Police Officer Abused Flock LPR Database to Stalk Ex-Wife

Published Nov 04, 2022 13:25 PM

A Kansas police officer was arrested for abusing Flock's LPR database to stalk his estranged wife, raising questions about privacy and oversight of those with access to the vast database.

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In this report, based on responses from both the police department and Flock, IPVM examines the police officer's misuse of Flock's database, the dangers of using private security software, and the privacy risks associated with security systems generally.

Background ** ***** ******

***** ******** * ************ ******* **** ********* sells ********* ******* ***** *********** (****) cameras. *** ************* $*** ******* **** ******** ****** ******* ** *** **** of ******** *** * $*.* ******* valuation. ***** ************ ******* ********* **** as********** ************ *** ****** ***************** ********* ** ************** ****** ***** ********.

Police ******* **** ***** ** ***** ********* ****

****** *****, * ****** ******* ** Kechi, ********* ********** *** ******* ****** ********** (***) for ********** ***** *****'* ******* ***** reader ********** ** ***** *** ******** of *** ********* ****. *** ***** administrator, ********** ***** *********, *** ******** to *********** *** ****** **** ** got * **** ********** ****** ** the ***** ******, ********* ** ***** **** ******:

* ****** ** *** ******* ***** because *****’* ** ***** ***** ****’* kept **** ***** ** ***** ****** keystroke ** ********** ****’* ****** ** on *** ******. * ***** ****, sure ******, *** ********** *** ****** for *** ***** ****** ********** ****** up **** ****** **** ** *******’* have **** ******* **.

***** ****** ******* ** *** ***** Police **************** ******* ****** ******* *** ********** *** to *** ***** ** *** ***** database:

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*** **** ** ***** *** **** aware ** **** ****** ** *** Wichita ****** ********** ** ******* **, 2022. ********* *** ******* ** *** Wichita ****** **********’* *************, **. *****’* employment **** *** **** *** **********. The **** ** ***** ****** *** safety *** ******* ** *** ******** and *** ***** *** ****** ****** in *** *** *********** ********.

***** *** ******* **** *** ***** of*********** *** ***** ********** **** ********** *********.

Police **********'* ****** ** *** *** ********

********* ******** *** ** *** ******* ****** Department ****** ******, *** **** ****** **** ** accessed ** ******* ******** *** * "legitimate *** *********** *******." ** *** not ** **** *** *** ***-****-******* purpose *** ****** "**** **** ************* the *******, ***** ******, *** ***** liberties ** ***********." *** *** ******** should ******* * **** ** ***** and *** ************* ******** ** ** written ** *** '******' ****** ***.

***** **** **** ** "********, ****** audits" ********* ** *** ************** ** ensure ********** **** ****** ************ *** provisions ** ****** ********** ********, ********* to *** **********.

Lack ** ********* ********

*** ******** ********** *** ******* ** using ***** ************ **** ****** *********. The *** ***** ************* ****** *** policy ** **** *** "*** **** use *** ***** ****** ** *** in **************", *** ***** ** ** state *** ********* *** *** *** Kansas,**** ********,******* *** *******, ********* ** *** Kansas ********* *** **** **********:

IPVM Image

****’* ****** ************* ** **** *** the ***** ****** **** **** ***** laws, ***** ** ***** ***** ** limits *** ****** ****’*. *** **’** seeing **** *******. **, ******* *******, it’s * ********** ** *** ** back *** ***** ***** *** ******* versus *** *** *********** ******* ** that ********** **********

**** *** ******** ****** **** *****/***** products, **** ******* ********* ***** ************ *** ****** ****** ****** ** sexually ****** ****** ********** *** **** (belatedly) ***** *********************** *** ********.

Flock ****** ********

***** **** **** **** ******** *** "awful" *** ****** *** ******** ****** features, ******* *** "******** *************" ** what ****** *** *******:

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** *** ***** ** **** ****** partnerships **** *** *** *********** ********* across *** *******, ********* *** *********** police ********** ** *******, ******. *************, through *** ******** ** ***, ** learned **** ** ******* ** * neighboring ****** ********* **** *** ***** Safety ******, ***** ***** ****** ************, to ***** *** ******** *** ********* spouse.The ******* ***** **** ******** ** *** ****** *** *****, and no one should be subjected to that type of treatment.

** ***** ******, ** **** ***** software (******** ************* *** ******* **** retention) *** ****** **** ******* ** a ****** (* ******* ***** ** an *************) ** ******** **** ****. In **** ****, ***** ***** *** policies ****** ** ********.Due ** *** ******** *************, WPD apprehended the individual and he has been placed in jail before any additional harm could be done. We appreciate that the police department was able to quickly hold the assailant accountable.

** *****, **'* *** ******* ** eliminate *****, *** ** ********** ************ and ************** **** *** *** ***** we *****. ** **** ****, *** accountability ******** ** ***** ****** ** intended ** ***** *** ******* ***** to ***** *** ****** *** **** the ********* ***********.

**'** ****** **** **** ** ******* the ********** *******, *** ** ***** welcome *** *********** ** **** **** local ********* ** ************* *********** ************** to ******* ******* ***** ***** ** abuses. [******** *****]

Flock ***** ******* ******** *******/***** *****

*****'* ****** ** ***** ********************* ****** *** ******* **********/************ *** surveillance ******** **** **** *********** *************, which ********** ******* ******** ******* ******** and ***** ** *****.

Possible ******** *** ***** ************

******** ************ ** ******* **** ***** from ***** *** ***** ******** ******* include:

  • ***** ****** ****** ****** ****** **** notify ************** **** ******** *** ********* without ********** ******** *****. *** ***************** ******* ** ********** **** ******(** ******* ******** ** **** ************) should ** ********** ****** ** *** administrator ** * ******* *****.
  • ***** ***** ********* ******** ******** **** for ** **** (** *** *** case ****),*** **** ********* **** **** ********* ****** ** as ***** ** * *******, ***** would "***** *** ******* ** ** used ** ****** *** ****** ******** but ******** *** ******** ** ******* location ******** *********".
  • ******* *********, ******* ******* ** ************* campaigns, ** ********* *** *********** ***** Flock ******* *** ***** ******** ** that ******** ********** **** **** *** potentially ***** ********* *** ******* ** this ******** ***** **** **** **** a ***** ******.
  • ***** ************* *** ******* *** *** database ***** **** ** ***********, ** reflect *** ******* ****** ** *** misconduct (**.* ********* ** *** ****** *********/ search ******* ******** *****). *** *******, *** ***** *************, Lieutenant ***** ********* **** ****** ** ******* ** **** ***** laws ** ******* ****** ** *** FLOCK ******.
  • ***** ****** *** ******** ********** ** this, ***** *** *********** ********* *** Officer ****** ** * ****** ******* plate, *** **** ** ********** *** hot ***** ** *** ** **** unless **** *** ********* "** *********** ******** ** ******* *** highest ********* ** *** *******"*** "***** ****** * ********** *** to **** ********** ** ***** ******** removed".
Comments (37)
Undisclosed #1
Nov 04, 2022

*** **********.

**** ** ** **** ***** ** heard ** * ****** ******* **** has ****** ** * ***** *** purposes ***** **** *** ***********.

** ****** **** **** ** ***** would ***** **** *** ** *** enforcement ********** *******.

Brian Rhodes
Nov 04, 2022
IPVMU Certified

** *** *** ****, ** ** officer ****** ** "*** * *****," they ******* **** ******** ** ****** someone **** ****** ** **** ******** for *** *******. *** ******* *** then ******, *** ******* **** *** requesting *******, *** ***, *** **** part ** **. **********, **** ***** could **** **** ******* ***** ** Constitutional ******** ** ********* ***** ********.

******'* ***** ** **** ***** ** assigning *********** **** *** ****** **** data *** ******* *** ******* **** & **** ******** **** **** ****-******* it?

Undisclosed #1
Nov 04, 2022


***** ****'* **** **** **** *** old ****. ********* ***** ********* ** police ******** ** *** **'*. *'* sure **** ** ** *** *********** without *** **** **** *** ************** available *****.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 04, 2022

****** ********* *** ******* *** *** serving ** ******* ******, * *** tell *** **** ** ***** ** Canada, ***** ****** **** ** ****** into *** **** ** ******* ** logged. ******* "*******" *********** ** ******** (e.g. ******* ***** ************) **** **** trigger ** ********* ******** **** ****** ups ** ** *** ***'** ********* for **** ********** ***********.

*** **** ** ****** **** *** buddy "***** ******* ***" *** ******* gone **** ***. ** *** ***** be ****, *** ** ** **** comes **** *** **** ****** *** cop *** ****** **** * **** good *********** *** **, **** ** "I *** ********** * ******* **** and ******* **** **********, **** *** my ***** ********** *** ****, ****, and ********..." **** **** *** ********** their ********** **** **.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

** **** ************* **** ** *** US ** ** *** ****. ******** can ** *********** ********** *** ******* up *********** *** ********** **** * case **** *** ******** **. “******* a *****” ***** **** **** ********. There *** ** **** **** ** track *** ****** *** **** *********** on ***** ****** **** *** ***** to **’* **** ** **** ******* behavior ** ******** *****. ** **** anything **’* * ******** *** * curse. ** ***’** ***** ******* *** have ******** *** ** ***’** ** officer *** ** **** ******* *** has ** ** ******* ****** ** logins *** ********* **** ***** * traffic **** ** ***** ****** ****. Kate

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

*****, * **** **** ****. *******, I ****** ** ** ***** ** limited ** ******* *********** ****** * police **********. * ***** **** *** someone ** * **********, **** ******** situation ** **** ** **** *** someone **** ** “**** ****” ** respond ** ***** **** *** ***********. It ******* ** ** **** ***** changed ***** ** ********** **** *** military ** *********** *** ******** *** approval ****** ******* ***** **** ** the *****. ** ***’* ***** *** person *** ** *****? *** ****** we ******* ** ** **** ***** job? ** **** ** *** ******* thousands ** ***** **** ** ** thinks **’* **? ******* **** ** experience ***** **** *** ** *** of **? *** **** ********* ** some *****. ****

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Nov 07, 2022

** ** **** ** ***** **** been ******* ******, ** **** **** the ********* ***** *** * ********** so ***** **** ******** *** ****** anyway. *** **** *********** **** ** he *** ******* *** **** ** another ****** **********(*) ** *** **** to ***** *** **-**** *** *** that ********** **** ********** *** *****, investigated, *** ******** ***.

***** ****** **********’* ****** **** ***** technology ***** ******** (****.***)

***** *** ******* ** ***** ******* Flock ************ **** | *** ******* Eagle (******.***)

Shannon Davis
Nov 04, 2022
IPVMU Certified

***** ****** ****!

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 04, 2022

***** **** ****** ****** ***** **** to **** ******.

Undisclosed #3
Nov 05, 2022

** **** ******** ********** **** **** are *********** ***** ********* *** ******* in **** ******** ***** **** **** pass * ***** ******.


***, **** **** ****** ** **********.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

** * ******* ******* * *****. As * ********** * ********* **** to ** **** ** *** *** database ** ***** ******* *** ********* a ***** *** ** * ******* place ** * ******* ****. * worked ** * ****** ***** **** year *** *** **** ** *** Nest ****** ******* ****** *** ************* to ***** *** **** ******* **** at *** ***** ** *** ****** and **** ** ******* ****’* *****, changed ******* *** *** ** **** out ** ****. * ********* ****** it *** ********. ** **** *** been ******* ******* ** ******* *** there *** * ******** **** *** their ****** * ***** **** **** sending ********* **** *** ***** ** get ******. **** ****, * ***’* want ****** ***** **** ** **! It’s ***** *** ** ** **** a ******** ** **** ***. ****

Undisclosed #3
Nov 05, 2022

*** ****** ***** ** *** ***** the ***** ******** ** ********* ** an ************* ****.

** *********** (*** **** ***********) **** their ********** ***, **** *** *** the **** ****** **** *** ***** still ****** ** ***** ******** ***** from ***** *** *** *** *** travels ** *** ******* ***** ***** their ****** ******** ****.

*** ****** ******* ********* ***** ** the **** ** ******** **********. *** because ***** ** ********* ** **********... : (

** * **********, **'* **** ** being **** ** ******* ** ****** time ******* ** * **** - without ****** * ******** ***** ** mph.

** * *******, **** ***, * am ******** ** *** **** ********** can ** **** *** *******.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

**** ** *** **** ***** ***** in *** ****? ** *** **** the **** ******* ***** ****** ******** ends *** ******* ******? ****’* *****. If * **** * ******* ******** I ***** ** ********* ***** ****. We **** *** ** **** * way ** ******* *** ********* **** criminals ***** ************** ********** *** ******* of *** *********. ** ***** ***** that **** ********** **** *** **** intentions *** ********** ** * ********* where ******* *** ********* ***** ********** or ******* **** ********* ********. **’* maddening *** *********** ********** ****, **** you *** *, ****** ***’* **** to ** *******!

Undisclosed #3
Nov 05, 2022

** *** **** *** **** ******* where ****** ******** **** *** ******* begins?

***. ********* ***** ******* ***** *****/******** areas...

** ** *** ****** *** ****** their ******** **** ***** ** ** way ** **** ***** ** **** beyond ******** ***** ** *********** *********** seen ** *** **** ****** ** its ******.

*** ** *** **** **** **** - ** *** ************* *** ****** car ****** ******* ** *** **** town **** - *** ***** ******* continuously ********* ******* ******, *** ******* to ***** ***** *** ******** ** a ******** ************* ****.

***** ***** ****** ** *** ****** car ** *** **** **** **** and **** ***** ***** ****** ***** the *** ***** ******** ** * 7eleven ** * ******* - ***** personal ************** *** ** **** ***** onsite ***** *******.

***** ** **** *'** **** ******* who **** ***** ***** ** *** encourages *********** ************** ** ***** ** out.

****** ***’* **** ** ** *******!

**** ****** ****** *** ***** **** phones.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

****’* * ***** ****. ***, ***, those ***** **** ******. * ** what * *** ** **** *** tracking ** * *******.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Nov 05, 2022

*** **** ** *** **** ***** hits ***** ******* *** *****?

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

*’* ****** ** **** ***. *’* guessing *** ****** ** **** *** the ****** ** ********* ******. **, if ******* **** ** *** **** camera ******** ***** **** ** ***** times ******. ****, ** ******* ** the ****** ** ******* ** *’* just ***** ** ***** *** ****** per ***** **** * ******* ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Nov 05, 2022

***** *** **** * **** ***** Vigilant ** ***** ** ******** * month.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

********? *** ******? **** ****** **** through **** **** ** ** **** only **** ** ******** *********? ****’* insane.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Nov 05, 2022

***** ** *** *** ******. * think *** ******** *** ***** ****** is **** *** ********** **** **** is ******** * ***'* ***** **** includes *** *** *********** **** ** it ***** ** * *** ******.

* ***** **** ** **** *** this ******** ** ***** ** ****** knows.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022

**** ** *** ********** **** **** is ********?

Dwayne Cooney
Nov 05, 2022

******** ** ***** ***** ** * major ************ ***** *** ** *******.

* *** ******* ***** *********** ** my ****. * ******* ***** **,*** plate ***** *** **** ** * typical *********** **** * *** **** road.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 05, 2022


**** ** ** ********** ****** ** me. ** ***** ****** ** ** how **** ***** **** ** **** my ***** ****** *’* ******* *** someone ******** *** ****** *** ** there!

Dwayne Cooney
Nov 05, 2022

***** ** ** ******* ***** **** the **** * **** ** ** residential ******.

**** ******** ***** *** **** ***** reads. ** **** **********, ** *** system ***** ** ******* **** ** front *** **** ******, ** *** actual ****** ******* ***** ** ****** to **** *** ***** ****** ****.

* ******* ***** *** **** ****** but *** *** ******** **** ***** plates **** ******* **’* *** ********.

**** ***** **** *** ****** ******* count ******* ** ********* ** **** less **** *** **,*** ***** *****.

IPVM Image

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 06, 2022

***. **** ** ***** ****. **** if *** ****** ** ****** **** is **** ** *** **’* ***** more ******** **** * ***** ***** drove ** * **** ** *** week. *****

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Nov 06, 2022

***** ***** ******* ** ** **** data ** ******* **** ****** **** most ****** ** ** *** ******. You ***** ****** *** * ***** and ***** ** ********** **** *** can *** **** *** ***** **** most ****** ** **** ** * PM ** ***** *** * ** in *** ******* *-*. **** ***** that *** ** ******** ** ********* of ***** *******.

Katherine London Bischof
Nov 06, 2022

** ******* ******** ** “**** ***** be *******. ** ***** **** ** much ************* ****.” *** ***** **** of ** **** “** ****’* ******* tech *** * *******. *****.”

Dwayne Cooney
Nov 06, 2022

*.*. *** ** * **** ******** tool. * **** *** ***/*** ****** was ****** ***** ***** *.*. ***** to ****** ** **** ********.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Nov 06, 2022

**** **** ******* *** *** ****** that *** ***** ** ** *** data?

Dwayne Cooney
Nov 06, 2022

**** *** ** ***** ******* * search ** **** ********, **** **:

*********************** (********)***** ********************* ****** ****...

*'* ***** ***** *** **** ******** and **** **** *********** ** *** several ******** ** ** ****-**** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Nov 06, 2022

**** ** ** ***** * ** talking ***** ***** ** ** **** the **** *** **** ** *** character ***********.


*** **** **** ****** ***** ****** but *** ****'* **** * **. Do **** *** **** *** ******* to **** ****** *** ******* ***** four ********* *** ******* **** ***** LPs *** **** ****** ** **** up *** ***** *********?

* **** *** ** **** *** alert **** * ***** ** ********.

Dwayne Cooney
Nov 07, 2022

*'* **** **** ** **** *** but * *** **** ***** ******* on ***** ***** **** *'* ********* using.

** **** *******, ********* ******* ** the ******** ** *** *******, *** could *** ******* ***** ** ******* for **** *************. **** ** ******** from *** *** *********:

************ ********:**** ******** **** **** **** **** by ******** ******* ****** * **** period. **** ******** ** ****** *** identifying **** **** **** **** ******* at *** ** **** *********. ****** two ** **** ******* **** *** list *** ******* * **** *****. The ****** **** **** *** *** vehicles **** **** ****** ******* *** cameras ****** **** ********* **** *****.

****** ********:**** ******** **** ********** ****** ********. This ******** ** ****** *** *********** accomplices ** ***** ********** ******** ***** on * ***** ******* *****. ****** a ***** ****** *** * **** range. *** ****** ******** ***** *** most ****** ******** **** **** **** before ** ***** *** ****** ***** number ****** *** ****** *** *******.

****** ******* ********:**** *** **** ****** ******** *** a ********** ****** ** *** ** cameras. **** ******** ***** *** ****** on *** ********* ***** **** *** seen **** **********.

**** ****** ********:**** *** ***** **** ******* * large **** ** ********. ***** * date ***** *** * **** ** license ******, *** ******** ****** **** contain *** ******* *** *** ****** on **** ****.

******* ***** ********:**** *** ***** **** ******* * large **** ** ********. ***** * date ***** *** * **** ** license ******, *** ******** ****** **** contain *** ******* *** *** ****** on **** ****.

** ******* ****... * **** ****** vehicle ******** **** ******. ** ****** the **** ** **** ***** ***** by ***** ***** ** * **** frame. * *** ** *** **** report ***** *** ****** ******** **** only ****** ****. ***** ***** ** the **** **********. **** **** ******, I *** **** ** ** ****** lists ** * *** ********* ***** purpose. ******** ********* ** ***** ** a ********** ****.

IPVM Image

Dwayne Cooney
Nov 06, 2022

**-***** *** *** ********** *** **** security ** **** ****** **** **'* done *****. **** ******** *** ** inexpensive, *'* ****** ********* **** **'* not * *************.

** ** ******* ** *** ********* LPR *** **, * *** ***** an ******** **** ***** ****. ***** our ********* ****** ** *** *** evening, * ******** * **** ***** on * ******* **** ****** ** home. ** *** *** ** *** of ** ****** ***** ***** (******, neighbors, ******* ********, *******, ***). *** plate *** **** **** * *********** state ** ** *** **** **********. Below *** *** ****** ***** *** image ******** ** *** *****.

IPVM Image

IPVM Image

* ****** *** *** ****** ** find * ******* ******* ** *** street. * ****** *** ***** ******, explained, *** ********* ** ** *********.

**** ** ****, *** ** **** happened ** **** **** *** *******.

******* **** **** ********** ** *** area. ** ******* ******* ** ***** and ********* **** **** **** * good **** ** *** ******* ** a ** *** ******* ***** *** mile ****. **** ******* *** ******* in *** ***** ***** ******** **** had **** ******** **** ****. *** stolen ***** ** *** *** **** connected ** ******* ********* ** *** area.

*****'* ****** *** *** *********** *** very ****** ***** *** *** ***********, but ******* ****** ******* ********** ** your ***** ******** ** **** (***** the **** ******** ***********). **'* ****** incredible.

Undisclosed #3
Nov 07, 2022

******* ****** ******* ********** ** **** small ******** ** **** (***** *** NCIC ******** ***********).

*****. *** **** ******** ** *** LE ** ***** ******* **** ***** hits - ***** ******** **** *********** (and **********) ************ **** **** ***** not **** ******* ****** ****** ** that ********.

** **** ***********, ***** *** *** also ** ******* ** * '*** list', **** *** **** ******* ** your ************ ** ** '******* ********'.

*** *** ***** ******* ** ****** that '****'* ******' ** ***** ******* by ****** **** *** '***** ***' (like ** **** ******* *** **** database).

*'* ******* **** **** ********* *****. Do **** **** ****?

*** ***: * ***** **** *** are ***** ** ********** ***** *** not ******* *** **** ** ****** bounds... *** ****** ***** ***'* ***** like * **.

Undisclosed #3
Nov 07, 2022

**,*** ***** ***** **** * ***** time ** ~*** ****** * ***.

**** *****'* **** **** * *** to **. *'* ****** ** * subdivision *** * *** * *** 100 ****** * *** - **** ~47 ***** ******/***/***** ****.

Chad Carpenter
Nov 08, 2022

***** **** **’* *******, ******* ** audit ** *****. *** ****** ********** is ***** ***** *** ********* *** this *** **** *** ***. *******, anytime *** *** ****** ** ** equation ***** ** ***** ** ** abuse *** ******. **'* *******, *** foil *** ****** *** **** **** always **** * ******** *** ** a **** ****, ***** ***** *** and ** ** *******....

Shannon Davis
Sep 01, 2023
IPVMU Certified

******: ******* ******** ******** ** ************** and *** ********* ** *********.

*******, ***** ****** ******** ******** ** certifications