China PLA Showcases Gun Firing Unitree Robot Dog Analyzed

Published Jun 17, 2024 12:08 PM

The People's Liberation Army touted a gun-firing Unitree robot dog in a recent military exercise, raising fears that it could be used in an invasion or a war, but how well will this work?

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In this report, we examine the PLA video and detail the technical viability, limitations, and implications of supplying the PLA.

For more coverage on robotics, see:

***** ******* ****** ******* ****** ** the *** *** ******** ****** ****** not ** **********, *** *** ***** shows ******* ****** *********** **** ****** firing ** *******. ************ *******'* ****** robot *** ** *********** ******, **** Unitree ******** ~** *** ** ******* load. *******, ******** *** ********* ****** would ***** *** ****** ***, **** the ***** ******* *** *******. ************, robots' ****-****** ***** *** ******** *********** in ********* ******* ***** ***** ***** deployment ** ****** ******** ************.

*** *** ************* ***** ***** ** Unitree's ****** ** ***** ******** *** European *******, ** *** ******* *** be ********** ** * *** ***** Military ******* ** ** ********* *** sale ** *** ********, ******* ** Dahua *** *** (******** ******** "******* ******** *******" ** US ***).

PRC ***** *** *****

*** ***** ******'* ********** **** ****** a ***** **** *** *****-******** "****** Dragon ****" ***** ******** ********, ******* the *** ** ******* ***** ****. The *** **********'* *** ******** ************** ****** ** **************** **** * ******* *****.

***** **** ** *** *** ***** time * ******* ***** *** **** fitted **** * ******* (****** ********** *** / ***** *** Examined), *** ******* **** ** * joint ***** *******, "******* ******* ****** ****** *** ** Weaponized."

********** ***** **** **** ***** ********* were ********* ** *** *** ***** Zhuhai *******, **** ******* *******,*********, **********, "**** ******* ***** *****." *** ********* ***** **** *** a ******* *****, ******* ** ***'* robot, ** * ***** ** *******:

IPVM Image

Robot *** *** ***** ** ******* ********

******* ** ****************** *** *****'* ******* **** ** ~45 ***; *********, ********* * ******* rifle **** ** ***-**, ***** ****** ~7 ***, *** ** ****** *** recoil ************ ********* ** ********. *******, the ***** ***** ** *** ***** is ******* ** * ****** ******** of ******, *** ** ****** *** robot ** **** *** ****** *********** as ** ***** ******, ******** **** accurate **** **** ** ********* ************* of *** ****** ******.

Limitations ** ***** ***** *** ****

***** *** ******* ** ********, ***** dogs **** ******* *********** *********** ***** real-world ***. *** ****** *** ***** to ******* *** ** *** ******* stable ******** ******** ***** ********** ***** terrain. **** ******** **** ********, **** might ***** *** ***** ** **** its ******, *********** ****** *** **********. The **** ********** ********* ***** ********* shows *** ******* ****** ******* ***** navigating ***** ********.

************, *** *** ***** ***** *** robots ******** **********, ******* *********** ***** use *****. ****** **** **** ************ are ******* ****** **** ********** ********* and *******, ***** ****** *** ********* payload *** ******** *** *** ***** available ** ******** ****.

****** * ******* **********, **** ** a *******, ****** *** *****'* ****** of ******* ** *****, ********* ********* to ****-**** *** ********** ** ********** for *** ******. ** *** ***** fires ******, *** ****** *** ** ammunition ***** ******, ******** *** ****** of ******* ***********. ** ****** *** robot's ******* ****** ** ****** **** prominent **** ********* ***.

** ****** ************, *** ***** ***** have ****** ******** ****** ******* ******* ******* *.* ***. **** *** ***** operation, ** ***** ** **** ** avoid *** *****.

High ****

*** ** ***** ***'* ****** $***,***, *** ********* ********** ******* and *********. **** ******* ********, *** total ***** **** ** ***** $***,***, including *** ****** *********, *** *******, and ******** *******.

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Risks *** *******'* ******

******* ***** **** ** *** ***, with ***** ****** *********** **** *******, poses ***** ** *******'* ****** ** a *******-******* ***** ************. ******* ***** getting ****** **** *** ** *** other ******* ** ** ********* ** sell ** *** ***** ****, ******* to **** ******* **** ***, ***** was ******** * *** ***** ******** company (***** **** **** ******* *** ******,** ********* *** *** * ***** Surveillance *************).

******* ******** ****** ~$*** ******* ** Series **, *** *** ********* ************* **** *******,*******, ********** *****. ** ******* ********* *** ************* based ** *** *****, **** ******* the ******** **** ********* ******* ******* to *** *** ***** ********; *******, if ********* **** *** *******, ********* might ******** *** ******* ** **** selling ** *** ***.

Comments (3)
John Honovich
Jun 17, 2024

***** ******* *********' ********* *********, **'* hard ****** ** ********* **** ******** work.

***, ******* ** ***, **'* **** more ********* *** *******. *** *** stakes *** ***** ****; ** * country **** *** **** **** *** spin *** *********, ** ***** ***** a *** **** ***** ******** ****** it, *** ** ***** ********* *** unnecessarily *** *******, **** *** **** into * ******* **** ** **** bluffing.

Malcolm Rutherford
Jun 17, 2024

**** *** *** ** ******* ** have **** *** ********** ********** **, relatively, ***** ****** ******. **** ****** varieties **** **** ****** **** *** range *** *** ************** **** *** deep ******, *** ********** ******* ****** rotor ****** *** ***** ***** ****** mission.

***** **** ** ****** *** *** total ******** ***** ****** *** **** has **** ******* ** *** **** breathless *** ** *** *****/****** ******, it **** ****** *** ****** *********** to * ************ ******.

***, ****** ***** ***** ****** **** retrofitted ********?

** *** ******* ****** *** ***** are **** *********** **** **** ***** need ** ** ********. ****** ****** retrofitting ***** ******** ** * *** purpose ******** *******. *** ******** ***** to ** ***** ***** **** ******* goes **** *** "***** **" *****.

John Honovich
Jun 17, 2024

*******, * ** ****** *** ********* the *** ** ******** *********** ***** Unitree ***** **** **** **** ** actual ********. ** ***** **** **** be **** *** ** ** ********* to *** ***** ****** ******* *** no ****.