Hikvision Asks FCC to Reduce Ban Scope

Published Nov 06, 2023 13:32 PM

With Hikvision US revenue falling amid onerous government restrictions, the company is searching for strategic workarounds. In its latest move, Hikvision asks the US FCC to issue narrower definitions of what products qualify as banned covered surveillance equipment.

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In this report, we examine Hikvision's request, what it suggests about Hikvision's US strategy, the likelihood of success, and the most recent status of Hikvision's lawsuit against the FCC.

Contrast to Dahua Petitions FCC to Sell to US Police Stations.

Executive *******

*********'* ******* ** *** *********** * ********* ***** ******* ******* non-surveillance ******** **** ***** ******* *** dashboard ******* ** *** ** ****** an ********* ** ******** *** **** or *** ****. ********* ****** *** narrower *********** ** "***** ************ *********" and "****************** *********" ** ******* **** non-surveillance ********.

*** ****** **** *** ****** **** with *** ***'* ********, ******. *** FCC ** ********* ********* **** *********, generally, *** **** *** *******'* ******** video ************ ********. **** ****, *** FCC *** ****** "***** ************ *********," so *** ********** ** ********* ****.

*********'* ****** ****** ** **** ** a *******-**** ******** ** ******* ****** the ***'* ************. *** ********, *** company ** **** ******************* *** ******** ** *** *** order ** * ******* ********* *****, ******* **** *** ******** ****** not ** ** *** ***'* ******* list ******* **** *** *** “*********” to *** ********* ** ********* ******* and ****** ******* ********* ********.


*** ********* ** ***** ** ******** *********** ****** ******* ************** *** ***** and *********, ***** *** *** ********** as ******** ******** *****.

***** *** ********* **** ***** ** find *********** *****. ********* * ******* ** ******** **** challenging *** ***** ** * ******* appellate *****. **** **** ***** ********** ***** (in***** ************* ****, ************) ** ******* *** ***'* national ******** ********.

***, ********* ** ********** ******* ***** the *****'* *********** ** "***** ************ equipment" *** "****************** *********." *** *** bans *** ************** ** ********* ******** that **** ***** **** **********.

FCC ***** ***********

****** ************ "***** ************ *********" **:

*** ********* **** ** **** ** fixed *** ****** ******** **** ******** advanced ************** ******* ** *** **** of * ***** ************ *******, ******** the ********* ******** ** **** ********** components.

** ******* "****************** *********" **:

*** ********* **** ** ***** ** mobile ******** **** ******** ******** ************** service, ******** *** ********* ******** ** uses ********** **********.

*** ********, **** *** ******* ******** that ********* ** ******** **** ** greater **** *** ** *** ******.

Hikvision: *********** *** *********, ******* ********** ********

********* **** **** *** *****'* "******** reaches *** ****** *** ******** *****" of *** ***********. ** *********** ****, Hikvision ***** ******* ******** **** ****** to **** ***** *** *********** *** which ********* ****** *** *** "***** surveillance" ** "******************" *********:

  • Handheld ************ *******: These cameras capture thermal snapshots, and Hikvision says that they fall under the FCC definitions of both "video surveillance" and "telecommunications" equipment. But Hikvision says the cameras are not designed for fixed area surveillance and do not threaten "the processing or routing of information across internet networks."
  • Dashboard *******: These devices record roads and likely fall under both FCC definitions. Hikvision argues that they are not designed to surveil premises and do not threaten networks.
  • Robot ****** & ***: These cleaning devices' navigation cameras may qualify them under both FCC definitions. Hikvision says the products are not intended for surveillance and cannot threaten networks.
  • Warehouse ******: Hikvision says these devices fall under the FCC definition of "telecommunications equipment" but that they are exclusively used for warehouse logistics and are unlikely to have internet-based remote purposes.
  • ********: ***** ******** ****** ******* ** "telecommunications *********" ***** *** *** *****, but ********* **** ****** ******** *** is ********.
  • Data ****** & ******* *******: Hikvision claims these devices fall under the FCC definition of "telecommunications equipment," but says they do not directly connect to the internet.

Hikvision ******** ******* ***********

********* ****** **** *** *** ****** adopt ******* *********** ** "***** ************" and "******************" ********* **** *** **** consistent **** ******-***** **************.

********* ******** *** ********* ********** *** video ************ *********:

******* **** *** ******** ******** *** used *** ************—**** ** ***** ******* designed *** **** *** ******** *** surveillance ********— *** *** ****** *** device **** *** * ******, *** take *********** ** ******* ******, ** record * ***** ****** ****** ** intended *** **** *** ****** ************.

*** *** ********* *** ****************** *********:

******* **** *** ******** ** ******* directly ** *** ******** *** *********—*** not *** ****** **** *** * port ** ***** ******* ** *** internet *** **** *** **** ** be ********* *** ****** ********* ** for ***** ********-***** ****** ***** ** highly ********, ** ******* **** *** connected ** * ******** *** *** directly ** *** ********.

Filing ******** ********* ********* *****

*********'*** ***** **** ******** ***** *** NDAA ***, *** *** *** ***** ***** cripple ****** **********. *** *** *** filing ******** **** ********* ** ******* ways ** ******* ***** ** ****** inroads ** ***, *********** ******, ******* areas.

** ********* *** ******** *** *** to ***** *** *********** ** "***** surveillance *********" *** "****************** *********," *** company ***** ***** *** ***** ** selling ***-************ ******** ** *** ** while ******* **** *********** ********* ** other ******* (******* *** *** ***** *******). **** ********* ***** ***** **** Hikvision ***** *** * ***** ** a ** ****** **** ** ******** increasingly *********** *** *** ****.

Hikvision ************* *** ********** *** ********

*** **** ** *********'* ******** ** that *** ***********' "******** ******* *** beyond ***[**] ******** *****." *** ****'* a *********** *****************. ****** ******* ***** **** *** *********** *********************, ****** **** **** ************* "***** within *** ***** ** *** *********** a **** ***** ** ************** ********* that *** **** ****** ********* ********."

******, *********'* ****** ************** *** ***'* fundamental *******. *** ***'* ******* ** with *********, *********, *** **** ******** Hikvision ********. ****** ************ ********* "***** ** ************ **** to ******** ********" *** ***** ** minimize *** *******'* ******** ** *** US. *** ****** ***'* ****** ** carve *** ******* ******** **** ******* they ***'* ******** *** ********-********** *********** of ***** ************ *** ****************** *********.

Hikvision ********* ** ********* *** ***** ** ********* *****

*********, *** **** ******* *** ********* is *** *** *** ***** ** be ********** ** *** ********.

** **** ***,********* (***** **** *** **-**********, *****) is ********** *** *** ***** ** a ******* ********* *****. ********* ** ******* **** *** products ****** *** ** ** *** FCC's ******* **** *******, ***** ***** issues, **** (*) *** *** “*********” to *** ********* ** ********* ******* and (*) ****** ******* ********* ********.

*****, ********* **** **** ***** *** devices *** ******** **************, **** *** not *********, *************, ** ****** *** the “********* ** ******** ************** *******.” If *** ***** ****** **** *********, that ***** **** *** *******'* ******** ineligible *** *** ******* **** ***** the ****** *** ******* ************** ******* Act ** ****, ***** ******* “************** equipment ** ********” **:

*** ********* ** ******* **** ************* *** ********* ** ******** ************** service.[******** *****]

****** ********* **** ************ ****** **** ***** ********* ******* and ********* *** *** "********* ** the ************ ** ******** ******** *********** packets **** *** ******** ********," **** are "*********" *** ************ ***** *********** over *** ******** ** **** ** surveillance.

******, ********* ****** **** ********* *** be ****** ** *** ******* **** only ** ** *** *** ******* to ******* ********* ********. **** ******** is *** ************ ******. ***** ** U.S.C. § ****(*)(*)(*) **** **** **** “covered ************* ********* ** ********” ******** equipment ** ******** **** *** ******* of “******* *** ******* ** * provider ** ******** ************** ******* ** be ********* ********," **** ** *** the **** ********* **** ********* ********* for *** ******* ****. ********* **** qualifies ** ** “********* ****[*] ** unacceptable **** ** *** ******** ******** of *** ****** ******,” ***** *** FCC *** ************ ****** ** **** for ********* ********.

Comments (4)
John Honovich
Nov 06, 2023

****, **** *********. * ** ******* to *** ***** **** **** ******* the ** **********'* ********* *** ***** in **** - ** ***** ** these *******'* ******** *********. *** ***** was ****, ***** ****, ********* *** expanded **** *** ***** ** ***** markets.

**** ** ****, ********* *** **** starting ** ****** ******* *** ***** it *** *** ****** **** ****** in **** ******, ** ****** ****** sense **** *** ** ********** ***** want ** **** ******** ********* ***** surveillance ** ** ****** *** *** a ******** ****** **** ******** ****** to **********.

Brian Karas
Nov 06, 2023
Pelican Zero

******* ***-************ ******** **** ***** ******* and ********* *******

***** ******* *** ** **** ******** risks. **** ***** ** ***** **** a ******-************ *** **** *** **** reign ****** ** ******** *****?

****, ***'* **** *** *** ***** PoE "********* ******" **** ***.

John Silis
Nov 08, 2023

** ******* *** *** **** **** a ********** ****** ** * ********** where **** **** *********** ** *** highest ******. **** *** **** ******* why **** **** **** ********** ******* to **** **** ****** ***** **** though ****/****** ********** ****** ******* **** spoofing. ***** *****

John Honovich
Nov 08, 2023

**** **** **** ********** ******* ** stop **** ****** *****

* ***'* ****** ***'* ******* ** spam ****** ***** *** ******** ****** up **** * *** ****** ***:******** ******* **** ******** **** **** FCC **** **** ******** *****