ****** $1m+ ** **** ** ** ****/******* fundraising *** *** *** **** *** aiming ** ***** * ****** * round ** ****.

Biggest *******

****** **** **** **% ** ***** are ******* ** ******* ** **********; that *** ** ** ***** ******* market, ********** *** **+% ** *******; and **** ***** ** ***** *******-******* market *** ********* ********** **** **** 10% ** *******.

**** **** ** *** ** ***** filtering ** ***** **** ******* ********, followed ** ******/*********** ****** ****** ******** and ***** ****** *********** *********** ****************/******** search. ** *****, ***** ****** *********** alternative *** ****************/******** ****** ** ***** biggest ******** *** **** ************* ** their ******* ******** ** *** **.

Product ******** *** *******

****** ** ***** ***** ********* ******* their ***** *** ** *** ******* who *** ** ** **** ** their *********. **** **** ***** *********, not ** ********* ********** *******, ** an ********* ***** ** ** ***** by ******** ********* ****** *** ******** can ** ****:

*** *** ** **** ** * building *****. *******, *** ********* **** in-house *********** ***** **** *** *** API ** *** *** ******** ** their ***/******** ********. ********* *** **** is ******* **** ****.

* ******** ****** ******* ** ********* $50-$150 * *****-*-****** **** ~**% ***** to ***** *****, *** **** *** price ****** ******* **** ********** *******, event *********, ***** ****, ***** ****, and ****** *****, ****** ** **** IPVM.

1+ ***** ** *** **/*** ***-**-***-***

****** ** **** **** **** ******** has * ****** ********* ********* ** their ****, **** ***** * **** or **** ** *** ** *** test ********* ** ***** ********* *** their **** *********** *********** *** ***** alarm **********. **** **** ***** **** more ******* *** ****** ***** *********** are ********* ****** ***** ***** **** low-camera ****** ** **** *** ****** take **** **** * **** ** set **.

Face *********** *********** *** **-**/ ******** ****** ******* ****

****** **'* ******* ******** ******* **** *********** ***********, ***** **** ******** **** ** clothing, *****, *** **** *** ******** search, ********, *** ****************.

**** *** *** ***** ****** ** the **** ****** ***** ** *,*** features **** ** *** ******* *** face. ********* ** ****** **, *** main ********** ******* ***** ********* *** Avigilon *** ******* ********** ****** ** the ****** ** ******** ****, ** the ***** ********, *** *** **** that **** *** * ***** *** system. **** *** **** *** ** used *** ******** ******, ********* ******* with ** ***** ** ********; ****************, finding ******* ** ***** ******* ***** identifying **** *******; *** ******** *********** or ******** **** ****** *********** ** an ****:

**** ***** *** *** ******* ****** can ********** ******** *** ***** ****** across ******** **** ******.

**** **** ***** ********* ************* ** alert ***** **** * ***** ** found ** ******* *********.****** ** ******** *** ***** *** manufacturers ** *** *** *** ********* that ***-***** *** ***, ** ********* based ** ***** ********* *** **** different ** **** ********* *************.

**** **** **** **% ** *** time ** ***** ** * **** match, ** **** ** ******** ** the *** * ******* *** **** they **** *** *** ******* ** countries **** ******* ******** ****** *** heights, **** ** *****, *** ** fine-tuning *** ** *********** *** ******** training.****** ** ***** **** *** ******** they *** ******* ******* **** ********* and **** **** **** *** ****** unique, *** *** ** ****** **** they **** *** **** **** ** privacy ** **** ***********. **** *** not ****** ***** **********, *** **** claim ** *** **** **** **** changes, **** ** ******** ***** *** a ****** ** ******** **** *** changing ***** *****, *** **** *** clothing, ***********, *** ********* ** *******, a ****** ****** ** ************ **** their ******. **** *** **** ***** it ****** *** **** ***-*****, *** also ******** ** **** ********* ******* to *** **** ****** ** **** recognition.

**** *******~** *** *** * ***+ but **** ****** ****** *** ****** frame ***** *** **** ********. ******* can ** ******** **** ** ******* thresholds *** **** *** ****** *** possible ******* ** **** * ***** number ********* ** ******** ************.

Other *********

****** ** **** ****** ***** ***** monitoring, **** *************, ****** ****** ******** for ******, * ******* ******* ********, and ** *********** *** ****************:

***** ***** **********

****** ********** ***** ***** ************** ********** ** ** ***** ** true ** *****, **** ********* ** (if ** ****** **** ****** ***), and *** ********* *** ****** ** moving. **** *** ** ***** *+ week ** *** ** ********* ** the ****** ** ****** * ****** gets, **** ******* ****** *** ***** with ***** ****** ****** ******, **** forensic ******/**************** *** ****** ****** ********. They ******* ~** *** *** *+ frames *** ********* *** *** **** accurate **** **** ******.

IPVM Image

**** *************

****** **** **** **** **** **** anonymization **** ***** * ******’* **** or **** *** ******* ** ********** compliance ********* ** ** *********. ****** ** **** ******** **** ~80 *** *** **** ******** *** ~13 *** *** **** ********, *** that **** ***** ****** ***** ********* to **** **** ******* *****.

******/****** ****** ******** ******* ****

****** ******** * ******/*********** ******** *** ****** people *********** ***** ********* ******* **** *********** or ** *****. **** **** **** their **** *********** *********** *** ** used ** ****** ****** *** *** double-counted *** ** ***** *** ******* people, ** ******** ****** ** ***** staff. ****** *** ****** ** ******* separately **** ** ** ******** ***** to * ****, *** ******* ***** and ****** ********* **** *********** ********, Traces ** **** **** ******** **** rarely **** ** ** **-********. ***** the ********** ** ******* ** ***** forensic ****** *** ******** ***-*****, ****-**** speeds *** ***** *** ******, ** the ***** *** ********* ***** **** is ********* *****, **** ****** ** saying ** ***** ** ******** ******* $15-$150 * ****** * ***** ********* on ****** *****, ********* ** ******, image ****, ***** ****, *** ******* latency.

******* *******

*************** * ******* ******* ************ **** ********** ** ***** **** and *******, *** ** ********* ****** for ***** ******** ******* ** ***********. Their *** ** ********** ** * phone *********** *** ******* *** ******* with **** ******* ********* *** *** not **** ***** ******, ****** ** said, ********* *** *** ******** ** ********* as ************ ********.

*** **************** ***** **********

****** ** **** **** **** *** researching *** **************** *** **** ** release * ******** ** *** ****** but *** *** **** ** ******** release ****.

Analytics ***** ***** **********

****** ** **** ***** ********* ***** through ***, **** **** ****-********* **** and ******* ********* ************ **** * slower *** **** ******** “*******” *********.********** ***** ************* **** ****-***** ******** and **** * ****** *** **** accurate “*******” ********* **** ** ********** expensive *** ****-**** ********** *** *** monitor *** ***** *** ******** *********, Traces ** **** ****. **** ********* if ******* ****** ****** ***** ************* between *** ***** *** ******* **********' results, *** ***** ********* **** ** adjusted ** ***** ****** ** ******** accuracy. **** ******** **** ******* ** a ******** ******’* *********, *** **** also ****** ***** **** ********* ** a ******* *******. ******** ******* **** customers **** ****** ******* ***** ** their ***** ********** ** ***** ********** costs. ****** ** **** **** **** events ******** **** ** ****** ********, so ****** *********** ** ***** ** busier ***** ***** *******. ********* *** also ***-*** ** ******** *** **** control ** ***** ****, *** ****** AI ********** **** **** *** *** vectorized ****, *** ******/***** *** ********.

Fakes *********

***** ****** ** *** * ********* video ******* * ** **** ********* they ********* **** ** ** ************, or "** *********" ** **** ****** it, *** **** *** ***** ** reality.

Cloud *****, ****** ********

****** ***** ** ***, *****, ** Google ***** ************** *** **** **** are ****** ********, *** **** ***** quality, ***** **********, *** ***** *** white ****** **** **** ** ********* accuracy. **** *** **** *** ********* on-premises ** *******, *** *** **** is ******** *** **** **** **** it ** **** ********* *** *********. Surveillance ***** ********* ***** **** ** compute ***** ** *** ***** ********* in ****-**** ***** ****** ********* ***** often ***** **** *** ****** ******* Traces ** ****.

APIs *******

****** ** **** *** **** ***** APIs ******.

Won’t **** ** *****, ******, ********* *****

****** ** ********* **** **** **** not **** ***** ********** ** * country **** ******* ***** *** ** unethically, ************ ********** ****** *** *****. Currently, *** **-******** ****** **** ********* they **** *** **** **** ***** on *** ********* ***** ********* *****, but **** **** ** ********* ** independent ****** ***** ** **** ****. They **** ***** ********* ******* ******* allowing ****** ** ******* ********* * deal ** **** **** ******** ** misuse, *** ***** ***** * ********* changes ** **** *** *** ***** of ****** ** *******.


**** ********** ******* **** *********** ***** Traces **. ***** ****** *********** *********** aims ** ***** ** ********* ******* but *** ********* ********** ** ***** so, *** **** *** ********* *************, the ***** *********, *** ********** ** them ********* ***** ******* *** ** signs ** * ******* ** ******* that ***** ******* ********** *** * strong ********** ********.

Comments (2)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
May 19, 2021

*****; **** *******. *********** ***** **** mostly *********. **** ***


"Fakes *********

While ****** ** *** * ********* ***** ******* * ** **** ********* **** ********* **** ** ** ************, ** "** *********" ** **** ****** **, *** **** *** ***** ** *******."

**** '**** ** * ******' (*********, if *** ****..) ** *** ********* world *** **** ** ******* ** order ** ****** ******* ********, **? See, *** **** ** *** ****'* ' ******* ****, **** **** ****...***..****..' phrase ** ***** ** ****** **********.

"and ********** ** **** ********* ***** ******* *** ** ***** ** * ******* ** ******* **** ***** ******* ********** *** * ****** ********** ********."

***** *********, *******? * ***** * may **** ****** *** **** ** the ******* **** **** *********, **** no ******* ******** ** ********** ** providing '*****' *******. *'** **** ******* it ******* * * ** *** if * *** **** ** ** it. ****** ******.

**** **** ** **** *** **** this *******? ** **** *** (****)********** caution, ***** ***** ***** (** *** be *********** **..) ***'** *** ******* (yet), *** ***'* ******** *** **.

John Honovich
May 19, 2021

**** '**** ** * ******' (*********, if *** ****..) ** *** ********* world *** **** ** ******* ** order ** ****** ******* ********, **?

** **** ** **** ********, **** we **** **** ** ***** ** disagree. **** ******** ********* **** **** not *****, ** ***** *** *********. It's **** ****** ** ***** **** can ** **** ***** *** ******* they ***'* ******* ****.

**** ****** *** *** ****** * say?

*** **** ***** ** ******* **** can ******** ******* ***** ******** ****** cameras ******* ****** ***********. *** **** that **** ***** ** ***** **** extensive ************* **** *** ******** ** raises *********** ******** ** *** **** this *****.

***'** *** ******* (***)

**'** *** ** *** ******** ** being '*******' *********. **** ******* *** a *** ** ****** *****. * wrote *** ***** ********* ** *** post *** **** ********* ******* **** this *******.