The (Positive) Future of Latch Analyzed

Published Oct 11, 2022 13:20 PM

***** ** ******** *********, ** **** so **** * ****** ************** ******** **** ***** ** ***** more **** **** *****. ** ********.

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***** ** * **** ****** *** Latch, ****** ********* *** ** ***** or ******** **** ***** "*****" *** the ******** ** ******** **** **** been ****** **** ******** ***** ******* the ***** ********* ** ******** *** foundation *** * ******, *********** ********** long-term ******** ** ***** *** ********.

** *************** **** *****'* ******** ***** *** broken****** *** ******* ********* ******* **** year.

***, ** *** ***** ** *** end ** *** ****** *** *****, examining *** *****, ** *** ********* deflated *****, ** ******** **** ** be ** ********** *********** ******.

Market ******* ********

*** ****** **** ***** ** ** (multi-family *** ****** *******) *** ****** long-term ****** ****** ** * ***** value *********** ** **** ********* *** building *********. * **** ***** ********** of **** ********* **** **** ******** and **** **** **** *** **** to **** ** *** **** ******. This ** ***** ********* **** **** companies ***** ********* *** *********.

*** **** *********** ******* **** ********* failing ********* ** **** *** ********** market *** ******* (***** *.*., ******* Vision, *****, ******, ***.) *** ***** for ****** ************* ******* **** *** economy ** * ***** *** ********* to *******. ********* ********* **** **** forces ****** ** ******** ******* ** squeezing **** *** ** *** ******** and ******* **** *** ****** *** the ******** ** ******, ******, ***.

Latch ****** **********

** ********, ***** ***/** * ****** blitzscale. *****'* ******* *** *** **** the ****** *** *** ***** ** that ****** ** *** ****** *** slowed. ******, ***** ******** **** ** it ****** ******* ******* ** ***** in * ***** ****** ** **** that ** ***** ************ (*******) *****, triple, ******, *** ****** ****** *******, as**** **** ***** ************* *******:

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*******, ******* ***** **** ******** ****** control ****** ***** ****** ***** ***** of ****** ****** **** **********, ****** because ****** **** ** ******** ***** (like ***** *** *********** ****** *******) are *********** ** ******** *******. **** to *** ****** ***** ** ** exception (**** ******* ** *******) **** is ******** ** ****** ***** ******* super **** ** *******, ********* **** is ****** *** *** **** **** access ******* (**** *** **** ****** requirements *** ******* *********** **** **** to ** ********* **).

***** ** * ****, **** ********* lesson ** ******** **** ******** ****** control ****** ******* **** ****** *****.

** **** ** *****'* ******** (********** *********** ** ****,*** ***** ********* *************, ***.) **** **** *** ******** sin ** ********* *** ********* ***** growth *****.

Risks ************** *** ********

******* ** ****, ***** **** **** downside ***** **** **** *** ******* audit ********* ************* *** **** ******* lawsuits *** ******* ** / **** face. ** ** ********,***** *********** *** ******** ********, ****** ex-employees.

**** ***** ** ****** ** ***** Latch ** * ********* ***** ****** be ******* ** *** ****** *** negative ************ **** ** **** ***** issues. ****** *** **** ** **** until ***** ** * ******* **********, e.g., * ***** ****** **** *** audit *********.

Valuation ** ***

***** *** ** ********** ***** ********** ~$*** ******* ***** ** * ****** valuation ** ~$*** ******* (** $*.** per *****) ******** ** ** ********* ~$250 ******* **** ** *** **** (based ** $*** ******* **** ** hand *** ** ** **** *** estimating **** ****** ** * ****** since *** **** **** **** ******** financials).

* "*****" ** ***** ***** ************** get ***** *** "****" ****** *** taking **** *** *******, **** **, even ******** * ***** **** * significant ******* ** *** ******* ***** price *** ******* ** ******* ***** costs ** ***** *** ****.

Take ***** *** ****?

** ***** **** *********** ****** ** Latch *** **** ** * **** deal, ********** *** ** ********* **** already *** ********** *** ********* ** physical ********.

*** ********* **** **** ** ** obvious ******* *** *****. *** *******,** ** ****, *********** $**.* ******* *** **** *** when ***** *** * ********** ~*** employees. ***** *** ******* *** ********* by **** **** **% *** ** part ** ** ********* ********* ******* further ********** ***** ** ****.

*** ******* *** *** **** ************ is **** ** ******* ******* *** Latch. ***** *** ******* ********* **** big ****. ** **** *****, ******* they **** ***** ** *** ** him ** ********** ** ********* ******** the ******* *** ********* ** **** an *********** ********** **** ***** ***** both *** ****** *** ********* **** the *******.

Buy ** *****

* ******* ***** *** ** ***** its *** *****-****** ****** ******* ******** but ****** ***** *** "****", **** with ****** ** ***** ** *** major ******** ** ***, ** ********* a ****** ****** (*** **** ********* acquirers) **** *** ***** *** **** it ***** **** ** *** ** build ***'* *** *****-****** ****** ******* business **** *******.


* *** ** *****, **********, ** a *** ** (*) ******* *** multi-family ****** ******* ****** **** ********** strong ****** ** *** **** ****** and (*) ******* ** ** ******* and ******* ** **** *****'* ******** on **** ******** ** *******.

****** ****** ** **** ****** ** clear. ***** **/*** ***** **** ***** the ******** ** ******* ***** *** apartments ** ***, *** ******** ** mechanical ****. ****, ********** **** ** entirely ******** (****** ******** ****** ***** face *********** *********** ********). *** ******* was *** * **** ** ********* viability *** *********** ****** ************.

***** ** ******** "*****" ***** ** rebranded **** ******** **** ***** **** the ************ ** *** **** ** months *** ***, ***** *** *** it *** ******, ** *** **** hope ** ** ******** *** ***** on * ********* ****.

Comments (5)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 11, 2022

*** ********! ***

John Honovich
Oct 11, 2022

**** ***** ***** ******, *****! ******, in ******** ** ********, **** ******* don't *** ********* ** **** ********. Maybe *** **** ** **** **** Latch ***** ******* *** **** *********** risk.

**** *** *** ***** *** **** was **** ***** ***** ********* ********* it.

** *** ***** ****, **** ** the **** ** *** **** * company **** * *** ** **** (like ********) *** **** ** ****.

Michael Miller
Oct 11, 2022

***** ***** ***** ** **** ******* I ****** ** **** ***** ** a ***.

John Honovich
Oct 11, 2022

***** *** **** ******** **** ****** to **** **, *.*., **** ****'* announcement -***** ********* ***** * *** ***** Link ******* ** ****** ***** *********

*** **** **** ** ** ***** they **** ***** ** ****** **** Verkada **** ******* *** ***** ** get ******** ****** ****** **.

Michael Miller
Oct 11, 2022

* ***'* **** ****** ***** ***** T *** ** ***** **** ** pulls ********** **** *****? * ***** be *** **** ********** ** ***** could ** ** ********* ** ** ACS **** ***** ****.