Samsara Video Surveillance and Company Profile

Published Mar 14, 2022 14:01 PM

Both Verkada and Samsara were started by former co-founders of Meraki. While Verkada is better known in video surveillance, Samsara is a publicly-traded company with a $7+ billion market capitalization that is also expanding into video surveillance.

IPVM Image

In this report, IPVM examines Samsara's offerings, business model, and plans for the future, based on a conversation with Head of Product Marketing, Suyog Deshpande.

Samsara **********

********* * ****** ******* ****** ******* that ***** ************* ** *** "********* operations *****", ****** *** ******** ******** fleets. "******* **********" *** *******'* ***** ******* ***** the ******* *** ******* ** ****. Samsara **** ******** **"*****-***** ******"********* *** ** **** *** **** provides **-*** ****** **********. ** ******* 2021, ******* ******** ***"**** **********"*******, ***** ******** ***** ************ ******* and *********.

******* **** *** ********* **** ********, instead, **** ******* ** **** *** purchase ** ************ ********,* **** **** **** ** ****.

******* **** **% ** **** ** $428.3 ******* ** ******* ***** ********* an ********* **** ** $***.* *******, and *** **** $*** ******* ** cash-on-hand ** *** *** ** ******* 2022 (*** **** ******* **********).

Verkada ** *******

*******, *******'* **-********,****** ************* ******, **-******* ******, ************* *********, *** ***** **-******* ******* ***** Meraki *** **** ** *****. ******* close ** ******* *** **** ********* is ********* **** *** ****** **-******** to *** *** *** ***** * more ******** *******.

***** ******* ** *** **** ***** in *** ***** ************ ********, ******* is ********* *** ********** ** * ******* *****,********** **********, ************ *******.

** *** ********* *** ******** ** hardware, ******* ****** *** ******* *****, though ** *** ******* ******* ** higher ****** ************ ********.

Core ***** *********** - ******* **** ***

* "******* ******* *** ********** **** end" ***** ********* *** ******* *** manage *** ******** ********** ** * core ***** *********** ** *******, *** company ****.

*** **** ** **** ***** *** subscribe ** ******** ******* ************, *** shown *****, ** ********** ***** ********* end-to-end **** *** ***** ********:

IPVM Image

** ***** ***********'* ** **** ********* ******* ********* ***** ***** ******* ************ *** be ****, ******* ** *** ********* for ****** *** ********** ** ** tracking *** ****** ******** *****:

IPVM Image

Site ********** ******* ********

*******'* **** ********** ****** ******** ********* surveillance ******* *** *********, ********* ******, motion, ******** *********, ***. ***** *** check ***** **** * ****** ***********.

**** *-****** ******* ***** ******** ***-***** speaking ***** *** **** *** **** Visibility ********:

******* ********* **** ********** ** ** "intelligent ***** ********** ********, ***** ** the ********* ********** ******** **** ******* currently ***." *** ******* **** *** most ****** *** ***** *** ***** Site ********** ********* ******* ****** ********* and ***** **********.

*******'* ******* ***** ******** ** *** analytics *********. *** ****** ****** "*********** search" ** ****** ** ******* ******** color:

IPVM Image

*** ****** *** **** ***** ** inactivity ****** ** * ********** ****:

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***** *** **** ******* ************* **, for *******, * ****** ** ******** in * ******** ****:

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No ****** ***********

******* **** *** ********* ***** ****** recognition ** *** **** ********** ******* and *** *** ******* ** ******* the ******* *** ****** ** ***** the ************* ******** ** *** ******.

Buy ************, **** ********

***** ******** **** ********** ********, ********* 3-5 ***** ****, *** ******* **** Samsara ******** (*.*. **** ******* *** cameras) ********* *** ************, *** ******* told ****:

**** *** ********* ****, ***** ** the ****** ** *** ********, *** free ******** ** ******* ******** ** part ** ****. ** *** *** customers *** **** ** *** *** platform, *** *** **** ********, **** is ** ******* ********* **** *** cloud. **** *** ****** ** *** products **** *** ***. *** **** get ****** * ******* **** *** vehicle *******, *** ***** *** **** gateways.

******* ************ ******** **** ********:

** ** ******** ******** *** *** hardware ** **** **** **** *** are ******* *** ****** *** ******** from ******* *** **** ************ ***** also ******** *** *** ******** ** well ** ******* *** ** **** as *** ******** *** *******.

Connect ** ***-***** *******

******* ****** *** *******-********* *****-********* *******, *** **** ****** ***** ** use ***-***** *******, ******** ** ****** license, **** *** ******:

****** *** ****** *********** ** ***** cameras *** ***** *** ********* ***********. So *** ******* ** ******* ** for ******* ** * ********* ********** platform ** ** **** **** **** third-party ** *******, ** *** ***'* need ** ****** ****** **** *********** that *** **** ******* ****. ** terms ** *****-***** *******, **** *** directly **** **** *******'* **** *******, and **** ******* **** ******* ** get *** *** **, *** *** analytics ***** **** ******* *** ** offer.

******* *** *** ******* * ************* list ** *****-***** ******* ** ********** with, *** *******'* ******* **** ****:

********* ** **** ** *** ******* support ****, ** *** ******* *********.

Site ******* *** ****** *******

***** **** ******** ******** *** **** Samsara **** ******** (~$*,*** ** $*,***) and ******* (~$*** ** $*** ****), whether **** ****** ** *** ******* or *** ***-***** *******.

******* ******** ** ***** **** **** the **** *** **** ******** *** camera *********.

*******, ****** *******, ***** ******** ** ** *******, is ****** ** $*,*** *** * 1-year ******* ** * ******* ******* website,******* *********, ***** **** ***** *******:

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*** ******* ****** ** *** ************, which ******* **** **** ** ******** in *** ********* *****. **** ** a ******* **** ***** ***** *** pay ** ***** *** ***, ****** given **** ** ********* **** ** fixed ************, *** ** **** ** a *******.

******* **** ****** ******* ******* ****,***** ******** ** * *******, ****** at $*,*** *** * *-**** ******* on *******'* *******.**** ******** *** ****-*********, ********* ** *** *******.

******* ****** **** ***** ***** *** cameras, ******* *********** ******. **** *** ****** ** $*** for * *-**** ******* ** *******'* website.

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***** ******* ***** *** **** ** who ***** ******** ***, *** ************* sheet ********* ***** *** ****** ***-*** cameras (*.*., *** */*.*" ******* *** F2.0 ****).

****** ******* ******** ******* ** * supplier *** ******* ******* *******, ******, again *** ******* *** *** ******* they **** ************ *** **** *** SC21, ****** ******* ******* *****:

IPVM Image

*************, ** ***** ****** ** *** 3rd-party *******, **** *** ******** * 3rd ***** ****** ****** ************* ** $*** *** **** ** Monarch.

*** ******* *******'* ******* ***** ** 3rd-party ******* **** *** ********** **** Samsara **** **********, ********* ****, ********, Hikvision, ***.:

IPVM Image

**** *** ***** ******* *** * list ** *** ***-***** *********** ******* and **** ****** **** **** **** they *******.

Samsara ******* *********** ** ***********

*** * ******* ******* *** ********** inexpensive ** ***********. ******** * *-**** license ** $***, *** ******* ****** cost ******* $*** ** $*** ** procure. **** ******* *** *** **** a ***** ****, ********* ** *** specs ****** *** **************.

**** *** *** ****** ***** ******* yet ** ** ****** ***** ** how **** **** *******, ******** ** plan ** **** **** ** *** future.

Mainly ****** *****, *** **** ********

*******'* *** ************** **** *** ******* ****** "******* on ****** *****" ** **** *************, but *** ******* **** **** **** it *** * "******** ********* ** partners":

******* *** * ******** ********* ** partners, **** ******** *** ********. ** have **** ********. ** **** ******** who *** **** ******* ** ************. So *****'* *** ******** ** ***** all ** ****. ** *** ** site ********** ** *********, ** *** more ******* ** *** ************ ******** to **** **** **** *** ********* are ** *** ******* ****, **** quickly **** **** **** *** ********.

******* *** * *** ** ******** that ****** *** ******* *** ****** that ** ******* ****. ******, ******* Connected ******** ** *******'* ******* ** * "leading ***********"(***** **** *** *** ***). *******, Monarch ********* ** **** **** *** phone **** **** ** *** ******* the ******* ******** **** ****.

******* ******** ***** ********** ** ********** with ******* ***** ******* ****** ****.

Current ******* *** - **** ********** *****

**** ********** ** * **** ***** portion ** ******* ******* ******* *********. Vehicle ********** (*.*. ***** ********) *** Video-based ****** (*.*. ** **** ****)***** **** ** ~**%** ** ****'* ******** ****** ********* revenue (***) ** $***.* *******. *** other ******* ******** (**** & ****** Workflows, ********* **********, *** **** **********) account *** **+% ** *******:

IPVM Image

Multi-Product ******** ***** "**** *********"

******* ** ******* **** **** ********* will ******** ** ***** **** **** one ******* *******, *.*. ********* ********** along **** **** **********. ** ***** **** **********, ******* ******** **,*** *********, ~**% of ***** ******* ********* "**** *********":

IPVM Image

******* ******* **** **** **% ** these **** ********* *** ******** ******* products *** ~**% ** ********* **** account *** $****+ *** *** ******** Samsara ********. *******, ***** *** ** specific ****** ******** *** **** **********, telling ******* **** ********** ** ************ popular ** ********* ******* ***** *********. Those ******** **** $***,*** ** ******* products *** ****** ***** *********, ** they ***** **** *** ********* ********* to ***** ******* ******** *** *** particularly **** *** ********* ********** ****** of *******.

IPVM Image

Site ********** ********** ****** ****** ******** ******* *********

**** ********* **** ******* **** ********** were ******* ******* **********/***** *********, ******* said. *******, *** ******* ** ********** about ********** ********* *** **** *** already ******* *****:

***** *** ******** *** *** ******* and *** ***** *** *** *********** with **** ******, ************** ********* ***** be ******** ******* ******* ******** **** fleet *********. *** ** **** **** is ***********, **'** ****** * *** of ********* **** **** *****.

Future ******* *** *********

******* ********** *** ** **** ****** in **** ********** ** *** ****** depends ** *** ******** **** ** receives **** *** *********:

*** ***** **** ** ******* ** an ********* ******-****** ************ *** *** of *** ****** ** ********* ** our ********* *** *** ********. ***** we ******** *****, *** ** *** feedback **** ** ***** **** *** customers ** **** **** *** **** visibility. **** **** *** **** *********. They **** *** **** ******** ** also ******* ***** ******** ***** *** warehouses.And **** ** *** ***** ********** ** ** ********* *** **** ********** ********. [emphasis added]

**** ***** ******* ***** ********** ****** access ******* ********, *** *** ******* said ** ***** *** ******* ********** on *** ******* *** ********.

******* ****** ***** ***** ***** *** their ******* ****** *******, ****** **** will ***** ***** ** *** ********* operations ****** ** *** ******:

*** ***** ***** **** ** **** in ***** ** *** ******* *****,****** *** ** **** ******** ** the ********* ********** ********* ****** **** ****** *** **** to ******* *** ***** *** **** visibility **** *** ****** ****.

*** ******* **** ***** ** ****** that ****** ** **** ****** **** seamlessly:

*** ****** ***** **** *** ** continues ** ** ****** **** *** target *******’ ******** *** ********** *** successful, ** *** **** ** ****** help **** *** ******** ***** ****. And **** *** ****** * *** to **** ****** ************* *** ******** where ***** *** ******* ******* ***** and ***** ** *******. ** *** intelligent ****** *** *** ******** ***** for **** ***** *** ****'** **** to ******.

******, ******* **** ***** ** ******* developing **:

******** ***** ** **,****** **** ****** **** ******** *********, making **** ****** *** ******* *** right **** ** ****. ********* *** able ** ******* *** *** **** to ****** **** ** * ***** employee, ** ***** *****

Comments ** ******* *** **** *****

*******'* **** ** ******* ********* ********** Samsara's *** ********** ** *** ***** surveillance ******** ** *** **** **** the ******* ***** ******* ** ******* 2021, **** **** * **** ***:

*** ** *** ******* ***** ** that **** ******* ***** ******* ** January ** ****. ** **** ** relatively *** ******* ***** *** *******. What ** *** ********** *** ** the ******** * *** ** ****** how ** **** ****** **********, ******, sustainability *** ****** *** ***** *********. This ** * ********** ***** ****** that ** ******* **** **** ****.


***** *******'* ******** ** ********** *** video-based ****** **** *** $***+ ******* in ****, ******* *** ** *********** to ****** ************* ** ***** ************. However, ******* *** **** **** ******** fixed ***** ************ *** **** **** a **** ** ** *** * long *** ** ** *** **** established *********** ** ******* ****.

** **** ***** ** *** *** important *** ******* ******* **** ** in ******** *** ***** ************ ******.

******'* ****: *** ******** ******* ** this ****** ****** "****** *********" ** a ******* ** *** **** ********** product, ***** ** * ********* ** IPVM ** * ******* **************. ******* has ***** ********* ** **** **** the ******* **** *** ***** ****** detection *********. *** ***** "*** ******" were ******* **** *** ********* ********:

"*** ******* **** *** **** ****** use ***** *** ***** **** ********** analytics ******* ********* *************** *** ***** **********."
