Former UK Camera Commissioner Joins Facial Recognition Firm

Published Dec 11, 2023 12:45 PM

The UK's former Camera Commissioner, best known for criticizing Dahua and Hikvision, has joined a company he used to regulate.

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This paves the way for more private facial recognition across the UK while drawing significant scrutiny of the surveillance industry.

Ex-Commissioner Fraser Sampson is best known in the UK for his strong criticism of Hikvision and Dahua over their Xinjiang projects:

In this post, IPVM examines this news and its impact.

Executive *******

****** ************ ****** ************ ****** **********************, ************** *********** ** ***** ***********, *** day ***** ************* ********.

******* ***** *********'* ***** ** ********* in * **********"****** ******** ** *** ****** *****" by ******* ****** ***** *** ******* Watch.

**** ***** *** ****** **-************ ** join * ****** *********** ****, **** Sampson's *********** **** *********************.

******* ****** ** ******** ** ******** arose ****** *** ****** *** ******* Facewatch - ***** ********* *********** **** ****- *** '******** *********.'

UK ****** ************ **********

****** *** **, *** ** *** a ********-******************* ************* *** ************ ****** ***************** "*** ** *********** ** ********** powers" *** ******* ********** ******* ************ ****** ******* ******** ********** ********.

**** *** **** *** ************ **** be*********** **** ** ******** ***********, ***** will ****** **** **** * **************** ******.***** ****, *******'* '**** ****' ************* ***************** ************ ********.

Joins ********* ***** **** ***

** ******** *, *** *** ***** Sampson's**** ***** *** *** (******* **), ************************* ******* *** ***** ** ********* of*********, *** ** ******************** *********** ** ***** ***********:

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********* *** *** ***** *********; ************** ** ******* ** *******'* ******** responsibilities ** ************.

Facewatch **********

***************** ****** ** "*** **’* ******* facial *********** ****** ******** *******"******** ******** ** **** *** ******:

***************** ***** ***** ********* **** **** when *** **'* **** ********************* ******** *****.

"Paves *** ***" *** ******* ****** ***********: ** *****

******* ******* ********* ********** ************ ** ********* *** ********, ******* this ** "****** *** ***" *** high ******* (******** *****) ** ****** facial ***********:

*** ********-******** ******** ** ****** ** monitoring ****** *********** ********** *** ****** the ******* **** ** *************** ********,paving *** *** *** *** **** ****-*** of biometric surveillance cameras in high streets across the country. [emphasis added]

*** **** ** ****** ********* ****** recognition *** **** ********, **** *.*.,******* ************** **** *********** *** ******'* **** regulator ****** ***** *** **** ** catch **************** ** *******.****** ** ***************** *** ********* (********) ***** ******** ****** ***********.

"Deeply ******** ** *** ****** *****": ******* *********

******* ****** ***** *** ******* ************** **** "****** ******** ** *** public *****" ****** **** *** **** short ****** **** **** *** ***** months **** "***********":

IPVM Image

*** ************ ** ****. *******’* *** role *** ******* ***** *** ********* of *** ****** ** ********** *** Surveillance ****** ************ ** ****** ******** to ****** ***** ** *** ************ of *** ************. * **** **** the ********* ** *** ************ ** Prof. *******’* *** **** **** ********* to *** ********* ** *** ******** duties ***** ****he **** **** **** *********** *** ***** ** *** *** ********** ****** *** ****** as Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner. Such a negotiation would naturally **** *********** Prof. Sampson’s independence during his final months in post. [emphasis added]

*** ******* ***** **** ****** ************* *** ** ************* ** *** UK's***** ******(*** ******** ********* ** ******** ************). Note, ***** ** *********-**** *** *** no *********** ******, ********************* ***** *********.

Ex-Commissioner ********: "** **** ******** *****"

******* **** **** ** "*** ** place ******** ********" ** ***** ********* of ******** ***** ** ***** **** Facewatch *** **** "* ** ********* that ** **** ******** *****":

IPVM Image** *-**** *********** ***** *** ** end ** ******** [****], * ******** a ****** ** ******** ********* **** organisations ***** ** ***** ** ***** of *** **** *** **** * request **** *** ********** ** ****** my *********** ** ***** *** ** amended *********. * ****** ** * short ************* *** *** ******* ********* went ****** *** ****** * *** willing ** ***** *** ** *** beginning ** ****** * ***** ******** to *** **** ********* ****** ***** months’ ******, ********* ***** * ******** a ****** ******** ** **** *** board ** ********* ** * ***-********* director. * ******** *** **** ****** andput ** ***** ******** ******** to ensure the avoidance of any potential conflict of interest, however limited that potential might be. I am satisfied that no **** ******** *****.

******* ***** **** ******* ********* *** "an **** ********" *** ****** "******* challenge" ** ****** "****** *** ******* operations":

* **** ** *** **** ******* Facewatchwas ** **** ******** ** ****. They have invited challenge, reviewed practice and policy and responded promptly to ensure their ********** *** ****** *** *******. I am looking forward to working with the board at an important time for the development of facial recognition technology in the retail sector.

********** ********* *** **'* **** ********* **** year, ********* ****** ** ********************** ********, **** ** "********** * Data ********** *******" *** "******** ** repeat *********".

Longtime ********* ******, *** ********* ********* ****

******* ** ****-***** ** *** ** for *** ****** ********* ** ********* and ***** **** ***** ******** ********:

**** ********, ******* ********** *** ******** questions ** *********,***** ********** ** '********** *** ******' *** demanded '********** ***************.'

** ********, *********'* ******* *************** *********, ******** ***************** **************** "*** *** ********" ** ***** 2023.

**** *** ********* ************* **** ********* about ******* ** *** ******** *** existing ********* ****** ******* ** **** banned **** **** "*** ********."

Facewatch ***** ***********

**********************'* *********** ** * "************* ** our ********** ** *********** *** ******* ethical *** ***** *********."

****, * **** ****/**** ** ****** investigation***** ************** **** *** ****-**-*** ****** ***** at *** ******* ************ ** ******* (which ********* ********** *********.)

Predecessor **** ****** ****** *********** ****

**** *********, *******'* *********** ** ****** Commissioner, **** ******,************* ****** *********** **** ******** ** 2021.

******** ** ***** *** ************* ** ******, **** ** ******** ** ********* a ****** ** * ***** ******* a **** *** **** *** **** titled.

Impact ********

*******, **** **** **** ********** *** deployment ** ****** *********** ** ******* companies ** *** **.

**** ** * ******** *** ********* like *********, *** ***** **** **** a ******** ***, **********, ******** ***********.

**** ******* ******** *** ** ** a ***** ******** ** *** ************ industry, *** ************ ****** ***********, ** Europe.
