Dallmeier Panomera Claim Effective Resolution Up to 178MP

Published Aug 08, 2016 17:10 PM

An effective resolution up to 178MP from a single device.

Or ~6 Avigilon 30MP cameras.

That is what Dallmeier is claiming with its Panomera series. First released in 2011, Dallmeier has developed a number of new models, which we cover in this note, contrasting to super high resolution single and multi-imager cameras.

Dallmeier ********

********* ** * ****** *******, ********* ***** business ** ****** *** ****, ****** they **** ******* ** ******* ********* including *** **. *** ******* **************-****** ******* **** *.*** - ***/**** ******* **** *******, ***** **** their *****-*********************, *** ***** ******************.

Panomera *******

*** ******** ******** * ****** ** single-sensor ******* ******** **** * ********* housing.  ******* ****** ***** *, *, or 8 *******. *** ******* ********** *** models **** ** ** ** *******, and ***** ***** *** *** ******** discontinued, **** *** ** ****** ****** on *** *******.

***** **** ************* ** ******** *******, ****** *********** ** *** ***** rates *** ***** ***********:

  • ******** - **.**** / .* *** (note: ********* **** **** **** ** being ****** ***)
  • ********* - ***** / .*** ***
  • ******* - ***** / .** ***

********* *** * ***** ******* *** Panomera ******* ** ******* ******:

Anatomy ** * ******** *****

********* **** ******** ******* ** ***** a ******* ***** ** ****, **** each ****** ******* ** * ******** section ** *** *****. ********* ****** this ***** *** **** ********* ********** vs * ****** ****** ******, ** to ~**.

*** ********* ***** ***** *** **** sensor ** ** ** ****** ***** be ******** ********.

** **** ***** ****** #* (*** labeled) ****** *** ****** **** ** provide ** ******** **** ** *** scene.  ****** #* **** *** ****** detail ** *** ******/**** ******* ** the ***** ** ******* ******* *** for **** ******* ** *** *****.

****** #* *** * ****** ***** length ****, *** ** *** ** cover * ******* **** ** *** FOV.  ** * **** ***** ** on *** ******** ***** ** *** area ******* ** ****** #* ** Dallmeier's ***, *** *** **** ************* switch ** *** ***** ****** **** Sensor #* ** ******* ****** ******.

******* #* *** #* **** ** even ****** ***** ****** **** ** give ********* ****** ** *** ****** distances.  

*** **** ******* ******* ** *** S7 *** ** *******, ****** ***** models **** * ****** ********* ** the ******** *****, ***** *** ** uses * ****** ****** *** ******** and ****-***** ******. **** ** * schematic ******* *** ****** / **** layout *** *** **:

Corridor-Mode ***** ****** *****

******** ******* ************-********* ****** ******, ***** *** ****** *** much ****** **** **** *** ****.  As ***** ** ** ******* **** *** S7 *********:

*** **** ***** *********** ** *** area ** *** ***** ***** ** deliver ****** ******, ** **** ***** *** overview ****** *** ******* * ******** wider *****, ** ***** ** *** S4 ******* *** *****.

****** *** *** ******** ****** **** very ****** ********** ****, ** *** highest *** ***** ********* ** ***** diagram *****:

*** *** ********* ** *** ********-**** ****** ratio is *** ** ****** **** ** Topline **** * ** ****** ****, with ** **:* ****** *****.

**** ****** ***** *** ***** ************ of *** ******** ** ******* ****** where ***** ****** ****** *** **** common, *** ***** ******* ** ************ with * ****/****** **** ** ******** like * ******* ** *******.

"Effective **********" **. "****** ******"

********* ***** *** ********** *****, ********* Resolution *** ****** ******, ***** *** intended ** **** ****** *** ******** to ***** *******.

********* ********** ** **** ********* **** *** would **** ** ****** *** * single-sensor ****** ** *** ********** ******* throughout *** ****** ***** **** *********'* layout ** ******** *******.

****** ****** ** *** *********** **** of *** ***** ** *** ****** streams **** *** ******. *** ** the *** *** ******** ***** ** laid ***, *** ***** **-**** ***********, sensors ******** **** **** ****** ** overlap, ***** ***** ** **** ********** to ***** * ****** ********** ************* for ***** ***** **** ******** **** the ****** ** *** ***.


*** **** ** ***** ******* ********* resolution ******, *** ** ******** ** to ***** ***** ** * *******, totaling ****, ***** ********* ** ***** pattern:

****** *** ***** *** ***, *** lower *** ********* '********' ** *** Panomera ****** ** ****** **** ********* of ***** *** *******.

Compared ** ******* / ***** *****-*******

**** *****-****** ******* *** ******** ** cover **** ***** **** * ****** unit, ***** ******** *** *** *** degree *****.  *** ****** ******** ******* angle ** ** *******, *** **** models *** ** ****** ** ** degrees. *** ******* *********** *** ******** is *** ** ***** * **** area, *** ** ******* **** ****** over * ******* ****, *** ***** at ****** ********* (*** ****** ** more).

Compared ** ******** **/****

********* ** *********, ***** ******** ******* to ***** * ***** ****** **** to ******* ****** ****** *********** ****** the ****** ***, *** ****** *** density ** **** ****-***** *** ***-***** areas.  *** ******** ******* **** ***** storage ***** ******** ** * **** resolution ******-****** ****** ********** ** ******* comparable ****** ** *** ******** *** of *** ******** ****.

Requires ********* ***

*********'* *** ******** *** ******** ***** streams ******** ** ****** * ****** "Panomersive" *****, ***** * **** *** pan/tilt/zoom ****** *** ***** ** **** or ******** *****.  ***** ********* **** they ** *** ******* ***** ***** from ********** *** ******** ******, *** specialty ************ ** *** ***** ********* and ********** *** ******* **** ** unlikely ***** ***** ***** *** ******* for ** ******* ****** **** * major ********.

***** *** ****** **** ** *** the ******** **** ******* *** *** purchase * ********* *********** **** ********* that **** ******* * *** ** the *** *** ****** * ***** stream ** *** *** **** *********** to *** **** ** *** ******* FOV **** *** **** *******. *** viewing ******** ***** ********* ******** ** on-screen ******* **** ****** * **** to **** */*/* ******** ** **** workstation ***** ** ******** ***** ******* mode.


******* ******** ********** ******* **** * single ****, ************ *** ***** *** outdoor ************, ***** *** * ***** *******. The ******** *** ~**" ****, *" **** and **" ****, ****** **** *********** **** visibly *********. * ******** ****** ~** ******, ********* ********* brackets *** *********** ****** ***** ** reinforced ******** *****.


******** ******* ****** ****** $*,*** *** for ** ** ******** *****, *** can ** $**,***+ *** ** ** Topline.  $**,*** ***** ** * ********* number *** ** ** ********* ******, storage *** *** *******. ** ***** want ** *** ********** ******** ****** channels ** *********'* *** *** ***** is ~$***/*******, *** **** *** **** annual ******* ****.

Panomera Market ************

****** ** ******* ** *** ******** is ******** ********** ** * *********** single-sensor ** *****-****** ******.  ********* **** large ***** **** *** ** ******* effectively **** * ****** ****** ***** would ****** *** *** ******** ******* from ***** * ******** ******.  *******, as ******-****** ****** *********** *** **********, with ** ******* ******** **** ****** and **** **** *********, ********* *** integrators *** **** **** **** ***** with *****-****** *********** ** ** * cheaper *** **** ******** ******** *******.

Comments (12)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 08, 2016

Any info about required Ethernet capacity, jitter and delay to connect it?

Brian Karas
Aug 08, 2016

From the datasheets, Dallmeier specs 24Mbps for the S4, and 48Mbps for the S8 Topline models.

Itamar Kerbel
Aug 08, 2016

While I think the Panomera idea is a very good one, I do feel like the whole thing is always shrouded with secrecy.

The datasheets are not very clear and the demos are very sketchy.
The youtube videos the are in this article are same ones I have seen from years ago and while they do look impressive they seem a little too edited to me.

As written the main advantage is when you use the Panomera effect in corridor mode and I assume that is why in the demos you always see the very far end zoom cameras and not the one camera that covers the near area.

At shows I was never allowed to touch the system myself and was always was shown short glimpses of the system by salesmen.

What I'm missing is what Avigilon does best:

  1. Take the best recording of a real life situation captured by the Panomera system.
  2. Export it and put it on the internet for everyone to see and download.
  3. Let the users download a player that will let you zoom in/out and pan one the recorded clip to really grasp the power of your system.

For Avigilon you can download the player for free from the website, and you can find many clips of the 30MP camera around the net or even ask Avigilon to provide some for you. They will be more than happy to do so.

Bottom line if you are confident about your product please give users the tools to judge its pros and cons for themselves.

Bob Kusche
Aug 08, 2016

Who is old enough to remember Rube Goldberg besides me? If not, maybe you can relate this to a Dilbertian project gone way off track when the engineers killed all management.

Even if this does work as advertised, it sure is the farthest camera from ONVIF as possible, and at $14k/camera, a one-off at best for the majority of deployments!

Undisclosed #2
Aug 08, 2016
IPVMU Certified

a one-off at best...

Bob, fyi, the Panomera is available in a wide range of configurations from the value priced "one-off" units all the way up to multi-sensor, multi-camera enterprise deployments. Here, for example we see the popular 360 model, with total coverage and and a price tag only slightly greater than the GDP of Bolivia.


Jon Dillabaugh
Aug 09, 2016
Pro Focus LLC

You must be including the coca crops from Bolivia in your GDP figures?

Eddie Perry
Aug 08, 2016

did they sell about 30 of these to a village a little while ago.......

Undisclosed #2
Aug 10, 2016
IPVMU Certified

An effective resolution up to 178MP from a single device. Or ~6 Avigilon 30MP cameras.

Shootout! Shootout!

Attila Szűcs
Aug 11, 2016

For some reason, I have always problem, with "pick one camera and cover all surroundings with that" ideas. It can be named as Avigilon or Dallmeier, I'm in a special situation I know both well, but I always love to see they picking a parking area especially shaped as the FOV. LOL, it's quiet funny from any point of view. And what if that one camera breaks down? What if I cover exactly the same area with 50 camera? From redundancy point of view it is a nightmare.

Another thing is Dallmeier is usually sticks you to their "inventions" like "Dallmeier ONVIF", like Panomera with just their VMS, which I don't know guys you tested or not, but I have everyday experiences, and I'm not happy. About license cost I'm not 100% sure you totally covered this point.

Alexander Ryltsov
Aug 11, 2016

Hi Attila,

It look like you are the most knowledgeable person in the topic, as you have the real experience.

As for me, I've played with it on the exhibition few years ago and since that thinking it is really cool, but I am not the person who using it on daily basis.

So - questions: how about PTZ in playback (if you are using other VMS)? what are the things you are not happy? do you need inter-imager PTZ (one of the key feature of Panomera) in the everyday life? How do you thing redundancy balanced with maintenance ease in this case?

Thank you,


Alexander Ryltsov
Aug 11, 2016

It look like there is something incoherent in their marketing pitch, as S-series cameras that are targeting corridor mode is their simplest version and only version where you (in theory) need no calibration on site. Their main market for Panomera now is stadiums (fully covered by 4 pieces from 2 points) / car parks (see Undisclosed 2 comment) / airports - definitely NOT corridor mode indoor (please look into the video you cited and their case studies). Besides, cameras can be stacked (using multiple cameras as a single unit from VMS perspective). (I am not sure about their real lux rating - so not sure about concert hall coverage question about a month ago from that perspective).

The main idea of most Panomera models is on-site calibration (and they claims that it is possible to stitch images with 1-pixel, 1 millisecond precision), and only S4/S7/S7 can be used as-is (factory calibrated). The calibration resolves optics (individual focus depth) and software (proper stitching) - and their software stitching video streams by merging, not by selection (and stitching both live and playback - it stores original streams from cameras, so it is easy to calculate bandwidth).

As for PTZ in playback - I know they have practical solution that works, but you'd better to contact them for details.

Horace Lasell
Aug 12, 2016

This sort of overlap provides a very interesting set of observations which seems fairly accessible, given a little care in alignment and lens selection. The benefits of the more elusive 1 pixel, 1 millisecond precision seem less obvious. Does anyone make such demands upon their surveillance video systems?