The Real Samsung Is Back, Launching Extreme Video Analytics

Published Jun 30, 2016 14:13 PM

No, this is not about Hanwha / Techwin.

This is about the real / original Samsung group.

After selling Techwin, which included their video surveillance offering, to Hanwha, Samsung is getting back into security and they are claiming a suite or groundbreaking / unbelievable video analytics.

In this note, we share our findings from speaking with Samsung, examining the claims, looking at its potential fit and its impact on Hanwha Techwin.

Samsung *** **********

******* ***** * ** **** *** $* billion ******** ** ******* **** *** focused ** ********** ******** ********* *** IT *** ************* *******, ****** ** markets ****** ***** ** ** ***** Korea.

*** *** * ************ ********, *** ******* ******* ***** **** video ********* ********, *** **** ***** ***************, ***** *** **** ********** ******* smart **** ********. *** *** ******** unit ** ********* ******** *** ******* products *** **** *** **** ** release ******* ** **** *** ******** at **** ****.

Extreme ****** ** ********** ******

******* ****** ** ****** ***** ********** and ***** ******* ***** ***** ******* of ********* ****** ** ******** ** the **** ****** ********** ******* **** loitering (***** **** ****** ** * 'simple *****').

**** ** *** ******* ****** **** claim *** ****** ****:

  • ***** ******
  • ************* *********
  • ******* **********
  • ****-*****
  • ****** ********
  • ******* ********
  • ******* ********

**** **** ** *** '****** ******' are ***** ********:

  • *** ********
  • ***** ******
  • *******
  • ********
  • *****
  • *****
  • ******* ***
  • ****** ********

******** *** ***** ******, *** ******** also ******** ********** ****** *********** *** license ***** ***********.

*** ********* ***** ***** *** ******** in *** *** ****** ********, ********* "garbage **********":

Appearance ****** ********

******* ** **** ********* ********** ****** capabilities, ******* ********** ********** ******, ****** **** ************* **** *********** in *** ******. ***** *** ******* parameters **** ******, *****, ***** *** speed ** ****** **********, *** *** filter ** ****** ****.

* ******* ***** ***** * ******-** example ** *** "**** ***** ** shopping ****" ********:

Skepticism ** *********** / ********

**** ** *** ** *** **** extensive ***** ** ******* ********* ********, and *** **** ********** ****** **** a ****** ***** **** * **** reputation ** ****. ***** ********* ********* tend ** ***** ** ********* **** more ***********, **** ** ********* ****** and ********, ********* ***** *** ****, or ************ ** ******* ************. ******* is ******** ** ******* *** ************ of ****** ***** ********* ******* **** one *******, ** ******** ***********.

Analytics ******** ********* ********

******* *****:

  • *** ********* *** ******-***** ****, ******* of ******** ** ** ** **** streams ** ** **-****/*** ********.
  • *********** ******** *** *** **** ** input ****** *** **** ***********, *** the ******** ******* *** **** ** the *********** *************.
  • ************** ** *****, *** ****** ** events ** ******* ******* *******'* *** Windows ******.

Only ********** **** *********

********* ********* ** *** **** ******** Samsung ****** ** *********** ****, ****** it ** *** ****** ***********'* ******** ******.

**** *********** **** *******'* ****** ** the ******** *********, *** ***** ***** from *** ********* ********. ******* ** planning ** *** ************* **** *** Milestone ****** ** * ****** *******, but **** *** **** * ******** timeline *** ****.

*** ******* **** **** *** ******** integrations **** ***** *** *********, *** have ** ********* ************* *** ***** supported *** *******.

Current *************

******* **** *** ****** *** **** in *** ** ******* ** ***** corporate ************ *** *+ ***** ***** it *** **** ********** ***********.

***** ******** ************* ******* ** ******* facilities *** ***** **** *******, * safe **** ***** ** ******** ** Moscow, * ****** ** ***** ** listed ** ***** *** ********, ** is * ******* ************* ******** ** Brazil.


******* ******** ** ******* ** **** for *********, ** ******* ******** ** rough ******* *********. ** ******* **** may ***** ** ********** ***** *********.

Channel ********

******* ******* ** ****** *** ******* security ******* ***** ** ***** *** software ** ******, ********** **** *********** to **** *** ******* *** ******* to *** *****.

************, ******* **** ******** ***** ***** recognition *** ********* ************ ** **** awareness *** ***** ********* ******** *** generate ***-**** ********.

Impact ** ******

******* **-******** *** ******** ****** **** a ******* **** ***** *** ******* brand ** ******* ********* ***** ***** confusion ****** *** ****** *** ******, causing ********* ** ******** ** ****** Techwin ******* *** "****" ******* *******.

** *** ***** ****, ** ** not **** ***** *** *******, **** or ********* ******* (***) **** ****** this ********. ** **** ***** ******* up ** ***** ***** ***** *** calling ** *********** *******, ** **** be * ******* *** ******* **** will ****** ** ******* ***.

Outlook *** ******* **

******* *** **** ***** ***********, *** marketing ********* ****** **** *** ** their ********* ***********, ***** **** ***** utilize ** ***** ********* ** ***** analytics **** ** ***** ****** ****** them.

**** ** *********** ***** ************ ****** the ********, ** ***** **** ******* years *** ******* ** ***** ** a ****** ********** ******* *** **** through ************ **** ******** *****. **** makes ** ******** **** ******* **** make * ***** ******* ******, *** more ****** ** ** **** ******* or *** ******** ***** ************* *** value ****** ** *** ****** ****** than *** ******* ******** ****** ******** by *********** ******** ***** *********.

*** ********** **** ******* ** **** to ******* ******** ** *** ***** analytics ********* ** ********* ***. ** Samsung ******** **** **** **** **** damaging *** **** ***** *** *****, but **** ******* **** *** ****** video ********* ********.

Comments (18)
Undisclosed #1
Jun 30, 2016
IPVMU Certified

If Samsung promotes this hard they risk damaging not only their own brand, but also setting back the entire video analytics industry.

If Samsung promotes this hard they risk damaging not only their own brand, but Hanwha's as well... ;)

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Jun 30, 2016

Only 4CIF? Haven't most VA moved into HD?

Eddie Perry
Jun 30, 2016

HD puts a huge load on VA

only 2 HD and FHD VA's I have seen run on some of the most powerful hardware and only 20 HD cameras and 10 FHD cameras all at 5fps JPEG.

4cif does not put as much as a strain on the hardware.

Sean Patton
Jun 30, 2016

Good lord... "Fighting - Detect a fight as the physical collision of several people in public places or school area"

"People, people, people.... attention people, all or all hugs or physical collisions are now banned in public places or school area. This includes, but is not limited to: hi-fives, brushing too closely to someone when you walk by, bro-hugs, chest bumps, or other hug-like actions"

What a stupid waste of time. There are times on videos where, as a human with a few decades observing my own species in 3 physical dimensions, it is impossible to discern from 200 feet away what type of interaction is happening. They're honestly advertising that they found an algorithm that narrows down any physical collision of SEVERAL people to either a Fight, or not a Fight???

John Honovich
Jun 30, 2016

Sean, Sean, Sean,

I have one that will be good for your customers:

You just check the 'child kidnap' box....

[Note: that's really from their client, I obviously think it's crazy]

Eddie Perry
Jun 30, 2016

thats gonna work great at 4CIF unless the camera is right next to the garbage can, or in it......

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Jun 30, 2016

Exactly, facial recognition with 4CIF, better be installed at face height and hope people come up and bump their faces into it.

Sean Patton
Jul 01, 2016

Unfortunately theres no "face bumping into camera" analytic.. so that would be a false positive for Over-Speed Vehicle Im sure

Brian Rhodes
Jun 30, 2016
IPVMU Certified

Sean wants a 'Cat using my flowerbed as a litterbox' analytic.

Sean Patton
Jul 01, 2016

Actually "Neighborhood kids are on my lawn having innocent fun" is probably more accurate...

Michael Budalich
Jun 30, 2016

If I had a dollar for every time a company made bold claims about video analytics and didn't live up to the hype.....

(Disclosure: I'm a Hanwha empoyee..... and a realist)

Undisclosed #1
Jun 30, 2016
IPVMU Certified

Customer: Wait, I think I have heard of Samsung analytics, you're the guys that claim you can spot kidnappers speeding thru a protest march at the city dump, right? Seems a bit deceptive no?

Techwin Employee: Only if we were Samsung. But fortunately, we're Hanwha, we just like to say we're Samsung.

Customer: Why?

Techwin Employee: It was a concession made during the acquisition. Its embarassing, but a deal's a deal...

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Jul 01, 2016

The analytics claims are getting real out of control as of late. At least with Avigilon I feel relatively confident it will work decently.

This guy should be every analytics vendor marketing rep:

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Jul 02, 2016

Really helpful article! Thanks for looking into this.

John Honovich
Jul 02, 2016

5, thank you for mentioning Samsung's video in the Avigilon post! That's what spurred us to look into it.

Chris Bird
Sep 16, 2019

Are there any updates to this? 3 years later and I can't find anything else on Samsung analytics. Am I overlooking something?

John Honovich
Sep 16, 2019


I have not heard anything new about Samsung SDS analytics since. I asked Sean to contact them to see if they have made any progress and post his findings back.

Chris Bird
Sep 16, 2019

Thanks John