Russian Gov Backed Ivideon Declares "Absolute Neutrality" About Ukraine Invasion

Published Mar 22, 2022 13:37 PM

Ivideon, a Russian founded company with Russian government funding, declared "absolute neutrality" about Russia invading Ukraine to IPVM while declining to comment on its Russian government funding.

IPVM Image

In this report, we examine Ivideon's backing and attempts to navigate between its Russia founding and aims for the US market.


******* *** ******* ** ****, *** a ********** ***** ***** *******, *** focuses ** ***** *** ********, ******** 4 ******* ***** ****** *** *****. See *** *******'***** **** ******************* **** *******.

*** ******* ***** ***** ***** ** Irvine (**********, ***) **** *** ************** ** ********, ******-****** *****:

IPVM Image

*******, ******** **** ***** *** ** those ********* (**% ** *****) **** Russia *** **** * **** *** USA, ***** *****:

IPVM Image

Funding **** ******* **********

******* ********** ********** ***********(*******:Роснано)****** **** ******** ** *******'* **** $8 ******* ***********.

"******* ** * *****-***** *******, ***%-***** by *** ******* ***** *** ** the **********'* ******** *** *********** ** the **-**** ******,"******** ***** ******* ** ****.

***'* **** **** *******

**** ***** ***** *** ************ ******* Ivideon *** *** ******* **********, *** the ******* ********* ** ******** *** to **** ** *** **** ***********:

** ***’* **** ** *** ***** or ************* **** ** *** ******* our ********. ** *** *** ********* to ****** **** ******** ********* ********** relations, ********** *** ***** ******** ** any *********.

**** ******** ** ***** ***********'* *** ***** *** *******'* ******* links, *** *** *** *** *** comment ** ******* ************ ** ******* our *******-******* *********.

"Absolute **********"

*******'* *** **** ********** "******** **********" when ********** ** ********* ***** ****** invading *******:

******* ** *** *********** ******** ***does *** ******* ******’* ******* *** **’* ***. The current ********* ******* ** all beyond what you could imagine, however, we proceed with absolute ********** because we, as a service provider, first and foremost, have to focus on providing the best of it!

Ivideon ********

******* *** ****** ******** ********* ** IPVM ********** *** *******'* ******** ** the ******** ** *******:

*** ******** ** “******** **********” *** taken *** ** ******* **** *** email ******** **** ***. ** * global ********** ********, ** ******* **’* important ** ****** ** ***********-*******, ******* to **** *** ** **** ************* IT *********, *** ** ** ******* any ***** ** **** ** ******** and ** **** ******* ***** ************ services ** **** *** ******* ******* or ***** ** ****.

US ****** ********* **********

****** *** ***** ** ****** *************** and ** *** ****** ******, *** success *** **** *******.

*** *******, ** ****, ******* ***** a ** ***,**** *******, *** *** ********* ***** *** just **** * **** ***** ** left:

IPVM Image

******* ********* ** * **** **** show.

***, ** ****, ******* ***** **** 2 ** *********. ******* ************ *** not ******** ** ******** **** ** the **, *** ********* ***** ******** to **** *** *********** *********** ********* to ******* ** * ****** ****** with **** ** ********* ***********.

*******, ******* **** ** ** *** West **** **** ****.

Outlook *** *******

**** ****** ****** ******* *******, *******-******* video ************ ********* **** **** ********** to ****** ** *** ****. ***, as *******'* ******* **** ****, *** challenges **** ****** **** ***********.

******'* ****: *** ******** ** *** lead ** **** ****** *** ******* for *******. *** ******** ******* ****:

*******, * ******* **********-****** *** ******* company, ******** "******** **********" ***** ****** invading ******* ** **** ***** ********* to ******* ** *** ******* ********** funding.


*******,a ******* ******* ******* **** ******* ********** *******, declared "absolute neutrality" about Russia invading Ukraine to IPVM while declining to comment on its Russian government funding.

Comments (4)
Undisclosed #1
Mar 22, 2022

*'* ** *** **** ******* ***** all ***** ******** **** ***** ******** floating ****** **** * ***** *** player.

Robert Shih
Mar 22, 2022

****** **** ** ** ***********, * can ***** **** **** *********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Mar 22, 2022

**** ******* ***** *******. **** *** have ******** **** ******* ** **** because **** ** *** ******* **** sell *** **** ***** (*** ** excuse ***). **** *****

Abdelhamid Metwally
Mar 23, 2022
IPVMU Certified

*** ******* ** *** **** ******* they *** *****? * **** **** they **** * ******* ** *****, but **** *** *** **** ******* there.