Evolv To Be Rolled Out At NYC Subways

Published Jul 18, 2024 14:15 PM

Despite Evolv's own CEO admitting subways are not a good use case for Evolv, NYC Mayor confirmed that they will be "rolled out in the next few days."

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What does this mean for NYC subway riders? How will this affect Evolv and its competitors?

Executive *******

**** **** ** *** ***** ** train / ****** ****** ** **** found **** **** ***** ** ***** walk-through ***** / "*******" *********.

** * ***** ********** ********* ** decreasing ***** ** *** *******, ***** Adams ******** * ******** ********** **** Evolv **** ** ******** ** "* few *********" ** *** "**** *** days." ***** *** ******* ******* ** the **********; *******, ***** ** *** officials' ********, **** ******** **** **** is * *****.

**** ***** *** * **** ****** and ***********, ****** *******, ******** *** Evolv.

** *** ******** ****, ** *** trial ** **********, ***/*** ***** **** a ******** ***** **** ** ******** of *******, ********** *** *******'* *****, expanding *** ***, *** ******** ******** marketing *************, ***** ***'* **** **********.

** *** ******** ****, ***** ** likely ** ********** ************ ********* ****** (both *************** ****** *** ******* *******), especially ** **** ** *** ********** media ******* ** *** *******.

** **** *** ************, ***** ***** a ******-***** ***** **** *** *** trial. ** *** *** ****, ** limit *** ***** ****** *** ***** up *** ********* *******, ***** ***** to ** *** ** * ***** sensitivity *******, ***** **** ****** ** missed ******* (******* ********, ******, ***.). On *** ***** ****, ***** *** be *** ** * ****** *********** setting (********** *** ****** ** * missed ***), ***** **** ****** ** many ***** ****** *** ** *** high ****** ** ******** ******* **** NYC ****** ****** ***** ** ** everyday *****. **** **** ****** *********** among *** ******. **********, ******** ******** ******* **** ** ****** False ******

*** **** *** *** ****** ***** policies ** *** *** ** ******* screening ************, ***** ***** ******* **** details ** *** **** ** *** trial, *** *** ********* **** ** conducted, ***. **** **** ****** ******, we'll ****** *** ******.

Press **********

********* ********** ** *****, ***** ******* ******* ** *****/******* detectors *** **** ******** ** ***** demo,*********'* ********** *** ***** *** ******** in ***** ** *** *** ********* ** * ***** ****** ** MTA, ****, *** ***** *** ***** government.

*****/******* ********* **** ********* **** ** the *&* *******.

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Weapons ******** "** *** **** *** ****"

********** ** * **********, ***** ***** confirmed **** *** **** ** ****** forward **** *** ********** ** "******* detectors" ** ** "******* **************":

We *** ***** ** ** ************ *** ******* ** *** ** * *** *********. They did 1000s of tests, 1000s, to gauge the success of it. We were extremely impressed with the outcome. ... But they should be rolled *** ** *** **** *** **** to do our initial ************** [emphasis added]

Evolv ********* ** ****

****** *** ********** ** ****** *********, NYC's ***** ********* ***** ** ****:

**** ** **** *** **************, ** are ***** ** ************ **** ******** a *** ** *****. **'** ***** to *** *** *** **'* ***** to ** ****. ***'** ***** ** be ******* **** ***** ** ****. We're *** ********** ******, ***'** *** going ** **** ** *** *** andsee ***** ** *** ********* [emphasis added]

***** *****, *******, ********** *** ******** that *** ** *********** ******** *******, as ** ****:

***they *** ******* ** ***** ********* ** ****. We're not being locked in to one company. We strongly believe good competition produces good results. That is what we leaning towards, exactly how well those other companies actually carry out [remains to be seen]. It's extremely difficult to do this in an environment like a subway system that's below grade. So it's going to really push folks to produce the product. So excited about it. [emphasis added]

** ******* *** ******, *****'* **** **********, *** *** company ******** ** ******* ** "******** ongoing *********** **** *********." ****'* ***, however, *********** **** ******** ** "******** positioned ** ******* *** ***** ** transportation ***********":

***** * ****** ******* ** ******** ongoing *********** **** ********* * *** tell *** **** ***OPENGATE ** * ******** ******** ********** ** ******* *** ***** ** ************** *********** because it is lightweight (only 25 lbs per column), it sets up in a minute, it has a very small footprint and allows for detection of different classes of threats.Pertinent authorities can quickly deploy it to any stations to address ever changing security needs. Even the most space challenged stations can be secured with the OPENGATE given its compact footprint. [emphasis added]

******* ********** ** *****,****** ***, **** **** ** *** *** approached ** ****, ***, ** *** Mayor's ****** ********* *** ************ ** the *** ******, ** *** *** confirmed:

We **** *** **** ********** ** ********* ** *** *****'* ******. As with any purchase of this nature that is benefitting and funding the taxpayers, and in concert with typical public organization procurement activities, we hope that the Mayor's office examines all available technologies and selects the one that provides the highest efficacy in a cost-effective manner. We look forward to receiving the RFP (A standard and required process for public procurements) [emphasis added]

Limited *******

*******, *** ********* ******* ******* ******* on *** ***** **** ** ***********, so ** ******* ** ** **** what ******** **** **** ***** *****, where ** *** ******** **** **** be ********, **** ********** ** ****** will ** *******, ***. ***** *****, however, ******* **** *** ****** "**** be ******* [** *** ********* **********] well ***** ** ****."

****/*** *** *** ** **** *** final ********* ******, ***** ****** ****** these *********. **** **** **, **'** update *** ******.

Broader ************** *********

*** ***** ********** ********* **** **** were **** ******* ** ** "** a *** *********," ******* ** ** "initial **************," ** *** *** ******** is ** ** **** **** ****** it ** *** ***+ ***** ****** stations. *******, * ***** ****** ** how **** **** ********* ***** ** trial *****.

Positives *** *****

** **** ***** ** ********** *** MTA/NYC/NYPD ***** * ****** ********, ** can **** ******* ********* *** *****:

  • *********** ***** ***** *******. ******, *****'* stock ***** ********* *% *********, *** of ** ********* ***** *** ***** conference ******** ****** *** ****** ** the ***:

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  • *** ******** ** *** ***** ****** lawsuit **** ******** (* ********* ****** of *** ********* ***** *****).
  • ******** * **** **** *** *** could **** ** ******* ************* ** mass *******, ** ***** **** **** a ****-******* ***-**** ** * *********.
  • *** ********** **** ***** **** ********* opportunities, ***** ***'* **** ********** *** perception ** * *********/*****-**-**** ********.

Negatives *** *****

***** *** **** ********* *** ***** if ****/***/*** **** *** **** * larger ******** ***** *** ***** (*********** meaning **** ***** ****** *** *****) in **** ** *** **** *** brand. ************, ********* ***** ******** ** NYC **** ****** **** ** ************** into ***** *** **** *****.

************, ***** *** ******** ***** *****'* performance ** *******. **** ****** ********, subway ****** **** **** ******** ******* in ***** **** (**** ** ***** bottles, *******, *********, ******** *****, ***.), which **** **** ** ******* ***** alarms **** *****. **** *****, *****/*** has *** *******:

(*) ******** *** *********** *** **** weapons **** ***** *** ** **** in ********* ** ***********

(*) **** *** *********** ** * high ***** (******** * ****** ***** of ********), *** ****** ****** *** frustration **** ****** ****** (*** *** notoriously *********)

****** ***** ******** *** ***********, **** options **** **** ** ******** *** criticism **** *** ****** *** *****.

************, *******'* *** **** ** *****, ***** *** ******* ******** **** interference. *******, ** ** *** **** enough ***** *************** ********* ******* ** railways *** ****** ****** ** ******** how *** ** ** ***** **** is *** *****.

Comments (9)
John Honovich
Jul 18, 2024

*'* ** ****** ********** ** **** how ***** ********** ********* ********* **** implementation / *****.

** *** ******** ****, * *** it ****** ***** ** *** ***** term ** * ***** / ******* point, ********** ***** *** *** ***** cycle *** ********** ******* *** ******* ********. **** *** ** **** ** organizations *** *** ********* ****, "***, if ***** **** *** ******** **** us, *** ***** ***** ***** ***** never **** ****** ****...."

** *** ******** ****, ** *****'* own *** *** ********, **** ** not * **** *** **** *** is ****** ****** ** *** ***** for *****, ******** ** *** **** that *** ** ****** **** ***********, with * ***'* *** ** ***** publications, ** *** ******** *** ****** to ** **********.

* ***** **** ************ ******** ** participate ** **** ** ***********, *** that's *** *'* **, *** ***** George ** ***** ******.

Undisclosed #1
Jul 18, 2024

**** ** ***** ** ** * disaster *** *****...

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Jul 18, 2024

**** ** ***** ** *** ***** at **** **** **** ****** *** rushing ** ***** * ***** *** get ******* *** ***** ******* **********....

Malcolm Rutherford
Jul 18, 2024

**** ** *** **** **** * remember **** **** *********** ***** ********* needed ** "******" ****** **** **** limited ******* ********** ** ***** ***** doorframes, *** *******.

** **** **** **** ****-********* ******** anomaly ********* **** *****, *******, ******* passing ******* *** *****'* ******** ***** are **********. ****** ***** *** ****** large *** ****** *******...********* ** ******** could **** ******* **********? ** ******** swamp ****, ********** *** ******* ******* objects?

Jim Elder
Jul 18, 2024
IPVMU Certified

***! ******* *** *** ******* **** events ** ******* ** **** ****** buildings. ****, *** ******* *** **** for ******* *** ******* ******** *** people ****** *********, ********, *** **** can *** ****** ***** *** *** attendents. ****, **** ** *** **** for ********? **** ** **** **** blowing ***** ****. ** **** ** a ***** ***** *** *** ****, no? ******* *** *********** ** *** units *** ** ******* *** ******* areas ** ****** ******... *** **** you ********* ***** ****** ****** **** the ***; *** **** *** ****** the *** ********** *****.

****, ***** *** *** ******** ******** here, **** **** ******** ********* *** what ******* **** **** *** * detection? * ***** ***** * *** with * *** ** ****** ** well.

John Honovich
Jul 18, 2024

****** **** **** ** *** **....

** **** ** ********* *** ******* if / ** **** ******.

John Honovich
Jul 19, 2024

*****'* ***** ******** **** **** **** 8% *****:

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******, **** *** ***** ****** *.**% yesterday ********* *** ************.

** ************** ** **** **-***, ********* are *** ********* **** **** *** roll-out **** ********** ****** *** ******* (or **** *** ***** ****** ** least **** **** ***** ** **** gone ** ** *** **** *** digested).

Ed English
Jul 23, 2024

******* ** ***** *** * ****-***** weapons ********* ****** ******** *** ****** transportation ******** **** *** *** ************* riders *** ***. * ******** **** can ** ** *** ******* ** 30 ****. ***** **, **'* ****** See ***, *** **'* **** ** ELERTS.

** ** **** ****** *** *** communication ********identified *** ******* ** ****** **************. In Q2 we alerted transit agencies to 739 ******* on trains, buses and in transit stations. Everything from guns, knives, axes, machetes, rifles, tasers, swords and bombs.

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****** *********-***** ******** ********* ****** **deployed ** ** ** *** *** *** ******* ******** and growing. Human intelligence is an awesome power when it comes to detecting anomalies. We have a 6th sense when something just doesn't seem right.

*** ****** **** ********** ***** **** cameras *** ****** ****** *** ******* center ***** * **** **** ***** receiving ** ******** ******. ****** **** into *** *** ******* ** ****** use ** ****** *** ********** ***** bus *** *** *** ***** *******, so **** *** ** ****-****-** *** vehicle-mounted *******.

***** ***** **** ** ** **** looking ** *********** *********. * **** his **** **** ***** *** ** ELERTS. **'* **** ** **** **** keep *** ****** ****.****@******.******-***-****

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John Honovich
Aug 29, 2024

*** ***** */** ***** **********(* **** ***):

********:*** ***** *** ******* ***** *** set ** *** *********. **** **** program ** **********?

****** **** *** *** *****:

*** ************ ** ***** ** ******* the ******* ** **** **** **** able ** **********. * **** ************* when * ***** **** ************ ********, he ****** ****the *** ***** *** *********. On the false positives, because we're very concerned about in the subway system, where are we going to get a lot of false positive because of all of the movement and activity. But it's **** **********. And I know the commissioner is going to release the actual data and then make the determination. Do we go to next steps? [emphasis added]

****** ** **** ******* ** *** 35:17 ****:
