Lorex, "Made in China and/or Vietnam," Violates US Customs Law

Published Nov 23, 2021 15:06 PM

Lorex fixed one US law violation but replaced it with another, IPVM has verified, after Costco/Dahua/Lorex responded to IPVM's report on product packages with no country of origin by placing "Made in China and/or Vietnam" stickers on its kits sold at Costco, a violation of the US Tariff Act.

IPVM Image

In this report, IPVM examines the "Made in China and/or Vietnam" stickers on kits sold at Costco and the legal issues involved, including guidance from past US Customs decisions and expert commentary from two trade attorneys.

Lorex ******* "**** ** ***** ***/** *******" ********

***** ***** *******-**-****** ******** ** *** kits ** ****** ********* ******* ***** **** **** ** Costco ********** ****** *******-**-****** ********. *******, *** ******** *** ***** misleading, ***** *** *********** ** ***** the **** *** ******* *** ************ made. **** ******* * ********* ***** of *** **** ******* ** * Costco ********* ******** *** ********* *** of ***** ***** **** ******* **** the **** *******, ***** *****:

IPVM Image

********* ** ****** *******, ~**% ** what ***** ******* ** **** ***** (i.e., *****) *** ******** ** **** 2021, ***** ***** ** ****** **** "Kangyin ***********" ** *******.

Violates ****** *** ** ****

*****'* *** ****** ************** *** ** *** ****** *** of **** (** *.*.*. ****),*********** ** **** *** ** *** Code ** ******* *********** (** ***§ ***).

** *** § ***.************** ****** **** *********** *******-**-****** ******** is ******** *** *** ******* ** "foreign ****** ******** **** *** ****** States":

****** ******** ** ***, ******* ***,****** *** ** ****, ** ******* (** *.*.*. ****), ******** **** ***** ******* ********* ******(** *** *********) ******** **** ********* *********** ** ****** ** ***************** ** *******, *********, *** *********** as *** ****** ** *** ******* (or *********) **** ******, ** **** manner ** ** ******** ** ********** *********** ********* ********* ******* **** ** ********** ** ******** *** *******, ** *** **** of *********** **** ******************* ** ********* ******. ********** ** ******** ******** **** marking ***** ** ****** **** *** name ** ********** ** ******** *** ******* ****** *** ********* is **** ******** **** *******.

**** ***** **** ******** **** ** specifically ****** ** ** ***** **** come ****, *** **** *** ******** could **** **** ******* * ** Country * (*.*. ***** ***/** *******). Further, *** *******'* ********* ********** **** be ******. **** ******* *** ****** containers ** **** ********** ********** ** not **********.

** ******* *** ****** ********* **** ** ***** **** *** purpose ** **** ***** ** ****** ********* ** **** exactly ***** *** ***** *** ******** so **** *** **** ******** *********:

*** ******* ** *** ******* ******* is ******** ** ****** ****** *. Frielaender & **., ** **** *** at ***, *.*.*. *** (****), ***** the ***** ****** ****: "******** ******** that *** ******** ********* ****** ** able ** **** ** ** ********** of *** ******* ** *** ******** goods *** ******* ** ***** *** goods ** *** *******.The ******* ******* ** ** **** *** ***** ** **** ** *** **** ** ******** *** ******** ********* ***, ** ******* ***** *** ***** **** ********, ** **** ** *** ** ****** ** *** ****, ** **** ******* ****** ********* *** ****." [emphasis added]

** ******* *** ******** ** "**** in ***** ***/** *******," ***** ******** the ******* ******* *** ******** ********* about ***** *** ********* ** ****.

Dahua ** ********

**** ***** ***** *** ******* ** the ******, ****** ******** **** *** current ******** ******** ** ******* *** and ***********. ******** **** ********* ***** multiple ***** *** *******, ***** *** not ******* ** *** ********.

Labels **** ******** ******* ** ******* ********

******** ******** ** * "******* ** country * ***/** *" ** *******, and ******* *** ****** ****** (***) decisions ** ******* ****** **** **** to ****, **** ***************** * ******* *** * ******* of ****** ************* *** ******* ****** ** "***** multiple ** *********** ******* ** ****** markings ** *** *******."

*** ******** ******* ******** ****** ** use ********: "**** ** *** ** the ********* *********: ******, *******, ***** or *****"; ** "**** ** *** or **** ** *** ********* *********: Taiwan, *******, *****, ***** ** *.*.*.".

*** ***** **** ********'* ******** ** the ********* ******, ***** **** *** specify ******* ***** ******* *** ******* comes **** *** ****** ***** * list ** ******** *********, *** ******* so **** ** *** ******* ****** was ************ ******* **** *** ***** country ** ****** *** *** ****** was ******** *** *** ******** ** open, ** *** ******** *** ******* the *******:

** ******* ****, ******* ***** **** an ******** ** ********** ***** *** mark *** ********* "******** ********, *** Article *** ******* ** ******".********(***** **, ****).The **** **** ** ******** ****. ********, ***., **** **** ** **** *** ******* *** **** **** *** ******** ********* ** ******, *** **** **** *** *********** ** ******* *** **** ****** *** *** ****** ******* ** ******. ** ***** ** ******* *** **** **** ** *******, *** ****** **** ** ******** ******** *** ********* ** ******* *** ******* ***** ** ********. The marking on the product must meet the general Customs marking requirements of 19 U.S.C. 1304 and 19 CFR Part 134. [emphasis added]

*******, *** ***** **** *********, ** is ******* ****** ** **** ******** as * "******* ** ******* * or ******* *.":

*********, ******* ****** ** **** ****** other *************, ** ** *** ********** for ******** ** ** *.*.*. **** to **** ** ******* **** *** legend "******* ** **** ** ****".

Kit ******** ********

*** ******** ****** ** *** ********** analogous ** *****'* *********, ******* *** Logitech ******** **** *** ******. ******* related ******* ** ***** *** ****** ********* * ***** aid ******* ******** ****** ***** **** ****** but **** * **** ****-**** ******* and **-**** *******.

*** *** ***** **** *** ***** aid *** **** ** ******* "********** Made ** ******, ******* **** ** Hong ****" ******* *** ******* "** terms****** ***** *** ******** ** [***] do *** ******** *** ******* ** be ** ************* *********." *** ******* accounted *** ~**.*% ** *** ***** kit ****. *** ***** **** ** long ** *** ********** *** ******* are ******* ******* **** *** ***** country ** ****** ** *** ******* of *** ***, **** *** ********** items ** *** **** ** ** marked.

CBP ******* ******* ** *** ***** *****

*****'* *** ******** ***** ** ******* elements ********** ** **** *** **** Logitech *** **** ***** *** *** rulings. *****'* $***.** ****, ***** *** labeled, *** ****** **** **** ** the *** *** ******, ***** ***** it ********* *** ********* ** **** the *** ** *** ********* ** check **** ******* ********* ** ****** out ***** *** ********** **** ****.

IPVM Image

Expert ******** **** ***** *********

*** ***** ********* ******* *** ****** with *****'* "**** ** ***** ***/** Vietnam" ********, ********* **** *** ***** "does *** **** *** ************ ** the ****** ***."

**** ******************* ******** ************ ** ****:

IPVM Image*** ***** **** *** **** *** requirements ** ******* *** ** *** Tariff *** *** ************ ******* ***********. There ***** ** ** * ********** statement ** *** ****** ** **** of *** ***** ********** ** *** set. * ********* ***** **** "**** and ******* *** **** ** ***** and/or *******", ****** **** *** *********** that, ** * ***** ***, **** items ***** ** ******* ** **** items ***** ** **********. ****** *** manufacturer *** *** ********* *** ****** factories ** **** ***** *** *******, the *********, ** ******** ** ***** equivocal, ***** ** ********* *****.

**** ** ********* **** ******* ***** question ** *** ******, *** ***** cameras, ** ****'** ** ***** *******, are ****** ****** ***'* ******* ** regulate. ***** ***** ** ***** ******** and ********** **** **** ***** ** violated, *** * ********** ***** ****** a ********* ** *** ****** ***. Most ******, *** ******* ** ******* are *** ********.

****** ****** ***** ****** ******* ** ****** *. ******, A.P.C.**** ****:

IPVM Image********,*** **** *** ***** *********** ******, i.e., *** ** “***/**”. ***** *** CBP ******* ** **** ** ****** and ***** ****** **** ***** **** with * ****** *** ** ******** on *** *******, *** ********** **** been ****. * ***’* ***** **** CBP ***** ****** *** ****** **** of *** ****** ********* ***** *** box ****** ** ****** ****** ********, unless **** **** ******** ************* ** use **.


*** ******** ** ***** ***** ******** violates *** ** ****** ***, ******* the "**** ** ***** ***/** *******" stickers ** ****. ********* *** ** easily ******** ***** ** ****** ** clearly ********** ** **** ******** ***** the ******** **** ************.

Comments (12)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Nov 23, 2021

** *** ******** ******** ** *** kit *** ************ *******, *** ********, and **** ****** ** * *** here ** *** **, **** **** still ******* *** *** ***********? **** the ***** *** ********, **** *** correctly *******.

* ***** * *** ** *** Costco ******** ****** *** ****** **** in *** **.

Undisclosed End User #8
Nov 29, 2021

********* *****. ***** **** ** **** the ******.

Isabella Cheng
Nov 29, 2021
IPVMU Certified

** *** ******** ******** ** *** kit *** ************ *******, *** ********, and **** ****** ** * *** here ** *** **, **** **** still ******* *** *** ***********? **** the ***** *** ********, **** *** correctly *******.

**** **** *** ******* *** *** regulations - ** ** *****, ** example ***** **: * ****** ** labeled "**** ** *****", ******** **** the **, ********* * *** ******* "Made ** *******." ***** *** ** inherent ****** **** ****, ** **** as *** ***** *** ****** ************* ************, ********* ***** *** ***** of "****** **** ** *****, *** Made ** *******." *** "****** *** DVR **** ** ***** ***/** *******" as ***** *** **** ****.

***** ****** ** **** ******* ****** together ** *** ********** "*********** **************" so **'* ********** * **-** ** kit ******** ****** ******** *** **** the *** "**** ** ***." **** hasn't **** ** ***** **** **'** seen ** *** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 23, 2021

* ******** *** ***** ********** *** end *** ****** *** **** ** both ***** *** ******.


Undisclosed Integrator #3
Nov 23, 2021

****** *** *** ***** ** ****-*-**** with ***** *** *** **** **** on ***……

*** ****** *** ** ******* ******** and *********** ******** ** ********* *** statutes, *** ***** ******** ****** ** cyber ********** ** ****. **** ** definitely * “**** ** ** **** and ****’** ***** **** ** *****” type ** *********.

******, *** ***** ****, ****** ******* up **** *** **** **** ****. Not **** *** **** ***, ** a *******, ***** ** *** *** of ***** *** ** ******* **** amounts ** “**** ******* ******* ******”. Wheres ***** **********? ****** ********* **** to **** ************ **** ** ******* and ** ******* **** ** **.

*** ******** ****** ***** ** **** together ** **** *** **** ** a ***-***** ** ****** ******** ** buy **** *******.

Undisclosed #4
Nov 23, 2021
IPVMU Certified

** ** *** **** ** ***, then **’* *****?

****** **** * *** *** *** 3rd ***** *** ****** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Nov 23, 2021

** ***** ****** *** ***** *** only **** ** ***** *****. ******* this *********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Nov 23, 2021

IPVM Image

Undisclosed End User #6
Nov 23, 2021

***, **** ** * ***** *** all *****!

Undisclosed Distributor #7
Nov 23, 2021

**** ********** **** ** ************* ******* like *******, *** ** * *** surprised. * **** **** ***** *** certainly ** ***** *** **** ******* offence.

Undisclosed #4
Nov 23, 2021
IPVMU Certified

*** **** **** *** *** **** is - * *** ***** **** of ****** *** *** **** ;)

IPVM Image

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 23, 2021

*** **** ** *****!
