Court Orders FCC To Redefine Critical Infrastructure In Dahua/Hikvision Ruling Analyzed

Published Apr 03, 2024 17:23 PM

*** *** *** ** *** ************** of ***** *** ********* *********,****** ** ***** *, ****, ************** ***** ** ******** ************** *****.

IPVM Image

***, *** ** ***** ** ******* for *** ******** ** ******** *** ruled **** *** ***'* ********** ** "critical **************" ** ****** *****, *** must ** *******.

*** **********, ***:***** + ********* *. ** ********** May ****** "******** **************".

**** ****** ******** *** *****'* ******** and **** ** ***** *** *** FCC's ************ ** ***** *** *********.


****** ************ ***** ***** ** ********* ********* for "******** ******** ************ ** ******** infrastructure."

*** *** *** *** ******* *** own ********** ** "******** **************," ******* citing (*) "*** ******* ** ****** ... ********* **" ** ******* ********** in************ ****** ********* ** (***-**)*** ** ******** ******** ********* (****) identified ** *****/**** *****, *** (*) *** ******* ***. The ******* *** ******* "******** **************" as:

******* *** ******, ******* ******** ** virtual, ** ***** ** *** ****** States **** *** ********** ** *********** of **** ******* *** ****** ***** have * ************ ****** ** ********, national ******** ********, ******** ****** ****** or ******, ** *** *********** ** those *******

** ********* *********** *** ***, ***** *** ********* ****** **** the ***'* ********** ** "******** **************" is ****** *****, *** ******:

*** ************** [**] ********, ********* *********** and **** *** ****. *** ** everything ** “********,” **** ******* **.

Court ***** **** *****, ****** *** ** ******* ********** **** ****

*** ***** ** ******* *** ** agreed **** *****,****** ** ***** *, ****, **** the ***'* ********** ** "************* *****":

** ***** **** *********** **** *** FCC’s ********** ** “******** **************” ** overly *****. ** ********* **** *** petitions ** **** *** ***** **** in ****.


** ***** **** *********** **** *** Commission’s ************** ** ************* ***** *** is ********* ********* *** **********.

*** *****'* ******** ******* *** ***'* existing **********, *** ****** *** *** to ****** * *** *** **** "comport[s]" **** ******* ****:

** ****** *** ******** ** *** FCC’s ***** ******** “******** **************” *** remand ** *** ********** ** ******* its ********** *** ************* *** ** with *** ********* **** ** *** NDAA

******* ******** * ******* ********** ** *** PATRIOT ***:

*** **** ‘******** **************’ *****, ******* to *********** ********** ** *** [********* on ******* ********** ** *** ****** States], ******* *** ******, ******* ******** or *******, ** ***** ** *** United ****** **** *** ********** ** destruction ** **** ******* ** ****** would **** * ************ ****** ** national ********.

*** ****'* ********** ** ******** ******** than *** ***'* ******** ***, ** a ********** **** *** ***** *** Hikvision. ***, ** ** ******* *****, the ***'* *** ********** **** ****** still ***** **** ** *** ******** sectors ********** ** ***-** *** *** CISA/NRMC *****.

****'* ************* ** **** *** *** will ************* ****** *** ********** ***** on *** *****'* ********, *** **** open * ******* ****** *** *** proposed ******. *** *** ********** **** likely *** ******* ****** ******** **** the *****. ** ***** *** ********* disagree **** *** **********, ** ******* they ***** **** ** ******** * separate *******.

Court **** ********** ******* *** "**********," *** *** ******** *** *****

*** ****** **** **** ** *** "reasonable" *** "********" *** *** *** to ******** ***-** *** *** ****/**** guide **** ******** "******** **************." *** they ********** ** *** "*********** *****" to **** ** ******** ****** "********* to" *** ******* ********** ** *** two *******:

*** **********’* ****** ** ********* ********* ********** ******* **** ****** “******** infrastructure” *** ******* ******** ** ********-******** contexts — *** **********, *** *** Commission ********** ********* *** *** ***** sources **** ********


*** *** ********** ** “******** **************” ultimately ******* ** *** *** ******** any “******* ** ******” **** *** merely “********* **” *** ******* ******* identified ** ***-** ** *** *****-**** functions ****** ** *** **** ****-********** guide. *.*. ***.The *** ****** ** ******* ** ******* *** *** ** *** ********* ***** “********* **,” *** *** ***** ** *** ********** ** ********* *********** *****. [emphasis added]

******, *** ***** **** **** ***** such ***** ******** ***** ********* **** benign ******** *******, ********* *****'* ******* of "**** *** ****":

*** ********** **** *** ******* *** everything “********* **” *** ****** ** function **** ********** ******** ******** **** be ********** “********,” ********** ** ***** of *** ******* ***’* ******** ** particular “******* *** ******” **** *** “vital ** *** ****** ******.” ***FCC’s ********** ********* ** ******* ****-********** ******* ** *** ******* ... *** *** *** *** ***** ***********’ ******** **** “****** *****, *********** ********* *********, **** *** ****, *** ***-******** ******” ***** *** ********* **** ****** *** **********’* **********. Id. at 57. Indeed, at oral argument, the FCC was unable to identify any relevant infrastructure that would not be covered, whether critical or not. [emphasis added]

** *****, *** ****** ***** **** the ******* ********** ** ***-** *** the ****/**** ***** *** "********" *** "reasonable" ** ******** ******** **************. **** only ******* **** ********* ******** "********* to" ***** ******* ***** ***** ****** sites, **** ***********.

***** *** *****'* ********, ** ****** many ** *** ******* ********** ** PPD-21 *** *** ****/**** *****, **** "emergency ********," "********** **********," *** "************** systems," ** ***** **** ***** *** FCC's *** **********.

Judges *** ***** ********** ******* ********** ******** *****

*** ****** ********** **** *** ****** broad ********** ***** ******** ****** ***** and *********'* ******* ** ******* ******** prohibited ******* *****, ***** ** ******* *** **** *** ****** *** product ************** ***** *** *** ***:

*** ********** *** *********** ****** *** sales ** ***********’ ********* ** *** United ****** ***** *********** *** ****** a ********* **** ***** ************ **** their ******** **** *** ** **** for “******** ******** ************ ** ******** infrastructure.” *.*. ***.Without * ***** ************* ** **** *********** * “*******[***] **” ******** **************, *********** **** **** *********** ********** ** ********** **** * ********* ****. [emphasis added]

Ruling **** *** ****** ***** ********** ** ********* *** "******** **************"

** ******** ****, ** ***** **** the ***** ********* *** *********** ** ****** "******** infrastructure" ** *** ******, *** ** ***** ** ****** precedent *** *** ***** ****** *** interpret ** ****** *** ****.

*** *** ***** ***** ********, ******** only **** *** ***'* ********** *** overly ***** ** *** ******* ** the *** ***. *** ******** **** have ****** ** ** ****** ** the ********** ** "******** **************" ** other ********.


*** ******** ** ********** ** ***** and ********* ** **** ** ******** narrows *** ***** ** ***** ******* by *** ***.

*******, ** **** *** ****** **** Dahua *** ********* ***** **** *** FCC ** ******************** ********** ******* *********** **** *** ****** *** ******* authorizations. **** **** **** ****** * material *****: ** *** **** * year *** * **** ***** *** FCC ***** *********** *** *** ************** ban ** ******** ****, ***, ** more **** **** **, ** **** be **** ********* *** *** *********' old ******** ** ******* **** ***********' new ****.

** **** ****** **** ******* *********** when *** *** ****** * *** definition *** "******** **************."
