False Evolv Subway Alerts Risk Unconstitutional Searches

Published Aug 01, 2024 17:04 PM

As New York City starts to roll out Evolv in subways, civil liberties groups raise concerns about Constitutional rights violations.

IPVM Image

In this report, we examine NYC's policies on refusing search, the civil rights questions, and the impact of Evolv's false alerts problem.

False ****** ******* ****** ************** *********

** **** **, ****,*** **** **** ************** ****** ****** *** ******* **** Evolv ********* ** * **-*** ***** that *****, **********, *** ***** ******** across *** *** ****** ********.

****** ******* ** ***** **** ****** to ******** ** "**** **** ** get *** *** [******] ******," *********** *** ***** **** *****. **** ****** ***** ****** ****** given **** - *********** *** *********** ********** ***** - ***** ****** ** 5% ** **% ** ******, ** whom **%+*** ******** **** ****** *******, *** ******* ***** ***** ****** access ** * ****** *******.

** *** **,*** ****** ***************** * ************** ***** "******* ************ searches *** ********." ***********, *********** **** have ***** ******* ** ******* *********** searches.

**** ** *** ********** ** ***** unable ** ***** * ****** ******* using *****. ******** ****** ****** *** refuse ********, **** ** ** ** the ******* ** ****** ** ****** transit. **** ** *** * **** choice *** ***** *** **** ** it - *** ********, ** *** to **** - ************ ** ***. As ****, ***** ******** *** ************* coercive.

Does *** ******* ******** *****

*****'* **** **** ** ***** ****** means ******** *** *** **** ********, but ******* **********. ** ***** ** search *******, ****** **** **** ******** cause ** ********** ********* ** * crime *.*. ******** * ****** **** the ******.

** *** *********** ***** ****** **, only * **** ****** *** ******** carrying *******. ** ** *** ******** enough ** ******* ******** ***** ** reasonable ********* ** ******** * ******.

Evolv ********** ******** ** ******* *********

**** ***** ***** ********* *** ** rely ** *** ******* *********, *********** fitness ** ******** *******, ********* "******* or ********** *********"** *** ****** ********* **** *********.

CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND**********NEITHER ***** ** *** ******** *** *********, *******, ** ********, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, THE OCCURRENCES OF THE EVENTS OR THREATS **** *** PRODUCTS *** ******** ** ******...*********, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TORTS, WEAPONS ** ********** DETECTION OR OTHER CRIMINAL OR TERRORIST ACTIVITIES [bold added, caps orginal]

**** *** ************ ****** ******* ** accept ***** ************** *** ******** ** its ******* *********, ** ** ********* for *** ** ***** **** ***** is ********** ************* *** **************** ***** searches.

Civil ****** ******** **********

*******, ****** *** *********** ***** ****** lawsuits **** *** ***** *******. ******** *** ******* *** *** **** Civil ********* ***** ******** *** "******** ** **** ***** action," ********** ***** ** "********, *****-*****, and ****-********* ********."

IPVM Image

**** ***** **** ***** *********** ******* Fourth ********* ******:

******* *** ******* ** *******baseless ******** in order to **** *** ****** ******** ***** ****** ********* ******, which protect people against suspicionless searches and seizures from the police. [emphasis added]

No ******** **** *** *********, *****

**** ******* *** ** *** *** York ****** ********** (****) *** ********* District ********'* ****** ****** *** ***** position ** ****, *** ******* *********. IPVM **** ******* *** ** ***** asking ** ** ******** ********* *** sufficient ** ******* ******** *****, *** received ** ********. ** **** ****** this ****** ** ** ******* *** responses.

Comments (4)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 01, 2024

*'* *** ** ***** ****** ** any *****, **'* **** * **** expensive ***** ******** ***. *** ****** the ****** ** * ********* *** a *****. **** ** ******* ******** to *** ********* *** ******* ** ****** *******. ** *** ***'* ****** ** search *** *** ** ****** ********* to **** ****** *** **'* ** to *** ********* ******* ** ********* probable ***** (** *** * ***** decide ** *****). **'* *** ***** we *** *** *** ********** ******** and ****** ******** **** ** *** can *** **'* ********* ******

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 01, 2024

*** *** ******** * *** ** this "**********" *** **** ****** *** the *********** ** *** **** **** a ******* **** ******* **, ** under ****** ******** ** **** ******** so **** ***** ****** **** ** will ********** ********* *** ***/*** ****** and ***** ********** ******* ** *** entrances. ********* ** *****'* ***** ********** ****** ** *% ** **% of ******,* **** ** ** *** ****** and *** **% **** ** ***** 800,000 **** *** ****** * *** (per *** ****, ***** ******* ****** ridership ** *.**/***) *** ***** * couple ** ***** ** ****, **** will ** ** *** ***** *** sensitivity ******* ** **** **** ****** over ****** ** ** ******* ****** guy ******* * **** ***** ****** coat ** *** ****** ** *** summer. * ** **** ***** * am *** * ***/*** ******** ****** for ****.

Jerry Wilkins
Aug 01, 2024

*** **** ***/***! ******* ** ****** this ** ********* ****** ** * federal *****. *** ******** **** ****** around:

"******** ***** *** ******* ************* *** legal ********* **** ** ****** ** determine ** **** *** ******, ******, or ******* * *******. ******** ***** is *** ****** **** * ***** has **** ********* ** **** ******** of * ***** ** *******. ******* circumstances *** ********** ** *** ******* requirement **** ***** ****** ** ****** without * ******* ** ******* **********. The ******* ************* ********* *** *** requirements: ******** ***** *** ******* ************* that ******* *** *********** ******."

******* *************, ** ******* ******** ****** *. *********** "************* **** ***** ***** * reasonable ****** ** ******* **** ***** (or ***** ******** ****** ******) *** necessary ** ******* ******** **** ** the ******** ** ***** *******, *** destruction ** ******** ********, *** ****** of *** *******, ** **** ***** consequence ********** *********** ********** *** *********** efforts."

****** *** ******* *** ******

Undisclosed #3
Aug 08, 2024

"***** *** ***** **** ** ********* Liberty, ** ******** * ****** ********* Safety, ******* ******* ******* *** ******." Benjamin ********