Hikvision Denies Selling Tiger Chairs

Published Aug 05, 2022 11:54 AM

Hikvision strongly denied selling tiger chairs, routinely used to torture suspects, in remarks to UK state television prompted by an IPVM investigation last month. However, IPVM did not accuse Hikvision of selling tiger chairs.

IPVM Image

******, *********'* *** ********* *** ********* manuals **** ***** ******, *** *** Hikvision's ********** ***** ***** ****** **** effective ** ******* ****** ******* ******** suspects' ***** ***** *** ****** ****** interrogation ***********.

** **** ****, **** ******** *********'* defense ** *** ************* ********.

What ********

** ****** *, ** *****-***** ********* Channel ********* ** ****************** ********* ** *** **:

*** ***** ********* *** ***** ******, reporting:

[*********] *** **** ** ***** *** complete ************* ******.

**** ********* ***** ****** ****** ******* restrained ***** ***** ***********.

**'* ***** ** *** ***** *****.

** ********, ********* ****** "** ** not *** ***** **** **** '***** chairs'" *** ***** **** *** ******** "simply ***** **** **** ********** **** suspects *** *********":

IPVM Image

********* ******* ****** "***** ****" ***** chairs ******* ******* **** *** **** issue **** *** *******; *******, ********* did *** ******* ** ****'* ******* for *******.

Hikvision ********** **** ***** ******

****'* ******** ********* *** ******* ********* ******* ***** chairs *** ****** "********* *** * custom *** ***** ************* ********that ********** with tiger chairs [emphasis added]".

*********'* ************* ******** **** *** ******* tiger ****** **********. **** ** ******* most *** ****** ******** *** ****************** ***** ****** ** ******** ********.

**** ********* **** ** *** ********** to ******* ***** ***** **************. *** operation ****** (****************************) *** *** ********* ** ************* Host (高清审讯主机) ******** **** *** ****** "supports ****** ** *** ************* *****" in ***** ** ** "**** **** monitoring ** ***** *****, ******** ****** and ********":

IPVM Image

***** ** ** ***** ***** **** Hikvision ***** ** "************* *****", **** the ********* ****** ********* * ******* mock-up ** * ***** ***** *****:

IPVM Image

*********'****-**************** ***** ***** * ****-**** ******* of * ***** ***** ** ****:

IPVM Image

Not **** *** '****** **** **********'

********* **** ******* * **** *** interrogation ******** "****** ***** **** **** statements **** ******** *** *********". *******, the ******** **** **** ****, ** IPVM ********** *******, **** ******** ********* "real-time ********** ** ***** *****" (生命体征的实时监控):

IPVM Image

*** ***** ***** ******* ***** **** (bmp), ***** ******** (****), *** ***** oxygen ******:

IPVM Image

***** ********* ******* "******** ****** *********" (剧烈运动检测) ** ****** ******** ******** **** suspects ** *************:

IPVM Image

*** ********* **** ***** ** *** interrogator ** ****** ** ***** ****** (离岗/睡岗检测):

IPVM Image

*********'* ******** *** **** ****** ** an "*********" ****** ** ****** *** in *** ************* **** (人数异常检测):

IPVM Image

*** ******** **** ******** ******** ** show ********* *** ******** ******* **** during *** *************:

IPVM Image

*********'* ******** **** ******** ********* ******** of ************* ***********:

IPVM Image

**** * ****** *** ****** *** Interrogation ********** ********** ****** (讯问监控管理系统),****-****:

IPVM Image

*******, *** ************* ********** ** ******* out *** *** ** ***** ** the ********** ******** ** ****:

IPVM Image

Whether *********** ** *******, ***** ****** **** *****

*** ***** ****** ***** ** ********* detainees **** ***** ****** *** *****, regardless ** ******* ******* ***** *** chairs ********** ** ***** ********** **** directly ********** **** ****:

  • ***** ******,*** ***** **** ** * ***** chair,*********** *** ******* *** "*******" *** "******** ** ******** *** body ** ** ********* ******** [...] it *** * **** *** **** efficient *** ** ****** **** **** over ****** ******* ** ****"
  • ***** *****, * ******* **** *** dissident,****** *** ******"****** *******" ** * **** ****** Nations ****** ** *****'* ***** ****** record
  • ***** *******, * ***** ****** ******, was********* ********** * ***** ***** *** "*** consecutive ****" ***** ***** "***** ** hours ***** ************"

** ********, *** *** ********** *********** *** ******, ******* **** *** **** ** "guarantee *** ****** ** *** ********" and *** **** "********* ******** **** soft *******".

Comments (3)
Undisclosed End User #1
Aug 05, 2022

**** **** **** *** ***** ******, torture *** ******** ***** *** ********, kill **********, *** ****** ***** *****, have ** ******* ** ******** ** expression, ******* ****** **** *** ******* of *** **********'* *****, *** ******** the **** *****'* *** ** ****, etc., ***., ***., *** * *** save **% ** ** *******! ** there ** ****.......

Mark Densmore
Aug 05, 2022

**** ** ******** *** *** **** that **** *** ******** ** ********* literature *** * ********** ******* ** appalling. *** *** ********** ** ******** beyond ****** *** * ****** ** good ********** **** ** ********* ********* products ** *** ***** *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 05, 2022

** ** ***** **** *** ******* are **** ** ******** ***** *** narrative ***** ******** *** ******* *** not ******** ********. ** *** *** they ** *** **** ** ** concerned ***** ******** ********** ** **** control *** *****, *** ******** *** not ****** ** ******** *** **** of ********. ** ** ******** ************ government, ***** *** ********* ** *** relevant *** ******** *** **** ** rule **** ***** ******.

***** ******* ********** *** ********* *** US *** ******** ** ******* ** privacy *** ******** ********* *** **** demonstrated ** ***** ******* ** ** end-runs ****** *** ****, *** ********** implying *** *** **** *** **** the ************ ** **** **** *********. Note ***** *** ** ****** ***** products ***** *********, **** ** ***** not ******* *** ***** ****** ** the *****, *** **** **** ******* technology **** ******** ******** *************.

*** **** ****** ******* ******* ** the ****** ** * ** ***** member **** ** *** *** **** they ********* ***** ********** ** ***** another ********** ********** ******, ************ ***** arrogance, *** ********** *** *** ***** Nations ***********.

** ** ******** **** *** ***, over *.* ******* ******* ******** ** China *** ****** *** ***** *** one *** ** ****** ***** **** such ******* *** *********. ** ***** not ** *** ***** ****.

**** * ********** ** ***** **** is **** *** ***** ******* *** its’ ********, *** ** ** ********* to ***** ******** ******* **** ***** population?

***** *** **** *** ********** ** pull **** *** **** *** ****** truth.
