Digital Signage Market Size / Growth Examined

Published Nov 22, 2010 00:00 AM
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Digital signage is a fast growing video application with a 2009 estimated market size of $3.9 Billion and 1.1 Million displays sold [link no longer available]. Analysts project unit sales and displays sold to double by 2012 or 2013 for a CAGR of 20%+.

Compared to surveillance, digital signage is a relatively greenfield application which is still replacing static or stationary displays. 

Video analytics has significant potential for the digital signage market. As it is difficult to directly connect digital displays to sales, users are concerned about how to justify the purchase and optimize the use of digital signs. Video analytics has the potential to provide rich feedback on who is watching digital signs, for how long and for what displays. This data could help prove the effectiveness of displays and allow operators to adjust their displays to match users want (as tracked by the video analytics system).

In November 2010, Intel confirmed that it acquired a video analytics startup to integrate within its overall digital signage solutions.

We know very little of the digital signage market so take our opinion/review of this market lightly.