Flock Raises Another $150 Million, Valuation Now At $3.5 Billion

Published Feb 16, 2022 14:00 PM

Flock has raised another $150 million USD, making it an astounding $300 million raised in the last 7 months, adding to last summer's A16Z-led $150 million round.

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This funding puts Flock in a position to expand aggressively over the next few years. Inside this report, we examine the new funds raised, estimated revenue, Flock's current valuation, its expansion over the last year, and how it compares to Motorola who is now moving into Flock's core market.

$150 ******* *** ** ***** ******, Now **** ** ******** *********

***** ********* ** ****** $*** ******* in ****** * ******* *** ******* ******, * ***** ***** ****/** ********** firm, ****** ************* *******. ***** ****** * ***** ** Founder/CEO******* *************** ** *****'* **** ************ *** announcing **** ****** *********** *****:

Total ***** ****** ************ *** ***** ************

** ***, ***** *** ****** ~$*** million ** *** * ***** ** a *******. **** **** ************'* $** ******* *********** ******** ****. **** ***** ** fundraising ** ************ ** *** ***** surveillance ********. *****/********* ** *** **** comparable ******* ** *** ******** **** has ****** * ******* ******, ****$*** ******* **** ********** **** ****.

Revenue ******** - *** **** ** ********

***** *** ******* *** *** ******** revenue, ** ******** **** ******* *** in *** ***-**** ** ********, **** Flock ********* *** ******* "******* *** revenue *** *** ***** **** ** a ***."

***** ****** *** ******* ***** *** number ** ****** *** ******** *** deployed **, *** ***** ***** ****** Flock's ****** **** *** **** * years:

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**** ********* *****'* ******* ** ******* ~$16 ******* *** ~$** *******, ***** on *** *,*** ****** ***** **** it ** ** *** ******** ** average ****** ** ******* ******** ** 5 ** ** *** **** *** ~$2,250 *** ****** *** ****:

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*****'* ********* ** *** $*.* *******, more **** ******** *** ********* ** July **** ($*.* *******) **** ** raised $*** ******* **** ****.

**** ***** ***** ** ~***:* ***** to ***** *****. **** ** ********** high *** ************ ***** ************ ********* and **** **** *** **** *** considering *** *******'* ********** **** ****** rate, ** ** ********* ********.

Growth **** **** - *****

**** ** ***** **** *** ****** each **** ***** *******, *** **** "only" ******, *** ******* *** *** potential ** ** * *****-*******-******* ****** revenue ******** **** *********** *******. **** of **** ** ********* ** *********** (we ******** ** ******** ** *** end ** **** ****).

Employee ****** **** ** ** ****

***** **** **** ******* *** ********* in ****, ****** *** "****-****, ***** remote ********* ****** ** ******" ***** brings *** ******* ********* ** *** people.

******** ******** **** ****** *********** ** early ** ***-****, *** *** ******** slowed **** *****:

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**** *** **** ****, ***** *** most ************* ******** *** *********** *** support *****, **** ***** ***** ******* modestly:

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***** ********* ** ***** ****** *********. Engineering *** ********** *** ***** *** typical, *** ***** **** ******* *** hires ** ********** *******:

**’** ****** ******** *** ******** ********* to ***** ******* *** ******* **** capture **** ***** ** ******** **** gunshots ** ******* ****** ******; ****-**** technicians ** ********** ************ *** *********** of ***** *******; *** ******* ** supply *****, *********, *********, *** ********** affairs.

Product *********

** ***** *****, ** **** ****** outside ** *** *********** ***** ** LPR ***********, ************ ***** *** ****** financial *******. *** *******, ***** *************** *** ***** ********* ******, *****, ** ******* ****, ***** ***** touted "**** ****** **** **** *********** Flock ****** ******* ***** ******, ****** can ** **** * ******* ***** to * ******* ******* ***** - instantly."

*** ******* ****** **** ***** *** "a *** ** ******** ******* ******* for *** **** ** *** ****."

Network ******* ********** *** ******** *****

*****'* ******* ******* *** ** ***** attractive ** ********* ** ******* **** a ***** ***** ** ***********, ******** to *** ***** ************ ******. ***** Flock ****** ** * ***** *** system ******** ** *****, *** **** cameras **** *** *********, *** **** possibilities ** ******* *** *****, ********* connecting ** *********** *******' *******, *** to ******* ** ******** *********.

*******, ***** *** *** **** **** network ******* **** ** *****'* *******, the ******* *** ************ ****** **** aggressive ** ********* ** ***** ****** departments *** ******* ** *********** *******-****** partnerships. *********, ***** *** *********** ************ ****** ******* ****** ********** **** as ** *******, ***** **** ***** ** ******* and ** ******** *** *** *******.

**** *** **** *********** ***** ****** **** * ***** police ********** ** ****** ***** ******* to ***** ************* *** ********. *******, *****, ***** ****** *** proper ********** ** ***** ***** *******. Further, *** ****** ***** ******* **** after *** **** ********** ** *** signed * ********** ** ************* (***) with ***** *** *** ********** ** use *********-***** ***** *******, ******** *** chief *** *** **** *** ********* to **** *** ***.

Reduce ***** ** **% ** ****

***** ***** ********** ***** ********* **** to ****** ***** ** **% ****** the **** * *****. ******* ** not ***** *** ***** **** **** remains ** ** ****. *******, *** company ** ********* *********** *** ** to **** * ********** *** ***** this **** ****** *********** *****.

"Crime ********* ****** ** ******* *********"

***** ****** **** *** ******* "**** from ******* **** *********** ***** ~*** crimes *** ***, ** +*** ****** per ***," ***** ************* ***** ********* "within ** ******* *********," ******* ***** ****** ****** *******.

***** ****** ** *** **** ************** encompassing ***** ********** ** ******, ********* limiting ***** ********** ** "******* *********** monitoring, *** *** **/* ************" *** allowing ********* ** "***%" *** ***** data.

Privacy ********

*******, *** **** *** ******* ******** EFF **** ********* ** **** ** the ********* ***** ********* ***** **** are ******** ** *** **** ** surveillance ******, ************ *** **** ** intimately **** ** ****** ***********. *** example, *** ****** ****** ** **** ***** ******** illicit *** ** *** ****** ** track ******** **** ***** ******* ** ******* ************ *** inaccuracies **** ******* ***** *******/** ******* plate *********.

***** ** ****** ** ****** ************ over *** **** *** *****, *** its ********* **** **** ***** ******* concerns, ***** *** ******** ** * giant *******, *********** ****** **** *** a ******** **** ** ****** ******** work.

Motorola *** **********

***************** *** ******* *****, ***** *** *** **** fundamental ************ *** ******** ** *****'* Falcon. ** *** **** ******, *** L6Q *** *** ********** ****** *****'* sales *** ********* ** **** *** could ****** ** * ******** ********** to *****, ****** ** ****** *** the ********* ***** ****** ** **** as ***** **** *** ** *** only ****** ** *** ******. ***** now, ***** *** **** *** **** option *** * ***** ****** *** offering.

** ******** ** **** ** ******* on *** *****, **** *** *** significant ******** ** *****'* ******* ** grow, ********** ** *** ****-****, ****** scale ******** **** ***** **** **** to *** ** ******* *** ****** trajectory **** **** ****** *******.

*******, ** ******** *** ****** **** the ***, ***** *** *** ** much ***** **** ***** ***** ******* establish * ******** ******** ** *** as ******** *** ***** ********** ******** to ***** *** **** *** ***** of *****.

Comments (3)
Michael Miller
Feb 16, 2022

***** ***, ***** *** **** *** only ****** *** * ***** ****** LPR ********.

******** *** *** *** *** *** while ****** *** ******** * ***. The *** ** *** ***********.

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Undisclosed Integrator #1
Feb 16, 2022

** ** *********** *****’* ****** *** bright ****** ** ***** ** *********** Police *********** ********** ** ***** ************** systems ****** **** ********** ***** ***** detection ******* ‘**** ****** ******. ***** it ***** ** **** *** *********** vehicles ****** ** *** ***** ** street ******. ***** **** ****** **** can ******** *** ******, **** *** also ** **** ** ******* *** installation ** ***** ******* *** *********** into ****** *****, ********** *********** **** can ** ****** ** *******’* **** base.

** *** ******* **** ********* **** public ****** ***** ********* ** ******** the ****** ** * *** **** leading ** * ******* ****** ******** basically *** **********. * ********** ******* in * ****** ***** ****** **** a ****** ******** ***** ***** *** recording *** ***** *** ********** *****.

***** ***’ ******* *********** ** ** detect ******** *** ****** ******, *** match ** ** ******* ******* ***** recognition *** ********. * **** ****** and **** * ****** ******** ** privacy, *****?

**** ** ******* **** *** *********.

******* ******** ** ***** ******** ** order ** ******* ***** **, **** pair **** **** ****** *********** *** GeoLocation. *** *** *** ** *********** in * ************ *** ******** *** location **** ************ ** ****** *****.

******* ******** ************ ******** *** ********** sensitivity ***** ******* ** **** ****** resolution ***** ************* ******* ***** ** views. *** ****** ***** ******* *** ability **** *** ******** ***** ‘*** in ****** ****’, **** ** **** vehicle ******* ******* **, ******** ****** on *** ******, *********** *****, ** windows ******** ** **** ******. *** microphone *** ***** ****** ******* ***** hear, ******, *** ******** ******* *** phone ** ******** ************ ****** ***** within *** ******* ***/** ****** *****. Its’ ******* *********** ****** **** ***’ facial *********** ******** ***** ********, ******, log, *** *** ** *** ** a ********.

**** ******* ******* **** *********** ********, and **** ** **** ** ******* being **** ** **** ****** ****** the *****. **** ******** ** *** investor ******* ***** ********* *** ****** of *** ********* ** ******* **** technologies, *** ******* ******** ********, *** time **** *** ******* ******* ******* to *** ******** ******* ************** ***** be **** *****.

* *********** ******* ** ****** *** dominate * ****** ********* ‘******** *****’ by ******* ********* *** ******* ******** into ****** ****** ****** ***** ******** concern. ** **********, *** ****** *********** and ********* ** ***** ******** ******** into ****** ****** ***** ********* *** greatest ****** ** ********** ******* ** the ******* ** **** *******.

*** ********* ******* *** ********* ** the ********** ******** ******** **** **** of *** ****** ********* *** ***** gatekeepers *********** *** ***’ ******** *** application **** ** ********** ** ***** to ***** ********* *****.

***** * ******* ********* ****** ******* privacy ******** *** ******** ****** ***** is * ******* ********* ****, ****** Media ********* **** *** **** *** years **** ***** **** ****** **** data, *** ******* ** ******* *** two ******** ********* ******.

**** **** **** **********, ******* ********* managing ***********’ **** ******** *** ** problematic, ************ **** **** ** *******. If ********** *** *** *** ****, then *** ******** ** ******* *** that *********** ***** ** *********. ****** that, ***** ** ** ********* **** government ******** ************ **** *** ******** corporate ********** ** ‘********* *** ******* of ********** ****’ **** ** ** deemed ‘** *** ******’* ********’ ** do **.

** ** *** ********* ** *** growth ************ ** *** ******** ********, you **** **** ******* **** ***** Verkada *********, **** ******’ ****** ******* and ***** *********** ** *** * taste ** **** ** ****** ***** around **** ******* *** *** *****. It ***** **** ** **** * precarious *** ********* **** *****, **** individual *** **** ******* ******* *******.

*** ***** ******* **** **** *** PRC ***** ** ********* **** **** technologies *********. ** ******’* ** ** surprising ** **** **** *** ******* invested **, ** *********** *** ********* of **** *** ****** ********** *** expansion ** ***** *** ********.

** ***** ** *********** ** **** the ****** **** ******* ****** **** of *** ******* ******* **** ** rapidly ‘********’ **** **. *******’* ********* bank ********.

Ryan Barnett
Feb 16, 2022

"**** ***** ***** ** ~***:* ***** to ***** *****. **** ** ********** high *** ************ ***** ************ ********* and **** **** *** **** *** considering *** *******'* ********** **** ****** rate, ** ** ********* ********."

*********** **** *** ************ ******** ******** that **** **** **** ******* ****. The ******* ***** ** * ********* idea ** ********* *** ******* ****** double *** ***** ** ***** **** cost **** * **** ***? *** question ** *** *** **** **** numbers ** ****** ********* ** *** has *** **** **** **** ** supporting **** **** ***** **** ******** accounted *** ** ***** ***********?

"**** *** **** ****, ***** *** most ************* ******** *** *********** *** support *****, **** ***** ***** ******* modestly."

*** ********* **** *** **** * fantastic ***, ********** *** ********* ****** as ****** ******* ********, *** **** service ****** ******** ****** * ****** geographical **** ** ******* ****** **********.

**** *****'* **** *** ***** ********** makes ***** *** ** ****** ***********. From *** ******** **** *** * more ************ **** ***** ** ******* market ********** *** ***** * ******* financial ************ *** ******* ******** ***. So **** ** *** ***** ** admit *** *********** ****.
