Pro-Vigil Remote Video Monitoring Profile

Published Jun 10, 2024 14:53 PM

The remote video monitoring space is growing with companies making audacious claims, such as Stealth, aiming to reach $1 billion in revenue, and Elite, claiming to be the only one in crime prevention. How is Pro-Vigil similar to and different from its competitors?

IPVM Image

In this note, IPVM examined RVM provider Pro-Vigil's business model and its growth plan for the near future.

Executive *******

****** **** ** *** *****, ***-***** was *** **** ************ ** *** marketing *** ******* ** ****, ********* focusing ** *********** ***************.

***-*****, **** *** **,*** *******, ** among *** ******* *** *********. ***** the ******* ******** ** ******** *** current ******* ** ****, ** ******** it ** ** $** ******* ** $90 ******* ***** ** *** *******'* previous ********** *** ****** *****. ****, while **** *** ********* ***** **** they **** ****** *************** ** **** or ***** ******* ***********, ***-***** ********** says **** *** **** ***** ** similar ** ******, ***** ** ******** is "******" ** **** ****-******* **********. The *******'* ******* *************** *** *********** elements, **** ** ********** ** ******** and ********.

Pro-Vigil's ******* - **** ****** ******** ** ********* *****

***-***** *** ******* ** **** ** San *******, *****, ******** *****. ***** *** ** ************* ****** in ******* *** *** *** *** of * ******* ************* ******** ******* before ********* ***-*****.** * **** *******, ***** **** **** ** "****** pioneer" *** ****** ***** ********** ***** in *** ******** ****** ** *** market.

***-***** *********** ** ******** ****** ******** trailers ** ********* ************ ***** ** the ***** **** ** *** ****. White ***** ***** *** ******** ******* that ***-***** "**** *** ******** *** largest ****** ************ ***** ** ***** America" ****** *** ***** ****** ** his ***-***** ********. ***** ********** ** Pro-Vigil's ********** **** **** ** ******* *******:

** ****** ******* ** ************ ***** there ** **** ****** **************. ** own *** ******* *** ******* ***** of ****** ************ *****, *** ********* type, *******-***** ***** **** ** *** deploy *** * ****** ** **** where ***** ** ******* ** ****** to, ***** ***** ** ** ***** to **** ****, *** ***** ***** is ** ******** ** ****** ****.

Expanded ***** ******** ** ** ****

***-***** ******** *** ******** ******** ***** it*** ******** ** *** ******* ****** fund *** ********* ******* ** ****. ***** ******* ******** ** *** Pro-Vigil ***** *** ********* **** ******** and *** **** ****** ******* *** permanent **** ******* ** ** *** same ********** ******* ******** ** ***-*****:

[** **** **] ********* [**] ********** construction, ********** [*****]. ** *** **** strong ** **** *****; ** **** a ******** ********* ** **** *****. About **** ***** *** [****], ** really ******* ** **** **** *** more ********* **** ** **. ** is * ********* ***** ********. ** takes **** ******, *** ********, **********, and ***** *******. ** ** * completely ********* *****. ** **** *** separate *********, *** **** *** ******** video **** ** *** **** ********** centers, ** ******, *** ****** ** them.

**** ***-***** ***********, ******* *** ********,*** ***** ** *** ********* *******. **** ********* **** **** **** are *** ******* ** **** ***** and *** ** ********* ***** ****** The ********* *******.

Scale & ********* *******

********** ************* **,*** *******, ***-***** ** among *** ******* ****** ***** ********** providers **** * ******** ********* ** the **. *** ******* ******** ** disclose *** ****** ******* ** ****, but *** **-******* ******************* ********* ** ******** *******-***** *** ****** $**.* ******* ** annual ******* ** *** *** ** 2021 *** **** ** *** ******* at ~**% ***** **** ** *** four-year ****** ****** ****.

******** * ******* ****** **** ** 2022 *** ****, ***-***** ** ****** nearly ~$** ******* ** ****. ***** Pro-Vigil ******** ** ******* *** ******* pricing ** ****, ******** * $** million ****** ******* *** **************-*****'* **,*** ****** *****, *** **** per ****** *** ***** **, ** average, ~$***, ********** ** *** ****** *** ** how ******* **********, *** ** ***-*****'* RVM **********, ******* *** ********.

** *** **** *******, ***-***** ******* ****** ***** ********* that *** ******* *** "** * race ** ** *** ***** ******* with $*** ******* ** [******] *******" within *** ****** ***** ********** *****. Nevertheless, ** *** ***** ********** ***** true, ***-***** ** *** ** **** the $*** ******* ****, ************ **********, * **********, **** ** was "****** ** ** ~$*** ******* in ****** *******" **** **** ****.******* *** $*** ******* **** ***** mentioned ***** ***** ***, *** ******* declined ** ******* ** **** *** updated ****** ******.

**** ****** ***-*****'* **,*** ****** ***** is **** *********** **********'* **,*** *******, **'* **** **** **** ** its ***** ***********, *****************'* **,*** *******,****'* **,*** *******,**** ********'* **,*** *******, ******** *********** ********'* **,*** *******.

Pro-Vigil's ******: ** *** "******** ******"

******* *** **, *** *** *** biggest, ****** ***** ********** ********* ** North *******, ***-***** **** **** *** vision ** ** ** *** "******** leader ** ********* ************* ************ ********* by ********** *** ******* **********" *** that ** ***** ** "******** ** invest ** *** ********* ** *********** the ***** *** ******* *** **** possible ******* *** *** ****-******* ******** base."

***-***** ******** ** ******* ** *** potential ********* ******* ** ******* *** Riverside ******* *** *** ***** ** exit **** ***** **** *** **********. It **** ****:

** **** ** ******** ** ** the **** ******* ** ********* *** prevent ***** *** ********* *** *** customers. ** ***** **, ** ******* we’ll ** ****-********** *** * ******* of ************* ** *** ******.

*******, **** ** ***** ******* ***** exits, ***** *** ******** ** **** market *******, ** ***** ****** ******* other ** ***** ** ** ********** in *********.

M&A ******* & *****

***-***** ********* ** **** **** ** has *** ** **** *** ************ in *** **-**** *******. **** ****** its *****, *** ********* *******, ****** "Alpha ***** ************ ** *** *****, Nevada" ** ***-*****'* ***-**, ***-***** **** IPVM ********* ** *** "******** * *** accounts **** ***** *****, [**] *** not ******* *** *******." ** **** told **** **** "** [***] **** knowledge," ***** ***** ************ ** ***** a ********* **** *******.

********* ** ******* ** *** ***** expansion ***** ** *&* *****, ***-***** told ****:

** ** *** ******** ** ******* potential *&* ********** ********.

Customer *******

***** ********* **** ********* *****, ***-***** told **** ** *** ******** ** "a ******* ** **********," ***** ******* "construction (**** *********** *** **********), ********** groups (****, **, ******, ***********, ***** equipment, ***.), *************, ******** **************, ******* facilities, ****** *** **********, *** ******." The ******* *** *** ******** *** business ********* ******* ***** *********, *** as ** ****, ***** ********* **** Pro-Vigil *** "**** *,*** *** ********** customers," * ***** ******* ***** ****** video ********** *********. *** *******,**** *** * ******* ***** ** automobile ***********.

Technology ***** ******* ** ******; ************** ******* *********

*********** ***** ********** ** * ****-******* sector ** ***** ********, ** ** ********* ** ************* oneself **** ****** ** **** **** similar ******, **** **"****-**** ***** **********"*** ****** ******** ** *** *** of **.

** ****, ***-*****'* *******, ****** *****,****** ************ ** *** **** *********** *** **** ***** ** ******* to ******, *********** *** **** ** "normal" ** ****-******* ********** ***** ******** claims **** **** *** ******* "** suite" **** ********:

**** *** ********, ** *** ***** of ********** *** *** ** ******* in *** **** *****, *** **** we *** ***, **'** **** ******* [to ******], ** ** *****, *** that's ****** *** **** ****-******* ********** where *'* ***** **** ** ***** from **** ********* *******, *** ** competitors *** ***** *******.

**** * ******* **** *****, ***** said ***-***** **** ************** ****** ******* execution *** ********, ********* ******* ******* SLAs **** *********:

*** *** ** ********* *** *******? When ** **** **** * *** national ***********, ***** ********* *** ***** how ** ****** *** ********. *** key *********** **********, ** ****, ****** do ***** *** ********.

** ** *****, **'** *** **** company **** * **** ** **** has ** ***, * ******* ***** agreement, ******** ** *** ******** ******* agreement. **** ** *** **** ** will ******* ** *****-********* ******; ****** X ****** ** ****, ** **** act, *** *** **** ** **** notify *** ******* ** *********.

***** ******* ********** *** ***-***** **** have ********* ************ ** **** **** on ***** *********** ********** *******:

*** ******* ** ****** * ******* equity ******* ** **** **** ****** drive ** ********* *******. **, **'* picking *** ******* **** ****** ******.

**** *** ******* ** ***** ** numbers, ** **** *** ** ******** by *** ******* ** **** ** their ********. ** ***** *** ****** financial ************ **** ** *** ******* those.

Proprietary ******** *** **

******* *****'* ********* **** ***-*****'* **** stack ** ******* ** *** ***********, Pro-Vigil ********** ** **** *** **'* different **** ****** ** *** "***********" software *** **,* ***** ****** **** ****:

*** ******** ** ***********, ********* *** device ********* ********** ******, ********** ********, and ******** ****** ************. ***********, ***-***** introduced *********** ** **** *** ******** in **** ** ******* *** ******* delivery.

***-*****’* ******* ******** ** ****** ** analytics. ** *** ********* ** *** site ******* ** ****** *** ********* we ***** **** ******** ******, ******, and ********* ***********.

** **** * *********** ********, ******* by **, ** ******* *******, *******, and/or ********* ** *** ***** ***** so *** ********** **** *** *** appropriately.

Promotional/Marketing *********

***-***** **** **** *********** ***** ** its ********* *********. *** *******, ** touts ** *** "**%" ***** ************ *** **** ***** ** *** website:

IPVM Image

*** ******* ********* ** **** *** it ******* ** *** **% ******:

***** *** *****, ** ******* * large ****** ** ****. *** ********* show *** **** ******** ** *** time – ** ** **% – we ***** ************ ****** **** **** the ****** ** ****** ** ***.

****** *** **% ******** ******, ***-***** also **** ** "******* *** ****" so **** ********* *** "***** ****** at *****":

IPVM Image

***-***** **** **** ** ******** "******** protection **** ***** *** *********":

IPVM Image

*******, ********* *** ********** ********* ******* the "*****" *** "*********" ** "********," Pro-Vigil ****:

***-***** ****** **** ****** ****** *** action *******. ** ****, **'* **** to ********* ** *** ***********'* ****** is ** *****, *********, ** ****.

***** *** ******* **** "********" ****** they ***** ******, ** ******* ** question ******* **** *** ** ****** "crimes."

Monitoring ******* ** *** *******, *****, *** *****

** *** ** *** "**-**************** ******* ********************** ********** ****** ** *** *******, Texas, ***-***** *** *** ********** ******* in *****. ******** ********** ******* *** common ***** *** *********. *** *******, both******* ***************** ************ ********** ** *** ***********. ***-***** expanded ** *** ********** ** ***** to ****, *********** **** *** ** its ********* *** ***** **-*****:

** **** *** ******* ** ********** in *****: *** ********** ****** ** Excellence *** *********** ****** ** **********. Both ******* *** ***** ******* ** Pro-Vigil ********* (*** ********** ***********).

********* *** ******** *********, ***-***** *** has ~*,*** ********* ** *****, *** company **** ****.

**** ****** *** ********* ******** *** overseas ********** *****, ***** ** ****** among *** *********, ****, **** ****** **********, ****** ** ***** ***** ********** within *** **. ******, ***************** *********** *********, **** **** ****** overseas ********** ******** ** * ******** sign**** ********* ***********, **** ***** **********.

******* *** ***** ********** **********, ***-***** once ********* **** *** ********* ***** monitoring ************ ******** ************* ********* *****'* ********** ********. ***-***** confirmed ** **** **** **** *********** has *******, **** ****** **'* ***** shown *****-*****'* ***** ****:

IPVM Image

Partner *******

******* ****** **** **** ***-***** ***** from ***** *** ********* ** **** it ******** **** ******** ***** *********, including*********** ******, ** **** ** ******* ***** integrators, ********* *** **** *********** ** ********* *******/****** ** ********* them. ***-*****'* *******, ****** *****, **** in ******* *********** ****** ***** **********'* *** ** "over ***" *** *** ******* ** an ********** ***** *******, *** ** encourages ***** ******** ** ********* ******* of ******* **** ***-*****.

***** **** ***** ** *** ********* that ***-***** ******* ********** *********"****** *** *** ***** ******* *** integrators ********* *** ******* *** ****** video ********** *************."

Comments (4)
Undisclosed #1
Jun 10, 2024

***** ** *** ******* ******** ** this ******* *** **** ** *** is ***-***** ** ** ******** *** specifically ** * ****** ********. **** first-hand ********** * *** **** *** that ********* *** ******** ** **** a * **** ***-******* *** * 2 **** ***-******* *** ***-***** **** file * ******* ******* *** ** they **** ***** *** ***** ******* it. ***********, **** **** **** **** new ******** ** * **-*********. **** makes **** **** ***** ** **** don't **** ** *** **** ** a ******* ****** *** ******** **** doesn't ***** *** ********. **** *********** ask *** *********** ******* *** **** require **** *** ******** ** ********* your **********.

**** ** ********** ** **** ***** companies ****** *** *** ********* ******* portfolio, **** ** ******, ***'* ******* a ***-******* ** ***-*******.

**'* * ***** **** ** **** from *** ******* **** **** *** well *** ***-***** ***** ** * world ** *******, ******** *** *********.

** *** *******, **** *** $*** but **** **** * *********** ***** with ****** ******** ** ** ****** keep ** **** ***** ******* ** likely ** **'* *** *** **** Invoices.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jun 11, 2024

** **** ** ** ******** **** Pro-Vigil. ** *** *** ***** ******* I **** **** **** ******** **** professionally. ** * ***** **** **** company * *********** **** ****** * would. ** *** ******* ******** ***** they ****'* **** ****** ***** ** hour ***** *** ******** ********. ** had * ***** ******** ** *** community *** ** ******* ***** ** their ******* ***** ***** ***** ****. Supposedly **** **** **** ** ******* company *** **** ****** ** ** pay ***** ********, ******* **** **** now ***** ** **** ** **** from * **** ******* ****. ** total ** *** **** * ********* because ** ***** ******** ** ** their *** *********. **** ** ***** google *******. ****** **** *** * little ***** **** * ******* **** have ******.

Undisclosed #1
Jun 11, 2024

**** ********** ***** ******* *** ***** they **** **** ****** ********... ******* they ****'* ****** **** ** *** customer/partner.

Lee Jones
Jun 13, 2024
Support Services Group

*** "*************" ** **** ***** *** big ****** ** ****/****** ***********. * am ********* ** *** ****-*** ******** of *********$********* *********** ****** **** ** *** under ******* **********. ***** ****** ** police ******** ** *********** *** *** to **** **% ***** ******. ******** customers **** ********... *** ******* ********, without ******* ****** *********.