Commercial vs Residential Alarm Business: ESX Speakers

Published Aug 20, 2024 13:34 PM

The residential alarm business has long been far bigger than the commercial side but residential's challenges have grown. How should companies view the tradeoff between commercial and residential business?

IPVM Image

In this note, based on an ESX panel featuring industry veterans Wes Usie and Kirk MacDowell, IPVM examines what is going well and what problems exist, contrasting the residential and commercial alarm business.

Executive *******

*** *********** ***** ** ** *********** that ** **** **** ** ***** "run" **** ** *** ***** *** advise ******** * ******** ** *** sector.*******, *** ******* ** *** *********** accounts ****** **********. ********* ********* ** *** ESX ***** **** * "*****-**** **********" would ** * ********, *** * "door-knocking *******" ***** ** * ********. These ******** ****** ******* ***** ********* from ***-*** *** ** ****** *** RMR.

******* ********* *** ***** ******* ** that "**** ***** ********* **** **** in *** ***-*** *********** ******* ** now ****** ******** *** ** ***** to ****** ** *** ********** *******," MacDowell *****.

**** *** ********* **** **** ********* is ********* ** ******* *********** *** commercial ****** **********. **** **** ****** on ***** ***** ** ********* ** a ****** ****.

Difficulties ** *********** *******

****, * **+ **** ***** ****** and * ***** ********** ********, **** he ***** *** ***** ** ***** business ** *** *********** ****** ***** and ***** "***" **** ** ** it ******* **** *********:

**** ** **** ***** *** *********** space ******** *** ***** *********,I **** *** from it. Now, if I got a call from a customer wanting to do a system, of course, I would go after it. However, I would not be in the position today to build a business model as we have grown to know it in the residential space. [Emphasis added]

DIYs ********* *********** ***** *******

**** ** **** *********** ** *** difficult *********** ***** ****** ** *********** from *** *********, ********* ****, **********...***. Usie **** ** ******* ** ** end **** *** ************* *** ********** between *** *** ************ ***** ******* and *** ********** **** *** **** after *** *********** ** ******** *** market ********** **** *******:

* **** * ***** **** ******** within *** **** *** *****, *** the ******** **** * *** ***** your **** ** *** ****** ********** about * ******** ******. *** *** next ******** *** ** *** ***** was, "* *** **** ** **** Buy, *** * *** ******* ** cameras, *** * *** ******* ** an ***** ******. * *** ****** you ***** **** **."

***, ****'* *** *****. **** *** has ** **** *** ********* **** was. *** ***** ***** *** **** immediately **** *** ************ ** *** heels. * *** ** **, "****, what ***'** ******* **, **'* ****** crap. **'* * ***, *** **** we ** ** **** ********." *** at *** *** ** *** ***, that *****'* ******** **** * ********.

********** ** *** ****** *********** ******* DIY ******* *** ************ ***** *******, Usie ***** **** ********* ******** **** similarly:

** *** *********' **** ***** ******** are ********** ********* *** ****'** ****** solutions *** *** ****** **** ** serve. *** **'* *** ************** ** figure *** ***** *** **** [**], where **'** ***** ** ***, *** [in ****] *** *********.

**** ********** ** ************ ******* ** the *********** ******, **** ****:

******* ********* **** *********** ******** ** going ** ******** ** ** * tougher ***** *** ******* **'** *** putting ** ******** ********, *** ******* we're *** ***** * **** ***. But ******* *** *********** ** **** space, **** ******* ** ** ** that ***** **** ** ***'* ****.

****** **** **** ***********, **** **** one ***** ** **** ** **** technology ** ******** ********* ** ************* from ******:

***** ******** ** ********** **********, *** that's ** *** *** *********. ****'* [how] *** *** ***** ************* ******** from *** **** ***.

Installations *** *** **** *** *** *********** ***** *******

**** ****** ************ ********** *** **** are ************* *********, *** ****-***** ***** is **** ************* *** ******** ******, thus *********** *** *****-****** ** ***** dealers. **** *****:

***'* **** **: ** **** ***** panels **** *** *** ** **** to ******* **** ***** **** *** install ** ***** ******, *** *** sitting ** *** ***** ***'* ****** for ** ** ******** ****** ** himself, * ***** * *** ******** do **** ******.

** **** ********* **** ***** *** simplicity ** ************ *** **** **** us *** **** **'* ***** ** take ** ** *** ** **.

** **** ***** *** ******** *** far ***** ** **** **** ** so ******. ** ** ***********, ************ in *** *********** *****, ******** ** threatening [** *******].

***** ********* **** "****** [**********] **** this ******" **** ********** *************, **** said:

** **** ****** ********* **** **** corner ***** **'** ******* ******* ** that *** ******** *** ** *** put ** ****** ** ****** ** we ***.

**** ** [***] ***** **** ** challenged ** ****. ****'** *** ****** into * ***** ******** *** ****** a $**,*** ****** ******, *** *** guy *** *** ********'* *** *** it ** *** $*,***.

Criticisms ** ***** ******* *** *********** ************

****** ***** "*** ****" ** *******, residential ***** ******* **** **** ******* other **********, **** ************ ****-**-**** ***** *******,**** ******** *******, *** ********-******* *********.

****, ********* ***** **** ***** ******* are**********, ********** ******** ** *** ***************, *** *** ********'* ******** ***** dealers **** ******** ******** ****** *** resistance ** ******.

************, **** ***** *******' ******** ****** have ******, **** ** ***** ****** on*** **** **** *** ************** *********** ******* ** ********** ** their ******* ********** **** ****, *** those *** ****** *********** ***** *** **** ******* ***** ******* *** ********, ******* pricing ******* ** ******* *********.

***** ********** ********* *** ********** ***** by *********** ***** ******* ** *** residential ****** *** ******* *** **** consumers *** ******* ** *********** *********.

The **** ** ****** ****** "*** ******"

***** ************* *** ******* ******, **** are *********** *** ****** *** ***** cause ******** ********. **** ******** ** examples ***** ******* ***** ** ***** if *** **** ********:

** *** **** ** ******** **** today *** ** ****, **** ** alarm **** *** ** *** ***** that *** *** *** ***** **, a ********** ****** *****'* **** ****** to *** ******* **** *** *** in ** *** **** ********?

**** ** ******** ** *** **** to *** [*** *********], ** ** a ***** *********** ** *** ***** alarms **** **** ********** *** ********. We *****'* ****** **** ******* ** the ******** *****.

**** ***** **** ****** *******. ** you're ******* ** ****** ******* *** you *** ** *** *******, ** question ** *** **, **** *** the **** **** *** ********** *** video **** **? ***** ******** **** an ****** ******* ****** ***** ** know *** *** ****** ******, *** came **, *** *** **** *** door ******* ** ***** *** **** open.

**** **** ********** **** ***** *******' value *** **** ** ********** ***** issues. ** **** ***** ***** ** integrating ******* *** ******** ********* **** specific ********, **** **** ****** ******* to "**** *** *** ****":

** *** ******* **, *** ** don't ***** ***** ******** *** ***** value ** * ****** **** ** should. ** ****** ** *** ***** be ** ******* ******** ** *** verticals *** *** ********, *** ***'** going ** **** *** *** **** for *** **** ** **** **** because ******** ** * ***** ****.

Residential *.*. ********** *******

***** *********** *** **** * ********* space *** ***** ******* ******** ** 20 ***** ***, ********** ******* ***** dealers **** **** ****** ** ******** margins *** *****. **** ****:

* ***** *** ****** *** ****** going ** ******** ** ****, *** I ***** ***** ** ****** ** business ******** **** *** ******** ****** that ****'** ****** **** **** **** been. *'* *** ****** *** *** is *******. *'* **** ****** ** this *****. * ***** **** **********, and *'** ***** ** ***** ******* for ** *****. * *** * central *******. ** **** ***** *** accounts * ***** ** *** ************ 20 ***** ***. * ****, ** were ******** ***** ** *** *** of ******. ****** *** ***** *****, we're **** *** ***** ***** **. We've ********** *********** **** *** ********** and ********** *****. **'** **** *******. Their *********** ********** *** ******. [**'*] just * **** ********** ******.

*** ***** ***** * ***** *** about *********** ******** ** **** **** the ********** ****** *** *** ** is, ***'** ***** ** **** * tough **** ****** **** ******. **** you're ** * ********** ********** *****, you're **** ** *** *** *******, and *** *** *** **** ****** what *** **** ** *** ** keep **** ******.

*********,* ******** ******* *** *** **** a ** ** ***** ** *****.***, added ** *** ******* ** **** that ** ***********, ** *** **** focused ** *** "******-*** *********** *****, which ** ** ***** ********* **** the ********** *******" ******* ** *** DIY ******* *** ******* *** ******* to ** *** ****. ********* **** expanded ** *** *** ******-*** *********** market *** ******* ******** ** *** commercial ******:

****** *** *********** ******* **** ***** security ********* *** *** ******* ** pay *** **. ***** *******/*********** *** use *** **** ***** *********, *********, video, *** **** ***** **** ******* systems *** ****** **** **** *******.

Importance ** ***************

************* **** ****** *** ***** *** diversifying ******* *********** *** ********** ******* is ********* ** ********* ***** ********** broker-dealers *** **** *** ******** ***********-**** businesses:

*** ******** ************ *** ******* *** tight, *** ******* *** *** ******* for ***********. ** *********** ******** ** a *********** ******* *****? ** ****** you ** ***********?

* **% ********** *** **% *********** mix ** ***** *********** *************** ********, MacDowel ****:

* ** * *** ******** ** diversification. *** **** ** **** * blend, * ***; ** * *** starting **** ***** ********, * ***** do **/**, **% **********, **% ***********.

*************** ****** ***** ******* ** **** on **** ***** *** ** **** flexible, ***** ** *** *** **** should *** **** ** ** *********** completely, ******** ****:

**** ***********, ** *** ********** ****** takes * ********, *** *** ******* with ***********. ** *** *********** ***** a ******** ***'** ***** ******* **** commercial.

*'* *** ****** ******* ********** [*******]. I ***'* ***** *** ** ****** abandoned *********** [*******]. * ***** **** we're ****** ** *** **** ** find *** **** **** ********* ***.

Account ******* ********* ** ********* *********

***** *********** ******** *** **** ******* in *** ************ ******, ********* **** that *********, ** ****, ** ******* determined ** *** ******* ** *** accounts, *** **'* *** * **** no **** ** ***** ** *********** accounts:

** ***** ** *********, ** *** seeing * *****-**** *****. * *** talking ******* ******** *******, * ****** ** *** industry. ***** **** ** **** *** multiples ***** **** *** *********** *** not ** ********* ** *** *** imagine ******** ** **********.

** ****** ******* ** *** **** from *** *********** *****, *** **** to **** *** ***** ******** **** on *****.

*** ** * ****-******** *******? * would *** **** *** **** *** [RMR ********] *** ****. *** ** an *********** **** * *****-**** **** expectancy **** **** ****** *** *** been **** ***? * ***** ******** give *** *** - *** [*** multiple] *** ****. ** **** ******* current? *** ******* *** ** ** a *** ****.

********* **** ****** **** *** ****** sentiment ********** ****** ** *** *********** market, *** *********** ********** ***** ** easier ** ********* ** *** ********* requirements **** ** ** ******* ** those ************:

*** ** * ***** *** ******** residential. * **** **** *** *** buyers ***** *** **** ************ *******, but *** ****** ***** *** *** be *** ****** ** ****** **** now.

**** * *********** ******* **** **, it ****** ****** **** ********** ********* with [****] *** *********.

*** **** ** ******* ********* ***** business' *********, ****** ******** ****** *** ***** **** Stringent, **** ***** ****.

Competitions **** *****-*** ********* ** ********** *******

******** *************** ***** ***** ******** *****, competition **** *** "***-***" ** *** market **, ** ****, **** ********* the ********** ******. ********* ****:

**** ***** ********* **** **** ** the ***-*** *********** ******* *** *** now ****** ******** **** ****** ** the ********** *******, ***** ** **** you ****.

**** *** *** ***** ** ** as **********, *** **** **** ***.

"We **** ***** *** *** ***** ** ***** *********** ** *** *****"

*** ***** ******** ***** *********** ** the *********** *** ************ ********** *****, along **** ******** ********* ***** ****** and *** *** *********** ********. **** said ** ***** ********* ** *** that ***** ******** ** * **** and ******* / ******** ******** ****** allow *** ** "**** **** ** your ******," *** *********** ********* ** the ***** ** *** **** ******* he *** **** ********** *** **+ year ******:

******** ** ******** ** ***** *****, and ** ***'** *** ******** ******* that ******* *** ******** ** **** customers, ***'** ****** ***** ** ** able ** **** **** ** **** family. *'** ***** *** ****** ***'* given ***** **** ** *** ******** industry **** *** ******** ******** *** been **** **** **.

*** **** ** * **** ** our ******* **** ** **** ** see *** *** ****** *** *** changing. ** **** ***** *** *** likes ** ***** *********** ** *** space. **** **** *** *****. *** we **** ** ********** ****.
