Garrett Launches New Paragon Walk-Through Metal Detector, CEO Interview

Published Aug 07, 2023 14:30 PM

While 'weapons detectors' are growing in popularity, Garrett released their latest conventional metal detector, Paragon contradicting the market trend. But why did the company do so, and how does Paragon compare to 'weapon detectors'?

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This report examines Garrett's new product, "Paragon," and how it can affect the company's future based on our interview with CEO Steve Novakovich and Sr Product Manager Aaron Arellano.

See our previous Garrett's coverage:

Executive *******

******* *** ****** ********* ************ **** its ******************, ********* ** *** *******, *** has * ***** ********** *******, ********, that ******* *** *** ** * single ******** ***** ********* ***** *** people ********* ** ********* **********. ** the ******** ****, ** ** ~$*,*** USD (~**%) **** ********* **** *******'* PD6500i.

*** *******'* ******** ** ***** ** the ****-******** ****** **** *** *** model ***** *****, ** ** ***** markets, '******* *********' *** ******* ********, and ** ***** ** **** *** a ************ ***** ******** ** ******* for **** ** **** *** ********* as **** ******* *******.

*******, ** ******* ** ** **** how ********** ******* **** ** ** the ****-******** ******, ** ***** *** a *** ***********, ********* ****, *** Paragon ** *** ** ******* ******** certifications (**** ** *** ****** ** DHS ** ******** ****) **** *** often ******** ** ******* *** *********.

'Weapons *********' ****** ******* ****-******** ************

***** ******* ********** **** '******* *********' are ******** ************ **** *******, ******* "deliberately" ******** * ************ ***** ******** with ****-******** ************ ** **** ****, per *** *******, '******* *********' ****** address:

There *** ******* ********* ******* **** *** ****** ** *** ****** ***** ***. And so the question, why did Garrett design and launch another walkthrough metal detector, is an obvious question and a good question. We *** **** ************. We thought about the market and what was out in the market. We have multiple development programs in process now, and we have for several years, but we chose to launch a walk-through metal detector now deliberately. And the reason why is because there's * ***** ******* ** *** ******** ****** **** ****** ** **** ********, *** ** ***'* ******* **** '****** ********* *******' *** ******* **** ******. [******** *****]

************ *************, ********, *******, *** ********** with **** ********** ******** *** ******** of ************ **** ******* *** ********* released.

************, *** ******* ******** **** ************ metal ********* *** "******" *** **** continue ** ** **** *** **** high-security ************, *** ** *******'* *********** are "*****[***] ***** *********** ******" **** other *****, *** "**** *** *****" to ******* *******, ** *** ********** said:

** **** *** ***** ** ****** markets, *** ***** ** ****** ********** installations, ********, *** **** **********, ** believe *** ****-******* ***** ******** ********** and ************ *** * **** **** life *** *** ******** **** ******** to **** ***** *****. *******it's * ********** ****'* ****** *** ***** ************. And we know that there are lots of options, including the older Garrett monitoring metal detectors, but we **** **** *** **** *** ***** ** *** *********** ***** ***** *********** ****** **** **** **** ******* ***** ********* **** ***** *********.

** ******** ** [*******] ** **** this ********* ***** ** ** **** theultimate *********** ***** ******** that can capture *** ****** **** **** ******** ** ** ****** ** *********** ***** ******** **********. [emphasis added]

Not ******** ** ******* **** *****, *** **** *** ** *********** ****

'******* *********' *** ****** ******** *** locations **** **** ********** *** ******** visitor ********** ************. ** *** ***** hand, ******* ** * ***** ******** for ****-******** ************ *** *** *** designed ** ******* **** ***** *** other '******* *********', ** *** *** Novakovich **** ****.

*******, *****************'* ********* **** '******* *********' *** "capped" ** ***** ***********, ** ********** **** ******* ** a ********* ***** ******** **** *** operate ********* ** '******* *********' *** it **** ******* **** *****/**** *** deals:

We ****'* ****** [*******] ** ******* **** *****. We are directing our effort toward those high-security applications. However, we love to remind the market that our *********** ***** ********* *** ** **** ***** ******* [******* *********] **. We can reduce the sensitivity, increase the throughput, and provide the same exact security applications that those systems do. But we also have the ability to go to the high-security range and address high-security applications as well. So ** ****** ** *** **** ******* ** **** *********** *** ********* ******* ***** ***** *******, ** ***** **** *** * ***** ** ****, *** **** ****** ****'* *** ** ******** ** [emphasis added]

******, *** **** ****** **** ***** with ************ ***** ********* ****** **** by ********* *** ********, *** ***** get * *********** ******* ** * 'weapons ********' - ****** ***** ********* *** ******* **** Evolv ** **% ***** ************** *** ********** **** *** ******* Metal ********* ******.

Paragon ********* ******** ***** ** ********

**** *******, ******* ********* ******** "*****" in ******** **** ***** **** ** ease ** ***, ********* ************, *** applications, ** *** ** ******* ******* Arellano **** ****:

**** ** [*******] **** ********** *******, we *** ******* ** ********* ***** thatwe ****** ** ******* ** *** ****** ** *** ** **** *** ***** **** ** **** **** *** *****. Some of them are in the detection area, some of them are in the ease of use area, and some are in the applications and capabilities of what's needed. [emphasis added]

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***** ** **** ******* *** **** differentiating ******* ******* ******* *** ******* and ***** ******** ************ ***** *********.

Better ********* **** *******

******* *** ****** ********* ************ **** the ****** ******** *******, *******, ** the ******* **** ****. **** ** due ** ****** ***** ******, "**** sophisticated *** ***** *****", *** ** times ****** ******-**-***** ***** (***), ** CEO ********** **** ****:

It **** *** ** * ****** ***** *****. Its ***** *** **** ************* *** **** *****. There's a lot more copper in this machine than in PD6500i. And *** ******-**-***** ***** ** ****** ** * ****** ** ***. And some of that was driven by our need to discern smaller zones, but it [*******] **** *** * ****** ********* ********** **** *** *******. So we would have probably not called it the Paragon if it's detection or the same as the this is one of the elements that we're trying to elevate

** **** *** ****** *******, ** we ****** ****** *** **** ****** (or *********** *****) *** ********* **** the *** ***** **.

"Ambiscan" *******

IPVM Image**** *******, ******* *** ********** *** "Ambiscan" ******* **** ****** *** ***** detector ** ******* ** *** ********* detection ***** ** ********* ********** (*.*., Setting "*" **** *** ****** *** building ******* *** ******** *** ******* "B" **** *** ****** *** ******** through *** **** ********). *** ******* explained **** **** ***** ** ****** for ********** **** *** ********* **** detecting ******* ****** **** *** ******** and **** ********** ** *** ***** direction:

*** **********,the *** **** ** ** **** ********* ******** **** *** ** *** ** *** ********* *** **** ** ********* ******* ** * ********* *********. So it could truly be used for loss prevention, where you're trying to protect threats from going in, and then changing the setting for the program when they go out to look for items that want to be protected, like loss prevention items.

So *** *** **** **** *** ****** **** ***** ** *** ******* **** ****** *** ***** ********* ********* **** ***** ***. [emphasis added]

***** *** *** ** **** ********** in *** ********* *** **** ******* from ****** ** * ********* ********* with * ************ ***** ******** (**** supports ********* ** **** **********), **** as *******, ***** *** ********* ** using **** *** **** (**** ** the **** **** ************ ********* ******).

***** *** ******* (*) ******* ***** leaving *** ******** *** ** *** sensitive ****** **** ** (*) ****** a **** ****** ** ***** ****** on ****** ******* ******** *** ******** due ** ****** ********* ****. *** more ******* ** *** ********* ********* modes *** ****** *** ***********, ********** ***** ******** ******* *** *****-* Software ******.

66 ********* *****

******* *** ** *****, ***** ** the ******* ****** ** *** ******** and ***** ** **** ** **** the ****** **** *******. *** ******* below ***** *** ********* **** ********** with *** ***** *****:

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*** ******* ***** * **** ************* of ***** ** *** ***** **** which *** ******* ******* ********** ******** to *** **** ****** **** *******, as **** *** ******* ****** ***** essentially ********** *** **** ****. ** other *****, ** *** ***** ** shown ** *** ****** ******* ** a ******'* ****, *** ******** **** likely ***** *** *******, *** **** granularity ** ******** ** ****** ****.

*********, ** ******* ******* ******** ******* out **** ** **** ** ********* screening **** * ****-**** ***** ********, an ******** ** ***** ** ***** more **** *** **** **** *** highlighted, **** ********* *** ******* ** a **** ****** ** *****:

**** **** **** ** *****, ** the ********* ********* *******,somebody **** **** * ******** ***** ******** *** **** ***** *** ** * ****** ******** **** *** ** *** ***** **** *** *********. So it's kind of counterintuitive, right? We're doing all this work bending over backwards to get these extra zones which we can absolutely do, but really what's the point? Because you have your wands [handheld metal detector] that are going to go up and down, they **** **** **** * ***-**** ***** ***-**** **** ** **** ***** * ****** **. ** **** ** ******* *** *******, *** ** *** ** **. [emphasis added]

66 ********* *****: *************

***** ****** **** **** ***** ****** "questionable" ********* ******** *****, **** ****** of ***** ****** ****** *****, ** competitors **** * ****** ****** ** zones ** **** *** ******* **** competitive ****, ** *** ********** **** IPVM:

** *********** ******* *****, ***** *** competitor **** *** ** ***** ** there ** ******* *** ******* **** competing. ** ** *** * ****** value. ***, *** ********* ******** ***** is ************. [******** *****]

************, *** ******* **** **** **** number ** ***** ** * "****** of *******" *** * ************** ** "technical **************".

** *** ** *** ****** ****** is *********, *** ******* ******* ** stop ** ** ** **** ******* that ** ** "********* ****** *** practical *******," *******, ******* *** ******* at * "**** ****** ***** ******," according ** *** ***:

We **** *** **** ******** ** **** ****** **** ****** **** **. So it's not just the theoretical we could do this if you wanted to. We've done it. With this platform. But we chose to dial it down to 66, which we thought was ********* ****** *** ********* ******* **** * ******** ****** ****

Quick * *********/**** ************** ******** ********

IPVM Image*******'* ***** * ********, ********** **** separately (*** $***), ** *** ******** with ******* ** *******.

**** ***** ****** **** ***** ***** Q ******* ***** ****** ** ***** innocuous *****, ** *** ********** ****** the ***** **** ** *******, ********* smaller ********. *** **** ****** ** Quick *, *** *********** ******* *******.

NFC **** **********

IPVM Image**** ************ ***** ********* ******* ****** a *** ** * **** ** be ******** **** *** ***** ******** or * *** **** ** **** access ** *** ******** *** ****** the ********, ******* ********** *** **** capability **** *** ****** ******** ** using *** ********.

******* **** **** **** ******* **** not ******* ******** *** ****** ******* cards ** ****** ***********.


*******, *** **** ********** ****** **** the ******** ** *** *** ****, as *** ******* ***** *****:

IPVM Image

******* ******** **** ** ****** ******* not **** "**********," **** *** ******** sales **** "************* ************," **** ** museums, *******, ***., ** *** ******* said:

** ********** ****pretty **** ***** ****-******* ***** ******** ** *** ****** ***** ****** **********, and we wanted to provide * ********* ********* ** **** ***** **** ************* ************ like office buildings, or museums would would be you know, find **** **** ********** *** ***** ****** while still providing excellent security [emphasis added]

********** *** ********** ** ******, ** only **** **** **** ******* **** design **** ******** *******'* ***** **** such *********.


******* **** **** ******* ** ****** at "****** $*,***", ***** ** ****** than *** *********** ******* (******* ****** at ~$*,***) *** *** ********** **** Hi-Pe **** (~$*,***).

*******, **** ** $*,***, ******* ** many ***** **** ********* **** ****** "weapons *********" ******* **************** ***($***,*** *** ~$**,*** *** **** *****, respectively). **** ********, ***** ** ******* widely **** ***** ********, ** ************* cheaper **** *****'* *** ******'* ***** but***** **** **** ** **** ********* than *******.

Commercially *********, ******** ** ******

***** ********** *** ******* *** *** first ***** **** *** ** * ******** defense *********, *** ******* ********* ** **** that ******* ** ************ *********. ******* received **** ****** *** **** ***** shipping *** ***** ***** ** ****** 2023, ** *** *********** **** **.

High ***** *** *******

***** *** ******* ******** ** ***** its ********** *** *******'* ******** ** IPVM,*******'* ******** ***** ************ *** ***** *** **** ***** for *** ******, ** ** ****:

** [*******] *** ********* **** *******will ****** *** ******** ******** ** *** ******** ********* ********* [emphasis added]

"Designed ** ****" ******** *********

***** *** *******'* **** ***** **** that ******* ** ******** "******** ** meet" ******** ******** **************, *** *******'* new ***** **** *** **** *** certifications (** ***** ***).

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******* **** **** **** *** *******, they **** ** ******* "*******" ************** as *** ******* *** ***** *** provide * *********:

** **** ** ** **** * similar ******** ********* ********** ** *** PD6500i. ** *** ******** ******** **** these *********** ******** ** ***** *** process. *******, *** **** ** ******* these ********** ********* ** ***** ******* and *** ** *** ******* ** it ***** ** ********* ** ******* a *********.


****** '******* *********' *** ****** ********** for ************ *** ****-******** **********, ** the *******'* ***** ** *** ****-******** environment ***** *****.

*******, ***** ***** ** *********** ****** the ****-******** ******, ** ****'* **-** Plus ** ***** **** ** ** airports *** ***** *********. ********, ******* has *** ** ******* ****** ************** from *** ** *** ************* ************ bodies ** ***** **** ** *********** in *** ******* *******.
