Resideo Stock Soars With Strong ADI And Products Revenue

Published Nov 10, 2020 14:23 PM

Resideo's stock has soared 60%+ since the company's Q3 2020 financials were released last week.

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Inside this note, we examine Resideo's financial examining both the ADI distribution and Honeywell Homes sides of the business.

ADI ******

***'* ******* ******* **** *.*% ** Q3 ****, * ****** ****** ****** building *** *** ** *********** **** ADI ******** ** ****** ***** **** ***** ******** ***'* ***** **** **** **%.

*** ****, *** ******* ** ************ improvements ** ****** ******* *** ******** acquisitions:

** ***, ***** *********** **** ******* systems ************, *-******** *********** *** ******** M&A.

**** *******, *** ******* **** **** were ***** ** ** **** **** calling:

** *** ********* **** ************ ** some ***** *********** **** ******** *********.

*** ** ***** **** *** ***** taking ***** *** ******* ****** (***** LTS, ***, ***.) **** **** ** outbound. ** *** ****** **** *** really **** ****, **** ***** **** share.

ADI ******* **** ********* **** ********

******* ******* **** *******'* *** ********** is ****** *** **** **** ********* Home / ******* ********:

* ***** ** **** * **** opportunity ** **** * ******* ************* between *** *** ******** & ********* group. *** ******* ** **** -- as ******** & ********* ***** ** their ******* **** **** ** *** future *** **** ** *** **** time, ********** **** *** ** **** further **** ***. *** ** ****'* happening. *** **** ***** ****, ** you **** *********, *** * ********* about *** ******** **** ** *****. And * **** **** *** ****** are *** ******* **** ****** ********, and **'** *********** **** ** * big ***

**** ** *** *** **, ***-*******, ADI **** ******* ********* ********. ** the **** ****, ******** ********* **** ones *** **** ******* ***** *** risks ******** **** ***'* ***** ********.

Products / ********* *****

*** ******** **** *** *** ****** turnaround, **** ** ******* ** **% year **** ****, ********** ** ****** ******* ********* **%. *** ******* cited "******** *** ****** ******, ************ in *** ******** *** ******* *******."

************, *** ******* ********* **************:

** **** *********** ******** & ********* to ********* *********** *** ******* **** management. ***** ******* *** ******** ** foster ************* ****** *** ****** ******* portfolio *** ********* ******** ******** ** bringing ********** *** ******** ** ****** quickly *** **** ***********, ***** ******** we *** ******* **** *** ***** of *** *********.

** ** *** ***** *** ******* products / ********* **** **** ** we ****** ***** ***** *** ******* demand *** **** ******** *** ******* markets *** **** ****** ** *** pandemic / ******* **** ******** ** this ** ****** ******* *******.

Stock *****

**** ***** *******, *******'* ***** **** up **** ~$** *** ***** ** over $**, ** ***** *****:

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Still *** ***** ***

** *** ******** ****, *** *******'* stock ** ***** ******* ~**% **** than **** ** *** **** *** last ****:

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