NetPosa Delisted, Website Down

Published Jul 14, 2022 13:14 PM

*******, **** *** ***'* ******* *** provider, *** ******** ***** *** *** Shenzhen ***** ********, ***** *** ****** troubled ****'* ******* ** ** ****** operational, ******* *** ****** *** ** the *******.

IPVM Image

******* ********* **** *** *** ****** were ********, ******** *** **** **** regulators, *** **** ****** ** *************. NetPosa ** ******* ******* ** "* large ****** ** ******** *** ** lack ** *****, ********* ** *** debts, *** ******* *****" ** *** own *****.

*** ******* *** **** ********** ***** 2019, ****** * ******** ****** ********. See ****'* ***** ********:****** ** *****'* ******* *** ********,******* ******* ******* **%,*******'* ******** ********* *******.

Delisted **** ******** *** *****

** ******* ******, ******* *********, *************, **** *** net ****** ************ ** ************ **** negative ******** ** **** *** ******** to -$**** ** *** *** ** 2021. **** *** *** ** ******* illegal/unauthorized *****, ******* ******, *** *****, and ********, *** *** ****** ***** there "*** ** ******* ******" ***** the *******'* "******* ** ********":

IPVM Image

** ** ******** **, ****, *******'* shareholders' ****** ************ ** *** ****** company ******* -*,***,***,*** *** [-$****]; ***** 2019, **** *** ******* ******* ****** such ** ******* ***** *** ******* capital ********** ** *** ******** ****** controller, **has ********* ** ****** **** ****** for three consecutive years. The financial ********* ********* ** ***********; the company's lack of funds, inability to pay due *****, *** ******* ***** ******** * ***** ****** ** ********, ********* ** *** ******** ** * ***** ****** ** **** ******** *** ********* ******, being included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, and hindering normal business operations. The above events or circumstances all indicate that there may ** ******* ****** ***** *** *******'* ******* ** ******** as a going concern [emphasis added]

******** ********** ********** ************* ********************** **** **** *** ******* **** negative *** ****** ** *** *** of *** ********* **** ***** ***** delisted. ** *** **, *** ******** CSRC *************************'* *******, **** *** *****'* **** trading *** ****** ***** **** **.

Stock ******* **.*%

*******'* ***** ***** *** **** ******* day ** *********** * ***** ***** worth *.* *****. **** ** ** almost ***** ******* (**** **.*%) **** NetPosa's**** ***, **** ** ******* $**.** * share. *******'* ***** *** **** ******** declining *****, **** *** ******* ************ once *** ********* *** ***** ******** began ** ****; **** **** *** only *********** *********'* ***** ****** ************** *** ** * ********* **% jump **** ***** *** *** ********** would ******* **** *******.

CSRC ************* *********

** *****,******* ************* ** *** ***** ************ ** the ******** **** **** "********* ********** of **** *** *********** ** *********** disclosure". ******* *** ****** ** ******** its ****** ***** ******** ** **** until ******* **** ****,********** "********** *****". ***** **** *** be *** ***** ** *** *************, neither ******* *** *** **** ********* exactly **** **** ************* ** *****.

"Dismal": ******* ***** ***********

** ****, *** *****‑***** ****** *********** and ************** (*****) ** ******* ******** took ************ ******* ******* ** * *** ** rescue *** ******** *******. *******, **** deal *** **** * ***** *******, losing *** ******* ***** ~$****, **** one *** ******** ****** (******** *****)************* ********** ** "******."

Website ****

**** *** **** ******** ********** *** week ** *** *********.********, *** ** *** **** ************ offline. *** ******* ******* ********* *** website *** ***** ************* **** **,*** *** ******* ********.

NetPosa: ** ********

******* *** *** ******* ** ****'* comment ********. ** **** **, ** will ******.
