CSC / Wesco Distributor Favorability Results

Published Mar 13, 2017 14:43 PM


IPVM has conducted favorability statistics for distributors, based on 100+ integrator responses, covering ADI, Anixter, Scansource, PSA, Tri-Ed, Alibaba and more.

In this edition, we share the results for CSC / Wesco [link no longer available].

CSC/Wesco ************ *******

*** *** * *** ******** ****, but **** *** ******* ******* ******* of *** ** *** ******** ************ in *** ******.

Rarely **** ** ***********

*** **** ****** ******** ** *** was **** *********** ** *** *** them. While ***** ******** *********** *** **** number ** ********* ***** ***** *****, CSC *** *** ******* ********** ** integrators *** *** *** **** ****.

  • "***** ***** **** ****"
  • "***** **** ****"
  • "*****'* ***** **** **** ** *****"
  • "***** ***** ** ****"
  • "***** ***** **** ****."
  • "* ***'* *** ***"

Service/Support ******

*********** *** **** ****** **** *** commented ** ***** ******* **** *** service/support **** **** *** ***** ****** of *** *******.

  • "***** ** **** **** ***! ********** I **** ***** ******* *** **** better!!"
  • "*** **** **** ****** **** ****** helpful *** ****** ********. *** ******* runs ***** ********."
  • "****** **** ***** *******, **** *** very *** ** *** ******."
  • "*********** ********** *******. ***** ******** *******. But **** **** *** ** ****** catalog ** **** ** ********** ** ADI."
  • "****: ***** ******* *** ****** ***** people *** ***** ************. ********. **** provided ** ** *** ***** ** projects. * *** ** ******* **** what ** **** *** **** **** can *******. ***** ** ** ****. They **** ******** ** **** * unique ********* ********* ******** *** ***** and ***** ***** ****. ******** *** #1 ** #* *****. ********: **** online *****."
  • "***** ******* *** ************* ******* ** outstanding, ******* *** **** *** *** a *******. ***** ******** ***** *** be **** *** ******* *** ********* outweigh ****. * *** **** ** a ****** ******."
  • "** ************* ******* **** ******* ******* CSC. ***** ***** ** ***********. ** addition, **** **** ***** *** ******* *** products *** ****-**-****."
  • **** ** **** ****."
  • "******* *** **** ******** *******."
  • "**** *********, ******* *** *******. ***** branch ** *****."

Lead **********

*********** **** ***** ***'* ******* ** generate ***** ** **** ******** ** accounts:

  • "* **** *** ****** ********** ********* that *** ****."
  • "***/***** ** *** ******* *******, *** has **** *** * ***** (****** we ****** ********** **** ************ **** past ****). ** ******* **** *** 100% ** *** ******* **** **** offer, *** **** ** ******* **** relationship **** ** **** * **** sooner **** **** *** *** ** or ** ** * **** **** don't *****. ***** ******* *** **** a ***** *** ** ********* ******** our ***, **** ** ** ** work ** *****'** ******* ****** (**** as * ************* ******* **** *****'** bought **** **** ***/*****, ** **** funnel **** *** *** **** ****** it *****'* **** *** ****** ****)."
  • "**** **** ** *** ** *** in ***** ** *** *** ***** and ***** **** ** ******** ** the ******** ** **** ******** *************"
  • "** ********** *** **** **** ****. My *** ***** ****** ** ****** same *** *** **** ******** ***** hours. *********** *******. *'** *** **** experience ******* ** ******** ******** ********."

High ******

*********** ******** **** ***, *** ****** them ********, ********** ********* ***** ** a ******* ****** *** ***** ******:

  • "******* ** *******. ** *** *** when ** ********** **** **, ******* for ******** ******* ****. ******* ** terrible *** **** **** *******, ***** lead ********** ** ********."
  • "******* ** ********* ****** **** ***** products ********* *******. ***** ** ******** Service."
  • "*** *** ***** ****** *** ***** people, *** ****** *******. ******* **** lack ******** *********, *** *** ******* much ****** ****** **** *** ***** distributors."
  • "**** ******* *** ******* ** *** always ***********"
  • "******."
  • "**** ** *** **** **********, *** pricing *** ********* *****'* *****"
  • "** ***** *** **, ***** ******* is ****** **** ******* *** ********** and ***'* ***** *** ********** ***** so ** ****** *** ****."


Comments (2)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Mar 13, 2017

A company can't be all things to all people. We don't use any one distributor exclusively, but as an integrator that sells on a value proposition, Wesco fits in very well for the way we do things.

Shannon Davis
Mar 13, 2017
IPVMU Certified

We use CSC extensively. Their pricing has been better than ADI, Scansource and SES for most products but not all as we don't expect them to be either. We DO NOT buy from Anixter since they usually end up cutting us out of the loop and going straight to the customer. Especially since they bought HD Supply. It really depends on your local sales rep and how aggressive they want to be. Our local rep is great as well as his support staff behind him. I know they are working on getting better in house resources on the security side as well. They do need to keep making their website better, which they have been improving, but still a ways to go. They don't have much local inventory but you can get a set amount to have local for you though. All in all they have been good for us.
