Hikvision Interrogation Platform For Communist Party Members Examined

Published Jan 09, 2023 15:35 PM

Hikvision offers an interrogation solution for the Communist Party of China to interrogate Party members over corruption. The solution is not listed on Hikvision websites but is mentioned in several PRC procurement documents and other government records.

IPVM Image

IPVM previously reported about another Hikvision Interrogation Solution used for regular detainees which integrates with tiger chairs.

In this report, IPVM examines the solution, as well as Hikvision's deep Communist Party ties.

Infovision *** *******

*********'* ******* ** ****** "********** ***," a "************* ********** ******** *** ********** inspection *** ***********" (纪检监察综合管理平台). *** ******** of ****** ********, *** ***'* *** law *********** ******, ************** *** ****** *** ********* ** late ****:

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"**********" ** *** **** ** ***************** *********** ********** *** ********** ** *** PRC. ** ******** ****,**** ************ *********'* "********** ***" ******** *** alarms *** ***** **** *************, **********, and ********.

CCDI **********

******** "***" ** *** ******* ***, it ****** ** *** *****'* *************** ********** *** ********** ********** (****)***** ************ ********** ****** *** *****.***** ***** ****** ********* ** ** "China's *** ****-***** ****" ***** *** ************ *.* ******* Party ******* ***** ** ******* ***** an ****-********** ********* ** ****. (*** CPC ******* **** ** ******* *******.)

Infovision *** ********

********* ** * ***** ***************** ******* ****** *********(周界防范预算清), ********** *** ** * "****-*** centralized ********** ******" (后端集中管理系统) **** *** be ********* ** * ****** ** interrogation ***** (房间数量) *** ******** ** "interrogation ***" (审讯应用):

IPVM Image

*** ***** ******* ** *** ***** of *** ******, ******* ***,*** *** [or ~$***,***] *** *****.

Recent ********** *** ****

******* **** ****** **** ********'* ******* department****** *** ********* ****** ** **,*** CNY *.*. $*,*** *** * *****-**** license:

IPVM Image

**** **** *** *** ** ********** contractor******* **********.

Includes *********** ******** *********

** ******** *** ********** *************** *** ************* *** ****** ** having "*********** ******** ******** ****** ********" (智能行为分析系统软件):

IPVM Image

**** ** ******* ***********'* ************* ****** *** ******* *********, ***** ******** "*********** ******** *********" ( 智能行为分析 ) **** ** "******** motion *********" (剧烈运动检测) *** "***-****/***** *********" (离岗/睡岗检测):.

Tiger ***** ********

** ****** ******* *** *** *** product, *****-*****-*/****** (********* ********** ********** *** *********** Integrated ********** ******** *******/海康纪检监察综合管理平台服务) ***** * tiger *****:

IPVM Image

*** **** ***** ***** ** ********* in *********'* ************* ******* (高清审讯主机) ***** IPVM********** ******** *****:

IPVM Image

********* ** ****** ******************** ** ***** ****** *****, **** ** ***** ************ ** the ****'* ****-********** ******** **** **** placed ** ***** ******, *.*.:

*** **** **** *** **** ****** I *** ** ***** ******; *** urinated *** ********* **** ***** *******… for **** * ******* *****, ******* it’s *** ** *****, **** **** turns ************* **.

Not ** ********* *******

**** ******** *** ******** ** *********'* websites, ********* *** ****** ***** ********, and ***** **** ** ******** ** Hikvision ****** ********** ********** *** ** other ******** *** *** ****. *********,*********'* ************* *********** ******* ************ ******* ** ** found ** *********'* ********, ******** * third-party ******** * **** ***** ** the *********** *** **** ************ **** ******** ***** **.

Showcases *********'* *****/********** *****

*** ********* ** ********** *** ***** light **** *********'* ********* *** *** authorities, **** ** ***** "***" (****** Business *****). ***** ********* ** **** known ******* *** *** ** * cheap ****** ********, *** **** *****~**.*% ** *** *********** **** "***" *****.********** *** ******** ******* ***** ** how ******* **** ********* ** ** the *****, *** *** ** ******** *********** from **** ************, ******* *** ****** concerns ****** ** *********** **** ***** chairs.

Hikvision ** ********

********* *** *** ******* ** ****'* request *** *******. ** **** **, we **** ******.

********* *** **************** ******* ***** ******;******* **** ***** ******** ****, ****** that *********'* ************* ****************** ********* ******, ******* ***** ****** ********.
