Integrators Not Concerned About Mega Competitors - ADT, Convergint, Etc. (Statistics)

Published Nov 30, 2022 12:27 PM

Integrator consolidation driven by companies such as ADT, Allied Universal, Convergint, Securitas, and more is a significant trend but how much do integrators care?

IPVM Image

140+ integrators responded to IPVM about:

How concerned are you about mega-integrators (e.g. ADT, Allied Universal, Convergint, Securitas, etc.) competing against you? Why?

In this report, IPVM examines the results and explains the 4 main themes, including detailed quotes from integrators about their concerns, or lack thereof.


* *** ** ** *********** ********* they *** *** ********* ** ****-********** consolidation:

IPVM Image

***** **% ** *********** **** **** were **** *********.

*** **** ****** ****** ****** *** responses ****:

  • ****-*********** ** *** ********* ******* **** local ********** ***** ***********
  • ****-*********** **** ** ********* **** *****, global *********
  • ******* *********** ********* ***** ********, ***** service, **** ********* *** ******* ***********
  • ****-*********** ******** ***** **** *** ****** manufacturer *********, *** ****** *** *** in-demand ***********.

Not *********

******* **% ** *********** ********* **** they **** *** ********* ***** ****-********** consolidation. *** **** ****** ****** **** that **** ******* ** * ********* vertical, ********* ******** ****, ** **** niche *********:

  • "** ****'* *********. ** ***'* ***** bids. ** ***** ** *** ***** of ********* **** **** ** ********* busy ** **** ** ********* *** have **** ******** ** ** ******** customer. *** ******** ***** ** ********* different **** ***, **********, *********, *** Stanley"
  • "*** ********* ** *** ******* **** compete ** * ********* ***** **** us. ** **** ** **** *** away ** ** *** *** **'* not ***** ** **** **** ****."
  • "** *** *** ********* ***** **** integrators ******* ** ************ **** *** large **** *********** ** *** ****. We *** *** *** ** *** largest *********** ** *** ******* *** we *** * ****** ** ***** companies. **** **** **** ** ******** ENE ******** ** ***** ** *** any ****** ****."
  • "*** * ***, *** ***** ** not ** *** *********** **** ******. Most ** *** ******* ** **** come **** *** ********** **** *** references."
  • "*** *********. *** ****** ** *** and ** ***** ** ****** **** work *** **. ** ***'* ******* against *** ** *** ****-***********."
  • "*** **** ********* **** **** *********** in ** **** ** * ****** see **** *** **** *** ******** on *** **** **** ** **** anyway. **** **** *** *** **** of ****** **** ****."
  • "* ** *** *** ******* *** to *** ********. *** **** *** creeping **** ****** ** ***** ****. So ** **** ** ******* *** skills *** *************."
  • "*** ******. ***** ***** ********* ****'* really * ****** ** *** ****. They **** ***'* ******* ** ***** of *** ****** **** *** ********"
  • "** ******* ** * ******* ******** and *** **** ******* ** **** end *********** *** ****** ******* *************"
  • "*** ******, ** *** *** ** the *********** ******. *** **'** ***** over ********* **** *** **** ************, in *** **** **** ** *** and ********* ***'* **** ****"
  • "*** ** ***. ** ** *** compete ** *** **** ******** **** and ** ** ** **'* ******* the ******** ** *** ** **** them"
  • "**, ** ***’* ****** ******* **** those *********. ** ** ******** ******** for ********** ******* **********."
  • "** * **********, * **** **** they *** *** ******* *** ****** competition"
  • "*** ****, ***'* ******* ** *** market"
  • "*** ******. **** *** *** ****** in *** ******."

**** *********** **** ********** **** **** an ********* **** ****-*********** *** ** their *******-***** ******* *** ***** ** response:

  • "*** ********* ** ***. **** **** higher ****** ************ *** **** *** slower ** ******* ** ******** ******* requests *** ** ****** *******."
  • "* ** *** *** **** ** much ***********. *** ******* *** * bit ******* *** *** ***** ***** client. * **** ******* ** * smaller **********, ** ***** **** ******** service."
  • "*** ****. **** ***'* **** *** personal ***** ** ****"
  • "*** ****, **** *** ** ***** that ** *** **** *** ********* have * *** ********* ** *** time ** ***** **** ** *** a ******* *** ** **** **** at * ***"
  • "*** ******* *****’* **** *** ***** integrators *** *****-*** *** *****-*******, *** then **** *** **** ** ******* service *** *********."
  • "*** ****, ** **** **** **** with ******* *** ********* ** ********* that ***** ********* ******'* ** **** to ******* ** ****** **. ** occasionally *** ********** ****** ********* ** those ********* *** **** ** ** for ****** ******* *** *******"
  • "*** *********. ** **** **** **** a ***** *** ** ******* * higher ***** ** ******* **** *** see **** *** **** ******."
  • "*** ** ***, **** ***'* ***** the ******* *******. *** *** **** an ******* ****, *** ** *** stay ** ***** *** ******** ******** a ************, *** **** **** **** business ** **-** ******."
  • "**** ** *** ********* ********** *** relatively **** ******** ** *** ****** companies. **** ***'* ****. ** **** been ********** ** ******* ********* ******* the ***** **** **** **** **** times ** ****** ********."
  • "**** *** ** **** **********. **** might *** *** ******* **** ** one *** *** ***** ****** *** ridiculous *** ***** ******** **** ** an *************"
  • "*** **** ****, ** *** **** agile *** * ****** ***** **** all ** ** **** **** ******** for ********* ** ***'* **** * physical ******** ** ******* ******* *** customer. "
  • "** *** ********* **** *** **** an ********* **** ***** ******* *** major *******. *** **** *** *** part ***** ****-*********** ** **** ***** names *** **** ***** *** **** good *** *** *******, ********* *** bad. ** ***** ************* ***'* **** the *** *********** ****** ******* ** the **** ***** ***** ** *** greatest *********."
  • "*** * ****** *** ** **** usually *** *** ** ********* **** us *** ***** *** *** *** to ******* **** ******* ******** ** come ****** **** *** **** ***** is ************."
  • "*** ******, **** *** * ***** source ** *** *********. **** *** get **** ***, *** ****** ********** and **** ** *** *******. "
  • "**'* ******* *** **** *****, *** bigger *** ******* *** ***** *** the ******** ******* **."
  • "*** ****** *********. **** *** *** big ** ***** ** ****** *******"

***** **** **** **** ***** **** repeated ******:

  • "*** ** ***. ***** ******* *** the **** ***** ** ****** ** us."
  • "***** ******* ** ****. * **** only **** *** **** ***** **** took ******** **** **** **, *** I *** **** ** **."
  • "** *** ***, **** *** ** ridiculously ********* **** **** **** **"
  • "** ***'* ********* ******* **** ******* mega-integrators ** *** ******. **** **** are ***** *** **** ****'* **** much ** ** ******"
  • "*** ** ***. ** *** ******* them ********** *** ** ***** ********** for **** *******."
  • "*** ******, ** ******* ********** ********* and *** **** ** ***** ******* the ***"
  • "*** ** ***, ** ** **** than **** ******* *** ***** *******."
  • "**, **** **** ******* **********, **** on * ****** *****."
  • "*** ** ***, **** **** *** much. "

Advantage *** ***** ********* / ********

*********** **** ******** **** **** ****-*********** have *** ********* **** ***** *********, those **** ** *************/****** *********. *********** that **** ** ***** ********* **** more ****** ** ******** **** **** were ********* ***** ****-***********:

  • "**** *** **** ****** ** ******* larger ********* *** *** *** *** us. ***, ** *** ****** ** getting *** *** **** *** ********** the ******** **** ****. ** ******** answer *** ****** ********** ***"
  • "** *** ****** ***** ***** ***** and ** ******** **** **** ** not **** *** **** ***** *** even ** **** ***, **** ** not **** *** ** ******. ** the ***** ****, ** ******* **** projects ** **** **** ** ** a ****** ****** *** *******."
  • "* ***** * ****** ** *** of ***** ****-***********. *******, * **** view ********* ** ** ** ** advantage **** *** ********/****** ** * large ********/************* ********"
  • "** ** ** *** ******* ** most ** *** ******* *** ****** corporate *** ************* *******. **** *** able ** ***** ******** *** *** continent ** ****** ****** ** ************** to *****."
  • "******** *** *** *** **** **** their ******** ** ** *** ****** projects **** ** **** *** ** to ******* **** *******."
  • "**** *** * ******* ** *****, but ** ***** **** ** ********* the ***** *********. **** ***** ******** are **** *** ** *** ******** believing *** ***'* *** ****** *** them. *******, ** ** *** **** of ***** ****"
  • "********. ** ***** ** *** ***** they *** ***** ****** ** ******* sufficient ***** *** ** ***** ******** and ***** ****** ***'* **** ***** and ** ***** ********* ********** ******** they **** **** ** ****"
  • "***** **** **** ** ****, ******* I ** *** ***** ****** ** compete ** ***** ****** ******"
  • "**** ***'* ** ***** *** ***** companies **** * **** ****. **** will ***** **** *** ************* * do."
  • "*** ********* ** * ** ** a **** ***** ****** *** *** bigger ********* **** *** ******* ******* in ******* **** ** **** ********."
  • "***** ******** *** ********* ***********. ******* - ****** ********, *** *******."
  • "*** **** ***** **** ******* ** for *** ****** ********."
  • "***** ********* **** ** ****** ****** projects **** ******* *********"
  • "*'* ***. **** ***** ********* **** we ***'* ** * ****** ***"


**** **% ** *********** ******** ***** concerned ***** ****-********** *************, **** ******** highlighting *** ********* *** ****** ***** advantage ** *** ****** ***********:

  • "****. ******* ********** ****** **** ******/****** when **** *********** ********* ****** ***** with *************"
  • "**** **** * ****** ****** ***** than *** ***** ******* ** *** can ******* ***** **** ***** *** branding **** ***** ********* *** **** cuts **** ****** ****"
  • "****** *********/****** **** ********/*********** *******/****** ********* and ***** *******"
  • "**** *** ********* ***** ***** ***** down *** ** ********** ********* **** may *******."
  • "*********, **** **** ********* *********"
  • "****** **** **** **** ****** ******** at * ****** **** ** ***'* afford"
  • "* ****** *********. **** **** *** marketing *******."
  • "* ***. **** ****** * *** in *********"
  • "**** - *** ******** ** ** for **** ** *** ******"

* ********* **** ******** ******* ***** larger *********** ****** ***** ***********, ***** was **** ********* ***** ** **** ********** *********** **** Quitting:

  • "**** ********* ***** **** ******** *** employees **** ********* ******* **** ** projects."
  • "** **** *** **** **** **** out ********* **** ***** ********. **** to *** ** *** ***** *** to ***** ******** *****. **** *** building ******** ******* ***** ******* **********."
  • "**** **** *** **** *********, *** access ** *** **** ***********"

Part ** * **** **********

* ***** ****** ** *********** ********* that **** **** *** * ****-**********, with * *** ** ****** *** concern ******:

  • "*** ********* ***** * **** *** a "****-**********" *** ******* ******* *** other ****-*********** *** *** ****"
  • "* **** *** *** *********. * used ** **** *** **** ** the ****** ** ****. * ** generally *** ********* **** **** ** I **** ****** *** *** **** client *** ~** ***** *** ***** integrator ******* ** ****** **** *** preferred ****** *** ***** *** ******* for ** ******"
  • "* **** *** * ****-**********. **** have * *** ** ***** **** it ***** ** ********* ********* ******** service. "
  • "* **** *** ********** ******* *** I **** * ******* **** **********. When ******* ** *** ******* ********** - ****** ****** ** ******* ** EC/GC/8a, *** - ***** *** ********** rules ** ******. ******* ********* ** follow *** ***** ** *********".
  • "* **** *** * ****-********** ** I ***'* ****** ****** **** ***."
  • "*******. ********* ******** ** "****-**********"."
  • "* ** ******** ** *** ** those ** * **** ** ********"
  • "****'* * ***** *** ******* * am ** ***"
Comments (7)
Dwayne Cooney
Nov 30, 2022

* ** *** **** ***** *********** any *********** **** ***** ************ ***********. All *** ********* *** ******** ** the **** ********.

********** ******* ********* ***** *** ***** consolidated ****-*********** *** ***** ******* *********** and **** ******* ****** ** **********. There *** ****** **** ****, *** really *** ****. ** **, **** is ** ********* **** ******* **** many ******* ***********.

Undisclosed End User #1
Nov 30, 2022

* ******** *** ** ********** ***** I **** **** ****** ** *********** a ****** ******* **** *** ** the ***** ******* (***** ***** *******) and ***** **** **** ****** ** deliver **** ********** ** ** * timely ******. ********* **** *** ** big **** ***'* ***** ** *** opportunities ** ***** ** ****.

* ***** ****** ** **** **** local ******* *** ** ***** **** can *** **** *** ***** ******** reviews *** ********* ************. ** ***** be *********** ** ***** *** * way ** **** ** *** ******.

Dwayne Cooney
Dec 01, 2022

********* **** *** ** *** **** don't ***** ** *** ************* ** front ** ****.

**** *** ********** **** *** ***** a *****, ******** *** ******** *****, then ******* **, ******* *******, ******* communications, *** **** **** ***** **** is ***** ** *****.

Thomas Carnevale
Dec 01, 2022

** **** **** ************ **** ***-***** regarding *** * ****** **** ********(*). I ***** ******** ***** **** * new ******* ** *** *** *** building * ******* ** ***********/**********. ** there * '*******' ***** ******** ***** list ****'* ****** *** ******** ********?

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 30, 2022

** **** * *** ** ******** from ***** ***********. ***** *********** ***** come ** *** **** ******* *** under *******, * ***** *** ***** they're ************** *** **** **** ***** levels. **** ** *** ******* ****** to ** ******** **** ******** *********** who *** *** *****, *** ***. We're ** *** ** ******** ***** with ******* ** *********** ***********. * think **'** ** *** ***** **** to ******* *********** ******* ** ***** companies *** ** ** ** ****** than ****** *** ***********.

Undisclosed #3
Jan 03, 2023

** *** **** ******** ****** ** cleaning ** ***** ***** *** *********. They **** ** **** *** ***** their **** ******** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Jun 24, 2024

** ******** ********* ****** **** ******** and ** ********** *********, *** ** do **** * *** **** ***** local *********** **** ******* **; *** we ** ***** ** *** ********* better **** ***** ****. *** ********* sometimes ** *** ************ ** *********, but **** * **** ******* ********** is *** ******** ******.