How Surveillance Balloons Work

Published Feb 10, 2023 16:25 PM

Surveillance balloons have become much discussed since the recent PRC balloon controversy. But how do surveillance balloons actually work?

IPVM Image

In this report, IPVM examines the technology behind surveillance balloons, including:

  • History
  • Construction
  • Hot air vs surveillance balloons
  • Zero-Pressure And Super-Pressure balloons
  • Navigation
  • Power
  • Sensor Load - Cameras, Others
  • Retrieving Payload
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Balloons


***** ******** ** ** *** *********** ********* ** ***** ** *** 13th *******, ** *** ****** ******** ******* and ****** *********** ************ *** ***** ********* *** ******* ** ******* ** Paris ** ****.

******* *****, ** ****, *** ******** were **** *** ************ ******** ****** the ****** **********, ***** * ******* 450m (~*,*****) ***** *** ****** *** used ** **** ***** *********. ** the ********* *********, ******** **** ******** ** **** ***** ****, ********* ******** ***** ***, ***** War *, ***** *** **, ***.

****** ****, *** ******** ******** **** trans-Pacific ******** ** ***** ********** ** the ** **** *****, *** ***** Japan ******* **** *** ********* *** not ********** ** ** ***** *** no ****** ** *** ********, ********* ******* **** ** ******** *** coast *** ~**%(*,*** *** ** *,*** ******** ******* the **). **** ************ *** ********* feasibility ** ***** ********** (****** **** in *** ***** **********) *** ******* navigation.

**** ******** *** ** ** ******* a ******* ** ************ ******** ** investigate *** **** ** *** *****. The ** **** ******** ******** ******* to ********** **** *,***,*** ** ** of **** *********** (** * **** ** ~$** *** square ****).

** ***** *****, ************ ******** ********* and *** ***** * ***** ** different *******: *******, ********, *******, ******, antennas, ***. **** ********* *** ******** using (** ** ***** **** ** the *****) **** ******** *** ************ purposes, ********* ***, *** ****** ******, *** *** **, ********* ***** ********.

Surveillance ********: ********

IPVM Image************ ********, ** ****-******** *******-****-*** (***) systems, ** ************, *** ******* **** are **** ** ****** ************ ***/** provide ************* ***** ******** ** *** stratosphere (********* *** ****** **** **** or ~***,*** **) ***** ********** *********. These ******** ******** ******** *** ***** up ********** **** ** ********* ******* ** ** ******** ***** ****** ****** ** *** * ******** field ******.

********* ** *** **** ** ******* the **** ** *** ******* ***** differ, *******, *** ********** ********* *** of *** ***** **** ** **** patterns ** *** ****. **** ******** can ********** ***** * ******** ****(*** **** **** * ***** ** a ****, ** ***** ****, * company ************* **** ********,******).

******* ********* *** ***** ************ ******** includes ** ******* ******, *****, ******** for *************, ***., ** ** ******* in **** ****** *****.

Surveillance ******** **. *** *** ********

************ ******** ******* **** *** *** balloons, *******, *** ********** ****** ***** apparatuses ******* *** *** *** *** balloons *** ************ ******** *** ************ different *********** - **** ****** **** in ********** *** *******.

***** **** ** ***** ******* ******* rely ** *** **** ********** *** horizontal ********, *** *** ******** *** an ******** ******* ****** *** ******** control, ****** ************ ******** **** *** other ***** (**** ** ******* ** natural *********** *******).

******* *********** ******* ******* ****, **** and **** ** *** *******, *** purpose *** ********** (*.*., ************ ** surveillance), ***.

Zero-Pressure *** *****-******** ********

****-******** ********,*****-******** ********, *** * *********** ** **** - *** *** ** **** *** surveillance ********, *******, ***** ******** *** different ** **********, ***** ***** **** tradeoffs, **** ** ******* ****** ** the *******, ******** ** *** ******, durability, ***.

* ******** ******* ** * ****-******** balloon ** **** ** *** * hole/vent ** **, ******** *** *** venting ** *** ******* ***** *** adjusting *** ******** ** ***** *********** with *** ******* ***********. ************, ****-******** balloons *** ****** ********* ** *** gas *********** (**** ** ********** **** sunrises *** *******), ** * *** that ***** ** ******** ************ ** the *******.

IPVM Image

Zero-Pressure ******** **** *****

***** ** *** ******, *** ******* crew ********* ******** *** ****/*****-******** ******** with * *** **** ** ******* than *** (****** ** ***** ****, *** ******** can **** ***). ** ******/******** ** ******* **** ambient *** ** ***** ****** *** balloon *** ******* '*******' ** *** balloon *****, ** ****, ***** ** the ***-**** ******** ***** *** *** balloon's *********.

** *** ******* ******* *** ******* pressure *****. **** ***** **** *** force **** ***** ******* *** ** pushing **** *** ******* *********. *******, the ******** ****** *** ******* ***** the **** - ****, *** ******* expands. *** ********* ** *********** ** the ******** ** *** ******* *********** ***** ****.

*** ******* ***** ***** *** ******** force ******* ***** ** *** ****** of *** ******* *** *** *******, and, ********* ** ****, *** ******* altitude *** ****- *** *****-******** ******** is ************* *** ****** ~****(** ~***,*** **).

******** *** * ****-******** ******* ** the ******* ******** ****** * ******. With *** ********* **** *** ******* temperature ** *** ******** *** *** helium *********** *****, ***** ***** ** a ******** ***** ** *** ******* and ** ********. ** *** *******, some ** *** ****** ** ****** through *** ****.

*** ******** ******* **** *** ******* as *** *********** *********, *** ****** increases *** *** ******** ******. **** that *** *** ********** *** *** descent ** ******** **** ** *** ballast. *******, ** ********* *** **** of *** ******* ***** **** **** to **** ****** ******* **** *** sunrise **** *** ******* **** **** again.

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***** *** ****** *** **** ***** the ******** ** ****-******** ******** ** a **** (*,*). *** ******** ** ****-******** ******** is ****** ** ***** ** ***** to ****, ** **** ********** ***** days ** ***** ****** *** ***** is ****** ********** ** *** ***********.

Super-Pressure ******* **** *****

*****- *** ****-******** ******** ** ******* the **** ****** ** ** * point ** ******** * ******* ********, but **** * *****-******** ******* ******* the ******* ******** ** **** ********* up *** **** *** ***** ** approximately *** **** *****. **** ** because *****-******** ******** *** ****** ******** with ** *****, *** *** **** with **** ********** ** **** ***** allows *** *** *** *********** ** be ******* *** ****.

*** ******* ** **** ** *** same ***** ********* *** **** **** of *****-******** ******** ** ** ****** at * ****. **** ** *** super-pressure ******** *** ********* ******** ** as ***** **** ******** ******** (****) balloons. ****, *** ** ***** **** super-pressure ******** *** ***** ****** "******* balloons".

Zero-Pressure ** *****-******** ********

**** ** ***** ************ *** **** for ****-******** ******** *** ***** *** tradeoffs **** ***** **** *****. *** example, ***** *****-******** ******** *** **** longer, ***** ******* ******** ** ******* than ****-******** **** (*,*** *** ** 6,500 ***, *******'* ********** *****).

Surveillance ********

***** ***** ***** ** ******** ***** the ********** ** **** ****** ******* to **** ********* *** ** ** multiple ****** *** *** ******** *** surveillance, **** ********* *** ***** (****) a *********** ** *****-******** *** ****-******** balloons, ** ** *********** ****** *** better **********.

*** ************ ** *** ************ ******* might ** *********, **** ****** * ballonet (** ***** ********) ** *** super-pressure ******* ** ****-******** *** *****-******** balloons ******** ** **** ***** (********* this ************* ** ******** ** ** a "*** ****** *******"), ** *** graphic *****:

IPVM Image

*** ******* ****, *******, ***** *** same: ******** *** ******** ** *** balloon ****** ****** ** ** ***** different ***** *** '****' **** ***** the ******* ******** ** *******.

** *** **** ** *** ********-***** balloon, *** ******** ******* *** ****** ******** *** ***** **** ** the ******* ***** ******* *** ****** constant. ******* *** **** ****** *** ballonet/exterior ******* (********* ** *** ************) can ******** *** **** ** *** balloon *** ********** *** ******* ***. This **** **** ** * **** in ********. ** *** ***** ****, releasing *** *** **** ******** *** total **** *** ****** *** ******* gas, ** **** ******* ** ** ascend.

*** ******* ***** ***** *** ******* principle ** * **** *******:

IPVM Image

**** *** ****** **** ** ******* where *** *****-******** ******* ** ********* below *** ****-******** *******, *** ******** is ********** ** *********/********* *** *****-******** air ******* ***/** ********* *** ****-******** balloon **** *** ******* ***, ** was ********* ******* ****'* **** ******.

Navigation **** **** ********

** ******** *** *******'* *********** *** ****** **** **** ** various ********** ***** * ******* ******** is *******. ********, **** ************ ******** *************, for *******,**************** ****, ***** **** ***** ******* ******* can ******* *** **** ******** (** more *********** * ****** ** ***** are ***** **** ********** ** *** balloon ********) *** ****** ** * time ******* *** **** ********* ** staying ** *** ***** *****.

****** ******* ************ *** ********* ******* computers ***** *** ********* / ********* at *** ***** ****** ** **** to *** **** * **** ******.

**** **** **** ** *** ****-******** balloons *** **** ** ****** **** propellers *** ********** **********, ** ******'* Loon ******* ************ **** ***** ********* ****** ********** *** *******.* ** ********* ** **********, ** the **** ****** ** ******** **** ambient *** ** ******* ** **** altitudes.

*** ******* ***** ***** ** ******* of * **** ******* ******** ** a ******* ******* (**** **** *** graphic ** ******* ** ******* ********* for ****** *************):

IPVM Image

** ******* *** ********** ** **** in *** ********** ** **** ********, one *** *** * ************* *** ******* ********** *****(**** ********* ** ** ******** ******* ******* ***** ********** ***********) *** see *** ********** ** ***** ********* on *** ******** ***/** ****. *** example, *** ******* ***** ***** ********* paths ** *** ******* ** *** was ******** **** ****'* ******** ** February *-** **** ** ********* *****:

IPVM Image

*** ******* ** **** ******* ** to *********** *** ********** ** **** patterns.

Solar *******

**** *** *******, *****, *** ********* on ***** *** ** ***** **** power, ************ ********* ************ ******** *** solar ***** *** **********, ************, *** RF **************. *** **** ****** ** these ***** ****** ***** ** ********* as ***** *****:

IPVM Image

Remotely ******** **** **** ****** ** ****

************ ******** *** ******** ******** ******* for ************ ******** *** **** ***** for ****** ****** ** *** ******** data.***** ****, *** *******, *** ** ****** dashboard ******* ***** *** *** ******* the *******, ** *** ********* ***** below *****:

*********,**************** **************** ********* ********** ****** "** ******* *** ******* balloon ****** ****, ******* ******* ***********, and ******* ****** ************ ** * single ****** *********** *******", ********* ** the *******'* *******.

Sensor *******

******* *******, ******** *******, ****** (*** moving ****** **********), ********, "********** ******* sensors" - *** **** *** ** equipped **** ************ ********.

************ ********* ************ ******** *** ******** with *** ******* **** ********** ******* anywhere **** *** ** ****: *** example, ***** ************ **** * "*** *** ***** resolution ** ***-*** ****" *** *** company's *** *********** ** ********* ***** ******* *** **** ** someone ** “******* * ****** ** a ***.” **** **** **** ****** confirm **** *****. **** ***** ****,****** ** **** * **** ************** **,*** *** **,*** **** ******** range.

*******, ***** **** **** **** ********* can ****** ***** *** **** ** the ******** *** **** ***** "**** of ***** *** * ******* ******** of **** (**** ******* ********** ********* soon)", ********* ** *** *******'* *******.

*** *** ***** **** ***** ***** showcasing *** ************ ** *** *******/******** sensors:

******* ***** **** ******* "********** ******* sensors", ** *** ******* **************** *************** ***** ***** **************** ** *** *********** **** ***** View:

***’* *****-******, ******* **** ******* ************ and *********** ************ ***** ***** **** platforms ** ***** ******** ******* *** aerospace ********, ***** ****** ************ **** ISR *** ********** ******* *******, ************* networks, ***** ************, ********** ************, ******* learning *** **** *********.

*********** ********* ********** **** ************ ******** ***** *** as * ******** ****-**-***** ************* ***** if ****** ************** *** ******* ** terrain.

Capturing *** *******

**** ** *** ******** **** ********* for ********* *** ********* **** *** mission ** **** **** ******* * parachute *** * ******** ****** **** allows *** ******* ****** ********.

** *** ** *** ******** *** concerned, ***** *** ******** **** ** dealing **** ****, ********* ******** ******* them ** **** ********* **** ****.

*** ******* ******** *****'* ******* ********** ***** * ****-******** ******* ***** remotely ******:

***** **** **** * ********* ********, as ***** **** **** ******** **** the ******* *** ****** ** **** panels **** ******** ** *****, ** the ***** ***** *****:

Surveillance ******** ** ******

******, * **** ****** **** *** of ******** ************, *** **** ****-*********, easier ** ******, *** ******** **** conspicuous, *******, **** **** ******** **** a ****** ** *********** ******** ** surveillance ********.

*** *******, ************ ****** *** **** limited ** ******* **** *** ******* weight, ** ******** *** ***** ****** flights **** ******* ****.

Surveillance ******** ** ******** ***********

******* ** ******, ********** ***** **** trade-offs ******** ** ********, ********* **** over * ******** ********, ****, ***** quality, ***.

***** ********** *** ****** ** ********* more ********* ** ******, **** *** offer ****** *********** ***** **** * specific ******** (**** **** **** ** applicable **** ** ********** ** ************** orbits ***** ****** **** ** ** suspended **** *** **** ******** ** the *****).

***** ******* ** * ********** ** satellites, ** ******** *** ******* ****** resolution ******, ** ***** **** ******* shows:

IPVM Image

************, ***** *** ********** *** *********** one-time *******, ************ ******* ****** ********* can ** ******** **** ** ***** and ******. *** **** **** **** make ************ ******** **** ****-********* **** satellites, *** ** **** ****** *** an ****** *** ** *** ****** equipment.

Other *** ** ****-********/************ ********

****-******** ******** *** ***** **** *** space ******** *** ****** **"******** ****** ** *****"** * ***** ***** ********* **** NASA ********* **********, *** ******* ** outer ***** ** ***** *** ******* of *****, ***** ******** ****** *******, etc.

****-******** ******** *** **** **** *** wind **** *********, *******, *********** *********** ************* *******, ****** ** ***********, and ***** **** ************* ****.

******, ***** **** ***** ********* ******** involving ****-******** ********. *** *******, ****** X *** ******* *******. *** **** **** *** ********** a ****-******** ******* **** ***** ******* internet ******** ** ****** ***** ** was *** ********** ********. ***** ****** some *********** ********** ** ***** **** cost-effective **** **********, *** ********* ******* coverage **** ***** ******* ********* **** usually ******* ******-***** ******** ********, *** Loon ********** ********** ** ********* * ***** ** ******** ** the *******'* "**** ** ********** ********* proved **** ****** *** ******* **** hoped".

Comments (18)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Feb 10, 2023

*'* **** **** ******** ******* ** about ** ** ***

Dwayne Cooney
Feb 10, 2023

IPVM Image

Feb 10, 2023

**** ***********! ***** ***! ** **** the **** ** **** ******* *******, the ******** ****** ******* ********** **** not **** ** **** **** ***** - **** ***** ****** **** ******* plates ** *****, *** *******. ******* they ****** ****** ***** ** ************ equipment ** **** ******* **** *** relate ** *** ******** ******** *** capacity? ***** *** "********** ******* *******" is **** *** ******* *** *****? The *** ***** ******* **** ******* they **** ********** ***** ******* ** people *****. *** ** ** ******** from * **-** **** ******** **** cell ****** **** * ******* ***** of * ****** ** *****? **** there ** * ******* ******* *********** for ********* ******** - ******:). ********** Wi-Fi ** ****** *************** ********** ******* even **** ***********! ** **** **** just ******** ******** ******** ************** ** some ****** - * *** *****?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Feb 10, 2023

**** ** *** **** **-***** ******** of **** ***** * **** **** from *** **** ***** ****** ** the **.

* ** ********* ********* ** *** quality ** **** *****. **** **** team.

Dwayne Cooney
Feb 10, 2023

******. ***%.

Anthony Jones
Feb 10, 2023

** *** ** **, ** * foreign ******* ***** *** ** ***** over **** ******* **** ***** ** down *** *** ********* *****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Feb 10, 2023

** **** ******** ** ** ** longer ********** ** ********? *** **** the *** ** **** **** *** the ***?

********* ******** ** *** ****** ** the ******* *** ******* ***** **** sanctions

John Collings
Feb 14, 2023

*** ********* ******** ** *** ************* definition ** ******** ***** ** ******* miles ** "*****", ************* ***,*** ****. In *** ** *** *** *** Class * ********** ******** **** **,*** MSL ** **,*** *** *** ** Class * ******** ******** **** ******* under *** ***** *** * *****, cleared ****** ****.

John Collings
Feb 14, 2023

*********, *** ************* ******** ** **** airspace ** ** ***** "*******" ** the ********** ******, *** "****** ****". Above **** ** "*****". ** *** US **** **,****** ** **,*** ** Class * ******** *** ******** ** IFR ****** **** **** ** "******* and ******". ***** **,*** ** ** 100km ** ***** * ********, ** "uncontrolled" ********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Feb 10, 2023

*****-******* → *****-*******

****** ****** → ***** ******

****** → *****

*× ****** → *******

******* ******** → ******** ********

*** ****'* *** **** ******* **** punctuation, ***********, *** *****.

**** *** *** ******* *** * copyeditor ** *** ******?

(***** ******* ******; **** **** ********** and ***********!)

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Feb 13, 2023

**** *** *** ******* *** * copyeditor ** *** ******?

******* **** ** ******* *** ******** from **** ** ***.

Undisclosed #8
Feb 13, 2023

** ***'** *********, ********** ** ******* on ************ ******** **** ******* ******* the ********* *******.

IPVM Image

** ******* **** *** ****** ******* a ******** ****** ** ****** ** IPVM.

Undisclosed #5
Feb 10, 2023

**** ***** *** ********* ** ***** being ** *** ****** *******?

Mert Karakaya
Feb 13, 2023
IPVMU Certified

* ***** *** ** ** ******** due ** ******* *******.

** ********* ** *** *** ******* closely **** *** ***** ****, *** when * *** ******* ** *** data, **** *** ***-******** ******* **** helicopters ****** *** **** ** *** the *********. ** *** ******* ** highway ********** ************, ** ** *** setting *** ***** ** **********. ********* to ****, **** ********* ******* ***** services ***** ******, *** *** ******** they *** *** ** ** *******. Here **** ******* ** ********* ********* ***** selection.

IPVM Image

*** ******* *** ****** ** * much ****** ********, **** ****** ** unlikely ** *** ******.

********, ***** *** ******** **** *** balloon ** *** ******, ** ***** require **** **** ** ******* *** light **** *** ******, *** ***** the ***** ******* ** *** ******* is *******, **** ***** **** ** really *********.

******* ****** ***** ** *** ************ from ***** ****** ******* (******, ******, etc.) **** ***** ****** *** ******* of *** ******* *******.

*******, ***** **** ** ******* ********* given **** ** ** * ** point *****, *** *** ******* ***** either ******* * *** ** ******* storage, ** **** **** ************ ****** to ******* **** ****. **** ****** use ***** ***** *******, **** ********* set *********** *** **** ** ******** *** data ******** ******.

**** ** * ***** ** * drone ***** ******* *******, ** ******** the ******* ** ******.

Carl Stoffers
Feb 10, 2023
IPVMU Certified

**** *******, ***, ** ******* *** report. ***** ***'* ****** ***** ** IPVM, *** ** ******* ******** *** feedback **** ****.

John Honovich
Feb 10, 2023

***** **** ** ***** ** **** was *** *** **** * ****, thanks.

Undisclosed End User #7
Feb 13, 2023

**** **** ** *** * ************ balloon ********?

** *** ***********, * ***** **** to **** **** ***** *** ******* themselves *** *** ************, ** **** as *** ***** ** **** ** the ******, *** *** ** *** imager *** *** ****** ****** * have ** ******!

********* *******!

Mert Karakaya
Feb 13, 2023
IPVMU Certified

** ** **** ****** **** *** balloon ***** **** ******** *******, **** for ********** ****** **********, ***** **** acquire **** ** *** ******* **** (diameter, ***.) *** ******* *** ******* on *** *******, *** **** *** imaging **** ** ** *** ******.
