Turing Edge+ Cloud Cameras, Critical Security Vulnerability 2023

bashis mcw
Published Nov 10, 2023 15:03 PM

While cloud IP cameras are commonly marketed as more cyber-secure than traditional on-premise offerings, IPVM discovered a critical severity vulnerability in Turing's Edge+ cloud cameras, allowing cloud communications to be intercepted.

IPVM Image

In this report, IPVM analyzes the vulnerability, how it works, what it impacts, CVSS scoring, and more.

Executive *******

***** *** ************* *** * ******** impact, *** ********* **** ** *** to ****** ** *** ******** **** create * ***-**-***-****** ****** (****) ******* the ****** *** *** *****.

*** ********** ************ ** **** ****** grants *** ******** **** ***** ****** to *** ******* *** ******* ********* information **** ** *********, *** ***********, and ************* ***********, *** ** ******* every *** *******.

**** ******** *** ********** ******** *** 1.38.6 *** *****. *** ************* *** patched **** ******* *.**.* **** **** six ***** ***** ** ********* *** vulnerability ** ******. *******, ** *** testing ******** ****+ ************, ****** ***** **** ******** ***** / ***** ******** *******, * *********** limitation ** **** ***** ****** **** and * ****** ******** ** ***** offerings.

Disclosure *******

*** ********** ******* ***** ** ****** 2023 ********* ****'* ******* ******* ********* the *************, ******'* **** *** ********** and ********* *** ************* ****** *** weeks *** ***** ** ***** **** weeks ***** *** ************ ** *** vulnerability.

** ******* ******* ********** **** ************* ** *.* Critical*** **** ***** *** * *** to ******* ********* ****, ***** **** was ******* ** **** ** ******** our ******** ** ******.

** ***** ****** ** *** ********* of ********* **** *** ******* ** the ******** ************* **** ***** *** Turing *********:

***, *** **** ** ******** ** your ****.

CVE-2023-42425 ********

**** ************* ******* ** ******** ** intercept ********* ***** ******* *** ****** sensitive *********** ******* *** ***** *** the ******, ********** ****** ** ******** admin ****** ** *** *******.

*** ****** ***** ******* *** ******'* configuration ***** ** *******, ********* *** username *** ********* ********, ** ***** below.

IPVM Image

************, *** ****** ************ ******* *** Turing ***** **** * ******** ** the ***** **** *** ******* *** credentials.

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****** ******** * ******** ****** ** early ******* ****. **** ********* **** it *** ** ****** ******** ** intercept ***** ******* ***** *** ***-**-***-****** method.

Manual ******** ****** ********

*******, *** ************* **** *** **** the ****** ***** ************** ** *** perform * ****** ******, ***** ** a ********** ** ****** ** **** cloud ********* ************* ****** *** ********. For ****, *********-**-***** ****** ******** ************* ****+ ******* ******.

**** ********** *** ****** ***** ****** to *** ****** ******** *********** *** keep ******* ** ** ****.

IPVM Image

IPVM ********* ******** ****** *.*, *** *.*

***** ****'* ***************** ****** ** *.* (****) **** CVSSv3.1, *** ******** *** ******** ****** ** *.* (Critical).

**** ***** * *********** ** *** description ******** ** ******, ***** ****** the ********** ** *******. ** ****, NVD ***** *** ******** ** *** provided *** ****** ***********:

** ***** ** ****** ***** ****** Edge+ ****** *.*.**.* ****** ****** ******** to ******* ********* **** *** ****** sensitive *********** *** *** ***** ********** components.

** **** ****** *****, * ***-**-***-****** attack *** ******** ** ********* *** encrypted ***** ******* ******* *** ***** and *** ******. *******, **** *********** is *** ******** ** *** ***, so *** ** ******* ** **** requirement.

  • Attack ******
    • *******, *** ****** *** ** ********* over * *******.
  • Attack **********
    • ****, *** ******** **** ******** ******* as *** ***-**-***-****** (****)
  • Privileges ********
    • ****, ********** *** *** ******** ** exploit.
  • User ***********
    • ****, *** ****+ ****** ** ******* from *** ***** ***** ** *******
  • *****
    • *********, *** ********* ***** ********** **** Edge+ ****** ***** *******
  • **************
    • ****, ** ******** *** ******* *** read *** ***/*** ******* ******* *** Edge+ ****** *** *** *****.
  • *********
    • ****, ** ******** *** ******* *** modify *** ***/*** ******* ******* *** Edge+ ****** *** *** *****.
  • ************
    • ****, *** ******** *** ***** **** access ** *** ******** ********.

IPVM Image


*** ****** ************* ******* ****** (****) provides * ***** ** ****** *** quantify *** ******** ** ******** ***************. The **** ***** ******** ** ****, Temporal, *** ************* **********.

***** **** ***** ********* ************* ******* ******.
