US Congressional Report Cites IPVM 23 Times

Conor Healy and Gurami Jamaspishvili
Published Jul 09, 2024 13:49 PM
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Watch how a US Congressional Commission report cited IPVM 23 times:

The report assesses that China's human rights situation is deteriorating, citing the use of technology to track and control citizens as a major factor.

IPVM Cited

The report cites nine different IPVM investigations (and one video) a total of 22 times, including on Hikvision cameras flagging Uyghurs for concentration camp detention, Dahua's protestor/banner alarms, Douyin - i.e., TikTok in China - censoring LGBT and anti-CCP content, and Shanghai's Uyghur and foreign journalist tracking.

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CECC Background

The Congressional-Executive China Commission (CECC) is an independent, bipartisan federal agency composed of US Senators, Congresswomen/Congressmen, and senior Executive Branch officials. The CECC monitors human rights in China and submits an annual report to the President and Congress.

IPVM Reports Cited

The CECC Congressional Commission Annual Report cited the following IPVM investigations:

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