RAD/AITX Publicly Traded Company Profile + CEO Interview

Published Jul 21, 2023 12:19 PM

While AITX/RAD is trading at $0.007 USD today, the CEO told IPVM the company "has a path to profitability in 18 months". But how does the future look for RAD/AITX, given their extensive portfolio and limited market adoption?

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In this report, based on our interview with the CEO Steve Reinharz, we examine RAD/AITX, including:

  • SMP Robotics Partnership, Reverse Merger
  • Majority Of Employees Are Engineers
  • RAD Is An AITX Company, AITX Structure
  • RAD's Path To Profitability
  • Demand Is Growing, But Is "Locked Up"
  • Execution Is Key
  • Financials
  • Direct And Channel Sales
  • Enterprise Customers And Deployed Units
  • RADPack Milli FGPA
  • Stationary Products
  • RAD Software Platform
  • Limited VMS Integrations, RAD's Own VMS
  • Limited Access Control Integrations
  • RAD Vs. Competitors
  • Breadth Of Product Impact On RAD: Positives And Negatives
  • Positives Of An Extensive Product Line
  • Outlook

Executive *******

*** ******* ** ** * *********** financial ******** **** **** $*.* ******* in ******* ** **** (***** ** an *% ******** ***), * $** million ********* **** ** *** **** period, *** $***,*** ** **** ******* as ** *** *** ** ******** 2023. *** *******'* ****** ***** *********** (45 *****) *** ***** **** (* total) *** * ***** ********* ** products ******* * ********* ** **** revenue *** ******* ********.

******** ********, **** *** **** ****, has ***** *********, *** *** ******* it ***** ** *** ***** **** and *** **** ****/*** *** ******* are *** *********.

SMP ******** ***********, ******* ******

******** ********** ******* (** ***) *** founded ** **** ******* ********. *********, *** ******* *** * distributor *** * ******* *******,*** ********, *** *** ******* **** ************ in **** ** *** *** *** satisfied **** ***'* *****, ** *** Reinharz **** ****:

* ******* *** ******* ** ****. We ******* **** *** ************ **** a ******* ******* ****** *** *** Robotics. *************, **** ***** *** *** satisfy * ****** ** ****** ******* to ********, *** ******** ************, *** a ***** ** ********* ******. * had ** ***** **** ************ ** April ****.

*** **** ********** ** *** ********, see *** **** ******* -*** ******** / **** *** ************ 4-Wheeler ****** *******.

** **** *** ********* * ******* merger **** ** *** **** ******* (or ****) *** ******* *** *******'* name ** ****, ********* ******'* **** ********* ********.

* **** *****, ** ****, **** RAD ******* *** ********, *** ******* released *** ***** ******* **********(***** ************ ******** *********** *****). ***, RAD *** *+ ******** ******** (********* stationary *** ********-*****) *** ******** ******** products. *** **** *** ** *** technology, ** *** ******** **** ****, "has ** ** **** [***] ********** response":

Right ***, *** **** *** ** *** ********** *** ** ** **** ********** ********. And that involves a sequence of object identification, classification, having different types of responses setup and having the electronic system in place that manages all that and being able to do it at scale. [emphasis added]

Majority ** ********* *** *********

*** **** **** *** ** ***** 71 *********, **** **** ** ********* and ******** ********** *** * ***********.

IPVM Image

*** ******* *** *** ** **** Detroit, *** ***'* ***** ** ************* split ******* ****** *** **.

RAD ** ** **** *******, **** *********

*** *** ********* ** **** **** RAD ** *** ** ***** ************ of * ******** ****** ***************** ************ ********** *********(** **** *** *****), *** *** can ******** *** ** *** "**** operating ******" ***** ****. **** *********** means **** *** *** **** *** the **** *******.

************, "****** ****", **** ******* *** additional ************,***-*******-*, ** *** *** ******** **** IPVM. ***** ***-* ** "***** ** house" *** ************ ******** *** ***-******* sales ** *** *******'* ******** *** software **********, ** "**********" *** ****** products **** ** ** ***-*.

*** ******* ***** ********** *** ****'* structure:

IPVM Image

*** ****** *** **** ******* ***** two *** ************ ** ** ****** "flexibility ** ***** ***** *** ********" and "*********** *** ***********", ** ****/*** CEO ********* ** ****:

So *** *** ** ** *** *** ******* [** **** ********] *** *** *** ******** ** ** *** **** ********* ****** ***** ****. RAD-M is what I envision our mobile devices to go into. And similarly RAD-G is going to house the intellectual property and large part of the sales related to RADPack. The reason is that from managing a public company with three subsidiary standpoint, the mobility company RAD-M could start to venture into other areas. We could potentially do some drone stuff and have a separate public listing. Or if that company is driving revenue, we can break it off and do a NASDAQ listing. That [creating subsidiaries] gives me flexibility to house cost and expense and flexibility for fundraising and the investors. The similar thing with RAD-G with RADPack Milli in RAD-G is designed to be an OEM product. [emphasis added]

*********, * ***'* *** *** ******. So * ***'* **** ** ****** of ***** ******* *** ***** ** come ******** ***** ** ********. *** my *** ** ** *** *** pieces ** ***** *** *** *** drive *****. ****'* **** **'** ***** with ***** ***** *********.

** ***** **** ***** ***-* *** RAD-G **** ******* * ****** ** years ***, ***** ********* ***** ***'* have ******* ********* **********, *** ****/*** "hope[s] ** *** ***** ***** ** place *** **** [***-* *** ***-*] as ********** ********* ************."

*** ******** ********* ******* ** *** structure ** ***** ************ ** ******* by ***, ** *** ******* ***** to ****** ********** ****** ** *** expand **** ***** *********:

* *** ** ** ********** ** one ******* ****** * *** ***** to **** *** **** ***** *********. And ****'* *** **'** ******** ** RAD ***.

RAD's **** ** *************

***'* *** ****** ************* **** *** company "**********" ******* **** *** *** yet **********, *******, *** ******* "*** a **** ** ************* ****** **** than ** ****** **** ***", ** he **** ****.

** ******* ****, *** *** ***, the ******* ***** ** ******** *** annual ********* ******* ** *** *****. This ** ** ********* ******, ********** considering *** **** *** ********* **** 27% ** ~$***,***, ********* ** ******* ****** **-*. ** *** ***** ****, ********** ********** *** ***** ****** **** "***** by ** ********** **".

*** *** **** ****, *** ******* needs ** "****** ******* ******* ********* revenue **** *** ******* *******'* ******** revenue" ** ******* *****-**** - ********* that *** *** ******** ** "********* achievable" **** ****** ****:

** **** ****** ** **** ** approximately ****** ******* ******* ********* ******* plus *** ******* *******’* ******** ******* to ******* *****-****. **** ** ****, subject ** ******* ******* **********, ******** can ******, *** ***. *** ****’* where **’** ** **** ** ****. Certainly ********** **** ****** **** (*** FY **** *** **) *** **’** charged ** ** *** ** ** can *** **** **** ** *** close ** *** ***.

Demand ** *******, *** ** "****** **"

***** *** ** *******, *** ****** is "****** **" *** ** ******* reasons, ********* "******* **** ********" ** the ********, ********* ** *** *******'* CEO:

** **** * ****** **********, * absolutely *** *** ******, *** * see *** ****** *******. *******, * see ** ****** **. * *** it ****** ** **** * *** different ******** ** *****. **** ** them *** **** *general ***** ********** ** **********, ******* **** ******** ****'* ********* ** *** ******** ********. Another obstacle is individual security managers [being] risk averse because of their careers. There are many security practitioners out there that aren't incentivized to take any risks. They're not incentivized. They're not under pressure to reduce their budgets. They're not under pressure to try new things. They're not under pressure to innovate. So they're going to do the same thing they did last year. And that is really prevalent across most of the industry right now. So that's a big obstacle. And I'll also say the technology has to continue to improve. It has to get better, it has to get easier. It has to get faster, no question about it. [emphasis added]

Execution ** *** *** ***

$*.* ******* ** *** ($***,*** ********* size *****) ** * ********* ****** for ***, ** *** ******** ****** is "** ***** ** ***** ******" (outside ** ***), ********* ********'* *** ***********, ***** ** ******* ** ************* accurate.

*******, **** '****** **' ******, *** company's ********* **** ** ***, ** remains ** ** **** ** *** can ******* ** ***** **** ****, but * **% ******** ** *** from *** ******** **** ** * positive ****.

AITX **********

***** *** ******* **** *** *** by **% ** ~$***,***, ****/*** *** decreases ** ***** ******* *** ******* (an *% ******** ** ******* ** ~$1.33 ******* *** * **% ******** in ******* ** ~$***,***), ****** **** *******.

** ** *** *** ** ****, the ******* *** ~$***,*** **** ** cash, ***** ** **** ***** ******* than *** *******'* **** **** ********** of ~$**.* ******* ** ****.

IPVM Image

****: **** *** *** ***** ** February ****, *** *** *** ******* is **** ****** **** *** ****.

****'* ******* ****** ************** ** $**.** million, *** *** *******'* ***** ** trading **** ***** $* - ** $0.0071. *** *******'* *** ********** *** stability ** *** ***** *** "******" liquidity. *******, ** ***** * "**** higher" ***** *** ******** **** *** company ** "******* ** *** ***** direction ** ***** ****":

* **** ******* ** *** *******’* market ***. ** *** **** ** bounce ****** ***** $**,***,*** ****** *** and ** **** ****** ********* (***** a *** **** *** *********). **, we’ve * ********** ****** ***** *****, market *** *** ****** ********* – all ***** ********* ****** ** ********* to.

* *** *** **** * **** it [*** *****] ******, **** ******, and ****’* **** **’** ******* *******. I’d **** ****** ********* ** **** the ******* *** *********** ******* ** forward-looking **********. *** ********** *** ***** and ***** *** ** **********. **** said, **’** **** **** ** *** through * *** **** ***** *****, we’ve ************ **********, ******** ************** *** to **, **** * ******** *** incoming ***** *** *** ***** ******, I’m ****** *** ******* ******* ** the ***** ********* ** ***** ****.

RAD ******* ********

*** **** **** **** ** **** they ******* *** ******* ******** ** "almost $***,***", ***** **** "**** **** effect ** *******" ***** *** ******* finishes ****** *********. *******, *** ******* expects ** ****** ******** *** ******** revenue ** "* ************ ******". *** context, *** ******* ********** ******* *** loss **** ********** - **** $**.** to $**.** *******, *** ******* **-*.

*** ********** ****** **** ** *** the ******* ******* ** ** ****, but ******* *** ******** ** * step ** *** ***** *********. *******, decreasing *** **** ** **** **** of *** ********, ** *** **** also **** *** *******.

Direct *** ******* *****

********* ** *** ***, *** ******* does ****** *** ******* *****. ***** no ******-**-******* ***** *** *****, *** Reinharz **** **** **** ** *** past "*** ******", *** "********** ******** more ******* ****** ***** ***** ******** the *******".

*** ******** ** *** ******* ******, with **** **% ** *** *******'* partners ***** ****** ** ** *********:

* **** *** **** **** *** past *** ****** ** **** ********** orientated **** ******* ****** ***** ***** managing *** *******. ** ***** **% of *** ** ******* ******** *** pretty ****** ** ***** ** ********* quoting ** *** ********* ******** ***** funnel **** **. *** **% [** our ********] ****'* **** ******, ***** which ** ***********, *** **'** *** them ***** ** *** ***** ****.

Enterprise ********* *** ******** *****

*** ** "**************" **********-*******, ** ** current ***** ******, *** ******** ***** savings **** *** ********** **** ***** security ***** (*** **** ***** **********), as *** *** ******** ****:

**************, **'** **********. ***** ** *** Fortune * ********* *** *** ******* right ***. ** ****** ***** ** larger ********* **** **** ************ ******** teams *** ***** ******** ******, ******* in **** *****, *** ******** ** allowing *** ********** ** ****** ***** guard ***** ** ***** ** * lower ********** *****.

*** ******* **** ****, *** ******** of *** ******* **** **** **** 50 ******** ***** ** *** *****, with *** **** ******* *********(* ********** ****** ******** **** *******, LED *****, ***-*** *****, *** ******** capabilities) ***** *** "******* ********" ** deployments **** **** **** * **** per ******** ** *******.


*** ******* *** **** ********, ********* stationary ********, ******** ***** *****, ******** components *** *** *********, *** ******** products.

**** ****** ******* ** ********** *** software ********. **** ***** ** ******* a ****** ***** *** *******'* ******** lines,***************, ** *** **** ******.

*** *****, ***'* ********** ******** ******** more ******* *** *** ******* *** have **** ***** ******** ** *** field, *** *** *** ******** ******** that ****** ******** **** "**********" **** the ********** ****, ** ** ****:

* ***** **** *** ********** ********, maybe *** **** ****, *** ***** the **** *****, * ***'* **** it's **** ** **** * ***'* have * ******* ****, *** ********** the ****** ******** **** ******** *** stationary ******** [** *******]

RADPack ***** ****

*** *** ******** **** "*** **** hardware" *********** *****, * ***** ************ **** *****, installed "****** *** *******", ** *** CEO ******** **** ****:

All ***** ******* ******* ******* *** *** **** ******** ******** ****** *** *******. *** *** **** ******** ****** **** ******* ***** ****** *** *******. What I really see us doing is just taking this core idea of technology and application and putting it different form factors to suit different customer's needs. Because it's on a solar panel, on a wall, at a gate, in a mobile device -it's all the same stuff. [emphasis added]

IPVM Image

********* ** *** *******'* *******, ******* Milli ** **** ********* *** *** as * **** ** *** ***-* offering. ********* ***** *******'* ***** *******, ***-* ********* ******* ********* *** board ** **-******* ********* ** ******** the *******'* ********. ****** *** **** with *** *******, *** *** *** mention **-******** ********* ** ********* *** partners, ****** ******** *********, ** *** other ****, **** ********* ** *** CEO.

*** ** ** *** ******* ** developing ******* ***** *** *, **** expected ********** ** *******-******** ****, ** the *** ******** **** ****.


****(** ********** *********** ******** *****) ** marketed ** * "***** ****" "********-**-*-***" solution *** *********** ** ** ******** that **** * ****** ** ***** analytics. **** ** ** **-** *******-***** device **** * *** *** *******, an *** ******, ******, * ***-*** audio ******, * ******** ******* *** communications, * **** *****, *** ***** components.

IPVM Image

*** *******, *** *** ********** ******** use ***-************, *** *** ******* ****** *** NDAA-compliance ****** ********** **** ** *** devices, ** *** ******** ****:

[** ***] ******** *** ** *****. We ** * ******** ***** **** of ******* **** ******* ** ****** that *** ***** **** *** **** compliant.

***** *** "**************" *** **** ******* generator *** ***, ** *** **********, with "******* ******* ********".

*** ******* *** *** ******** *** exact ******* *** **** *** ********* that ** ** * ************-***** ***** with ******* ******** ** "********" *** unit. *** ******* ******** ****** ** one ****, ** *** **** ****.


***(** **** *********** ***********) ** *********** ROSA **** * ***** ***** **** gives ** ********** ***********. ***** *** multiple *** **************, ********* ***-*** (*** a ***** ***** *** *** ****, i.e., **** ***° ***), ***-*** (*** a ***** ***** *** *** *****, i.e., ***° ***), ** *** ******* below *****:

IPVM Image

***'* ***** ***** *** ***** **** the ****** ******, ** *** ******* confirmed ** ****. *******, *** ******* to ******* *** ***** ** *****-***** devices ***** **** **** * ******** for *** *******.

***** *** ** **** ********, *** RAD, *** *** ******* ** "** the ***** ** ********** ** * 100 *** ********** ***". ***** *** company *** ******** **** * *** RIOs ** ****, *** *** ******** believes **** ***** ******* *** ***** to ** * "***** ******* *********" for *** *******:

*** ** ***** ** ** * large ******* ********* *** **. **'* our ***** **** ***** **** * market **** ******* ******, ***** ** don't ****** **** ** ******* *** market ***: "**, **'** ***** **** and ****". ** **** ***: "***, we're ** * ****. **'** ******* but ***** **** **** ****, ****, plus, **** ****". *** *** ****** seems ** ** ****** ********** ********** to ****.I ** ******* **** **** ** ***** ** ** * **** ****** ** ******* *** **. [emphasis added]

*** ******* *** *** ******** *** pricing *** *** ** *** *** configurations.


***(** ********** ******** ******) ** *********** ROSA ********* ** ***** *** ****** control. *******, ***** *** * *** differences ******* *** *** ****, *** most ********* ** ***** *** ****** control *************** - *** ******** ********, QR *****, ******’* ********, *** **** to ***** ****** ** *** ********. Additionally, *** *** *******-****** **** ******* instead ** ********-****** ***, ** **** ROSA.

IPVM Image

***** *** ******** **** ************ *******, the ****** **** *** ******* **** tags, *** *** ******* ********* **** is *** ********* ** *** ******* roadmap.

*** *** ******** ** ***** ** date. *** ******* ******** ** ******* approximate ******* *** *** *****.

RAD ******** ********

*** ******* ********* **** *** *** products *** *** **** ******** **** with ******* ********* *** ******** *********, including "*******, *****, *******, ********* ******, and ********* *********, ********* *************, *** alerts," ** **** ** *****/******** ********** and *******.

**** ******** *** *** ** *** edge (****** *** *******) ** ** a ****** ****** **** ****** ****, as *** *** **** ****:

**** **** ** *** **** ** our*******’ (****** **** ******) *** ** any ****** *******. *** ********* *** run ** **** ****** ** *** edge-based ******* (****, ***, ***.) **** are ******** ********* ** ** * desktop ****** *******. **** *********** ** NVidia ****. **** **** ** ** sized ** ****** & **** ** cameras ***** **** ****** *** **** of ********* ** ** ***. * make *** *********** **** **** ** inclusive ** * *** ******* **** manages **************, *********, ****** ****, ******** incident ********** ********** ** ******** ** recording *** ******* *****.

*** **** **** **** *** ***** analytics *** "***** ** ***** **********".

********* ** *** *******'* *******, **** is ****** ** $** ******* *** channel (****), ********* "*** *********, **** messaging, ******** **********, ***** *******, ****** access, *** ********** ****," ** *** told ****.

Firearm *********

***** *** ******** **** **** **** he *** *** **** ** **** a ******* ********* ******** ** ** is *** ** "********* ******", *** company "*** * *** ** ******** to ** **", *** *** *** company ****** ** (****** ******* ********* ********) ** * **** ** *** software ******* ** **** ** * separate *******.

*** ******* ********** **** ***** ******** distinguishes '**** ****' *** '***** ****' "with ** ******** ** **** ****". The ******* **** *** ***** *** numerical ******** ******** (*.*., ********* ******** or ***** ***** ****) ********, *** RAD **** **** **** *** ******** on **** **** ** **% ** a **** *** ** "****** *******" and ******* ** * ****** ** 2 *******:

** ** **** **** **** *** is ****** ******* ** *** ****** in * ****** ** * ******* our ******** ******** **** ** **%+ (specifically*.**** % ****** ** ******* ** detect). **** ** ***** ********** ** which *** ******* *** * ****** of ********** ** ******.

*** **** *** *** *** (***** per ****) ** * ******* *** firearm *********, ** **** **** ****, but ********* **** "** ***' ** good ******** **********, ** [***] *** detect *****". *** ******* ***** **** they ***'* ***** *** ********* ** firearms **** **** **** ***** ******, as **** *** "*** *****" *** "will ****** *********** ***** *********".

*** **** ****** ******* ********* ********* as * *****-***** ******* **** *** can ****** **** ******** ************** ***** an ****** ***** ****** ******* *** software ** ****** ****.

Limited *** ************, ***'* *** ***

** ** ******** **** *** * security/monitoring ********* ********, *** *** ********* limited *** ************ (*** **** *** feed *** ******* **** *** *** passes ****** ** ******** * **** to **** *** ******** ** ***'* system), ** *** ******* *********, *** "is ********** *** *** [***]".

**** ******** ****** ******** ** ******* to *** ***'* *********, ******* ************* on **********, ******** *******, ***., ** CEO ******** **********:

******* *** ********* **** *** ***’* as ** *** ********* ********** *** own! **** (************* ****** ********) *****’* ******** ******** ***** **** ****** customers ** ******* ***** *** ** cameras ****** ********* ***********! ****** ******* ** ********-******** hardware, **** **** ***** ***** ******** IP ******* ** *** *** **** AI **** ** ********* ******** *** ROSA, ***, *** ***************, ********* *******, *****, *******, *** loitering *********. ** **** **** ******* immediate ************* *** ********* ********* *** *** *** ***** detections. ***** **** ** **** ** view **** ***** ***** **** *** their ******* *** ******** ***** ******* from *** ****** ******** **** ***************. ***** ******** ******* ******* *******, defined ********* *****, ********* ***** *******, motion *********, *** *** *** ***** features ******** **** *** ********* **** **** to **** *** ****.

***** *** **** *** **** *** cameras (** ****, ***, ***.) **** third-party ***, *** ****** *** **** alerts ** *** ******* ********* * link ** **** *** ******** ** the *** ********, ** *** *** told ****:

*** ’***********’ ** ‘************’ ** ***** VMSs ** ** *********, ********* ******* alerts *** * **** ** *** to **** ****** **** ********’* ******** *******. ** ** ***’* totally ****** ** ***’* **** ** all **** ***** ****, **’** **** them **** **** *** **’* ******* for *** ***** ‘************’ ** **** to ****.

*** ******* ** **** **** ******** approach ******* (*) ** *** "********* for *** '********-*********' ******** ** **** to ****", *** (*) *** *** industry *** ******* ************ **** ********* and *** "**** *** **********", ** CEO ******** *********:

*****, ** *** ********* *** *** ‘cellular-optimized’ ******** ** **** ** ****. There ** ** ***** *** **** we ***** ******* ***** ****** *** of *** *** **** ** **** to ******* ****/****** *** ********* ******** usage. *** ** *** **** **** we ****** ** ***** ** *** own ********* *** ******** ***** *** needed ** ******* *** *** ******* so ** ***** ** ******** *********** for ******-********* ******** *** ** **** left **** ** ******.

***********, ** ***** *** * *** the ******** ******** **********. * ******* that *** ******** *** ********* ****, for *** **** ******* *****, ***** out ******* **** **** ******* ****** value ** *** ******* **** ** VMS *****. * ******* **** * 5-day ******** ****** ******** ** ******* a *** ** ********** – *** operation ****** ** *********. * ******* that *** ***** ** *** ****-****** client *** **** **** ***** *** way *** *** ‘*** *** *******’ are ** * ********* *********** *** with **** ***** **** ******** **** little **** ***** ** *** ******** outside ** * *** **** ********* and **** ************* *** *****. * believe $***/**** ****** ******** *** *******. Bottom **** ** **** * ******* the *** ******** ** **** *** disruption. * ******* *’* *** *** only *** **** **** **** ** other ******* *** ******** *** *** space **** ** *** **** (*.*. Google/Ring ** *** ****’* ***** ********* ***, ** ****).

* ******* *** ******* *** ********* is ******* *********** *** **** ** replaced **** *** ****** *****. * don’t **** ** *** ** ****** to ******* ********* * **** **** have ** ****** ** **** ** away

************, ** ***** ******* ******** ** one ** *** ******* *** **** don't **** *** **** **** *****-***** systems.

Limited *** ************: ********* *** *********

**** ******** **** ****** ** ******* your *** *** *** ****** ******* integrations **** ***** ******* *** ********** affect *** ******* *** *** ******** for ******** *******.

*****, ** *** *********, ***** ******* market ** ********** ********, *** **** customers ******* **** ********* ******** ************** and ******** *** ******** *** ********** purposes. *** ********* ** ********* *** devices **** ******** ************** ********** *** usefulness ** *** *** ******** ** they **** ***** ******* ********* (*.*., only ************* *** ** *****). ****, to ******* ******* ***** **** ***, one ***** **** ** ******** *** the ******* **** ****, ***** (*) can ** **********, (*) *** **** to *** **** ** **** ***************, workflows, *** ********** ************, *** (*) can ***** **** ********** ******** ** terminating * ******** **** *** ****** VMS ********.

******, ****** ******* ******** ** ** extensive ******* **** *** ****** *** company’s *********** ********* ****, ********* ** inconsistent ***********, ******* ******** *******, ***.

************, *** *** ******** *** ******* specialist ********* **** ************* ****** ******** budgets *** ********* **** ***, ** creating * *********** ******* ** * number ** ********, **** **********, ***., is ************* *********.

** *** ******** ****, *** ********* only ********* *** ******** **********, * native *** *** *** ******** ***** be * ******** ******. ************, *** existing ******** ***** *** **** ********* than ****** ************.

Limited ****** ******* ************

***** *** "**** *** **** *** direct ************ ** *** ****** ******* system," "****" ******* "*** ****** ** output *** *** **** ****** ******* systems", ** *** ******* **** ****.

*** ******* *** ******** ** ** outdoors (****** ***** ** *** ******** or ** *** ******** *****), ** access ******* ************ ***** ** *******, as **** *** **** **** ** armed ***********.

*** ** "******** *******[***]" ********* ****** control ************, ********* ** *** ***.

RAD **. ***********

*** ******** **** **** ***'* **** direct ***********, ** *** ******** **** IPVM, ** *** ** *** ******** has *** ******* ** ******** *** software ******** **** *** ***:

*****'* ** ****** **********. *** ** the ******* *** **'** ****** ** build ** **** ******** ** **** a ********* **********, ** ** *** to ****** *** **** ********** **** form ******* *** *** **** ** the ***** ** **** **'** ***** to ****** *** **. ** ** don't **** ******* **** ****** *** breadth ** *** ********, *** ** don't **** ******* **** ****** *** breadth ** *** ********.

Breadth ** ******* ****** ** ***: *********

***** *** *** ***** **** ****** an ********* ******* **** ** * favorable ********, **** ******** **** ** the **** ** ***, ****** **** many ******** (**** ******** *** ********) is *********** ** *** *******'* ******** and ******. ******, *** *******'* *** agreed **** ****** ********** *** ********* (45) ********* *** ****** ** ******** that *** ******* *** **** ** concurrently:

***’* ********* ***** ** ******** *** the ******* ****** ** ********* **** indeed ****** *** **** ******** ** can **** ** ************.

*** **** ****, * ***** **** to ** **** ** **** **** more ********* ** ** *** ********** existing ******* *********** *** **** ******** mobility ******** ************.

*** ********* [** ****** **** ** extensive ******* ****] ******* *** *** team ** ***** *********.

*** ** ***** *********** *** *** 45 ********* *** ******** **********, *** the ***. *********** **** *** ******* has **** **** *+ ******** ********, multiple ***** *********, *** ** ********** its *** ***, ** ***** ** spreading *** *********** ********* *** ****, hindering ******** *** ***********.

*** **********, ***'* **********,****** ********, *********** ** **** *** ******** ** the ******** ****** ********, *** ** *********, *********** ****, *** **** * ******* ** products (*** ***** ***** *** *** software ********).

** *** ******** ****, *** ******* contain **** ** *** **** ********** that ** **** ***** *********, ***** might ******** *** **** ** ************* and ***********. ************, *** *******'* *** told **** **** ***** ***** ** work, **** ******** *** ******** ********* now **** "* ****** ** ********":

**’** **** ******** **** ******** *** years, ************ ***** ****. ** *****’* been ***** ** ******, *** *** a ****** ** ******** ** **** the ******** *** ******** ********* ** this ****.

Breadth ** ******* ****** ** ***: *********

***** ***, *******, ********* ** ****** an ********* ******* ****, ********* ***** favorably ********** ******* *********** ** *** industry ** * '***-**** ****' *** increasing ******* *** ********.

*** ******** *********** **** ** ***** advantages:

*** ********** ********* ** ***’* ******* line ** *** ********* ** * vision ** ****** * ****** ******* producing * ***** ** ******** ******* and ******** ******** ** ********** ***** a *******’ ***** ******* *********** ****** to ******, ***** *** ******** ******* from ********* *******.

Breadth ** ******* ****** ** ***: ** *******

*** ********** ******* ** *** ******* potentially ******* ****** ****** **** *** product ** **** *** ****** *.* release **** ********* ******* ** *** RADDog ********, * "***** *******" **** is *** ******** ** ************* ***** sales (*** *** *** ***********), ** he **** :

[*] **** ** *** ****** *.* expected ******* ****?

[*]Depending [**] *** ****** *********** ******** *** ***** **** * ***********/************ ****, as well as if we increase our engineering budget, we will use 6 - 10 months to have customer deployable ROAMEO 3.0 units. [emphasis added]

********, ****** ** ********* "** *** back ******" ** *** ******* ** limited ** ***** *********, ********* ** the *******'* ***:

****** ** ** *** ********** ******* being **% ******** ** ** *** limited ** ***** *********.

Next **** ******

** * ********* **** ****** **** week, ** ******* *** *******'* ******** in **** ******, ******** ** ***** robotic *********.

Comments (4)
John Honovich
Jul 21, 2023

general ***** ********** ** **********, ******* **** ******** ****'* ********* ** *** ******** ********

**** *** * ****** ********* ** analytics ********* * ****** ***. *** reality ****** *** **** **** ********* were ********* *** ********* *** *** too **** ********.

**** ** ** ********** ********* ** robotics *********. **** *****, ******* ***********, and ********* **** ****.

*** ***** ******* ** **** ******* so *** ***** *** **** ** terms ** ****** ***** ** ****** -****** ****** ******** ** ******** ***** Market (**** *******)****** ********** (** ******* *******) ****** has ***** ******* ***** ********* **** Knightscope, ****/***, ***.

****, *********, ******* -*** ****** *** ***** ** ** Knightscope, **** *********** ***

Steve Reinharz
Jul 22, 2023


***% ***** **** *** ****. ***** must **** **** *** *********** **** improve. ***** *** $** **** *** full ******** *** ******** **** *********, incident **** *** **** ****** ******** (plus **** ****** ************* **** ********* licenses). ***** ***, *********** ****. ********* will **** ** ** **** **** proven **** *******. ** **** *** overly ********* ********* *** ****** ** that *****.

*** **** ****** *******'* ********** *** making **** **** **** *********** *** cost ********* *** *** ******** ****** are ******* ******* ** *** ***** for **** ******* *** ***********.

**** - ******'* **** **** *** great. * **** **** ********* **** in ** **** ** *** *** bigger ******* ** **** **'** ******* to ** *** **** ******** :).

Randy Lines
Jul 21, 2023

***** ****** **** :)

*********** ******** ** ***** **** ** VMS ... **** * ******* ** read *** ********* * ******* ***** BS *** ** *** *** ** the ******* * ******* ** *** interesting ... ***** ***'* ***** **** them *** ******* *********.


Steve Reinharz
Jul 22, 2023


***** ** ******* ** ******* *****. Steve.Reinharz@RADSecurity.com
