Hytera Company Profile

Published May 25, 2021 13:51 PM

Hytera, a China communications manufacturer, is the least well-known of the 5 NDAA-banned companies. Who is Hytera?

IPVM Image

In this report, IPVM examines:

  • Hytera's background
  • 2020 financials
  • Financial challenges for Hytera
  • Domestic v. overseas sales
  • International expansion plans
  • Shareholder structure
  • Collaboration with China Ministry of Public Security
  • CEO comments: US ban of China products and protection of radio market
  • Ongoing litigation against Motorola Solutions

Executive *******

******** * ********, ***** ************** ************, most ***** *** *** ******, **** ~$1 ******* *** ** ****** *******, the ******* ** *****. *** ******* already *** **% ** *** ******* from ******** ***** **** ********* ** Belt *** **** *********, ****** *** Latin ******* *******. *******, *** ******* faces ********** ** *** ****** ****** as ** ** ****** ** *** NDAA *** *** **** ** ********** for ***** **** ******** ********* *** sued ****** *** ***** ****** **************** and ********* ************. ************, *** *******'* CEO, **** ********, ******** *** ** ban ** ***** ******** **** **** be * *****-**** *****.

Financial ********** *** ******

****** ***** ** ********* *** ****** robust *** ****** ******* *** *************** favorable **********, ****** *** **** ** negligible ******* (*** *.*%) *** * poor ********* (**** **** *.** *******).

Hytera ********

******, ************* ** ********, *****, *** established ** **** ** "******** *** Technology **., ***," * ************ ** professional ****** ******. ******* ****** *********** *** **** ******** ** "********** private ******* ********" ********* ***, *****, and *** ********* (*.*. ******), **/** broadband ********, *** ******* *** ******** communications *********. ****** ********* "****** ******, government ********* ********, **** *******, ******, and ********** ***" ** *** *** industries.

** ****, *** ******* "********* * global ***** ********" *** ********* *** company **** "***" ** "******." ** 2011, *** ******* ****** ** *** Shenzhen ***** ********. *** *******'* ******* market ************** ** ~$*.* ******* ***.

****** ********* *** ~*,*** ********* *********. However, ** ****, ****** ************* ********* its ********* ** ~**% (**** *,*** people), ********* ** ******* ** *** annual ******.

**********'* ************* ** *** "**** **** *** offices *********" *** ***** *** ******* owns * ****** ** ***-******, ***************** *** ** (***** *********),*********** ***** (***** *** **** *******),******(********* **************) ***********(***** *******) ** ******.

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2020 ******* *** *******

****** ******** ~$*** ******* *** ** revenue *** ****, **** **% **** ~$1.21 ******* ** ****.

IPVM Image

*** ****** ****** ********* **** ********** revenue *** ******* *** ** *** COVID ********:

*** **** ******* ******* ************* ******** revenue ****** * ***** ******* *** to *** ***** ** ******* *** some ********, *** ******(********** ************* *******) *** ******** ******* businesses **** ******** ** *** ********'* procurement ****, ********* ** * ***** year-on-year ******* ** ***** *******.

2021 ** ******* *****

******'* ******* **** ** ** **** (874 ******* *** *******) ** **%, compared ** ***** *** ********* ***** grew **%+ ** ** ****. ****** says **** ** ******* ** **** (1.5 ******* *** *******) *** ** 40% ****** ** ******* ******** ***** recognized ** **** ******* **** *** been ********. *******, **** ********* ** 2021 ** ** ****, ******* *** still **** **% (**** *.* ******* RMB ** ** **** ** *** million *** ** ** ****).

Poor *******

********, ****** *** *** ********* *** net ******* ** **** (*%) *** 2020 (*.*%). ** ******* ****** ******, ****** ********* **** ***** ******** came **** * *******:

*** ******* *** *** *********** ******* in *** ****** ****** *******:

  1. ******* ** ******* ******* *********, ****** the*** (********** ************* ********) ******************* *** ************ ** * ****** ****, ***** resulted ** * ******** ** *** comprehensive ***** ****** ** ********。
  2. ********** ***** ******* *** ***** ** intensive *********** *** ***-*****, ********* ** a *********** ******** ** ******** **** year-on-year.

**** ****** *** **** ******, ******'* net ******* **** *** ******** ** Dahua *** *********:

IPVM Image

********* ** ******* ****** ******, ******'* **** *** ******* ****** due ** ********* *&* *****, *****, and ********* *****, *** ** ********* loan ****** ** ******* "************, **************, and ***** **********." **** *** *** year ****** ******** ****** *** ******.

Hytera ***** ****

****** *** ************ **** ************* *** challenges ******* *******, ***** ******* ** a *** ********* *** *** ******* (~$1.4 ******* *** ********* ******* ***** ~$1 ******* ** *******).

*** *******'* ***** ****** ** ******** 2017 ****** ******** ** ***** ****. Its ***** *** ****** ** *******. According ** ********* **** ***** ********** ******* *******, ******'* *** ****** ******** ** ~40% ** **** (******** ** ***** 2018), ** **** ** *** *********** of * ****** ********* ** ******** 2017, *********** ************* ** **** *********** drop ** ***** *****.

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Domestic *. ******** *********

~**% ** ******'* ******* ***** **** overseas ***** ******** ** ~**% **** domestically. **** ********* **** *** **** prior *** ** ** **** **** Hytera's ******* ***** ** ********* *** international ******** ** ************ ************ ** purchasing ******** *********.

IPVM Image

******** ******** **** * ****** ***** margin ******** ** ******** ********, ~**% compared ** **%.

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Hytera ** ******** **********

**** ********* ******'* ****** ** ******* to ** ** *** *** *** of ******** ** *******, ***** ********** from *** **** *** *** ******** lawsuit. ********* *** ****** ***** *********** ****** ****, ***** ** ** interview **** ******'* ***, ~*% ** Hytera's ******* ***** **** *** **. The ******* ********* **** **** * system ** ******* ****** *** **. However, ******'* ****** *** *** ********* used ** ****** ******, *** ******* go ******* ********** **** **** ** in *******, *********, *** ******** ****** facilities, * *** ****** ** ******* shared **** ****.

******** ***** $* ******* ** ********** Purchases ****-****

*******, ******** ****** $*+ ******* *** in ********** ***** *** **** ***** on ****** ******** **** *** **** 5-6 *****, ******** *,***+ *********. *** most ********** ******** ******** * $***,***+ purchase ** *** ********** ** ******* in **** ** ****** ****** (****** **-****).

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*** **** ******** ********* ** ****** products ********* ** ******** ******** ***, * ****** ******** ** ******** Dallas, *****.

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*** **********, ******** ***** ~$**.* ******* USD ***** ** ********* ********* ***** government ***** ** *** **** ******.

IPVM Image

*****, * *********** ****** ** ********** money ** ***** ***** ** ****** products, ***** ** ********** ***** *** status ** *** **** *** ****.

"Continuous ************* *********" *******

****** *** *** **** *** ** further ************* *********, ******* ******* ************ in ********* **** ** ******, *** UK, *********, *********, *******, *** *** US. ** *** **** ****** ****** report, *** ******* ***** **** ** will ***** ** "********** ****** *********" over *** **** * ***** ** become "*** *****'* **** ******* ******** of ********* ************** *** *********":

** *** **** ***** *****, *** company **** ***** * ****** ******** of ****** ** ***** *** ********** global *********, ***** ** *** ******** advantageous ********** *** *******, ********* *** overseas ****-*** ******** ******, ***** ******** as *** ******** **********, ********* ******** and ******** ******** ********** *** ********* markets ** ********* *********, ************* *** marketing ********** ** ***** ********, ********* project ************* ** *** *****, ********** the ****** ********* ************** ****** ***** and ****** *****, ***becoming *** *****'* **** ******* ******** ** ********* ************** *** *********. [emphasis added]

***** ******* **** ******** *** ****** China *** **** *** ****, ****** singled *** ****** ** ******, ***** America, *** ***** **** *** **** countries:

******** ******** ** *** ******* ** the ****** ** *** ********, ****** to ******* *******-***** ******, ****** *********** hit * ****** ****, ** ******* consolidate *** ****** ******** ***** ** private ******* ********; ***** ******* ********* to ***********, ** ******* ****-*** ******** breakthroughs, *** ******* * **** **** of ******* *********; ***** *** **** and **** ********* ******** ** ******, around ***** ******** *** *** ******* to ******* ******* ******** *******, *** a ****** ** ******** ********* ** achieve *** ******* ******** ***********. .

Shareholder *********

****** ** ********-***** (**.**%) ** **** Qingzhou, *** ******* *** *** ** the *******. ***** ****** ************, ********* investment ***** *** *** **********, **** hold * **** ***** ******* ** the *******, ******* **** 1.75% ****. ***** ************ *******:

  • ****** ************** **., ***.-***** ******** ***** Purchase ****: *.**%
  • **** **** ********** ******** **., ***.: 1.03%
  • *** ***** (*** ****'* ****): *.**%
  • ************ **** ** ***** *******-******** ******** Reform ******** ********** ****** ********** ********** Fund: *.**%

Collaboration **** ***** ******** ** ****** ********

****** ********* ************ **** *** ******** of ****** ******** ** ***** ** it ***** ******** *****-******** ********. ** its **** ****** ******, ****** ***** that *** ******* "****** **** ** the ********** *** ********* ****** ******** users **********" ****** *****:

** *****, *** ******* *** * high ****** ***** ** *** ****** security ********, ******** **** ** *** provincial *** ********* ****** ******** ***** nationwide, *** ** ******** ********** *** market ***** ** *** **************, ******, industrial *** ********** **********.

*** ******* ********** * ***** "******** case *******" **** ******* ***** ****** security ******, ********* **********"** ****** *** *********** *******" ** Shanghai*** ************* ****** ******** *********** ** the*** (************ ******* ********) ********. *** ** * *****-******** ********, and ****** ****** ** *** ******** ******* ** the *** ******** ***********. *** *******, ****** *** ******** public ******** ***** **********,*********, *********"*******" ** *** *******.

1 ** * **** ****** *********

****** ** *** ** *** * China ********* ***** ** *** **** ban, ********* ********* *** ***** ** the ***** ************ ********. ** ***** 2021, *** ** ******* ******** * ****** ************* *** * ********* *** "****** to **** ** ************ **** ** the ******** ******** ** *** ****** States."

Hytera ***: "** *** ** ***** ******** ** **** *****-****"

*** "** *** ** ***** ******** is **** *****-****," ******'* ******* *** ****** ******* ****** ****. ***** ** ******** that *** ** **** ********** *** on ********* **** **** * ****** impact ** ******, **** **** "*** loss ** *** *****" *** **** Hytera ***** ***** ** *** ********** market ** *** ** *******.

**** ******* **** **** ***** ********* sanctioned ** *** ** ****** *** feel **** *** ***** "********** ** bullied," *** *******, ****** ** ********* in ***** ******** *** ******* ** compete:

** * *******, ********* **** *** United ****** ****** *** **** ***** companies **** **********, *******, ** *****. In *** ****, **** ** **** impoverished, ** ***** **** ** *** European *** ******** ******* *** ******* all *** ********. *** **** ***** are **** **** ******** *** ************, losing * *** ** *** * big ****. **'* ******* ********. *** should **** ** ***** **** ******, refine ********, *** **** ******** ****** in *** *******.

"US ********** ******** ******** ***** ******"

***** **** ******** ********** ********* ****** not ******** ***** ***** "********** ** bullied," ****** ****** **** *** "** government ******** *** ******** ***** ******." The **** ****** ***** ******* ******** Hytera's ** ******** ** *% ** total ******* (~$** *******), ********** **** relatively ***** ****** ** *** ** US ********** ** *** ******. **** further **** **** ********** ***** "**** companies **** *** **** ** ************ innovation":

********** ********* *** *********' *****. **** purchases ******** *** **** ** ********* and *** **** * ***** ** taxpayers' *****. * ****** ****** **** only **** ********* **** *** **** to ************ **********. * ******* **** the ******** *** ** *** ****** States ** ** *** ***** ****, they ***'* ** ** *** * long ****.

Anti-Trust ******* ******* ******** *********

******** ****** *** *** ***** *** which ******** ****** **** **** *** supposed ********** ********** ** *** ****** in *** ****** ***** *******, *** annual ****** ****** *** ******* ** currently ** ********** ******* "******* **********" Motorola ********* *** "****** ***********" *** "market ********". **** **** *** ***** in ******** **** **** ******* **** **************** ******** ********* * ******** *** forces ** ********* ** *** ******** prices:

****** ******* ******* **** ******** ********* maintains *** ******** *** ******** *** inflated ****** ** *** ** ** engaging ** * ************ ****** **** includes ******* *** ******* ** **** Hytera's ********, ********** *** ********* ** the ** ****** ****** ****** ** impede ******** ** *****, **** ********* technologies **** ** *** **, *** engaging ** * ****** ******* ** sham ********** ** ****** ****** *** interfere **** *** ************* **** ******* and *********.

IP ********** ******* ******** *********

***** **** *** ****-***** *******, ****** is ******** ** ******* ********** ******* Motorola ********* **** ************ ********. * jury ** ******** **** ******* ** favor ** ******** ********* ** * lawsuit **** ** *** *** (******* mobile *****) ********, ******** ******** $***.* million ** ************ *** ******** *******, which *** ***** ******* ** $***.* million ** *** *****. ** * result ** ***** *******, ******'* ** entities***** *** ******* ** ********** ** May ******* **** ***** **** ************ **** "Hytera **".

*******, ******** *** ****** **** **** still **** ******* ** ****-***** *******, and ******** *** *** *** ******** the *******. **** **** ** ********** the **** ** ** ******** ****** of *******.

Comments (6)
John Honovich
May 25, 2021

********, **** ****! ******** *** * series ******** **** ********, **** ** step *** ****** ** *** ****** / ******** *******. ***** *** **** very *********** *********** **** *** ******* shared **** * ***** **** ** informative ** *** ********* ** ********.

Undisclosed #1
May 26, 2021
IPVMU Certified

*** ***** *’* *** ******** ***** about ***** ******* ******** *** **** in-depth ******* ** *** ******* ****** is:

*** ******?

***, ****’** **********************, *** **** ***’* **** ** be *********** *******, ********* ******* ** *** ****** of ******. *** ** ********** ********* alleged.

**** *** *** ************** ******** ******** threat **** **** ***** **** *********** them **** *** **** ***** ******* surveillance *** ********** ******** **** **** exalted ****?

Isabella Cheng
May 26, 2021
IPVMU Certified

* ***** **** ****** ** *** smaller **** *** ****** *** ***** addition ** *** **** ***** ** have *********** ****** **** ***** ****** on **** **** ** ****. *******, through *** ********, ** **** ***'* know ****** *** ***** *** *******'* details ** ********* *** **** **** included ** **** ****** **** ****/** not ****.

*********, ** * *** **** **** Hytera, *'** **** * ****** ****** for ***.

Michael Miller
May 26, 2021

********* **** ******* ***** ** ****. Also, **** ** *** *** *** touch ****** ****** **** ******* **********.

IPVM Image

Ricardo Maldonado
May 26, 2021

***** *** ********* ******* * ***** definitely *** * ******* ******* ***** systems ** "******* ******** **************", ******* a ****** ******** **** ** ********** officials, *** ******** ********* ********** **** their ******* ******* ***** * *** of *&* ******** **** ******** *********. Compared ** ******** ******* *'* **** the ****** ******* *** **** *******, given *** ******* ** ********* ******* compared ** *** ** **** ** Avigilon ******. ******* **** ***** ***** as * ********* *** ******* ************** trying ** **** * **** ******* investigating *** * **** ******* ** cheaper.

** ******* ****** ********* * *** of ***** ******* *** ** ****** connected ** *** ********, ***** ****** has ********, *** ** *** **** time *** **** * ******** ** risks.

Isabella Cheng
Jun 16, 2021
IPVMU Certified

**** *** ***** * ********* ** the ******** **** ********** ******'* ******* and ***** ** *** ****** ******:

Hytera ** ******** **********

**** ********* ******'* ** ******* ** be ** *** *** *** ** millions ** *******, ***** ********** **** the **** *** *** ******** *******. According *** ****** ***** *********** ****** ****, ***** ** ** interview **** ******'* ***, ~*% ** Hytera's ******* ***** **** *** **. The ******* ********* **** **** * system ** ******* ****** *** **. However, ******'* ****** *** *** ********* used ** ****** ******, *** ******* go ******* ********** **** **** ** in *******, *********, *** ******** ****** facilities, * *** ****** ** ******* shared **** ****.

**** *** **** ***** * ******* that ******** ********** ******** ** ****** products **** *** **** *-* *****, totaling ~$* ******* ***. *** **** concerning ******** ******** *** **** *** Department ** ******* ** ****, *** a ***** ****** ******** ** * frequent ********* ** ****** ******** ***** government *****. **** ** ********** ** Hytera ** ** ****-****** *******.