Evolv Announces "More Sensitive" Weapons Screening

Published Jul 11, 2023 12:50 PM

Evolv's missing weapons have become an issue for the company, and now the company announced a new "more sensitive threat level" during its Analyst Day.

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In this report, we analyze the announcement of the new, more sensitive sensitivity setting announced on Evolv's May 2023 Analyst Day, how it was addressed in the official Evolv announcements, and the implications of having the new sensitivity setting.

Evolv *** **** ******* *** - "****** *********** ****** *****"

****** *****'* **** ******* ***, *****'**** **** ************* * *** "****** *********** ****** level" ** *** ******* ** *** later ******** ******** ******* *.* ******** ******, ** *** ******* **** *** Analyst *** ***** *****:

*** ***** ****, *******, *** ********* wording, ** *** ******* ***** *****:

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** ****'* ***** **** ** ******** through *****'* *******, *** **** **** talks ***** *** *** ***** ** not ***** *** ** *** ********* used ** *** ****** ***** ****, as ***** ********* ** **

***** ***** *** *** ******** *** they **** ********* **** *** "****** level", ** *** ******* ********* *** previous ********, **** "****** *****" ***** result ** * ****** *********** *******. This ** ********* ** *** **** saying, "higher *********** threat level".

**** ********* ***** **** ******* ********* about *** *** "****** *****" *** its ******* ** ********* *** ***** alarm *****, *** ***** ******** ** reply *** ******** **** ** **********'* ***** *******.

Evolv ******** ************ - "******** ****** *********", ** *********** ********

*****'* ******** ***** ******* ***** *** new ******** ******, ** ***** **** was ********, **** *** ********** ******* the *** "****** *****" *** ************* the ************ ** "******** ****** *********".

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Evolv *********** ********

***** *******' ******** *.* ******** *** six ********* *********** ******** - **** the ***** ********* "*" ** *** most ********* "*". *** **** ****** used ******** *** "*" *** "*", as*****'* ***** ****************** ****** ********* **** ************.

*** **** ********** ** *****'* *******, see*****'* ****** ******** *********** ******* *** The **** ** ******* *******.

********* *** *********** ******* ******* *** ratio ** ***** ****** ** ********* items ** ****** *******: *** ****** the ***********, *** **** ****** *** would **** *******, *** ** *** significantly ******** *** ***** ***** ****. For *******, *** ***** ****** ******** doubled *** ***** ***** **** **** 25% ** **% **** ** ******** the *********** ******* **** "*" ** "F", ***** ** ****** ******** ** ******* ****.

New "****** *****" *********

***** ***** ***** ** ******** ******* why ***** ******* ** ********* * new "****** *****", *** *******'* ************ knife *********** ********** ** ******** ***** *******, ** **'* ********** ** ****** that *** ******* ********** * *** "threat *****" ** ******* ***** ********* deficiencies.

*** *******, *** **** **** ****** (which***** *** **** *** ******) ***** * **% ********* **** on ****** **** ****** *" *** longer ** *** ******* "*" (****** most ********* **** *** ******** ******** version).

New "****** *****" ************

** ******* ** ** **** *** the *** "****** *****" **** ****** the ********* ** ****** *** ***** alarms ** ********* *****. *******, **** believes **** *** ***, ****** "****** level" **** **** *** ******* ********** with * *********** ******** ** *** false ******** ***** ****.

*** *******, **** **** *** ******** sensitivity *******, ***** ****** ***** **** false ***** ***** ******* **** **% to **% - ******** ******** ****** ******** ********* ******* 250:1 ***** ***** ****,***** ****** ******** *** **% ***** Alarm **** ******* ***********.

** ** ********* ** ******* *** the *** "****** *****" **** ******* the ********* ** ******. *******, ** is ********** ** ****** **** *** change ** ********, ** *********, ***** would **** **** ******** *** ********* on ******** "* *** "*" ******* a ******** ******. ************, * ******** increase ** ***** ********* ***** ********** lead ** ******* ** ***** ***** rates. ** **** *** *** **** the **** (*.*., ***** *** **** to ******** *** ***** ********* ******* affecting ***** ******), ***** ***** ** no **** ** ********* * *** "threat *****" ** *** ***** ****** to ****** ******* ***** ***** **** been ********* ******** (**** ******* ********, the **** ***** ***** *****).


*** ****** "****** *****",*********** ******, *** ******** ******** ****** ***** ******* ****** *** closer ** * ***-**** ********* ********** - ********* **** ******* ** **********.

Comments (8)
Undisclosed #1
Jul 11, 2023

**** *** ******* **** ** ***** for **** *** **** **** ****** extra ***** ** **** ******** *********.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jul 11, 2023

**** ** **** * ******** ****** not **** ******** ***

John Honovich
Jul 11, 2023

**** *** **** ******** *** **** are **** ******** ** *** *********** improvement? *** ** **'* * ******** change **** ******* ** ******** ***** already ********?

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jul 11, 2023

****** ******* ** *** ******* ***** in *** *****

John Honovich
Jul 12, 2023

**** **** *** ******* ** ************? Is ** ************* ******** *** *************** capabilities **?

Undisclosed #3
Jul 12, 2023

******** ******* ** ***** ****** ***

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Undisclosed Integrator #4
Jul 12, 2023

******* ******** ****** **** * ******** package. ****** ****** ** *** ********/********.

Jason Crist
Jul 11, 2023
IPVMU Certified

**** **** * ****** ******** ** DC, **** ****** ** *** *** of **** ** *** *********** ********* I *******. ** *** **** ******** it's * ***** *******, ************ ** entry *** ******* ******* *** ** group.