Camera Roof Mounting / Parapet Mount Installation Guide

Published Oct 13, 2022 13:43 PM

Parapet mounts are one of the most common camera mounts, found on the roofs of all types of buildings. Understanding why, where, and how to use these mounts is key to using them most effectively.

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In this report, IPVM examines:

  • What Parapets Look Like
  • Why Parapet Mounts are Common
  • Why Special Mounts are Needed
  • Parapet Mount Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Common Options
  • How Fasteners Are Chosen
  • Where Waterproofing is Needed
  • Cabling Install Considerations
  • Which Tools Installers Need
  • Fall-Protection Options

Parapets *******

IPVM Image* ******* ** * ******* ** a **** **** ******* ***** *** edge ** * ****. ******** *** usually *** ****** **** * ** 5 ****, *** ********* **** * width ** ***** **** *** ****. Sometimes ***** ******** *** ****** **** decorative ***** ** ***** **** **** add ** *** ********** ** * building.

*** ***** ** *** ***** ********** one *******. ******* ********** *** ************ varies, **** ****** ** ************* ** exterior ***** ** ******* ******:

******** **** ** ********* ************* ******** as **** ** *** **** ** most *********, ******** *********** **** *** **** ********** ********** of ******** *****.**** ********* **** **** *****, *** entire **** **** ******* ** ***** designed ** ** * ****** ********** membrane ** ******** *******. ******* **** roofs *** ********** ***** ** ***** and ******** *****, **** ***** ***** can ***** *********** ******* *** ***** damage ** ****** **********.

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*** **** ** * **** **** needs ** ********* ****** ** ******** water ********** ** *** **** ******** and ** ***** ***** ******* ****** than ******* **** *** *****. ***** also ***** ** ** ** ******** portion ** *** **** **** ****** the '*************' ** *** **** ***** the ********, ** ******* ****** ******* of *** ********* **** ****** ** vent.*** *******, *** ***** **** ** designed *** *** ** *** ******* allows ***** ** ****** *** *** even ********** ** *** ******* *******/******* of *** ********.

******** *** **** ***** ********* ****** features, *** **** *** **** ************** ********* *****, ****** * ********, ** ****** have ** ********* ******** **** ** building **********.

Why **** ******* ****** *** ******

******* *** ******* ***** ** * parapet ** ***** ***** *** ****** target ****** ** **** **** ************ heights, **** *** ********* ***** ****** to *** ********* **** *** ***** infrastructure ** ***** *********. ****, ******** are ******* ***** *** ******* *******.

***** ***** ******* ***** ******* ****, they ********* **** **** **** *******:

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*** *** ******** ************** ***** ****** are *** **** ******** *****, ********* adaptable *** **** ** **** *********, a **** '*********' ****** ** ****, and * ****-***** *** ******** * camera.

**** ******** **** ***** ** ********* standardized ** *.*" *** ****** **********, but *** ***** ************* *** ****** based ** *** ******* ******.

*** ********** *** ***** ** *** 'gooseneck' ****, **** *** ******* ********* length ********* ** *** **** ** the ******* ******* *** *** ******'* weight. *********, ******* ****** ****** * or * **** *** * ** 3 **** ******* **** *** ******** plate.

Specialized ****** ********

*** **** ******, *** *** ********** when ******** ******** ******* ** *** roofs ** ******** ** ********* **:****** **** **** *** *** *********** the **** ******** **** ******. **** explains *** *** '*********' ** ***** the *** ********* ** ******** *** these ******.

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**** ** *********** ***********, *** **** a **** **************** ******** **** ** *** *** but **** ******* ** *** ***** (in **** ****, ********** * ******), the ******* ** ******** ********, *** the ****** ** ******* ********. ****** than *********** ****** ************* ********* ***** **** ********, *********** ******* ******** ****** ** used.

Parapet ***** **********

******* ** *** ****** *** ****** limitation ** *** *********** *** **** with ****** ** *****, ******* ****** are ********* *** ******* ****** ** roof ******** *******. *******, ***** *** other ******** ** ****:

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**** ***********

** **** *****, *** ********* *** holding *** ****** *** ** ***** for **** ***** ** ********* ******** on *** ****. ************* ** * huge ********* ******** ** **** ******** cameras ******* ******* *********** ******** **** work **** ******* ** *****. ******** the **** *** **** **** ** maintenance *** ***** *** ********* **** by ******** ** ******* ***** **** service ** ******.

****** ****** ** ****

******* *** ******* ** ** ****** up *** *** ** *********, *** sightlines ** *** ****** *** ***** improved. ********** *** ****, ***** **** to *** ** ****** ************ ** mounts ** **** ******** *** ******* the ************ ************* ** *** ******.


*******, **** ********* **** ** **********. Some ******* ********* ** ******* ****** include:

******** *********

******* ****** *** **** ** **** and **** ***** *** ********* *******. The ******* ****** ** ******** ********** may **** ******* ********* *** ******** 'telling' ***** ****** ***** ***** *** located.


******** ** *** **** ** ******* wall ******** **** *** $** ** less, ** **** ****** ***** ******** of ******* ** ***** **** *** require ** ******** ** ***, ******* mounts *** ** ** ********* $***+ addition, ********** **** ************ ***** ** added. **** ********* *** **** $** with **** ******** *** *** ** - *** ****** **** ***** ******* mounts.

Solid ******* ******

*** ****** ** ******** ** ******* to *********, *** ****** *** ****** have ******** ******** ************** ****** *** in ***** ************ ******. *** *******, see **** *** **** *********:

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*** ***** ***** * *** ********** for '***' **** ** *** ******* this ******** (******** ******** *** ********* vary), *** **** *** *********** ********* must **** * ******* ******* ******** of *** ******. ** **** *****, lag ***** ** ******** ****** ****** be ****. ********* ******* ***** ************ are *** ********* ** ********* ** find. **** **** ***********, ******** ******** stores, ** ********** ************ ***** **** options.

*******, ******** ********* **** **** *********** criteria ******* *** *** ***** ** be ********, *** *** **** ********* in ******* ************ ********* *** ******* warrants ******* ********* ***** *** ********* of ***** *********.

**** ****** **** * ******* ******** requirement ** ~****** - ****** *** fastener. ** **** *****, *** ** sixteen ********* *** ******** *** ***** in * ******** **** ******* ******** to ********** *****-*** ****** ****** *** maximize *** *****'* *********.

Waterproofing ********

** **** *****, *** ******* ***** itself ** ********** *** ******** *** to **** ***** **** ***** ** corrosion, *** ******** *** ******* ** the ******* ********* ******** ******* **** holes *** *** **** ** *** underside ** *** *********. *** **** example:

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**** **** ********* ******** ******* ** caulking *** ******** ** *** ***** kit *** ** *** ** ****** to ******** *** ******** ** *** unit ** ******* *** ****** ** holds.

Cabling ******* **************

********** ***** ** ******* ** ****** the ******* ****** ********* ** *** most ****** ****** *** ** ************ similar ** ******* ** *** ** rigid *******, ******** ****** ** *** typically *** *** **** ********** ** terminations.

*** **** ********, *** **** ******* portion ** *** ***** ** *** length ******** **** *** **** ***** of *** *****. ** **** *****, typical ***** ** ***** ********** *** needed, ******* ******* ****** ** *** temperature ******* ** *******/***.

Tools ******

******* ***** ************ *** ********* ** accomplished **** ***** **** ***** ** common ***** *****. **** ********** **** already **** ***** ***** *** ***** common **** ** ***** ****, *** for ******* ******, ***** *** **** useful:

  • ****** *****
  • ******* ***** ****
  • **** ***** *********
  • **** *******
  • *******
  • ****** ** ****** ***
  • ****** *****
  • **** *******

Elevated **** ******

*** *** ****** ** ***** ******* mounts ** ****** ****** **** ** elevated *******. **** ****** * ******* may ****** ** ** * **** protective ******* ******* *******, *** ******* heights *** ************ *** ** *** low ** **** ** ******* ****** codes.

**** ***** ************ ****** *********** ******* PPE (******** ********** *********) **** ** climbing ********* ** ***-*** ****** *** any **** ** *****.

**** ****** ********* **** ********** ******* tie-off ** ****** ****** *** ******* to ****** **, *** ********** **** appropriate **** ********** ****** ****** **** commences ** * *** *************.

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** ** ********* ****** ****** *** available, ****** **** ********** *** ***** be ************ ** ******* *********, ***-*********** guard ***** **** *** ********* **** inside *** ******* **** ** *** roof's ****:

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Comments (2)
Undisclosed #1
Oct 13, 2022

**** ******* *****.

**** *** **********:

*. ******* ****** *** ****** **** on ******* ******* ** ****** *** coverage ** *** ******* (******* ** pole-mounted *** ******* - ** *** as ******** **** *** **** ** minimize *** **** ****).

*. **** ** *** ******** **** the ****** ******** ** ******* ********* and ***** "****-****" **********, ******* **** of *** ******* ****** *** ******** for **** ***** - *** ****** practice ** ** **** * ************ engineer ******/********* *********** ************ **** ** *** * "standard - ** *** ******* ************'* instructions".

Shannon Davis
Oct 13, 2022
IPVMU Certified

** **** ***** **** * **** and ****** *** ******* ***** ** that *** *** * ****** **** underneath ** ******* ****** ** *** roof.

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