Hikvision Fights Back Publicly: New PR Strategy

Published Nov 27, 2023 13:33 PM

Three Hikvision executives - Jeffrey He, Michael Gutierrez, and Justin Hollis - are leading a new campaign to fight back and win over the public.

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For years, Hikvision has largely refused to speak publicly about its various human rights abuses. Over the last few months, it has shifted tactics to aggressively win over the public.

This report examines Hikvision's new strategy, its responses to investigations, and what this means for the company.

BBC ******** ************* ********

** **** ****,*** ******** ********* * *********** ** PRC ***** ******************* ** *********'* *************. ** ******** a **** ** ***** **** ******** a ********* ****** ********* ** *** headquarters ** *********** *** **** ********* ********.

*********'* ****** ********** * ****** ** ** ****************** *** **** ** "********" *** a "*****" ******* *** ************* *** from **** *** *********** **** *** BBC.

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********* ******** ****** ******* **** *** partners *** ****, ** *** *************, as **** ***** ***, *** *** years ***.

***** *** *** ***** ** *** this, ** *** ********** ** **** complex ************* ******* ** ********** *** the ******* ******, **** ****** ********* with *** **** ****.

*******, * ***** ******, **** **************** * ******* ********* ******** ***** vulnerability **** ********* ******* *** ********.

Public ******** ** ***** *********** *** **** **** ****** ********* *******

** **** ****,**** ******** **** ***** ******************* *** ****** ********* ******* *** being **** *** ******** ********.

***** **** ****** ** *********, ***** we ********* ********* *** *******, *********'* Jeffrey ******* * ****** ** ***************** *** ***********, ***** ********* **** Hikvision *** *** ********* ** *** findings ** *** ****:

*** **** *****, ** **** ********* that *** ******** ********** ****** *** malicious ********* **** ****.*** *** *** deserve *********. *****, ** ******* ** have ** ****** *** ** **** an *********.

** **** ******** **** *** ****** to "******* *** *** ********** ** the ******* ** ********** ********** ********," among ***** ***********.

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********* *** ****** **** **** ** it **** ****** ***** **** ********* had *********** ***** ** *** ***** pornography ************:

********* *** *** **** ********* *** child *********** *****.

Falsely ******* ******** ******** ** ** **********

** ******* **, ****, *********'* ** Director ** ****** ************* **************** * ****** *************** * ** *** ** ********* sites *** *** ******* "***** ********" like ****** ******** ** *********, **** "The **********'* ******** ******** *** ******** credentials ** *********'* ********." **** ***** was *****, ****** ********* **** ** ********** ***********.

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******* **** ***** *****, ** ********* some ********** ***** **** ********* ********. See** ******: "******** ****" **** "********* Is *** ****** **** ***** ********"

Blaming ******** ***** *** ****** ******** *********

** ******* **, ****, **** ******** that*********'* ****** ******** ******** ****** ******** detection **********. ********* ******* ******* *** ******** and, ** ***** *********, *** *** respond.

*** **** *****,********* *** ** **** **** ************* ** ****************** *** ******, *******, "* ********* webpage *** ****** **** *********...** ******** had ******** ******** ********."

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** *** ***, ****** *** **, Hikvision *** *** ****** *******, ** we *** *** **** *********** ******** or ******** ******** **** ** *******.

Hikvision ******** ** ******* ****** ******

** ******** **, ****, ************ ** * $* ******* ********* "Smart ******" ********* * *** ***** ********** **** alerts ************** ** *** ****** ******** students "********* ** *******" ****** *******.

* *** ****** ** *********, *********'*** & ******* ******** **** **************** ** ******** **** ****** ******** ************ ******* ** *** ****** and "******* *** ********* **************." ** admits **** ********* ******** *** ******* but **** **** ***** *********** *** fasting ********* ********.

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********* ** ******** *** ********* ** public ******** ** ****. *******, ******* media ************* *** **** **** ******, negatively *** *********, ***** ** ****** Hikvision ******** *** ******* **** * weak, ********-**** ********.

In ****, ********* ******* ** *******

** *** ****, ********* *** ****** refused ** ******* ** *** ******* or ********* **** ** *** ***** (usually ********* ****), *** ** *** not **** ************* ** ******** ********** specific **** ***********.

*** ********, **** *** ********** ******** examples ** ********* ******** ****** ******** analytics ** ***** ******-********* ********** **** several *****.

** *** ***** *******, ********* *** not *******:

New ******** ** ******/******* **********

***** ******* ********** ********* ******** * new ******** ** ********** **** ****. They ******** ********* ***** * ******* need ** ******** *** ********** ** its ******** ******* ******** *********** ** a *** ** *** *** ** the ****.

**** *** **** ********. *********'* ******** may ******* ****,** ** *** **** ** *** false ** ***********. *** ** *** ******* ********* case, *** ******** ****** *** ****** with *** ******, **** ********* *********** admitting *** *********** ** *** *******, and ******* ****** ********* ********* (*.*.*,*).

*** ***** ******* ****** *********'* ******** are *******, *** *********'* ***** **** been ** *******, *** ********** ** down ** *** ** **** *** FCC *** **** ****. **** ********** partner ** ***** **** ** ********* now **** ******* ** *** **** in *****.
