US Drone Manufacturer Skydio Dropping Consumers, Focusing on Enterprise

Published Aug 14, 2023 15:28 PM

A Silicon Valley drone start-up, Skydio, which raised more than ~$560 million in funding, announced that it "sunset" its consumer sales and will focus on enterprise and public safety markets. But why did the company do so, and how can it affect Skydio's future?

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In this report, we examine the company's move and its potential effects on the company's future and the drone industry.


** ****** ****, ********** ************* ** "******" *** ******** ***** offerings, ******* **** ******'* ****** ** enterprise *** ****** ******* "*** ****** so **********" **** ** "******* ******* less **** *** **** ***** *** attention" ** *** ******* ***** *****:

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***** *** ************, *** *******'* ******* no ****** ******** ******** "*********", ** the ******* ***** *****:

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***** ****** ******* *** "********* ******** / ******* ***********" *** ********* **** do *** **** *** ****** *** sale ** ******** *********, *** ******* stated ***** ******* **** **** ******** ** ******* existing ******** *********:

***** ****** **** *** **** *** drones ********* *** **** ** *** consumer *********, ** *** ********* ** supporting *** ***** *** **** ********** purchased *** ********.

Defense/Public ******/***********

**** *** ******* ******** **** *********, Skydio **** **** **** **** **** three ***** ******* **** **** **** focus ** - *******, ****** ******, and ***********. *** *******'* ************ *** not ********* ** ********** ******* ***** three, ** *** ****:

*** *** ********* ** *** ******** and ** ** *** ********** ******* these *****.

***** *** ******** ******* *** ******* representation ** *** *******'* *******, ****** confirmed ** **** **** *** ****** are **** *** ********, *** *** company **** "********** ******** *** ******" in **** ****:

************ *** ******* ***** **** *** security *** ** *** ********** ******** and ****** *** **** *** **** across * ***** ** **********.

*** **** ********** ** ****** *** security *********, ********* *****/******** ******* *******,*********** ******** ***** ******* ****, ************ **** ***** ************ ******* ****.

Focus ** **********: **** *** ****

***** *** *****-**** **** ****** **** from ********* *** ******** ** ********** customers, **** ** *********** ** ** average ******** ****, ***** ***** ******, etc.

******* **** ****

********* **** *** ********** ********* ****** can ******** *** **** ** ** average **** *** ******, ** ********* typically ***'* ******* **** **** * few ******, ***** **********/*** ***********/******** ***** require ****** ** ****** ** ****** cover * ***** ********* ***/** **** drones ** * ****** ** ********* worldwide.

****: ****** ******** ** ********* ** the **** ** *** ******** *** enterprise *****.

********* ******

******* **** ***********, ***** ******, *** law *********** ***** **** *** ************ of ****** ***** ******, ** ********* these ********* **** ** ** ********, and ********** ***** **** ** ** allocated. ** ********, ** *** ******** market, ********* ********, ***** ****** *** shorter.

******* *** *** ********

***** ******* ** ***********, **/**** *** company ******* ** ******* *** ******** or ****** ******** **** *** ******** the ******, ***** ** ****** **** of * ******* *** ********** ** government *********. ** *** ***** ****, in ******** *******, ***** *** *** more *********** *** ************ ** *** "drone-for-consumers ******," *****, ** ***** **** significant ***** *********, * ******** ***** likely **** ******* *****.

NDAA *** ** *** - ***** ** **********/********** *******

***** *** ** ***** *** *** dominance ** *** ******** ******, **** bans *** ** ********* ***** *** use ** *** ***** **** ** the **********, ***** ******* ** *********** for ****** ** ****** * *********** drone ******** ** *** **********/********** *****.

************, ****** *** *********** **** ******** ($*** ******* ****** *** ****), ***** **** *** ******* ** a ********* ******** ** ******** ************* and ********* ***** ****** / *** company.

*** **** ** ***, ***** ********* *** *** * ***** Surveillance *************,*** ******** ************ ******* *** ******.

1,500+ ********** ********* ***** ****

** ****,****** ******** *** ***** ***** ******** toward **********/****** *********(**), *** ***** ****, *** ******* added"**** *,***" ********** *** ****** ****** customers. ********, ** *** **** * months, ****** ******** *** ******** **** by ~*** (******* *,***+ *********** ******** ****).

$60-75 ******* ** *****, ********* ** ********** *********

****************** *********** **** ********** **** $**+ ******* ** ***** to ********** ********* (**, **** *******, customers **** **** **** ********** *****) - $** ***$** *******, ************.

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*** ******* ******** ** ******* ** its *****.

Net ******** *** *** ********

***** *** ***** ** *** ****'* impact ** *** ***** ******** ***** market ******* ** ** ****, **** believes **** *** *******'* **** *** resources **** ********** ****** *** ***** industry.

***** ******'* ***** *********** ******* **** conventional ****** *** ******** *********, **** as ********* **** ** ***********, ** overall ******** ** *** *** ** drones **** ********** (*) ******** ********* about *****-***** *********, *** (*) ******** prices, ******* ********* *** ***** ******** hurdles.


****** *** **-******* ** **** ** three *********,*** **** ***,********** ********, ******* *******, *** ***** ********* *** *** Bry *** ******** ******* ***** *********** degrees *****.

**** ***** *****, ** ****, *** company ******** *** ***** *******,**, "*** ****-****** ******".

***** ****, *** ******* ******** *** fleet *** ***** *** ***** ***** -****** *********** *+.

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Background: **** $*** ******* ******

****** *** ****** * ***** ** $562 ******* *******, *** *********** ***** *******, ********** ******* ******* *********, *************, ******, *** ****. *** ****** round *** **** ** ******** ****, where****** ****** $*** ********* *** ****** * ** * $2.2 ******* *********.

**** ** *** **** ******* **** we've **** *** * ***** *******, with **** *********** ******* **** **** $50 *******, ***** ** *** ******** available **** (*********,*********,****** ********). *** ********* ** ** ******* company,********, *********** ~$*** *******(***** * ***** **** **** ******).

Background: ******** ******

****** ** ** *** *** ******* drone ************ *** ******** / ****** / *********** ******* ********* ** ********- ***** ** ~* ***** **** than ******** ** ****** ********* *** *********(***** ********* ********* ***** **** **** than **).

********, *** ******* ** ************ ****** growth ** **% ** *** **** year, ** *** ******* ***** *****:

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Background: *** ******* ****** ****-****

****** *********** * *** ****** ** revenue **** **** ** ****, ** it *** ******** ** ******* ******** ********** **** *** ********.
