Startup Cover's NASA JPL Weapons Detection Technology Analyzed

Published Jun 24, 2024 15:42 PM

******* **** *****, * ** *********** announced ** ** ******* $** ******* for * ******* ********* *****-**, *****. What ** ***** ***** **** ********, and *** ***** ** ***** ** be ********* **** ***** *** ***** competitors?

IPVM Image

$10 ******* ************

** **** ****, ***** ******************* **'* ********** ********* $** ******* in *****, * ******* **** * mission ** "******* ****** *********". *****'* founder **** ********** **** *** ******* will ***** ** *-**.

IPVM Image

Brett ****** **********

***** ******, * ***********, ********* ********, *** ******* ***** ********* **** two ********** ***** *** *** ***** a *****-******* ****** ****** ******** ********.

*** ***** *******, ** "**-***** ****** marketplace," *******,*** ******** *** $*** *******. *** ****** *******, ** "******** vertical ******* & ******* ********" **********, Archer,**** ****** *** ****** * $*.* ******* ********* (****** now ******* ** **** **** $* billion). ******'* ****** ******** ** * robotics *******,******, **** ****************** $*** ******* ****** * ** a $*.* ******* ********* **** ******, Jeff *****, *********, **** **, ***.

NASA / ***

**** ******* ** ***** ** ** from ****'* ***, ** *** ******* disclosed:

***** ******** ************ ******** **** ****'* Jet ********** ********** ******* ** **** frequency ********* *******.

*** **** **** *** *** ********** Lab **** ** ** **** ******* detection? *** **** **** ********* ******* technology ******* ** ***** *********, "** weapons" *********, **** *****, *** ******? In *** ******** *******, ** ****** the ******* *** ****** ****** ***'* technology, *********** ** ** *** ******* weapons ********* ******** (********** ********* ** *********** ********** *****).

Executive *******

** *** *** ****:

  • *****'* ******* ** * ******** ********* with ******* ********** ***** (* $*** million ****, * $*.* ******* ***) who ** ******* ** ****** $** million ** *** *** ***** *** can ******* **** *********,
  • ***** ******** *** ********** **** * widely-respected ****'* *** ********** ********** **** has **** *********** ********* ******* *** weapons ********* *** **+ *****,
  • ********* ******* ******* *** ****** ***-******** weapons, ****** ************ **** **** ** metal ********* / *****.
  • ***'* ****** ********* ******* ******** ******* from *** ******* ******** **** ******** terahertz-based ******* ********* ***.

** *** ***** ****,

  • *******-***** ******* ********* **** **** ******* adoption ******* ** ** ********, ******* companies *** ***** *** ********* ******* approach (******** ****'* ******* ******** * different ******** ** ********* *******),
  • ***** *** ******** **** *** ********* performance ** ******* ******* ** ******* in ********* ****,
  • ***** *** ******* *********** ****** ** the *-** ******* ********* ******, **** some ****** **** ********* *****.

**** **** ****, *** ******* ** brand *** (********** **** * ***** ago), ** ** ** ********* ** predict *** ********** ***** **** ******. IPVM **** *** ****** ***** ** reach ****-***** ********** ****** **** (**+ months ****, ** ************ *** **** cases ***** ****), *** ** ****, many ****** *** ******, ********* *** outlook *** *****. *** *******, ***** can *** ******** ******** ** *** FTC ***/** *** **************, * **** causality ****** **** * ***-******** ****** can ***** ********* ** ******* ******* detection ******* (******** *** *****), ** gun ******** **** ** ****, ************* the **** *** ******** ********* ** schools *********.

**** **** ******** ** ******* *****. Cover *** *** ******* ** *** request *** *******.

Limited ******* ** *****

***** ** * *****-*** *******, ** it*** ********** **** ** ***,*** ************ *** **** *** ********* ** posts, ****** ********* **** * ******* ****.

*******, ** *** ************, *****'* ******* disclosed * *** ********* *******, ********* the ********** *** ******* **** *** (terahertz *******/*****), *** ****** ** *** technology (****), *** *** ****** ****** (K-12).

Licensed **** **** ****'* ***

*****, ********* ** *** *******, ******** the ********** **** * ******-*************'* *** ********** **********. ***** *** ** **** ***** for *** *****/********* ********, **** ******** shows **** **** **** **** *********** terahertz ******* *** ** ***** ** years.

*** *** *** ******* ** **** on *** ****** ** *** ******** technology, *** * *** ******* ********** working ** ***, ***********. *** ***********. ****** *************, **** ********* ******** ****** *** patents ** ********* ******* *** ******* detection:

Terahertz ******* **********

******* ***-*** **** *********************-**** ******* ********, ***'* *********-***** ******* ******** *********** the ****** **** *************** ******** *** analyzes *** ********* ********* ** ****** threats. *****'* ******* ********** **** ***** device ** ***** ** *** *** GHz.

*** ** *** **** *********** ******* terahertz ******* ******* *** ***** ******* devices ** ** *** *************** *********, as ***** *****:

IPVM Image

***** *** *****-**** ** ***** ********* frequencies. *** *******, ***** *** ** the ******* ********* ***** *** ****** both ******** *** ***-******** *******, **** X-ray **** ******** *** ********* ***** skin *** ****** ******* ** ****** cavities. ************, ***** *** ********* **** acquisition ************ **** ****** ******* (********** wave ******** *** *-*** *** ********) requiring ******* ** ****, *** **** recent **********, ********* ********* *******, **** with * ****** ******.

*** **** ******* ** *** ****** imaging/radar ********, **** **** ****** ********* ********** ***************** ***** / "******" ********* ********.

NASA's ********* **********

*****'* ******, ** ***** ********* ** NASA's ****** *** ******, **** *** as * ***** *** **** * range ***, ***** *** *** *** the ******** ** ******* ****** ****** clothing. *** *******,*** ** *** ***********:

*** ****** ** ***** **, *******a ***** *********** *** ** *** ****** is ******* **** *** ***** *********** determined for each of multiple pixels scanned over the target, where the range information for the multiple pixels are determined in simultaneously processed pairs associated with the first transmit beam and the second transmit beam. [emphasis added]

************, *** **** ****** ******* ******* upon ************** ********* *********:

** ********, *** ************* ***** ** novel ******* **has *** ********* ** acquire spectroscopic information from targets for distinguishing ***** ********* *************** or chemical composition.

* **** ******* ********* *** ** used ** ********** *** **** *****to ************* ******** ****** ** *** ******. [emphasis added]

*** **** ******* ** ****'* ****, see *** ~*-****-**** ************ **** *** of *** **** ********** *********** *** approach *****:

**** ************ ****** ******* ** *** resulting ***** *** **** ****:

IPVM Image

**** **** ***** **** ***** ** 2019, *** * ********* **** **** factor **** ** **** **** *****, so ** ******* ** ** **** what *****'* ***** **** **** ****.

** **** *******, ****'* ********** ****** a ******-***** *********** (** ** *** or ~*****) *** *****-*** *********. **** expects **** *** *****'* ****** **** factor ** *** ****** **** ** different ******** ** *** *** **** by ****, ***** ******* *********** ** the ******* *****.

************, *** ********** **** **** ** achieve * * ** ***** **** (4 ***** *** ******), *** *** their ******, ***** ** ********* ** achieve ****** ***** *****. ** ******* to ** **** **/**** ** ** achieved ******.

Real *** **. ****** ***

***** ***** **** *** ******** * lot ** *********** ** *** ************ of *** **********, *** ******* ******* a ******* ******* ** ***** ***** able ** *********** ******* * **** gun *** * ****** ***:

****** ****** *** ** ******** ****** guns **** ****** ****** **** ***** of ******** ****... * ***** *** if ****** *** ******** ** * squirt ***, **’* ****** **** ** detect **. ***,I ** ***** **’** ******** ** **** ** ****** *** ********** ******* * ****** *** *** * [****]***, because metal and water are very different. I think the image will be very helpful here in figuring out whether it’s a false positive. [emphasis added]

****'* ******* *** *** ******* (********** above) **** ******* ******* *** ********* would ** **************, ** ** ** hard ** **** *** **** *****'* terahertz ******* ** ****** *** ******** distinction.

Cover's ******* ******

** ******* ********** *******, ***** ****** *** ****** *** said **** **'* ***** ** ** installed ** *** **** ******** *** will **** ****** **-** ** ****:

** *** ****, *** *******’* ******** isn’t ****** ********** **** ******** ******* like ***** ********* *** ********, ** that ** ******** * ******’* ********.A **** ** *** ******* **** ***** *** ******* ** * *******, scanning those who walk through. [emphasis added]

**, ** *** ********* ** **** long-distance ********.Ten ** ** **** ****, we can scan somebody, instead of having them sit here for a couple of seconds in line. [emphasis added]

************, *** *******'* ******* ********** ** the ********* **** *** ******, ** they *** "*** **** ******** *** accurate" **** ******* **** ********:

****** ******** *** ********** ********** ** full-body ******** **** ********** ***** ********* at **** ********. “*** ****** ** very ******* ** ****, *** **’*, like,10x **** ******** *** ********,” [emphasis added]

*** ******* ***** ***** *** ****, however, ** ***** *** ******* ** TechCrunch ** *****, ** ** ** hard *** **** ** ******** *** big ** **:

IPVM Image

[Update: **/**/**] *****'* ********* *****

*****'* ******* ************** *****'* ***** ** ********* ********"****** ***** ********," **** ********** ****** ranging **** *.** ** *.**, ***** below:

IPVM Image

***** ****** ***** *.** **** *********** significance, ***** ****** **** ********* ******** potential ***********. ********* ******* ** *****'* unit **** **** *** ***** *** the ********** ****** ** ****** ******* and *** ***** ***-****** ******* *** similar ~*.** ******.

********, *****'* ******* *** *** ********* on ******* ***** ****** **** ***** on ****** ** ********** *******. **** believes **** *** ********** ***** ***** be ****** ** * ********** ******, but ***** ** *****'* ***********, *** device ** ***** *** ****-******* *********.

******, * ***'* ******** ***** ***** it **** ****** ** ***********, *** it ******* ** ** **** *** well ***** **** ****** ****** *** bombs **** **** ****** ******. *****'* performance ** ****** ******* ** ********* bags *** **** *** *****.

Terahertz ***********

******** ********, ***** ********* *** ******* screening ** *** * *** ********, as ***** *** *** ********* **** use **** ******** - **-****************** *** *****-************.

*** **** ******* ** ***** *********, see******* ********* ** *********** ********** *****,******* ********* *** ******** ****.

*******, ***** ** * ********** ******* what ***** ********* ** *** **** Cover **** **, ** ******* *** Thruvision *** ******* ******* (*.*., *** emitting *** *********). *** *******, ********* emission, ******* ** ********, ** ********* emitted ** ****** *** ***** *******. Due ** *********** ** ******** *** reflective ************ **** ********* *********, ******* devices ****** **** ****** **** ********, allowing *** ********* ** *********** *******.

Growth *******

***** *** ******* *** ****** ******* for *****:

*. ******* ***** ****** *** * history ** ********** ********* *** *** businesses, ***** ** * ******** *** the *******. ********, ** *** ******* invested $** ******* ** *** *****, and ***** ** * *********** **** he **** ****** **** ** *** future.

*. ****'* *** ** * ****** respected ********** **** *** ****** ** this ******* ********* ****** *** ** least *** *******, ****** **** * good ********* **********. ********, *************, "******* ********* ** *** ****** JPL ******** **** ******" *** *******.

*. ************, *****'* ****** *** ****** non-metallic *******, **** ** ******* ******, plastic *****, ***., ***** ******* *** list ** ******* ******** ** **** of ********-***** ******* (*****, ****, *******).

Limiting *******

***** *** ** *** ***** *** valid ********* *** *****, **** **** at ***** ***** ********* ******** *******, including:

*. ******** ******** *** ****** ******* devices ** ******* *** *********-***** ******* in **********. ***** *** ******* ********* that *** ********** ****** *******/*****-***** *******, including ******* *******, *****, ***** *******, etc. *** ***** ***** **** ****** limited ******** ******* ** ********.

*** **** ******* ** ***** *********, see******* ******* *** *********, **** *******,***** *****-***** ******* ******** ******* + CEO *********, ********** ********* ** *********** ********** *****.

*. ******* *********** ** ******* ** stuffed *********. * **** ******** ** active ******* ****** ********* ***** **** on ****-**** *******. ********, * ******** of ********** ****** ** ********* ******* and ***** ******* ************ **** ***** on ****-**** *******. ***** ********* ********* can ********* ******** *** ***** *******, cluttered ************ **** ***** ********* (**** as ******) **** *** ******* ** detecting ******* ******. **** **** *** concerns **** *****'* ****** *********** ** weapons ** ******* ********* - ********* that *** ******* **** ***** *********, as *** ***** ****** ** *-**.

*. ******** *********** **** **** ****** power *** ***** ***********. ******, ********* like ***** *** **** **** **** targeted ******* *** ********* *** *****, and ******* ********* *** ****** * hard **** ******* *********, ** **** can ***** **** ** * ******* number ** **** *********** *** *** not **** ** ***** ** **** resources ** *********. ************, *****'* ***-********** and ***-********** ********* ****** ** **** switching *****, ********** *** ******* ** entry **** ****.

Pricing ***********

***** **** *** ******** ******* *** pricing *** *** *********, *** ** is **** *** **** ** *******. For *******, ******** *********-***** ******* **** $100,000+ *** ********.

IPVM ********* **** **********

** *** ******* ** ***** ***, IPVM ******* **** ***** **** **** a *** ****** ** **** *** will ***** ****-***** ***************** *** ********** sometime ** ****. * ***** ****, always **** *************** *** **********, ** uncovering ********* ******** **** *** *********** did *** ****** **, ******, ** cannot **** *****, ** ***, **** problems **** *****.


**'* **** ** ******* *** *** the ******* **** ********** **** ** this *****. ************, *******, ***** *** positives *** ********* ** ***** ******** commercialization ** **+ ******.

*** *******, ** **** ****, ***** might **** ************ ** *** ***/** SEC ************* **** *** ****** *** market *****, *********** ******* ** **** opportunities *** ***** *** ***** *********. Another ********* ******** *** ***** ** a ***-******** ****** ***** **** ** a **** ********* ********, ****** * boost ** ******* *******, **** ** Cover.

** *** ***** ****, *** ******** can ********* **********, ************* ******* ********* technologies.

Comments ** *****

*** ********* ******** *** *** ******* is *** ******* ******** ** *** market. *** *******, *****'* ******* ******* on * **** ***** ** * "fairly *******" ***** ********:

IPVM Image

******'* ******* ** ****** ** ****** since****** ** ** *****'* ***** ** Directors.

***** ***** ****** **** ************ **** metal *********, ** **** ***** ******* (*,*), ******'* ********* **** *** ******** a **** ************* ** *****'* ***** proposition *** *** *********. ** ******'* defense, ** ** ******* ** *** businesses (***** *** ******** ******* ******), and ** ** ***** ** **** Cover, ** **** *********** ***** **** about *** ******.

Comments (2)
Nikita Ermolaev
Jul 03, 2024
IPVMU Certified

[Update: **/**/**] *****'* ********* *****

*****'* ******* ************** *****'* ***** ** ********* ********"****** ***** ********," **** ********** ****** ranging **** *.** ** *.**, ***** below:

IPVM Image

***** ****** ***** *.** **** *********** significance, ***** ****** **** ********* ******** potential ***********. ********* ******* ** *****'* unit **** **** *** ***** *** the ********** ****** ** ****** ******* and *** ***** ***-****** ******* *** similar ~*.** ******.

********, *****'* ******* *** *** ********* on ******* ***** ****** **** ***** on ****** ** ********** *******. **** believes **** *** ********** ***** ***** be ****** ** * ********** ******, but ***** ** *****'* ***********, *** device ** ***** *** ****-******* *********.

******, * ***'* ******** ***** ***** it **** ****** ** ***********, *** it ******* ** ** **** *** well ***** **** ****** ****** *** bombs **** **** ****** ******. *****'* performance ** ****** ******* ** ********* bags *** **** *** *****.

John Honovich
Jul 03, 2024

IPVM Image

* ** ******* ** *** *** this *** ***** ***. ***** **'* solved * ******* ******* **** ***** "first **** ******** ******," ** ***** he ** ****** **************** * ****** he *** ** ******** **********.

** ** ******* ********* *** ****, with ****** *** *****, *** *'* roughly ******** * *** ******* ******** impressions, ********* *****:

IPVM Image