Speco President Speaks on Its Positioning and Future

Published Jun 14, 2024 12:24 PM

NY-based Speco Technologies has been in business for decades, being an early importer of Asian products, but like many importers/OEMs, they declined with the rise of Dahua and Hikvision. Now, post-NDAA ban, how is Speco positioning itself?

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In this report, we examined Speco President Todd Keller's remarks about Speco's business model and strategy.

Executive *******

********** **** *** **** *** *** Hikvision *** *****'* ****** ***** ******* in *** **, ***** *** ********* itself ** "****** ** *** ****" and ******* ** *********** *** ********* revenue-based ******** ***** *** *** "*********** solutions," ********** *** ******* *** *** facial *********** ********* *******, ** **** as *** *** ******* *** ****** to ******* *** *******.

*** ******* ******* ******* ** *****'* pitch ** ****, ** ****, ** OEMs/relables (****, ********* *** ** ***) of *** ******** **** ******** *********, which **** ********** ******. *** *******, while ***** *** ***** **** ****-***** PRC ********* **** ** ***** *** TVT, ****** ****** ******* **** * South ****** ********, *** **** ***. Despite *** ** ******, **** **** of *** ** ********* ** ******** call ********** *********, ********** *****'* ******* engineering *********** ******** *** *** *****-*** on *** ** *** ******** *** products ** ********.

******* ***** ***********, ***** *** *** is ******* *****, ********** ***** *** sales ****, *** ************, *** ****-**** presence, ********** ** *** **** ***-******** / ********* ******. *********** ****** "** the ****** ** *** *****" ***** competitors, *** *******'* ********* ****** ********** lower ******* ** ******, ***** ***** appeal ** ******* ******* ******* *** a **** ****** **** ********.

Speco's *******

******* ** ****,***** **************** *** **** ***** *** *** different ******* *****, ********* ********* *********** Inc. *** *** *** ********** ***********, Provideo *** ************ *******, ***** *** sound *********, **** ** **-**** ********, and ****, *** ** *** **** publicly ****** ****** **** ***** *** name ********* *********** ***. *** ******* was ********** ** **** ************ ** *** **** *** **** Speco ************ ** ****. ** *** ** ****-******* ********, Speco**** ***** ***** *********, ********, *** microphones. *** ******* **** ***** *** ******* **** ** ********"******* ******* *********** *** ********** *****, security, **** ****** ******* ***** *** electronic ***********."

* ********* ***** ****** ******** ** the **** *** *******, *****'* ******* President,**** ******,**** ** ** *** "****** **********"** ******* ** *** *******. ****** also**** ** ** **************** **** **** **** ***** ** among "*** ** *** **** ** the *********-**** **** *********," ***** ** view ** **** ** ********* ** conventional **** *********, ******, ** ******, now ***** *** ****** ** *** cloud *** ***** ********* ********.

***** *********** *********** ****** ** *** early *****. **** ******, *****'* *** in ****,**** ******** ******* ******** *****'* ******* ********* **% ** 2022 *** **% ** ****.

*** ******* *** ********* "*** ** *** *** ** fastest-growing ******* ********* ** **** ******" in ****:

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*******, ***** ****************** *** ***** **** ********* *** Dahua's ****** *********** ** *** **, *** *** ********* *** **** from *** **** ** **** *** employees. ***** **, ***** ********* **** the **** ***, *** *** ******** started ******* ** *****.

Speco's ***** *** **********

*** ******* *** ***** ** ********* on ********. *** ****** ***** ** Speco's ********* ** *** **** *** years ********* * ******** ******** **** for *** *******:

IPVM Image

** * ******* *******, ***** **** not ******** ******** *** *******. **** estimates ** ** ** ** *** tens ** ******** ** ******* *****.

Competitive *********

******** ** ***** ***** ************ *********, Speco's ********* ****** **** *** ******* positions ****** ** *** "****** ** the ****." ****** **** ***** ***** how ***** *********** ****** ******* ******, Hikvision, *****, ***...***:

** **** ** ***** **** ** look ** **** ** *** ***** competitors ** *** **** ** ******, which ** ** **** *** * fantastic ******* ******** *** **-******* ***** security. *** **** ** **** **** here *** ** **** ** ********* and ***** ** *** *** ********* else ****'* *** *****, ***** ****-********** itself ** *** ****** ** *** road. ** **** *** ***********, ** it ** **** *****, *** ** talk ***** **** *****. ** ** is ******** *** ********, *** ** talk ***** *** ******** *** ********.

Recurring ******* ******** ***** ********

*** *** ******* ***** *** ******* to *********** ** *** ********* *******. Speco's ********* **** ****** **** ** an *** *****:

********* ******* ******* ** *** *** it's *** **** ** *** ****** into **. *** *** *** ***** was ***** ***** ** ** ******.

** *** *** ***** *** ****** a ********. *** ******** ******** ****** the ********** ** **** ** ************, and **-***** *******.

*** **** ***** ** ********* **** we *******, ******* **'* *********, ******* it's ******, ******* **'* **, ******* it's *****, ***** *** ** **** advancements **** *** ******** ** ***** within **** ***********.

****** **** ********** *** ****** **** as * ********** ************-***** ******** *** how *****, ** ****, *** * similar ******** ** **** * ***** back:

**** ** **** ** *** ******* of *** ****, **** *** * fantastic ***. **** *** ********* ** everybody's ***** ****. * **** * quick ***** ** **** ***; ** 1998, ***** ******** * **** ****** Resi-Cam. ****-*** *** *********** ***** *********. We **** ******** *** ***** **** have **** ** *** ******** *** a **** ****.

******* *****'* ******** ** ********* *******, Keller ***** ****** ***** ********* **** is "******** ** ******":

** **** ***** ********* *******. ********* has **** ** *** **** ******** forever, *** *********** **** ******, *** they *** * *** ****** ** each ** ***** ***** **** ** out *** ****. *** *** ********* rate ** ******** ** ****** **** residential ******, ******, *** *** **** evolution.

OEM *******

** *** ** *** ******** ** recurring *******, *****'* ********** ******** ***** has **** ********** ******** **** *** Asian *********. *** ******* *** **** changed *** ********* **********. ****** ******* show **** ** *** *** ******* away **** ********, ***, *** *****, from **** ** *** ********* ** recently ** ****, *** **** ** has ***** **** ******** ***** ******* South ****** *** ****** *********. **** 2023 ******, *** ******* ********* **** been **** ***** ******** ********** **** in ****** *** *** **** ** South *****:

IPVM Image

******* **** ***** ***/******** **** ** its ********, ****** ***** ****** **** all ** *****'* ******** *** "*********" on ***** *** ** ** *** panel:

** *** **** ** ****** ** to *** *** ******* *** **** replace **, ** *** **** ** give ** *** ****** ******. *** reason ** **** *** ** *** products *** ********* ** [*** ***], having **** ***** ** **** **** the ******** *** *** *******.

****** **** ******* ********** *** ********** in *** ******* ** *****'* ********:

*** **** ****** **** ***** ** competence **** **** ** **** ***, it ** ******* **. ***, * couple ** ***** *** ** *** some ********* *******. ** *** **** extra ******. ** *******. ** **** the ********** **** ** *** ****** rate **** ***** *%. ****'* *** problem.

Limited *********** ********

** ******* ** ******** ****, ** any, ** *****'* ********* *** ****-********* since *** ******* ***** ****** *** engineering ********, **** ******** ******* ******** ***** *** ** ********* ** "engineers," ****** ***** *** ********* *** in ***** / ******* ** ********* roles:

IPVM Image

"Patented" ********** - **********-***** *********

******* * ******* *********** *********, ***** touted *** **** "*******," ***** ** portrays ** ******* *** *** ************. For *******, ****** **** ***** *** a ****** ** ****-***, *** **** similar ** ****:

** *** * ****** * ****** of ***** *** ****** ****-***. *** concept ***, ***'* **** *** ****; answer **. ** **** **** ***** Ring, *** ***** *** **** ** 1995-1996.

****** **** ****** *** ***"****** *** ****** *** ********* ****** and ********* ** ******* ******* *** response" ************** ** ****, ***** ** **** is "*** **** *******" ** *** Speco **:

** ***, *** ***** ** **** something **** **** **** *********? *** reality **, ** **** *****, ** can'. **** ** *** ** ** alert ****** ** *** **** **** something ***** ** ********* ** **** place ** ********. ***** ********* *** become * ***. [*****'*] **** *** aspect ** *** ** *** *** what ** ***, [** ****] **'** taken ********* ******** ************ ** **** we **** ******* *********.

*** **** ******* ** *** ** are ** *** ***** ***** * witness. *** ***** **********.

*******, **** ***** **** **** ****** patent **** ** ***** *********** ** ***** ************** **** ******.

AI & ****** ***********

*****'* ******* ***** ** *** ****** is *** *** "***********" *********:

IPVM Image

****** ******* ********** ** *****'* ********* / ** *** ********* ********* ** his********* ******* **** ****:

**** *** ******* ** ********** ************, [we *** *****] ******* **'* *****, vehicle, ******* ***** **************, **** ********, all ** ***** ********* ************ ** analytics.

** ******* ***** **** * ********* area, * **** ** *** ********. If *****'* **** *** ***** *** one ****, ** **** * ******* perimeter ****** *** ***** ***** ***** of **** ********. ** *** ***** that ******* ***** **** **** ********* area, *** ********* ****** *****. *** have ******* *******.

****** ***, ** ******* *******, "****** me, ***'** *** ******** ** ** here." ***** **** ******* ** ***** off, ** ** **** ******** ***** the ****** ************** ** ***** ***** to * ******* *******. ** ***** integration ******** **** *** ***********. **, in **** ********** ****, **'* * student ******* ** ****, **'* ** innocent *********. *** ****** ************* [****] decides, ***'* *** ** ******** ** elevate ****.

********* ****** *********** ************, ****** **** an ******* ****** *** *** *****:

**** *** ************ ** ** *** artificial ************, ** **** *** ******* to *** ** *** ***** **** area ** *********, *** ** ** don't **** ** **-******** ** **** back, ** **** *** **** ** the ******. **** ******* **** ** Number ***, ** *** *** **** almost *** ******* ******** ** * company ****** *****, * ******** ******** so ** *** **** **** ******* station.

****** ***, ** *** **** ** to ***** ******* *** *** *** communication *** * **** *** ******* to *** "****** **, *****, **** to *** *** *** ***'** *** supposed ** ** ****."

****** *****, *** *** **** ********* thing ** ** ******* *** *** your ************* ** ****. ** ***** it **** ****** *** *** ****** on *** *******.

** **** ********** ****** ***********'* ***** in *******:

******'* ******* *** ******* ********, *** Johnny's ****** ** *** ******** ** be ****. ** [*****] **** ******'* father's **** **** *** ****** ***********. If ** ***** **** ******, ** want ** *** ********.

***** ***** ** *** ****** *********** as *** ******* ***** ** *********** and *********, *****'* ********* *** *** highly ********* **** *** ***********' *********, as **** ****** ***** ******* ********** solutions.

Tomorrow's **********: "****** ************ *** ****** **********"

****** **** **, ****** ***********, *** its *******, ****** **** "**** ** installation" ** **** ** *****'* *** during *** *** *****. ** ******** the ********* ** ***********:

********'* ********** ** *** ******* ** continue ** ******* ******* *** **** sure ******* *** ********* ****** ********.

***, ** ******** *** **** ** installation ** *** *******, **** **** QR **** *** *** *** ***********, at * ***** *** ** *** dealer, ** ***** ******* ** ****** things ********. ******** ****** ******** ***** reduce ***** *****.

******* ************* *** ****** **********, ***** also "****-*********" ****** ** ** **** in ********** ****** *********, ******* "**** of ***" ***********.

Customer *********: *********, ****** ****, ***** ** *******, ***

***** ******** ** **** ********** *** residential *******. ****** ******** ** *** verticals *** ******* ** ** ****** his ********* ******* **** ****:

*** ******** ***** **** ** ****** do * ********* *** ** [***] education, ****** ****, ****** ** *******, and **** ********** ** **** ** residential ************.

****** **** **** **** *** **** of ********-******** ******* ****** *** ****, and ****'* **** ********* *** *** the *********:

*** **** ** ******* ***** *********** for * ******** **** *** ** more. *** ********** ** ****** ***** products *** *********.

Invests ** "***********" *** *** ***********, ********* ******* ******** *** ****

****** **** ** *** *** ***** that *****'* ******* ******** ** *** New **** **** ******. ** ******** on *** ***** ** ********* ** the *** **** **** ****** **** witnessing **** ********* ***** *********:

** ********* ** ** ** ******** and **** ** **** ********* ********* that **** *****. ** **** ** the ********* ******** **** *** **** see **** ***** ** * ****** and * *******.

** *** ********* ******* **** ****, Keller ********** ** *** ***** ******** its "***********" ********** **** ***** ******** image ******* ** ******* ******** **********:

** ******* **** *** ***********, ** invented * ********** ****** ************. *** Intensifiers **** ******** [** ****] ** extremely *** *****; ** **** **** to ******** ****** ** ********* *** light.

**** *** ***********, ** **** **** to ******** ******* [*******] *** ******* a ***** *****; ** *** ******* a **** ***, ** ********** **** would **** ******** *** ***********. *** enforcement ***** **** ******* **'* *** just * *****-***-***** *******. ** **** cases, ** **** **** ******* ******* with *** ************ ** **** ** pick ** *** **** ** ********, now **'** **** ** *** ***** by *** *** ***** ** ********* low, *** *****.

**** *** **** ******** ***********, ***, e.g.,***** ***** *********** **************** ***** ** ** ***********. ** ** ********* ** ***** reports, *** ********* ** ******** *** blur *** ******:

*** ***** ***** *********** ****** ********* blur ** ****** *******, ******* **** slight ** ******, ********* ** ***** level, *** ******** ** ******* ********* details ** ****** ******* ** *** low ***** ******, ~* *** *** below.

**** ***** ** ******* ** ********** by ******* **** *********** ******** (**-***, defaulting ** ***) ** ****** ******* speed ** */***, *** ******* *** 2D/3D ***, *** **** ******* ***** brightness *** ********* ******* *****, *********** negating ***********'* **********.

** ******* **** ********* ******** ************* in *** **** ******, *** **** tactics *** ** ****** *********.

Sales *** *******

******* *** ******* ********** ********** ******, Speco ** ********** ********* ** ***** and *******. ******* */*** ** *****'* employees *** ** *****, *** *** next ******* ***** ****** ***** ** technical *******.

********** **** *** ********** ****** ***** and *********, ***** *** ** *********** to **** *** ***** *** ******* of ***** *******, ******* *****'* ******* misrepresentation ** *** **** ******** ************ of ***** ********.

Comments (3)
Undisclosed #1
Jun 14, 2024

****** ******** ** ** **************** **** **** **** ***** ** among "*** ** *** **** ** the *********-**** **** *********,"

* ***'* ******** **** * **** company, **** *** **** **** * specialty *********** **** ***** **** ***** brands. **** ***** *** **** ****** good ** ** ***** * ***** Jobs-esque ***** ** *************, ********** **** that *** ******** *** ******* ** different ** **** ***.

John Honovich
Jun 14, 2024

**** ****** ** *** ***** **** of ****? * ***** ** ***** take **** ;)

** * **** ******* ****, * heard *** ******* ** ** *** Expo **** **** **** *** ** was ***** * **********, ******** ************.

David Pilchick
Jun 17, 2024
Brooklyn Low Voltage Supply

***** ******** * *** ** ***** to *** ********

**** **** **** ** **** ******** business **** ***

* **** * *** ** ******* for **** *** *** ****

*** **** ***** ** *********
