IP Cameras for the Mass Market - ACTi

Published Jul 15, 2008 00:00 AM

While Axis brought IP cameras to the enterprise, ACTi could be fostering IP cameras to the masses. With a broad camera line and extensive NVR support, ACTi offers reduced pricing for simpler features. I believe ACTi is and will increasingly become very attractive to the mass market of traditional security buyers who have resisted or have not been able to justify the use of IP cameras.

********* *** ******** *************, **** ***** **** *** ******** of ** ******* ***** **** ***** to ** *** *****. ******* ** the *** *********, **** *** ******, well ********* *********, ******* ********* *********' needs. ** **** **** ****** ** the ***** ** ** *******, **** could **** * ***** ****** ** customers ******** ** *******.

[****** ****: ** *** **** *** years, **** *** ******** ***** ***** rival ******* *** ****** *** **** aggressively ***** **********. *** *** ****** of****'* ********* ***********/****** ********.]

State ** *** ******

*** ****** ****** ******* **** ** offer *** ** ******* *** *** newer ** ******* ********* ***** ******* products. ** ***, *****, ********* *** Bosch *** ***** * *** ** cameras. *** ***** *** *** **** extensive. ** ********, *** ***** ** players **** ****, **********, *******, ******* Vision *** ******** ********* ***** * full **** ** ** ******* ********* a ******* ** ********* *******. *** challenge ** **** *** ******* ** this ****** ***** ** *** ****** than *********** ****** *******, ****** ** difficult *** **** ** ******* ** cameras.

******* ******* ********* *** ****** ************* demonstrate **** **** ** ******* ** making ******, **** ************* *******, *** cheaper **** **** ***** *** *** with ******. **** ** * ***** company *** ***************** ** *.*** *** ******* *** more ***** *************** ** **** ******** ** *** enterprise *****. ***********, ***** ******** *** overshoot *** ***** ** ********* *** need **** *****, **** ********** *********.

Overview ** ****

**** ****** ***** **** ** ** *** ********* cameras** ******* **** ** **** ********** to ****** *******. **** **** ****** cameras, **** *******, ***** **** *******, day/night *******, ***. **** ****** **** standard ********** *** *.* ********* ****** lines. ****'* ******* ********* ********* ** *** ***** ************* *********, ******* *** *****.

*** ******* ** ************* **** ********* than ****. **** ******* ****, * *.* ********* ****** **** is ** *********** ** ******* ****. ** ** **** ** $***, the **** **** ** ****** **** the **** ** *** **** **** and *** **** **** ********* **** a *********** ****** ******.

**** *********** * *** **** ******** NVR ********* *** *********.*** ******* [**** no ****** *********], **** ******** **** marks *** ***********, ******* *** ***** quality. ** **** **** * *****, it's *** ****** *** ** ***** to *** *** *** ****.

**** **** *** **** **** **** cameras *** ** **** ******** ** Axis ** ********** *******. *** ********, ACTi **** *** ******* **** *********, analytics, *** ** ********** *** *** resolution ***** ***** *** ** *.* MP. *** ******** ** **** ******** are ***** ********* ** ******* ******** segments *** * *** ** ********** users **** ** ***** **** *** basics **** **** ******.

Killer ** ****** ***********

****'* ********* **** *** ** **** for * ****** *********** **** ****** IP ******* ** *** **** ******. Most ******** ****** **** ****** ********** is * *********** ******* ** ** cameras **. ******. *** ******* ** standard ********** ** ******* ******* ****** is *** ********* ****** *** **** megapixel ******* *** *** *********. ****'* megapixel ******* *** **** ******** **** than ****** ******* *** *** ****-* encoding. **** **** ******** ***** *** ******** ******** *** ** to ** *******.

**** ****, * ** ****** ****** with ********* ******* *** * ******** NVR *** *** ** **** *** $8,000 - $*,***. **** ** ***** the **** ***** ** ****** * DVR **** ** ****** *******. *** a *** ** *****, ******* ********* resolution ** **** ***** ***** ***** be * **** **** *** **** attractive. ***** **********, *******, *********** *** just * *** ***** **** *** this ********. ** * **** ** integrator, * ***** ******* **** **** because ** ******** * **** ***** source ** ***************.

*** ***** * **** **** ******** is * *****. *** ********, *** ACTi *** ******** **** ******** **** cameras. ****** ********** **** ******* **** more ***********. *** ******* ************ **** need **** ****** ********** ******* ** analytics ***** **. *** *** **** to *** **** ******* *** ****** or ****** * ******* ** ****, Axis *** ********** *** * ******** deployment, ***.

** ***** ** **** **** ***** up *** ****** ** ** ***** served ******* ***** ** * **** thing *** ********* *** *** ****** of *** ********.

Concluding ********

***** *** ******** *** ******* ****** on **** *** ****, ********** *** issue ** **** ***** *** ********* then *** *********** ** *********** *********** they *******. ********* **** **** *** solutions **** ***** ******* ********. *** market **** ***** *******, **** *********** and ********** ********* **** *** **** customers ***********. ********* **** **** *** lead *** *** ** *** **** end *** **** ***** **** *** lead *** *** ******.