Eagle Eye Favorability Statistics 2023

Published Feb 14, 2023 13:56 PM

Eagle Eye Networks was one of the earliest entrants in the VSaaS market, but what do integrators think about them after 10+ years?

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For more on Eagle Eye, see our Research including VSaaS Shootout 2023 - Ava, Eagle Eye, Genetec, Meraki, Rhombus, Verkada, YourSix, Eagle Eye Networks "Smart Video Search" Tested, and Eagle Eye Competitive Strategy

In this report, we examine statistics and commentary from 150+ security integrators on Eagle Eye's positioning, pros, and cons.

Favorability *******

***** ***'* ************ *** * ***** +21% *** ********, **** *** ******** responses *** **** *** ******** ********. However, *** ************ ******** ****** **** neutral ** *** *** **** *** company:

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Net ************ ** ******** ** ****

***** ***'* *** ******** ************ **** from+**% ** ****** +**% ** ****. *** ******** was ****** *** ** *** **** from "** *** ****" *** "*******" to "********", **** "***'* ****" ********* down ** ** ********** ******.

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No ******** ********* ******* *** **

***** ******** ********* *** ******* *******, Eagle *** ******** ** ******** ******** from ************* ***********, ******* * ***** of *% ** ** *********** ***** "Negative" ** "******** ********."

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Key ******

********** ********* **** **** ***** *** themes:

  • **** ***** ********
  • **********
  • **** *********
  • ***** ** *************
  • **** ******* *****
  • ***** ***** ** *******
  • **** ******** *******
  • ***
  • ******* *** **********

Good ***** ********

**** *********** ******* ***** *** *** being * **** ***** ********:

  • "** **** **** ** *** ****** for ******* *****. ** *** *** as *** *** ***** ********. *** key ** ** *** *** ** a ********* **** ***** ** ***** strengths. ** **** *** **-***** ***** search (***** *****'* **** *** ***** right ***) *** *** ******* ************ Package **** ***. "
  • "***** *** ** **** ** *** for ***** *** ** **** ***** they *** ***** **** *** ******* and *** ******** *****."
  • "******** *** ** *** ******** ***** VMS ********* *******. **** *** ********* support ** *** ******* **** ***** pushes **** *** ******."
  • "**'** *** ***** * *** ***** Eye ******* *** *****, *** ******* is ******** ** ** ** *******, and **** **** ****."
  • "***** *** ******** ***** ****, ********* are * **** ***."
  • "****** ************, ***** ****** ********."
  • "******* ** ***** ***."
  • "**** ***** ********. **********."
  • "**** *******. *** * ******** **** of *******."
  • "**** *************."
  • "******* ********."


**** **** **** **** ***** ***'* simple, ****-********, *** ******** ******:

  • "***** ********* *** *******, *** **** what * **** **** ** *****. The ********* ***** **** ****-********."
  • "* **** *** ********* ***** *** cameras *** ***** ******* *** **** to ******* *** ********."
  • "******* **** ** *** *** ****** enough ** ***."
  • "**** ** *** ** *** *** greatly ********."
  • "**** ****** * *****, **** ** understand."
  • "**** ** *** ** *** **********."

Open *********

**** **** *** **** **** **** are ** **** ******:

  • "* **** ******* ******** ** ****, I **** **** **** *** ****, and *** ******** ****** ***** *******."
  • "**** ** *** *** ***** ******** that *** **** **** ****** **** any *******."
  • "**** ********."
  • "**** **** ***** * *** ************."
  • "** ** **** ****** *** *****."
  • "***/**** ********."


**** *********** **** **** **** ***** Eye's ***** ** *************:

  • "**** **** ****** *** ***** ***. I **** *** **** **** **** focused ** ***** ******** ***** *** beginning (****** ** *** "****") *** how ** ********** **** *****."
  • "**** ****** ***** ******** **** **** cyber ********."

Product *****

**** *********** **** **** **** *** brand's ***** ******* *****:

  • "***** ******* ******* *** ******, ***** hardware *** ******** ******* ********."
  • "********, ********, ****** *****, *** ***** the ******* ** *** ******* ******** base."
  • "********** ******* *** *** * *****."

**** **** ***** ******** ***** *** products **** *******:

  • "*******, *** **** **********. *** ******* was ***** *** *** ****** *** been *****, *** ******** ******* *** got **** **** *** *********** ******."
  • "*** * *** ** ********* *** then ***** ** **** * ***** swath ** *** *****"


**** ***** *** *****'* ******* ** good:

  • "******* ***** **** ***** *** **** impressive *** ** ****** **** *** demo *** *** **-***** ***. *** pricing ** **** **** ***, *** so ****** ******** ** *** ** overwhelming. *** ***** (*)*** **** ********** about *** ********** *** *** ** make ** ******."
  • "**** ** ******* * ****** ***** solution ************* ******."
  • "** ************ ***** *** ** ** affordable."
  • "**** *** **** ** *******."

**** *** ***** ********:

  • "***** ******* ******** ******* ** * see **** ******** ** ***** *******. But *** ****** ******** *** ********* to *** *** *** *******."
  • "******* **** ****** * *** **** for **** *** **** *******."
  • "***** *** ********* *** ****** ************."
  • "***** ******, * ****** ********* **** term."
  • "**** ******, ******."
  • "******* ***** *****."

Customer *******/*******

**** ***** ******* **** ***** ***:

  • "** *** ***** *** *** **** had *** *********** **** ****. ******, though ****** *** ****** *** * am **** ******** ***** ****. **** have ****** ****** ***** **** ** our ****** **** **** *** ************* is ****** ****** **** ******."
  • "* ********* ** **** ***** **** Eagle *** *** ***** *** ******** and ******** ** *** *******. **** seem **** * ******* ********* ********** and **** *** ********* *** ***** growth."
  • "** **** ***** **** ******* **** to **** ****, ***********, *** ******* to ***** **** ** **** **** that ** ********** ***** ********."
  • "***** *** *** **** ** *** best ******** ******** * **** **** seen. **** *** *** ** *** leaders ** ***** *******."
  • "**** **** ** *********** **** ******** and ******** *** ******** **** ****."
  • "**** ******* ** **** *** *** new ***** ******* ** *****."
  • "**** - ******* ************, **** ***** staff."
  • "***** ******* ***/**** *****."
  • "******** ***** *******."
  • "***** *******."


**** ********* ***** ***'* *** ************:

  • "**** * ******* *** ******, **** had ****** ******* *** **** ** the ***** *** *** **** ******* and *** ****** *** ** **** use ***** ***, *****, ** *** time **** *** ** *****. * am **** **** ******* **** ** now *** ***, * **** * lot ** ***** ** **** **** I *** **** **-***** ***** *****-***** camera *****."
  • "** **** *** * *** ** expertise ******* *** ******/**** *** *********** and ** ***** * ***** ********."

Critics *** **********

**** **** **** **** **** ******* connections:

  • "**** *** *** ***** ** **** product ********** **** ***** ******* ******* in **** *** **** ************* ****** to ******** ******. ** **** *** even ******* ***** ********."
  • "** ** **** *** ******* **** low-tech ************ *** *** **** **** negative ****** **** **** ******* ***********/*********."
  • "******* ********* ** *** **** ******** for **** ** *** ** ** any ***** ******* ***."
  • "*****, ********** *** ********** ******. ******* usually ***** * **** ** ***** issues. ***** ************. **** ** ** better."

**** ******** ***** *********:

  • "*** **** **** * ****** ** it, ** ****** **** ********. **** though ** ** *****, *** **** interface ****** *** *** *** *********."
  • "* ******* *** ***** ********* **** sometimes *******. **'* ************."

*** ********** ********** ***** ***** ******* model:

  • "**** *** ************ **** ******* *****."


*** ******-******** ***** ***** *********, *** *** ******** **** ** Ava *** ******* **** ******* *** market **** **** ******** ********, **** as ****** *********** *** ********** ******, while ***** *** *** **** ******** object ****** (*** *** ****).

***** *** **** **** ** ****** in ***** ******** ** ******* ** risk ****** ****** ***** ** ***** more ******** ********.

Comments (4)
Hans Kahler
Feb 15, 2023
Eagle Eye Networks

* ** *** ** ** ********** at ***** *** *** ***** **** first ***** **** *** *** *********. It's ****** **** ** **** **** your ********* *** ******, **** ** sometimes **'* **** **** ********.

** ****** ** ******* *** ** our ********* ********* ******** *** *******, but ************* ********* ** **** **** goal. ** * *** **** ****** please ***** *** ** **. *** can **** *** **** ****** ***-***-**** and *** *** **, ** **** me ** ***** *********@***.***

Undisclosed #1
Feb 15, 2023

* **** **** ***** *** ** the ****** *** ** **** ****** more ********** **** ****, *** * think *** ** ** *** ***** track ** *** ** ***** ***. They *** * ***** ***** *******, not ******* ** * ***** ******** to * ** **** ********. **** have "******* *****" ******** - ** isn't ****** - *** ******** ***** recording *** ******* ** ** *** cloud *** ** ***** **** ** the ****. **** **** ** ***'* there ***.

***********/************ ** ********** ** *****. ****** I **** *** ******** ***** ******* are (** *** ******** **** *** they ***) *** ******** **** *** using *** ******* ** ************. ************** feel **** **** ***'* **** **** you ***** *** ** ***** * little *** **** **** *****'* "** just *****" **** ** **** **** and *******, ******* ****** *** **** control **** ******. *** **** ** specify **** ***? ****'* * "*******" drop **** **** ***, ****** *** high, ******* * ****** ******.

********* ** ***** *******, ***** **** in *** *** *********, ***** **** with *******, ****** *************, ***** ***** numbers ****** *** **** ******* ******* appliances *** ******, * ***** ****** control *****, "**** *********" ** ******* that ********* **** ** ** *** can't ****** ********* ******** - ** just **** ******* * ******* ** the ****** ***** ** ***** *** it ***'* ****** *****. *** **** could **** *****.

******* *** ***** ******* ***** ****** floaty *** **** **** ***** ********* in ***** ************* ******** **** *** cost *** ** ** *** **** centre's *** ** **** ***** ******* is ***** ******** **** ***** ****.

**** *** **** ****'* ***** *** giant ******* *** *** ***** ** in ******* *******, **** **** ****** is ******* **** *** *** ***** kits **** *** ***'* *** ******* for. ***** ********* **** ** *** care ***** *** *** *** **, they **** **** ** ******** **** getting ****** ** **.

**** **** *** ** *** *** medium ******, *** **** **** * medium ***** ****** *** ** ********** on **** **** * *** ******** dollars ***** ** ***** ******* ** their *** ****** ****** *****.

**** ****'* **** *********** ***** *** their *** *** ***** ******* *** and **** ***'* **** **** ******* available *** ***** *******. **** **** everything ********* *** *** ******* *** lacking ************** ** ***** *******.

**** *** ******* ***** ** **** features, ******* ***** ****** - ****** like ******** *********, *** **** **** hide ** ****** * *******. **** even ************ ***** ************ ***** ** features *** *** ****** *** ***** system. **** ** * **** ** a **** *** ****** ******* **** is ***** ** ****** **** *** goalposts ** **** **** *****.

*** **** ** *** ** ********** and **** **** ** **** ****** better, **** **** ******* **** *** telling ****** ** ******* ***. *** team **** ***** ******* ** ****, but ******* **'* **** ** ***** on *** *********** ****, **** *******, or **** **** ***** *****-**** *** trying ** **** **** **** *** doing, ** *** ******. **** ***** you **** ** ** **** *****'* mean ** ****. **** **** **** a ******* *** *** **** **** are *** ******* ** *** ***** world. **** ****'* *******, **** *** a **** **** ** ** ***** first, *** **** **** ***'* ********. They're ******* ***** ** *********** ******** that **** **** ** ********** ******* for * ****** **** ** * decade *** *** "***** *******" ** not ****** *** * ****** ** pretty **** ***-******** **** *** **** into ******* *** ***** ** *******. On **** ******* *** ****** ***** to *** ****** ** *** **** of * ******** *******.

****'** ***** ***** ** ********* **** Verkada *** ****'* * ****** *** bar *********** **** ****'** ****.

* ** ******* *** ***** ** see **** ******* *** **** ****** aren't ********* ********** ** ***** *******.

Ricardo Rivera
Oct 19, 2023

* ***** *** ***** ****** ** the *********, **** * ****** ******** with *** *********** ******. ****** ********* this ********, ***** * *** *** not ********.

John Honovich
Oct 19, 2023

* *** *** *** ********.

*******, *********, *** *** ***** *** button * ****** **** *** ** will ****** *** **** / ********. Thanks.