Favorite Integrator Mobile Phones 2017

Rob Kilpatrick
Published Oct 06, 2017 12:22 PM

Smartphones are more critical than ever before, with integrators relying on them not only for contact while in the field, but for business applications, service tickets, time entry, and installation aids.

140+ integrators answered:

In your company, what brand of mobile phone is most often used? Why?


Mobile Phone Preference Statistics

Apple's iPhone was by far the most common response given, with ~30% more respondents preferring it to Android. Few responses other these two platforms were given, with only about five users preferring Windows or Blackberry.

Versus Global Market Share

****** ***** *** ******* ****** **** market ******** (**** ******** ***** ******* are ***** **% *** ** ********* markets **** ** ***** ****** ***** is ~**%.

Apple ****** **** ****** ******

*****'* ****** *** *** **** ****** mobile ***** **** ** ***********. **** ********* the **** ** ***, ***********, *** choice ** **** ** *** **** reasons *** ******** *** ******.

  • "*****. ** ***'* **** * ******** preference *** **** **** *******. **** are ****** ********."
  • "******, ********* *** **********. **** **** selection ** ****** ******** ****".
  • "***** ****** ******* ** ** **** for ** ** ******* *** ******* of ** ******* ** ** ******* of *******."
  • "******, ******* *** **** **** ** use *** **** *********. ****, ******** knows *** ** *** ***."
  • "******. ** ****** * ******** * years *** ** *** *******. **** new ****** **** ** *** *** developed *** *** ****** *****."
  • "***** - ****** ** **** *** overall ************* *** ***********."
  • "******. *** ****** **** ************ *****. No ********* ** **. **** ***** support"
  • "******. ******* ** *** **** ********** with **** *** **** *** *** internal ***** ******* ** ******* **"
  • "***** *** * **** ****** ** and *** **** ** ** ******* are ****** ****** *** *** ******* and **** **** **** ****** *** phone ** ****** ***********."
  • "******. **** ** ***** **** ****** and ** **** **** ** ** supposed ** ** **** *** **** it ** ** **."

Android ******

******* *** (**************) **** **** ******, but ******** ***** **% ***** ********* than ******. ******* *** *** **** commonly ***** ************, **** ** *** Motorola **** *********, *** **** **** common.

*******, ******* ***** *** ********** ******* were ******* ** ***** *** ******: reliability, **** ** ***, *** *********, etc.

  • "******* (*****). ****** *** *** ******** use. *** *** ** * *** more *** **** *** ******* ****** with ********."
  • "*******, ******* ***** **. ******* *** better **** *** **** ******* ******."
  • "******* ******* ** *** ******* ********* System."
  • "*******, ** **** *** **** ******* operating ****** *** ******* ** *** of *** **** ******"
  • "*******, **'* ******** *** *** * ton ** ******* ********."
  • "******** ***** * *******, ****** ***** with *** ****** ******** ****, ** write *** *** ******* ****."

Durability *** ****-*************

******* *********** **** ***** *** ********** and ****-************* ** ******* ****** ** being * ***** ****** ** *** them. ****** *** **** ****** ** be ****** ** *** ***** *** the ******* ****** *** ********* ******* to *** ** *******.

  • "*** ********** ******* ** **** ***** more **** *** ********* ********* *** our ********* ******** *** **** ** be **** *******"
  • "*******. ** **** ***** *** *** other ***** ****** **** *** *****, and **** *** ******** **** *** best ******* *****, *********, *** **********."
  • "******* ******* ** ***** ****** ***** in ******* **** ** *** ******* to *** ***** **** ****** ******* and *** ******* ******* ***** ************."
  • "** - **** *** ***** ******* pay ** *** ** ******. ****** get ****** ** ******* **** **** to ** **** ********* *** **** to *******."

Sales - ****** / ***** - *******

******** *********** **** ***** ***** ***** used ***** ***** ***** **** *******:

  • "****** ** **** ** *** ***** staff, **** *** *** **** **** want. ***** ****** *** ******* ******* of ****** **** ******* *** *******."
  • "****** *** *******. *** *** ***** and ******* ** ********* *** ****** and ********** **** *******. *** ********** Android ** **** ***** **** **** are ********* ********* *** *** ********* products *** **** ** ** **** durable. ***** **** ** ** **** of ** ***** ***** * *****."
  • "**/** ******* **. ******. *********** **** to ****** ******* *** ** **** flexibility **** ****. ***** **** ****** iPhones ** **** *** ****** ** use."

Blackberry/Windows *** ********

***** **** *** ******** *** *** once ******* ********** ********, ** **** as ******* ******, **** *** "**** big *****" ** ****** ******. *******, one **** ****** ** ********** *** reliability *** ********.

  • "**********. ****** & ********. ***** ** lacks ******* *** **** ****, *** functionality ** ***********. ** **** ******* iOS *** ******* ******* **** *** familiarity ** ***********/******* **** ** ****** devices. *******, *** *** ******* ************** and *********** **** ****** **** ** Blackberry. ** **** **** **'** ********** in *** ******** *** ** **** coming **** *** ** **** **** our ***** **** **** *** ** in ***** ***** * ****** ***** is *** ******* *** *** ** is. ************, *** ******* **** ****** & *** ********** ** ****** **** other ******* **'** ****."
Comments (9)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 06, 2017

All iphone here, except some engineers who have disposable Windows mobiles.. When they have passed the " i wont drop the phone down the ladders every two weeks" test they get an iphone as well.

Tim Pickles
Oct 10, 2017
Direct Security

A universal truth across the entire security industry!

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Oct 07, 2017

Anyone use an apple watch? I was thinking they were dumb but I got one for my wife recently and she loves it and cant help but think now that it might be nice not to pull my phone out when I get calls or texts. 

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 07, 2017

I have one, as does the wife and daughter. Love it and the new software update has made it even better. 

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Oct 09, 2017

I hate these with a burning passion, but then again, I'm a regular lurker on watchuseek.com.

Brian Karas
Oct 09, 2017

Related, it looks like Windows Phone is a dead end

David Schulze
Nov 27, 2017

I was a big fan of the Windows Phone platform and sad it died. The UI was great along with the live tiles. My first Windows Phone was the Nokia Lumia 1020. I was able to see the phone in development at Nokia and was turned on by the 40MP camera. Then the 1520 and 950XL, after multiple warranty replacements I gave up and moved on to the Nexus 6P, Pixel XL and now Pixel 2 XL.

Undisclosed #4
Oct 25, 2017

How prevalent is tablet use by integrator techs? Security personnel at companies? 

Is there any preference for a dedicated tablet app vs a browser app that renders well on a tablet? 

Undisclosed #4
Oct 25, 2017

Nevermind - just found my answer searching this site! 

[IPVM Note: Favorite Integrator Tablets 2017]