Why This School District Replaced Hanwha With Verkada

Published Jul 16, 2024 13:34 PM

Hanwha and Verkada are two of the fastest-growing video surveillance providers of the last five years, so why choose one over the other?

IPVM Image

IPVM recently spoke with an end-user who subscribes to IPVM about the issues they had with Hanwha and why they selected Verkada, examining key themes IPVM sees as this industry transitions to the cloud.


*** ****** ****** ******** *** **** using ****** *** ***** **** ***** before ******** ********* ** *******. *** main ******** **** ****** **** **** Hanwha's **** *** ******** (***** **** ******* *****), ************ **** ********, ********, *** obtaining ******* (******** **** *****).

***** ************ ** *** ** *** school's ** ************, ***** ************ **** it **** *** **** * *********** security *** **** *** **** **** limited ***** *** * ****** ****** to ******** **-**** ********** **********.

*** *** ***** **** **** **** up ***** ******** ** **** **** view *** "**** ********** *******... **** well-supported ******** **** *** ******," **** is, *** ************ **********, ** *** end **** ****:

**** ** **** ** ** *****, I ****** * ****** ****** **** was ****** *** **********. * ********** that ***most ********** ******* we used in our district, that accomplished this, were ones that were ****-********* ******** from the source. [emphasis added]

Cloud ******** *********

*** **** ******** ********* ** ***** from ******** **** **** *** *************—******* is *****-******, ***** ******'* **** ** on-premise (**** ********, *******, ***-** *****). The *** **** ********* ******* ***** cloud "***** **** *******." ******, ********* providers *** ************ ****** ** ***** new ***** ******** **** *******; *** example, ****** ** ****** ** ** this **** ******/******** *******,*** ******* ***** **** ** ** so **** *** ******** ********** *.

Support ********** *** *******

******* *** ***** **********, *** **** notable *** *** ****** ****** *** about *** ******* ******** ******* *** chat ******** ** *******'* *** ******. For **********, **********'* ******** **** ************** ****** ***** **/* *** ******** Live **** *******).

*** ****** **** **** ******* **% of *** ******* ******** *** **** directly ** *** ****** ** *******'* own ******* ****. ****** ****** **** and *********** *** ************ ***** ************ systems, *******'* **** *** *********** *** a ********'* ****** *** **** *** things ***********. ***** ** ** ***** from *** ******* ****** ************* **** this ***** ****:

IPVM Image

***** ******** **** ** ****** ** web ************ *********, ** ** ******** in ***** ************ (**** ******* ***** a ******* ******** *******) ******* **** systems, **** ** ******'* ****, *** still *** ***** ********** ** *** cloud.

******* ******* *** ****** ****** ** that ** ********, **** *** ****** finds **** ** ****** **** ****** be *********** ******** ** *** ******* technician, ******* **** **** *** ******** updates **** **** ******* *** *******, with *** ****** *** ****** ** do ********. **** *** **** ********** it ** ******** ************ *******, ******* sent **** ******** ***** *** ****** to ******** ****** **-******* ******* ** try ** *** ******. **** ** similar ** *** ********** **** *** workload *** ********** ** ***-***** *******.

Hanwha *******

*** ****** ********** ** ****** ******* issues:

* *** ** ********** **** *** vendor ** **** ** ***** *** an ***** ********. * ******’* **** them ******** ****** * *** * Hanwha *******. *** ******* ********** **** good *******, *** *********** **** *** overwhelming, **** **** ************* *** **** features ** ****’* ****. ********* * had ** **** ** *** ******* myself, *** * ******* *** **** Hanwha ************* *** ******* *******. **** I ***** ******, *** ******* **** inconsistent *** ***** ***** ** ******* to ******* ***** ** *** ****. There *** ** *************** *** ** update ******* ** ****, *** ***** management **** **** ***** *******.

Wave ******** ******

** ****, **** ****** ***** *******:

******* ****, ***** ******** *** ******* footage, *** ***** **** ** ****** but * ********* ** ******. ** had * ********* **** ****** ******** at **** ******. **** ***** *** “automatic” ******** ** *** **** ****** software ****** ***** ******** *** ** the *****. ** ****** **** ***** update ***** ***** *********. *** ***** case ****** ***** ******, ****** ***** staff ***** *** *** **** *** Wave ****** ** ***. *** ******* would **** ** ** ******** ********** at *** ****** ** ***. ***** much ***********, ****** ******* ******** **** didn’t **** *** ** *** *** problem *** **** ** ********. *** weeks *****, **** ****** ** ************ and ******** ** **** ** *** a ***. **** **** ** ***** software ******* **** ******** *** *****. I *** ***** *** ******* **** software *** *** ******* ** ********* a ********* ******* ****** ** ******** and *******. * **** ***** **** of ***** ************ ****** ********** ****. What ***** ******* ** **** ** Hanwha *** ******* ****** ** ******* their *** *******? *** **** ********* would * **** ** ******* **** an *************** *****? * ***’* ****** perfection **** *** *******, *** * pay **** ***** ********* ** *** they ****** ****** **** **** *** encountered.

* *********** ****** ** ****** ****** Wave ***** ******** ****** ********* ** coordinate **** ********* **** ******* ******* (i.e., ******* *****).

*******, ** *** *** **** **********, some ** ***** *** **** *********** issues *** ** *** ****** ** being **-******* ****** *****-******* *******:

*********** *** **** ******* *** **** was ******* ********. ******* ************** ****** disrupted ******* *** *******. ******* **** drives ****** ******* *********. **** ****** updates, ******* ****** *******, ******* ****** updates. **** ***** ***** ******* *** what **** **** ****** ******. * lot ** **** ***’* *********** ***** or ******’* *****, *** **'* **** the ****** ** ****** ** **-******* system.

Role ** ***********

***** *** ***** ********** ******** **** Hanwha ********* *** ****** ****, *** overall ****** ****** ****** ******** ***** long-term ******* *** *** ********** ** the ************ ****** ****** ****** *******:

*** *** *** ***** ** ****** integrator ***. **** **** ***** *** whole ****, *** **** **** **** helpful, ****** **** **** *** **** to *** ****** **** ****** ********** could ***. **** **** ******** ** helpful **** * ******* ** ******* how **** *********** * **** ***** with **** *** *** *******. **** would ****** ** * ****** ** switch ***********, ** ** **** ** the ******** *********** ******* ** ***** to ******* *******? ***** **** *** just ************ *********. **** **** ********* I *** ******* *********** **** ***** products *** ******** **** ** ***.

**** ** **** ** ** *****, I ****** * ****** ****** **** was ****** *************. * ********** **** the **** ********** ******* ** **** in *** ********, **** ************ ****, were **** **** **** ****-********* ******** from *** ******. * **** ******* with ******, ** * *** **** it *** *** ****. ***** ** you ** ** *** ******* *** at *** ***?

Verkada "** ******"

******* ******** ********"** ******" (*** ****'* ****), ****** **** ***-**** *** *** been **** ** ***** ******* ** since ****** ** ********* ** ****** break.

*** *** **** ****** **** **** were ********** ** ***** **** *** notifications / ****** (*** ***** *****-******** about *******'* ** ****** ** **** it ****** ***** ** ***** ********* of ***** *** ****** *****). ** will ** *********** ** *** *** this *******, ** ** ** ** beta ***, *** ** *** **** shows, ***** ** *** ***** *******, it **** *** **** *********** ********* and ** ****** ******** *** ****** in ******.

Using ******* ******

*** ****** ** ********** ***** ******* for******/**********, ************ ***** *** ******* ** generate ****** ** *** ******* ******* (e.g., ******* **** *********; *******: ******* ****** ******). *** ********* ** ******* ***** ** ******** ****** ***** video ********* ** ***.

Extremely *********

**** *******, *** ****** ********** *** Verkada *** **** "********* *********" ** engage **** *** ****** ******** ** fix ******** *** *** ********. *** aspect ** **** ** **** *** cloud ******* ******** ***** **** *** quick *************.

**** *******, ******, ******* ** ** high-growth ****, ***** *** ******* ** sacrificing ******* *** *********** **** **** to ***** * ****** *** ****** offering. ** ********, ********** **** ** Hanwha ******* *** ** **** *** improve *** *** ********* **** *** with *** ************ ** ****** ********** to ******** ******* ***** ****.

*** ***, *******, **** *** ************ eventually **, **** ********** ** *** stage ***** ** (** * ****** potential ********) **** ******** **** ********** from *********, *** *** ***, *** users **** **** ****** **** ******* from *******'* ********.

Most ********* *******

**** *** **** ************ **** *******'* licensing ***** ** *** **** "*********" or "*************" *******, *********** *** "*******" **** **** **** ******.

** *** ***** ****, *** *** user ********** *** *********** **** ******* and ******** ********* ** ****** **** the ******* ******** **** *** **** the **-******* ****** ****** ** *******'* cloud ***.

Apple **. ******* **********

**** ********** ******* ** ***** **** Apple ** *** ******* ** ************ surveillance *******, ************* **** ******* **** Hanwha **** ******* ******** *************** **** some *** **** *********, *** *** them, ***** *** ********* *** **** applicable. *** ******** ** *********** *** supporting "*******-****" ******* **** **** ********.


**** ***** *** ****** ** **** as *** ********* *** ***** ** becoming ** ********, ***********, *** ********, most ***********, ************* ******** ********** *** users. ** ***** ******** **** ** Verkada ****** ***** ******* *********, ********** such ** ****** **** **** ** ensure **** **** *** ***** ** those **** ***** **********.

Comments (45)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 16, 2024

*********** *******. *** **** **** **** source ** ****** ***** *** ***** comparison *** *** **** ********* ** verkada (***** *** ****). ** ***** like ******** *** ***** **, ****** is ************* *** ************ ** *** added ***** *** ****** ***** ****** brings.

Mark Jones
Jul 16, 2024

** ****** ****** ********* *** ***** of **** *********.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 16, 2024

******* **** ** **** ****: *** client **** ********* *** *****, ******* any ****** ***** ********* ** ******** by *** **** ** *** *****?

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jul 16, 2024

** ********* * ****** ******, * will **** *** ******* ************. **'* been * ***** *** ***** *** Wave ******* ******** ******** *** ********* users ** ******. ** **** ***** (such ** *** ***** ******** ** 5.0) ***** **** ***** ****** **** came ** ***** ******* **** ****** significant ******* ** ********* *** *** users. **'** ****** ** *** ***** about *** *** ******* *** ****** worse *******, *** ** ******* *****'* a ******* ** *** * ****** and **'** **** *** **** **** has **** *******. **** ** ***** when ***'** ***** **** ******* ** a ***** ****** ***** **** ** affecting ********* *********.

** ** ***** ******* ** ** that ***** ******* **** ******** *** prompt ***** ** ******* ****. *'** had *** **** ****** ***** ****** tell ** **** **** **** ***** most ** ***** ****** ***** * do, ***** ** *********** ** ****. I **** *** ******** *** *** licensing *********, *** *** **** **** service *** **** ******* ** **** for * *** *****. **********, *** past * ****** *** **** *** most ****** **** **** *** **** since ** ******* ***** **. **** all ** *** ********** ************ *** innovation ***** ******, *** ******* ***** that ***** ** ** **** ** that **** *** **** ** **** cameras, *** *** *** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jul 16, 2024

** ***** **** **** ****** *** Wisenet **** *** ** ***** **** of *******. ***** ***** ******* ** huge, *** ** ***** ***** *** solid *******. **** ** ******, **** passed *** **** ** ******* ****** in ******* **** ** *** ****. I ***'* ********** *** *** *** sell * ******* *** ** *** in ******* ***** *** ** **** on ****. ***** **** ********* ***** of ***** ** *** *** **** focus ** * ******* ** ******** that *** *********?? ****, ****'* * crazy *******.

****** **** ***** ** ******* ******** have ***** *** *** ** "***" the ****** ***** ** ** ********. When *** *** ****** * *** too **** *****, *** ***** ** move ****.

** **** **** *********...****...*** **** * call, * *** ******* **** ** knowledgeable ***** *** ******* *** *** actually **** ** *** ** *****. Is ******** **** *********...****...*** **** *****, I *** *** *******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #17
Jul 20, 2024

**** ***** *** **** ** ****.

Undisclosed End User #4
Jul 16, 2024

****** ******** ** ********** ****. *** IT ************ *** ***** ************ *** much **** ** *** "*******" ****, as *** ******* ********. **** ***** comes ** ** ****** *********** ****** often.

** ***** ** **** ****** ****** / ******* ************ *** ***** *** a ****** ** ***** ******** ************ projects. ***** ** ****, ** *** an **-***** **** ******* & *********** Orchid ******** **** ** **** ***** with.

***** ~* ***** ** **** ******* from *** **********, ****** ******* *** corners **** **************, *** ***** ******* with ************, ** **** ** *** back **-*****. *** ** ****** ********** but ******** ******* *** ******* *** devices.

** *********** *** ********* **** *** hardware **** ******* ** *** **** IPConfigure ****** (** *****), ********* ** their ****** ******* ** ******* ****** access *****. ** **** ********, ******* reset, ************, *** ******** *** ****** Hanwha *** ****** **** ****** ***** to ******. ******'* ******** ******* *** camera ********/****** ********** ***** **** * lot ** ** *******, ** *** new ********* **** ** ****.

*** ****** ***** **** *** ** these ********* **** ****:

  • ******* *******: * **** ******* *******-***** client ** *********. **% ** *** devices *** ****** **, *** ******* or ***. ********* ****** ** *********.
  • **** ********* *** *********: ** **** to **** *** ****** *** ********* platform ********. **'** ********* ******** ***** vendor ****-**. ***** **** ** ****** use ********* **** *****, ****, ***, and **** **** ** ** ********* to **.
  • **** *******: ***** *** ** ***** protected *********** *******, ********* ** *** content. ******* *** ***** **** ****** locally ***** ** ****** ** ****. Breaches ** ***** ********* **** *** last *** ***** ***** ** ******.
  • *************: ******* ** **** ***** ******* segmented ** ********, *** *** *** & ********* ******* ** ******* **** as *** ***** ******* ** ********, with ** ******** ******** ****** *** a ****. ******* ******** ******* *** reacting ** *************** ** **** *********.
  • *******: ******* **** ************* **** **** interact **** ** ******** ******* * partner / ********** ******** *** **** important.
Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 16, 2024

* *** *** *** ** *** article *** **** ** *** ******** size ** *** ****** ******(****** ** schools, ********, *****, ***) *** *** size ** *** ******** ******. *** you ******* *** ** **** **** for * *** **** ******* *** the *** ****?

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2024

**** **** * ***** *******, ** it's *** **** *** **'* **** not * **** ****** ********.

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2024

**** **** * ***** *******, ** it's *** **** *** **'* **** not * **** ****** ********.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 17, 2024

****** *** **********. ** *** **********, smaller ****** ******* *** ******** *** IT ********* *** **** **** ******* on **** *********. ****** ****** ******* with ***** ***** ** ******* **** SaaS **** ************ ***** **** ******* have *** ***** ** ******** **-**** systems.

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2024

***** **, *** **** ************* *** we **** **** ******* *** **** very *** ****** ***** *.*.******* $*+ ******* ****-**** *** ***** North ******** ****** ****** ********

Undisclosed Integrator #16
Jul 19, 2024

*** ****. ********* **** ***** ****** counts *** **** **** **** ***** will ****** ** *** **** **** on ****. *** ***** **** ** never ********** ** *********** ** *** time ** ***** ** ****** **** say ** ******* **, *** **** cameras ********, *** *** ***** ******* PC ** * ********* *****. ** be ***** ***** ****** *** ****** system ***** ** **** ** ** date ***** (**** ** *****).

Rob Oldham CPP®, PSP®, PCI®
Jul 16, 2024

********** **** * ********** ********** *** provide ********* ******** *** ******* *** save *** **** *** **** ** aligning **** *********** *******. *** ******* cameras *** **** ****, ** **** are ** *** **** ********* ** some ****.

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2024

******* ******* *** *** ***, **** is **** *** *** *********** ******* else's *******. ******* **** *** **** / ******** ************* *** **** ********* their *** ******** / ********.

Undisclosed #7
Jul 16, 2024

** **** ****** ** ******* *** dependency ** *** *****, *'* ****** this ******** *** **** * *** mistake, * ****** ******* ** * liqueur ***** *****, *** * ****** district??? * ***** * ****** ** when *** ********** **** **** ******* some **** ******. ****** **** **** this **** ** ******* *********,

Undisclosed End User #19
Jul 25, 2024

*** *** * ******** ** ****** of *******? * **** *** *** they **** **** *******.

* ********* *** ******** ** *** article *****. *** ******** ****** *** amount ** *********** ** **** ** choose ****. *******, ** **** ** integrator *** ** ******* ** ******** installation *** ******** ***************. *****, ** our ***** **** ***** ** ******* more **********, ** **** ***** **** and *** ***** ******* ******* ********** to **** ****. **** ********* **** have * ****** ** ** ***********, and ***** *********** **** ** **** limited ************. ****** ******* *** ******* us ** ******* **** ** *** simple ****** *******.

**********, ** ***** **** ******** * call ** ***** ********** *** ***** to ** **********. ****, * **** would ** ********* ** **** **-****. They ***** ****** ******* *** ******* themselves ** ******* ***** ** ********** for ****** ***************. ** *** *****-**** scenario, ** **** ** **** ***** the ** ********** *** **** **-****, and **** ***** **** ** ******* the ************ *** *******. ** *** best **** ********, *** **** ** deployed ** *** **** *** *** can ******* *** ***** *******. ***** we ***** ********** *** **** ****. It ** ***** ****** **** **** a ***** ****** *** *****.

*** *'* **** ** ******* **** issues ** ** *** ** **** time **** ** ***** **** ***** an ********** ** ******* ** *******. I **** **** ** ******* *** issue *** **** ** ******* *** is **** ** *********** ********** **** anyone ******** ** *** *********** ** the ******, ** ********, ** *********. I *** ***** * **** ** my ******** *** **** ** ** lunch *** ******* **** ** ***** if * **** **. ** ********** can ** ****** ** *** ****** process ** **** **** **** ** happening ** *** ***** ******** ** ongoing *********** ** ******** ************.

*** ********** ** ***** ******* ****** on ** ********** ******** *** *******, their ***********, *** *** ******-********** *****. Verkada ******** * *** ** **** for ************* ******** **** *** ********. I *** *** **** **** ********* the **** *** ******* ******* ** integrator ******** ******, *** ** **** seems ** ****** ** ***********. ******* is ********* ******** ****** **** **** can ** **********. * ***** **** to *** **** *********** ******* *** growth ** *** ***** *** ***** prompt, ****** ************* *** ********** ********.


*** **** ** * **** ** wait *** *** ********* ** *** and *** **** ****** ** **** up? ** **** *** ******* *** over *** ***** *** **** *** to ********** ******** * ***** ******** an ******. *******, *** ****** ** experienced **** ****** ****** ****** ***** months. ****** **** ****, *** **********, Hanwha, *** ******* ***** **** *** scratching ***** *****. ******** ******** ** be ***** ***** ****, ***** ***** to *** ***********. ** ***** **** a *********** ****** **** *** ************ to *** ** **** ** * similar ********* ** **** ** ***********. The ********** ******* * ******** *** not ******* ***** **** ********. *** majority ** ****** ** **** ************ were **** **** *** *********** *** easy ** ** *** ********* ** get **** ****** **** ** **** on ***********, *** *** *** ********* for *** ************, *** *** **** the ********* *** **** ** ***** own ********.

*'* *** ****** ******* ** *******, I'm ****** ******* **** **** ***** a ******* ***** **** ***** *** it ****** ****** **** * ***/** the ********** **** **********.

Undisclosed Integrator #8
Jul 16, 2024

** ****** **** *** ***** ***** down ** * *** ********* *** an ************* *** **** ****** ** run ***** *** ******. * ***'* agree **** **** ** *** ******** above ********** ******. **** **** *** Device ******* *** *** ********* * large ****** ** ******* ***** ***** up ** ** *******.

Undisclosed End User #19
Jul 25, 2024

* ***** *** ****** *** **** of *** ******* ***** * *** quoted ******* ***** *** *****-***** ****** outage. ** *** * *** ** Wave, *** * ***'* *** *** Hanwha *** ******* *****'* ********* ** fix *** ***** *********** ** ** inexperience ** * *** ************. ** issue ** **** ***** ********. **** released * ******* **** **** ***** not ******* *** ** ********* *** the *** ** *** ***** *** able ** ******* **. ** *** expertise *** *****, **** **** ** the ******** *** * **** ******* model ***** *** ***** *** *** reach *** *******. *** ********** ** end **** *******'* **** ** ***** and **** ******* ** ****** ** get ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #9
Jul 16, 2024

* ***** ***'** *** **** ** many ****** ** *** *****. ***** has * *** ** ***********. *** still ***** ***** ** ****** *** hardware *** ******* ******. *** ****** issues *** *** **** **** ****** to ** * **** ** *********** and ******* ** ******** **** *** story. *'** **** *** **** ******** issues, *** **** **** **** ******** and *** *** * ******* ******* for ****, *** * ***** ***** that **** * ******. ** *** want ********** *******, ******* ********* ** an ********** ***** ****** **** * full ******* ****.

******* ** ********** *** ****. **** are **********, **** * ***** ***** that ******* ** **** *** **** it ****** *** *** *** **** to *** ***** ******. *** ********* old ***** ****** **** **** ** a *** ** **** **** **** their *** ** *******, ********, ******* and **** ** *** ***** ********** to ***** ******.

* ********** ***** **** ****** *** massive *** ***** *** *** **** a *** ** ***** ******* **** consuming *** *********** ** ****** **** poor ******* *************. **** ****** ******** performance ******* ********** ** *** ***** AI ********. ***** **** *** ***** day ** ******* ****, ** **** don't **** ** ***** ******* ********, quality, ******* *** **** ** ***, Axis *** **** **** **** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #10
Jul 16, 2024

** ** **....**** ******* *** ** spot **.

**** ***** ******/******* ***** ** ***...*** anything ********...******** ** *****...**** ****!!!!

********* *** ***** *********** ****** *** have ** **** **** *** **** to *** *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 16, 2024

******** ** ****** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #10
Jul 17, 2024

***** **** ******* **** ** *** only ******* ** ***** ******** **** really **** *****. ******** **** ** their *********, **** ****** ***'* ****. They **** ****** ******** ** ***** growth *** *********** ** *** **** of *** ********.

*** **** ***** **** *** ********? Aside **** *** ********* ******* *******? Its *** **** ******** ** ***** into ******** *** ********** **********...** ***** verticals ******* **** ********* ******** ************.

*** ******* ** ********, *** ****** to ***** *********** *** **** ********** who **** *** **** *****, *** when ** ***** ** ******* ******* with ** ** ** ************ ** their ******** *******, **** ****, ********* echo *** **** ***** *********.

*****, * **** ** * ***** max ****** **** **** ** ** kill **. ***** ** ******* ** by * ****** *** **** ******* reason, *** ****** **** * *** written *** **** **.

Undisclosed Integrator #14
Jul 17, 2024

**** ****** ******** *** * ***** access ******* ********, **** **** **** bought *** *** * ***** ***** solution, *** *** *** ********* **** into * ****** ********* *** ****** more ******** **** ********* ********* *** better ******* **** *** ******** ****. This ** **** ******* ** ********: owners **** **** **** ** ****, and ********* **** ** ***. * am **** ******* *** **** **** to **** **** ********, *****?

* **** **** ** * *** of ********, *** * ** *** hear *** **** ******* *** ***. Lots ** *** ******** ******** *** leading **** ****, *** **'* ******* rapidly. ** **** **** * **** growth **** **** **** *** *** clients.

** *** *****, * ****** ***'* understand *** **** ****. ** *** like ******** *******, **** *** **** no ****** *** ** **** *****. Pelco ** ******** ** ******* ** 3rd ***** **** **** **** **** AI **** ** ** ******** *******, which ** ***-********** **, ** ***** in **** *******.

Michael Miller
Jul 16, 2024

****** *** **** ******** ***** ** Alta *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #11
Jul 16, 2024

* ********** *** ************ ** **** end ****. **'** ********** *** **** thing **** ****. *** *** **** update ********* ******** ****** ** ***** server ************. *** ***** *** **** frustrating ***** ** ** *** ******'* support. **** ****** **** ******** ***** Wave ******. *** ******** ** **** I *** ******** ***** ** * Wave ****** *** ******* *** ******* Optix ********* ******.

** **** **** ******** ** * VSaaS ***** ******* ** ****. ******** Alta *** **. ******* ** ********** at ***** *** ******** *** ** good ** ******* **** ** ***** into *** ********. **** ******* *** access **** ********** *** ******* *** same ***** ******. *** ******** **** with ** **** ******* *** ********** or *** **** ***** ** **** very ****.

********** **** *** **** ********* * was ******* ******** *** ***% * have *** **** ****** *** *****. The **** **** ******* *** **** me * *** *********. ** ** just *** ******** ** ** ****** be.

Undisclosed #12
Jul 16, 2024

* ***** * *** ** *** folks **** **** ** **** **** and ******** **** **** *** ******** (market) ** ****** ******* ******* *********... good ****, * ****. * **** no **** ** *** **** ** maybe * **** *** ********* ** better *** ** ******* *** **** of *** ********.

******* *** ******* *** ******* ******* the *****, **** ********, "* **** the **** ******." ***** ***'* * bad ***** ** ***** **** ***** point ** ****. *********, "* ****** a *** ** ********* ******* **** a *** ** ******* *** * just **** ** ****** ** ****. Manage ******, ********* **** *******, **** to *** *** **** ********* **** down/wrong *** ****** ***** **. ***** off."

**** ** **** * ***** * lot ** *** ****** ** **** don't ****** **** **** *************. ***, you *** **** * ***, *** a ***** ***** ** ********* *** ***** *** **** ******. * **** ** ** *** it ***** *** *****'* **** * ton ** *********/******** *** * **** to ***. ****** ******, ** ***** to ***** ******, ***. **** ** what, * ***'* ****,************** **%(?) ** *** ****** *****. **** ***'* **** ** ****** the **********, **** **** ** ** manage ****** ** **** ***'* **** to ***** ****/******/****** ****** **********.

**** * ***** ** *****, ** me ** *****, ** **** *** "big ****" **** ** ** ******* the ******* ***** ******* ************ (******** trying ** ******* **** *** ********* Verkada *** ** ****** **** ********* Verkada ******, ** ** *** *******) or ******** ****** ** *** **** kind ** ***** ******** *** ** market ****.

* ** ********** *** ******** ****** the ***** ** ******* *********. ** is **** **. * ***** ***** this ****** ** ******** **** ** a ***** ** ********* *******. **** Microsoft, *** ***** *** **** ******** with **** *** **** * ********. But **** ***** **** ***** *** changed *** **** *******. ******* **** a ******** (*** *******, *******) *** evolved **** * **** ** ******** that *** **** **** **** ***** on *** *** ******** (****** *******, enviro *******, ***, *** *******, ******, guest **********). **** ****** ** *** enjoy *****.

Mark Jones
Jul 17, 2024

**** ****** **** **.

John Honovich
Jul 18, 2024

***, *** *** **** * ***, but * ***** ***** ** *** MARKET *** ***** *** **** ******. I **** ** ** *** ** works *** *****'* **** * *** of *********/******** *** * **** ** use. ****** ******, ** ***** ** other ******, ***. **** ** ****, I ***'* ****, ************** **%(?) ** the ****** *****. **** ***'* **** to ****** *** **********, **** **** it ** ****** ****** ** **** don't **** ** ***** ****/******/****** ****** constantly.

** *** ** ****, * ***** a ***** ***** ** **** ****** has **** ****** *** **** ******. When * *** ******** *** ** this ********, * *** ******* ***** of ******** ******** **** *** **** they **** ***** ****** ** ***, they *** *** **** **** ******** functionalities ** ********** *******, *** ********** untrained, ********* ***** ***** ****** ******* them.

* ***** **** ****** **** ** avoid ******* ******, *** *****, ****** will ****** **** ** **** ******* benefits **** ****** ** *** *******. Think ***** *** *********, **'* ****** used, ********* ** **, *** ** has **** ** **********.

********* ** ******* ** ****** *** the ********, ** ******* ******* *** overall ********, ****** *** ********** **** need ** ****** **** **** ******* their ********** (***** *******, ***** *******, etc.) ** **** **** ** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #18
Jul 22, 2024

****, ***** ** **. ****** ** what *** ******** *****, **'* ****** not *********. ******** ** ****** *******, if ***'** *** ********* ** **** customers *** **** ** **** *** long.

Jacob Hengel
Jul 17, 2024

*** ****** ******** ** ***** *** industry *** ****** ***** *** ** years *** *** ********* ******** **.

Undisclosed #13
Jul 17, 2024

IPVM Image

John Honovich
Jul 17, 2024

***, *** *******, ****'* **** ********** favorability ******* -****** ************ ********** ****

Undisclosed #13
Jul 18, 2024

***, *** *******, * *** ******** out *** ****** ******* ** ** quite ******* (*************) **** **** *********** - **** ****** *** ** ******** (and **** ** ***** ***'** ******* posted ***** *** ******** **: ******) have * ********* ****.

*** ** ****?

John Honovich
Jul 18, 2024

*** ***** **** *** **** **** directly *** *********** **** ***********.

******* ***** ** ******** *****. *********** can **** **** ****** *****, ** average, **** ****** ******* *******, **** they *** ** *******. ***, *.*.******* ************ ********** ************** ***** ** *** **** ******** Integrators

Undisclosed #13
Jul 19, 2024

*** ***** **** *** **** **** directly *** *********** **** ***********.

** ****** - *** ** *** channel, **** **** ***** *********** **** the ******** ** *** ********** -*** **** ****** *** ************ (** ******/********).

** *** ********** ***** ** ******** customer ***********, **** **** ** ** them - *** **** *****'* ****** to ** *** **** ****, ***** on **** ** *** **** *******.

** *** ************ ***** ** ******* problems ****** *** ***** ** ***** integrator ******** ********* (***** ****, ******** issues, ***) **** * ***** ***** that ***** ********** ******** ***** **** them ***** ****** ** **** ************ statistics *****. ****** **** ***'*.

** *** ************* **** *********** **** can't ******* **** (**** ******/********) ****will **** *** ******** **** that follows such failures of things.

*.*. *** ******* *** **** ******** for *********** **** ****** ** *** the **** (*********) ************* ******* **** lose ***** *** *** ****** ************ damage ********** ** **** ***'*.

John Honovich
Jul 19, 2024

******* *** **** ******** *** *********** that ****** ** *** *** **** (supported) *************

** *** ***** ****, *******'* ******* model ********** *** ***** ** *********** which ** ********* ** *** **** lower ******* **** *********** ******* **** Verkada ******** *******.

**** *******,*** *** ***** ** *** ******** For ***********

Undisclosed #13
Jul 19, 2024

****** *** *****... *** ***** ********** partners **** **, **?

***, **'* *******'* ******-**-********sales ***** that makes their support model better - and almost a requirement.

*** ******* ******, ****** *** ****** are********** ******* ** ******** ************... *** Verkada *** *** **** ** ******* things ******** - ****** **** *** channel ******* ***** ********* ****...

*** **** ***'* *** ****** ********** remotely, *** ** **** **** **** on ******** ******** - ***** *** often ** *** ****** ** *** problem. **** ** *** **** ****** they **** **** *********** ** ***.

***** * ******** *********, ** *** direct-to-customer ******* *****, *** ************ ** the ******* *** **** *** *********** as *** ******** **** ******.

** *** ******* ******* ***** ***** roles *** ******** - *********** **** use *** ******** ** ************ ******* when ******... ***** ** *** ******* are ********* *** *********** *** ******* in *** *** ********* ***** ******.

Jason Crist
Jul 18, 2024
IPVMU Certified

********* ****** ******* *** *** **** and ****** ** * ****** ** poor ******* **** *** **********. ****** low **** ******* ****** ** *** performing ***********. ******* ** ***** *** end *****. *** ***** *******, **** post ** ******* ********* *** * bit **********.

John Honovich
Jul 18, 2024

****** ** * ****** ** **** support **** *** **********

****, ** **** ****, *** *** user ********** **** **** *** **** support **** *** **********.

**** **** ** ******* ********* *** a *** **********.

** ******** *** ******* ******** *******, ***** *** ******** ** ******* far **** ***** **** ******** ****. We *** ** ***** *** ****** fairly *** **** ************* ********** *** good *** *** ** *** ****** are ********.

Kyle Folger
Jul 19, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**** **** ****** **** **** *** good ******* **** *** **********, **** article *** ****** ********. ** ******* complaint **** ******* *** *** **** range ** ****** *******. **** **** gotten ****** **** ****, *** **** are ***** ******** *******.

*'** ****** **** **** ***** ******. I ******'* **** **** **** ** Spectrum ** ** ****'* ****** ** Network *****. ** *** ********* ** using *** ********, * ****** ******** great ******* **** **. *** *********** of ******* **** ****** ******* ******** the ******* ******** ** *** **** from **. ** *** ****** ******, but *** **** *** ****** ** contact ********. ** ** *** **** were ** ***** *** ** **, it ***** ******** ** **** ******** out ** *** ***. "** *** device ******* **? **** *** ***** power-cycling?" **** ***'* ******** ** ** and ***** ** ****** **** **** manufacturers. *** ********* ** ** ******** is *** *********** ** *** ******* from ********* *************. *** *** **** use **** *** *******.

* *** *** *** ********* **** Verkada ** **** **** ** *** user ******* *** *** *******, ***** questions *** ** ******** *** *** direct ***** *** ** *****. **** is **** ******* ******* *** ****** to *** ****** *** ***** ********** related ** *** ******. *** ******** is ***** *** ***** *** *** hostage ********* ** *** *******. **** an ***-**** ***********, * *** **. I **** *** **** **** **** integrated ******* (*/*) ** ***** * lot **** ***** ** **** ********* easy ** *** *** ** *** user.

* ***** **** ** **** *** main *** ** **** *** ********* because * *** ********** *** ***** and ********* *** ** * ******** quickly. *****, **** ** ******* *** issue ***** ** ****** ** **** of *** ******* ***** *** *** equipment. *******, ***** *** ***** **** the *** **** *** **** ********** looks **** **** ****, *** **'* not. *** **** ***** **, *** the ***** ** ******** ** *** tech ***** **, *** ***** *** an ****** **** *** ******** **** about.

Undisclosed Integrator #15
Jul 19, 2024

****, ****** ** ******* ***’* ***** all ***** ********, *** ** **** solve **** ** ***** **** **** experienced. ** **** ***** *** ********, but ***** **** ** *********.

*** *** ****, *** **********, *** manufacturer *** *** *** *** *** a ***** ** **** *** ************* the ***** ***** **.

******* ** *** ******* ******** ** do **** **** * ****** ********, I ***** *** *****’* * *** of *********** ******** ******** ** ****. This **** ** ****** ***’* **** in *** ***** ** *** ** department.

Undisclosed #12
Jul 19, 2024

*** ********* ******* **** ***** *** problems *** **** **** ** *********. Can *** ******* **** ******* ** what *** *** ***** ******** **** be?

Undisclosed End User #19
Jul 25, 2024

***** **** ** ******** ******** ** the ****. * **** *** ** the ******** *** ******* **** *** was ***** ********* **** * ******** the ****** ** * ****** **** would ********* ****** ** ********. *** original ****** *** ** ******* **** a *-**** ******, *** ******* ****** available ** ******** *** ********** *** at ****. ******* **** **** *** past ****** ** ***** ***** ** started, * *** *** ** ******** has ****** **** ******* *** ********* to ****** **** ********** ** ******* matures.

***'** *****. ******* *****'* ***** *** my ********. * ***'* ***** *** system ***, *** * *** **** on *** **** ******** ******** **** their *******, *** **** ********* ** be ****.

Robert Summers
Aug 08, 2024
IPVMU Certified

** * ********** ********** ******** ***** assessments **********, **** *** **** *** years * ***** ** ********* * common ***** ** ******* *** ***** business ************ ***** ********* *** *** have * ******/******** ******** ****** ****. When ** ***. *** ****** **** selecting * ***** ************ ****** *** the ****** ** ******** *** *** have * ******** **** ** *** not **** ******** ***** *****), ** was * ** ******* ******** *** IT ***. ** ****** ******* ** the ** ***** *** ***** ********** and ************ ** ***** **** ** handing ** *** ** ******* ******* the *** ***** ********* ********** ******** vs. ** **** *********. *******, ******** staff ***** ********** ********* *** *** VSS ********* **** ************ **** *** system *********** (********* ******* ** ******** playback **. ****-**** *********** *********) *** limited ****** ******* (************ *************** - ****** * ******* ** is * ******** **. ******** ******** of *** */***********) *** *** **** of ************* **** ****** ** ******* access ******* *** ** ********* ********* system *********.

***** **** *******'* ******* ****** ** Mgr. *** ****** *** ******* **** the ***** ** ******* *** ***** and *** * ***** ********* ****, many ** ***.'* **** ******* ** Verkada's *************** **** **** ************ *** the ********** ****** ****** ********* **** resulted (***** **** ******* **** ***** the ******* ******* *************). ************, *** vast ******** ** *** ***** ****** designs **** *** ****** ***** *** too ***** ******** ********* ***** ** views ***** ******* *** *** **** a **** *** **** ***** ******** recording *********** *** ***** ****** ******* a ********* **% ********* ** *** horizon *** ******** ** *** **** and ****** ******** ******. ***, * chalked **** ** ** ****** ** keep *** ****** **** ********* ** overuse ** ********* *******, ******* ******* options *** **** ** ******** ********** by *** *********** *** *** **** during ******* **** ****.

** ** **********, **** ********* ** businesses **** ********** ***** ** ******** security ** *********** ******* ****-**** ** prem ********** *** *** ******** *** months/years *** **** *** ******* ****** is ******* *** ******** ** ***** for ** **** ************ ******** *** yes, *** *** ******** ******* *** update ********* **** ** ****** ** with **** ********.

****** ***** *** ** **** ** interesting ** *** *** **** ***** out.
