NYPD Pilots 2 Robots And a GPS "Gun"

Published Apr 14, 2023 13:03 PM

New York City's Mayor drew significant attention this week for the piloting of 2 robots (Knightscope and Boston Dynamics) as well as a gun that shoots GPS trackers (StarChase), in what one local tabloid declared to be "snitchBOTs".

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How well will these devices work and what impact will they have in NYC?

Mayor Eric Adams, a former police officer, has long expressed interest in boosting the city's arsenal of security technology, such as adding Evolv "weapons detectors" to subways (which has not yet happened).

In this report, we examine the city's initiatives, the logistical challenges for incorporating them, and whether the technologies are likely to provide any substantial security benefits.

"Technology ** ****"

***** *** *** **** **** ****** Commissioner ******** ****** ********* *** *** public ****** ********** ********** ** ****** ************ ***** **, ****.

*** ******* ******** ****** ** **** the********* ****** ********** ******, ***** ****** *** tagging *** ******** ******** ******* *** need *** * ****-***** *******, *** a *********** ** ********** ******** ***** (ASR), ***** **** ** ******** ** the ***** ****** ****** *******.

*** ***** *** *** ********* ****** is *** ** **** ** **** and *** ** ***** **** **** about ***** ****** ********* ** *** summer ** ****. *** **** **** also ***** *****"****" ***** ******** ****** ******** ***** ****** *** next *** ****** ** * ***-***** basis.

“********** ** ****, *** ** ****** be ****** ** **,” **** ***** Adams ** * ***** ********** ** Times ******. “** *** ******** *** globe ** ******* ********** **** **** ensure **** **** ** **** *** New *******, ******** *** ******** ** here. ** ** **** *** ******* to **** ******* *** *** ********** on *** ** ******** **** ****** safe, **** *** **** *** **** up **** ***** *** *** ***** harmful ****** ** **** *** *******.

Knightscope ** ***** ****** ****** *******

** *** ****** ********* ***** *** security ******* ** * *********** ***** in *** ** *** **** ******* train / ****** ******** ** *** country. **** ****** **** *********** ****** operate (*** *.*.******* **** * ***), **** ** **** ** ***** with *** ****** *** ***** **** there *** ******. *** ~*** ***** 5-foot **** ***** *** ********** ** avoid ********* **** ****** *** ** either **** ** **** *** **** people **** *****. **** ***** **** very ********* ** ******* ******* ******.

** *** ******** ****, **** *** be * **** ************ ****** *** tourists *** *** ************ ******** **** ********* *** ****** Mouse*** **** *** **** ******* **** the *********** ***** ***** ***** **** R2-D2.*********** *** ******** **** ********** **** ****** ******* (*.*.,**** ****** *********** ******* *******).

Boston ******** *****

***** *** **** ****** *** ****** Dynamics ***** ** "******" **** ************** said **** **** *** ** **** autonomously *** **** ******* *** "**** never *** *** *** ************ ** any ****". ***********, ***** *** **** expensive ****** ********** ********, ** *** NYPD ******* *********:

***** ***** ******-********** ******* *** ******** to ****** *** ****** *** **** in ************* ****-****, ********* ********** *** locations. **** *** ***** **** **** undoubtedly **** ***** – **** ** the ****** *** *** ******.


*********** *** ***** **** ***** ** the * ******** **** *** ***** piloted, **** *** **** ********** *** use:

*** ********* ****** ******** ** ********* a *** *** ** ****** * hand-held ** *******-******* ******** **** * fleeing *******. *** ****** **** ****** the ******* *** * ***-***** ***, and ******** ****-**** *********** ***** *** vehicle’s ********.

*** "***" ****** ****-**** ******** ** shown ***** ** *** *******'* ********* video:

*************, *** *** *** ** **** out ** * ***, ** ***** below:

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**** ***** ******* ** *** ******* include:

  • *********** ***** ****
  • ** ********* **********,****** *********** *** *********
  • ** ******* **** ** ***********
  • * ***** ** $*.** ******* ** sales **** ******** ** ** ********** customers, *********** ****

******* ** $*,*** *** *** ********, interior *******, ****** *** ***, *** two ***********, ********* *** **** *****, ***** ***** **** *** ******* per ******.

** ******** *** * "******-**** *** covered **** ** ********", *** ***** **** ******* ********* *** *******'***** ************** ***** **** *** ** ** option.

*** ** **** * "*********** ********, *********** *** ********** ********** ** ***-***** and *** ********* ************** ***** *** deployment ** * *", ********* ** a**** ******- *** *** **** *** **** any ************ ** ********, *** **********'* ****.

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*** ******** **** ** *** ********** that ***** ** ** ********* ***** the **** ** ****** *** ***********, as ***** *****:

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*** ******** **** * ***** *****-***** laser ** ******* *** ******** ******* the ******** *** *** ****** (***** the ****-**-****** ******).

*** *** ***** ** **** *** when *** ******** ** ****** *****, there ** ** ******* *** ****** signal ** *** ******** ****** *** police ***, **** * ******* **** that *** ** **** ** ****** the *** ** *** ********:

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** ** *** **** *** **** this ***** *** ***** ********* ** concerned ***** *** ***** ** **** it ** ** ************ *** *** suspect ******* **** *** ***. ** the ******** **** *** ***, ***** its ******* *******, **** *** *** be **** ** ** *** **** or *** ***, ****** ** **** likely ** *** *** ******* *******. On *** ***** ****, ******** *********** into *** ******* *** *** *** risks ** **********.


***** **** *** *** **** *** significant ********* (****** ******** *** *** suppliers), *** **** ** * ********** in ******** ***** ******* *** **** remains ** ** ****.

Comments (2)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Apr 14, 2023

***********.... ***?

Malcolm Rutherford
Apr 14, 2023

**** ** **** "**********" ******* ** as ***** ************ *********, ** *** aim ** ** *****, ****** ** eventually ********* *****. ** **** ****-****** behaviour.

* **** *** **** ** **, with *** ********* ** *** ****** Dynamics ***, ** ** "****-***" ************. How *** *** **** ** ********? What ***** **** **** ****?
